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NO. MATRIKULASI : 92102308583301

NO. KAD PENGENALAN : 921023-08-5833
NO. TELEFON : 016-4178 763



Generation Shopping Frequency Relative Percentage
Preference Frequency
X Prefer Online 7 0.33 33%
X Physical Store 12 0.56 56%
X No Preferance 6 0.27 27%
Z Prefer Online 14 0.67 67%
Z Physical Store 7 0.33 33%
Z No Preferance 4 0.18 18%


Generation X and Generation Z have different shopping preferences. Generation X, born
between 1965 and 1980, prefers a mix of online and physical shopping experiences. They
are more likely to find new products through multiple channels, including online research
and in-store browsing. They also value convenience and are more likely to use a
combination of traditional and digital payment systems.

Generation Z, born between 1996 and 2010, is more likely to prefer online shopping and
trust social media influencers for product recommendations. They prioritize transparency
and are more likely to consider a brand's values, sustainability, and ethical practices when
making purchasing decisions. They are also more likely to use "Buy Now, Pay Later"
payment options and value personalized shopping experiences.

In summary, Generation X prefers a mix of online and physical shopping experiences,

values convenience, and uses a combination of traditional and digital payment systems.
Generation Z prefers online shopping, trusts social media influencers, prioritizes
transparency, and values personalized shopping experiences.

Mean heart rate:
(72 + 75 + 84 + 86 + 88 + 90 + 92 + 102 + 104 + 77 + 96 + 98 + 100 + 106 + 78 + 80 + 82 + 72 +83
+94) /20 = 90.5

Median Heart Rate:
72, 72, 75, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106

Since there are an even number of values (20), the median is the average of the two middle
numbers. In this case, the two middle numbers are the 10th and 11th values: 88 and 90.

Therefore, the median heart rate of the soccer players after the match is (88 + 90) / 2 = 89 beats
per minute.

The mode heart rate is 83 beats per minute.

Based on the mean, median, and mode of the heart rates of the soccer players after playing a full
90-minute match, we can describe the skewness of the heart rate distribution.
Mean: The mean heart rate is 91.2 beats per minute, indicating the average heart rate of the
players after the match.
Median: The median heart rate is 89 beats per minute, which represents the middle value in the
ordered list of heart rates.
Mode: The mode heart rate is 83 beats per minute, which is the most frequently occurring heart
rate in the dataset.
The skewness of the heart rate distribution can be described as slightly positively skewed. This
means that there are more players with heart rates below the mean (91.2) than above it, as
indicated by the mode being lower than the mean. The distribution is not perfectly
symmetrical, with a slight tail towards higher heart rates.

The range of heart rate for the soccer players is 72-106 beats per minute.


Variance = (10.8)² = 116.64

The variance of heart rate is approximately 116.64 beats per minute squared.


Standard Deviation = √[(Σ(x - x̄ )²) / (n - 1)]

Using the given heart rates:

Σ(x - x̄ )² = (72 - 91.2)² + (75 - 91.2)² + (84 - 91.2)² + ... + (94 - 91.2)²
Σ(x - x̄ )² = (19.2)² + (16.2)² + (7.2)² + ... + (3.2)²
Σ(x - x̄ )² = 368.64 + 268.84 + 51.84 + ... + 10.24
Σ(x - x̄ )² = 700.80

Standard Deviation = √[(Σ(x - x̄ )²) / (n - 1)] = √[(700.80) / (20 - 1)] = √[(700.80) / 19] ≈ 10.8

The standard deviation of heart rate is approximately 10.8 beats per minute.

CV= (Standard Deviation/Mean )×100
= (10.8/90.5)x100
= 11.9337
In summary, a full 90-minute soccer match has a significant impact on the players' heart
rates, with the mean, median, and mode all being relatively high. The distribution of heart
rates is slightly negatively skewed, with more heart rates on the lower end of the spectrum.
The range, variance, and standard deviation of heart rates are all relatively high, indicating
a significant spread of heart rates from the mean. The coefficient of variation is 16.6%,
which is a moderate level of variation relative to the mean. Overall, the data suggests that
soccer matches can lead to increased heart rates and variability in heart rates among
PART II (OCP with 5 Postings)





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