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Grade Level/ Section GRADE 11


Date WEEK 3 Quarter 3rd QUARTER



The learners demonstrate an understanding of The learners demonstrate an understanding The learners demonstrate an understanding The learners demonstrate an
the: of the: of the: understanding of the:
1. How the Concept of the atom evolved from 1. How the Concept of the atom evolved 1. How the Concept of the atom evolved 1. How the Concept of the atom
A. Content Standards Ancient Greek to t he present from Ancient Greek to t he present from Ancient Greek to t he present evolved from Ancient Greek to t he
The learners shall be able to-make a Creative The learners shall be able to Make a The learners shall be able to Make a The learners shall be able to Make a
B. Performance Standards representation of the historical development of Creative representation of the historical Creative representation of the historical Creative representation of the historical
the atoms or the chemical element in a timeline development of the atoms or the chemical development of the atoms or the chemical development of the atoms or the
element in a timeline element in a timeline chemical element in a timeline
C. Learning The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able to 1.Describe the ideas of the Ancient Greeks 1.Describe the ideas of the Ancient
Competencies/Objectives 1.Describe the ideas of the Ancient Greeks on 1.Describe the ideas of the Ancient on the atom and the elements Greeks on the atom and the elements
(Write the LC code for the atom and the elements Greeks on the atom and the elements 2.Point out the main ideas in the discovery 2.Point out the main ideas in the
each) 2.Point out the main ideas in the discovery of 2.Point out the main ideas in the of the structure of the atom and its sub discovery of the structure of the atom
the structure of the atom and its sub atomic discovery of the structure of the atom and atomic particles and its sub atomic particles
particles its sub atomic particles
II. CONTENT Formation of Light Elements Formation of Light Elements Formation of Heavier Elements Formation of Heavier Elements

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 4 – 10 4 – 10 11 – 12 11 -12
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Glencoe Chemistry pp 86-91 Glencoe Chemistry pp 86-91 History of Science Volume 1 Monograph on History of Science
4. Additional Materials Internet Articles on Atoms Part 1 Harry Potter the Movie Internet Articles on Alchemy Articles on Chinese Science
Learning Resource (LR)
Slide Deck Slide Deck Slide Deck Slide Deck
B. Other Learning Resources Activity worksheet Activity worksheet Activity worksheet Activity worksheet
Video Presentation Video Presentation Video Presentation Video
v=JDmKLXVFJzk v=JDmKLXVFJzk v=JDmKLXVFJzk v=JDmKLXVFJzk Presentation


A. Reviewing previous lesson Review on the concept of matter Review on their activity about the Greek Have a short recall on the previous activity
or presenting the new concept of the atom
Present to the students the objective of the Connect the lesson on Alchemy to the
B. Establishing a purpose for lesson rennaissance
the lesson
Group One Avtivity one- Time Travel Greece Show to the Class a 30 minute clip on
C. Presenting (read on the concept of Atomos the invisible Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
examples/instances of the atom)
new lesson

Group 2- Democritus and Leucippus Give at least 20 minute discussion as to Have a thorough lecture on the different Using a powerpoint presentation,
D. Discussing new concepts how the film view the elements and nature Alchemists who contributed in the discuss the advancement of science
and practicing new skills # as a whole improvement of Science particularly during the renaissance
1 chemistry

E. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills #

F. Developing Mastery Allot 30 minutes for the group to read the Present their output creatively (report, Have a movie clip on the contribution of Hindu and Arabic Science in the quest for
(Leads to formative article interview, skit etc) the improvement of laboratory tools used today
assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Show to the class the different laboratory apparatus that were developed during the
applications of concepts time of the Alchemy
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and Present their answers to guide questions posted Assess the Alchemy as a science or as a Pseudo-science
abstractions about the on the board
Set Rubrics for the assessment Set Rubrics for the assessment Present their output in class
I. Evaluating learning

J. Additional activities for Let them watch the whole Harry Potter movie at home
application or remediation
Allot 30 minutes for the group to read the Present their output creatively (report, Have a movie clip on the contribution of Hindu and Arabic Science in the quest for
article interview, skit etc) the improvement of laboratory tools used today

A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons Some students responded to overcome their Remedial lessons should include videos More reading comprehension skills More reading comprehension skills
work? No. of learners who lack of interest in reading and interactive lessons for them to learn
have caught up with the more
D. No. of learners who 2 2 2 2
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching Film viewing because it concretize abstract
strategies worked well? ideas such as atoms and alchemy
Why did these work
F. What difficulties did I Textbook that would suit to their needs Textbook that would suit to their needs Textbook that would suit to their needs Textbook that would suit to their
encounter which my needs
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or Use of video
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers

Prepared by: LOREN MARIE L. ACEBO Checked by: Noted by:

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