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Module 1: Financial Management Fundamentals

Lesson 1: Introduction to Financial Management

Lesson 2: Cost of Capital

Lesson 3: Operating and Financial Leverage

Module 2: Strategic Investment Decision-Making

Lesson 1: Capital Budgeting

Lesson 2: Capital Budgeting Evaluation Teachniques

Lesson 3: Capital Budgeting under Risk and Uncertainties

Module 3: Optimizing Working Capital Operations

Lesson 1: Working Capital Management

Lesson 2: Cash Management and Marketable Securities

Lesson 3: Management of Receivables

Lesson 4: Inventory Management

Module 4: Corporate Finance Strategies and Dividend Policies

Lesson 1: Capital Structure Theories

Lesson 2: Dividend Decisions

Module 5: Working Capital Funding Strategies and Sources

Lesson 1: Working Capital Financing

Lesson 2: Regulation of Bank Finance

Learning Objectives:

Module 1: Demonstrate an understanding of Financial Management Fundamentals:

1. Define and explain the key concepts in financial management.

2. Evaluate the cost of capital and its implications for financial decision-making.
3. Analyze the relationship between operating activities and financial management

Module 2: Apply Strategic Investment Decision-Making Techniques:

1. Utilize capital budgeting techniques to evaluate investment opportunities.

2. Critically assess capital budgeting decisions under conditions of risk and uncertainty.
3. Develop strategies for effective strategic investment decision-making.
Module 3: Optimize Working Capital Operations:

1. Implement working capital management strategies to optimize the company's liquidity.

2. Evaluate and apply techniques for effective cash management and marketable securities.
3. Formulate strategies for managing receivables and inventory efficiently.

Module 4: Implement Corporate Finance Strategies and Dividend Policies:

1. Analyze and apply various capital structure theories to optimize the company's financial
2. Evaluate factors influencing dividend decisions and their impact on shareholder wealth.

Module 5: Design Working Capital Funding Strategies:

1. Develop working capital financing strategies based on the company's operational needs.
2. Understand the regulations governing bank finance and their implications for working capital
3. Analyze and recommend appropriate funding sources for working capital management.

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