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Authorization Letter


To whomsoever, it may concern,

This Agreement is to inform you that, PMS and Mr.UDHYAKUMAR RAJENDRAN are
solemnly authorized Mr.UDHYAKUMAR RAJENDRAN to use PMS branch premises of
Krishnagiri, Bargur & Soolagiri to Conduct Business of ABMS E-Bike and have been
authorized to conduct marketing and other promotional activities with regards to the
mentioned business. Mr.UDHYAKUMAR RAJENDRAN has agreed upon sharing the rent of
the premises for which additional agreement with Terms & Conditions will be provided in
the upcoming days.

Acceptance as an Authorized Signatory

I, Mr.UDHYAKUMAR RAJENDRAN (Partner) hereby solemnly accord my acceptance to act

as authorized signatory for the above-referred business and all my acts shall be binding on
the business.



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