Eams Report

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Project Report


“Employee Attendance Management System”

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Award of the Degree of

Master of Computer Application

Submitted by

Shivam Maurya

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Sanjay Kumar

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science & Information Systems

Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University

Lucknow – Deva Road, Barabanki (UP)

June, 2024
I hereby declare that the project report entitled “Employee Attendance Management System”

submitted by us to Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Lucknow – Deva Road, Barabanki

(UP) is the partial requirement for the award of the degree of the Bachelor of Computer Application in

Data Science OR Artificial Intelligence is a record of bonafide project work carried out by us under the

guidance of “Mr. Sanjay Kumar”. I further declare that the work reported in this project has not been

submitted and will not be submitted either in part or in full for the award of any other degree in this


Place: Signature of student

Date: (..............................)


Department of Computer Science & Information Systems

This is to certify that this Major Project report of B. Tech. Final Year, entitled “Employee Attendance

Management System”, Submitted by Shivam Maurya (202210101050075) is a record of bonafide work carried

out by them, in the partial fulfillment with Degree of Master of Computer Application, Shri Ramswaroop

Memorial University, Lucknow – Deva Road, Barabanki (UP). This work is done during the Academic Year

2023 – 2024, under my supervision and guidance.


Guided & Approved By….

Under the Supervision of Project In-charge

Mr. Sanjay Kumar Mr. Sanjay Kumar Sonkar

(Assistant Professor) (Assistant Professor)

Head of Department

Dr. Bineet Kumar Gupta

(Associate Professor & Head)

The satisfaction that accompanies that the successful completion of any task would be incomplete
without the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation made it possible, whose constant guidance
and encouragement crown all efforts with success. We owe a great many thanks to great many people,
who assisted and helped me during and till the end of the project.

We would like to express our gratitude towards Dr. Bineet Kumar Gupta, Head of Department–
Computer Science & Information Systems, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Lucknow–
Deva Road, Barabanki (UP), for his guidelines and scholarly encouragement.

We are indebted to Mr. Sanjay Kumar – Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Information
Systems of Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Lucknow – Deva Road, Barabanki (UP) for
their valuable comments and suggestions that have helped us to make it a success. The valuable and
fruitful discussion with them was of immense help without which it would have been difficult to present
this project in live.

We gratefully acknowledge and express our gratitude to all faculty members and friends who supported
us in preparing this project report.

Finally, this acknowledgement is incomplete without extending our deepest – felt thanks and gratitude
towards our parents whose moral support has been the source of nourishment for us at each stage of our

Shivam Maurya (202210101050075)

Over the years the Employee attendance management has been carried across most of Company . To
overcome the problems of manual attendance, I have developed “web based attendance Management
System”. Attendance Management System is based on web server, which can be implemented on any
computer. In This application, PHP & Laravel is server side language, MySQL and PHP is used as back-
end design and HTML, CSS and JavaScript, Jquery are used as front-end tools. The system
communicates with database residing on a remote server. It calculates automatically, the attendance
percentage of students without any manual paper-based work. The system facilitates the end users with
interactive design and automated processing of attendance management..





1.1 Problem and Motivation
1.2 Purpose and objectives
1.2.1 Purpose
1.2.2 Objectives
1.3 Tools and Technologies
1.3.1 Xampp Server Windows Server Apache MySQL PHP PhpMyAdmin
1.3.2 Visual Studio Code editor
1.3.3 HTML and CSS
1.3.4 Frameworks Laravel Bootstrap… JavaScript Framework (jQuery) Semantic UI
1.4 Web Template
2.1 Requirements Gathering
2.2 Component Design
2.3 Database Design
2.4 Data Flow Design
2.5 Entity Relationship Diagram
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Login
3.3 Log Out
3.4 Admin Login
3.4.1 Index Page
3.4.2 Attendance List
3.4.3 Add User
3.4.4 Holiday List
3.4.5 Department
3.4.6 Report
3.5 Employee Login
3.5.1 Index Page
3.5.2 Puch-In/Out
3.5.3 Holiday List
3.5.4 Work Report



6.1 Methodology
6.2 Hardware & Software use
6.3 Testing Technology used


7.1 Conclusion
7.2 Future Scope


Table No. Title P. No


Figure No. Title P. No


1.1 Problem and Motivation

In most Company attendance is taken manually. It is not only time consuming, but it is also
unsecure and unreliable and it can be lost. Some Company are using punch card forattendance
while this will be difficult for human resource to keep track of the large number of employee
because by using punch card, a Employes can help the other employee punch theircard even the
other Employes may be absent or come late in office, so it is not reliable.
To overcome these problems. I have developed a better system which is Web based; it is fully
responsive where a user can use in mobile, tablets and different computersystems. In this system
records are kept safe and secure and the attendance information of particular or all employee of
particular class can be accessed easily and without time consuming, the report is generated
1.2 Purpose and objectives
1.2.1 Purpose

The purpose of an Employee Attendance Management System is to accurately track and manage
the attendance of employees in an organization. This system helps organizations monitor
employee attendance, reduce errors in attendance tracking, streamline the attendance tracking
process, calculate employee working hours, manage leave requests, and generate attendance
reports. By using an attendance management system, organizations can improve efficiency, ensure
compliance with labor laws, and maintain accurate records of employee attendance.

1.2.2 Objectives
➢ Eliminate duplicate data entry and errors in time and attendance entries.
➢ Eliminate paperwork and save time.
➢ Automatic calculation of attendance
➢ To Increase security.


1.4.1 XAMPP Server

XAMMP is installed as a software bundle and stands for “Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.”
XAAMP is often used for web, development and internal testing, it also can be used for serving
live websites [13].
Wamp Server is available freely in two versions that is 32 and 64 bits. Keep in mind that Wamp
server 2.5 is not compatible with Windows XP, SP3, and Windows Server 2003. Its older versions
are available on Source Forge.
Now, visually, a brief description of downloading and installation of WAMP server, from sources
where I have used is shown below step by step.

& PHP 8.1) 8.2 according to requirement
➢ In my case WAMP SERVER (32 BITS & PHP 5.5) 2.5

Installation of Visual Studio 2012 VC 11 is compulsory here

➢ For this purpose go to http://www.microsoft.com
• Or simply click on http://www.microsoft.com/enus/download/details.aspx, it is also
shown in figure.

Click on Download Button for downloading of Visual Studio 2012 VC 11

6 Windows Server

Windows Server is a brand name for a group of server operating systems released by
Microsoft. The first Windows server edition to carry this brand was Windows Server 2003.
However, the lineage of Windows server operating systems dates back to Windows NT,
with the first server edition being Windows NT 3.1 Advanced Server. This was followed
by Windows NT 3.5 Server, Windows NT 4.0 Server, and Windows 2000 Server.
Windows 2000 Server was a significant milestone as it introduced several features that are
widely used today, including Active Directory, DNS Server, DHCP Server, Group Policy,
and more. These features greatly enhanced the capabilities and manageability of Windows-
based server environments.

The Apache HTTP Server, commonly known as Apache, is the world's most widely used web
server software. It was the first web server software to serve more than 100 million websites,
reaching this milestone in 2009. Apache's development began in early 1995 and was originally
based on the NCSA HTTP server. It is developed and maintained by a community of developers
under the Apache Software Foundation.

While Apache is primarily used on Unix-like systems, it is also available for a wide range of
operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Open VMS, eComStation, NetWare, and TPF.
Being open-source software, Apache is freely available for anyone to use and modify.

As of November 2015, Apache was estimated to serve 50% of all active websites and 37% of the
top servers across all domains. The Apache software has seen several major versions, with the
following release history.

Version Initial release Latest release

1.3 1998-06-06 2010-02-03 (1.3.42)

2.0 2002-04-06 2013-07-10 (2.0.65)
2.2 2005-12-01 2015-07-17 (2.2.31)
2.4 2012-02-21 2022-02-22 (2.4.52) MySQL
SQL stands for Structured Query Language. MySQL is an open-source Relational Database
Management System (RDBMS) that is widely used in web applications. It is a key component of
the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python) stack, which is a popular open-source
software stack for web development.

Many applications, including WordPress, Joomla, TYPO3, Drupal, MyBB, phpBB, and MODX,
use MySQL as their database. Additionally, major websites such as Google, YouTube, Facebook,
Twitter, and Flickr also rely on MySQL for their data management needs.

MySQL is primarily used on platforms other than Windows and typically does not come with a
graphical user interface (GUI) for database administration or data management. Users can install
MySQL Workbench separately for GUI-based administration or use command-line tools. There
are also several third-party GUI tools available for MySQL.

MySQL was created by a Swedish company and is written in C and C++. The first version of
MySQL was released on May 23, 1995. It has since gone through various versions, with MySQL
5.7 being generally available since October 2015. The version used in your project is 5.6.17. PHP
PHP, originally an acronym for Personal Home Page, now stands for PHP: Hypertext
Preprocessor. It is a server-side scripting language designed for web development and is also used
as a general-purpose programming language. PHP was created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf, and
today, the reference implementation of PHP is produced by the PHP Group.

As of January 2013, PHP was installed on more than 240 million websites and 2.1 million web
servers. PHP code can be combined with various web frameworks and templating engines or
integrated directly into HTML code.

PHP code is typically processed by a PHP interpreter, which can be executed as a native module
of a web server or as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. After interpreting and
executing the PHP code, the web server sends the results to the client.

The standard PHP interpreter is powered by the Zend Engine, which is free software released
under the PHP license.
PHP has several versions, and the version used for the application is PHP 5.5. Currently supported
versions of PHP include.

Branch Initial Release Active Support Until Security Support Until

20 Jun 10 Jul 2015 10 Jul 5.5 20 Jun

5.5 2013 2016 2013 10 Jul 2015

28 Aug 28 Aug 2016 28 Aug 5.6 28 Aug 28 Aug

5.6 2014 2017 2014 2016 PhpMyAdmin
It is an open source tool and also, it is free written in PHP, XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript planned
to manage the administration of MySQL by using of a web. It is able to perform various missions
like creating, modifying databases, tables, fields, executing SQL statements or managing and
supervise users.
PhpMyAdmin is being translated into 72 languages in order to make the usage easy to a wide
domain of people and it supports both LTR and RTL languages.
Following is some features of the phpMyAdmin,
i. It is web interface
ii. It administrates multiple severs
iii. It is able to create PDF graphics of the database layout
iv. Importing data from SQL and CSV
v. Export data to different formats such as SQL, PDF, CSV, XML and others
vi. It works with various Operating Systems
vii. And others [19].

1.4.2 Visual Studio Code editor
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a free, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It is widely
used for web development, thanks to its robust features, performance, and cross-platform support. VS
Code provides support for a wide range of programming languages and frameworks, including but not
limited to JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, and Node.js.

One of the key features of VS Code is its IntelliSense functionality, which provides intelligent code
completion, parameter hints, and syntax highlighting, making coding faster and more efficient. It also
offers built-in Git integration, allowing developers to manage version control directly within the editor.

VS Code supports debugging for multiple languages and provides a rich set of extensions that can be
easily installed from the marketplace to enhance its functionality. It offers a customizable user interface,
enabling developers to personalize their coding environment according to their preferences.

Overall, Visual Studio Code is a powerful and versatile code editor that has gained popularity among
developers for its ease of use, extensive features, and strong community support,

• IntelliSense
• Built-in Git
• Debugger
• Extensions
• Integrated Terminal


HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets are
the crucial technologies for creating web pages. HTML supplies the structure of the page, and
CSS the layout, for diversity of devices. Together with scripting and graphics, HTML and CSS
are the fundamental of building Web Applications and Web pages.
HTML provides designers and developers the following facilities,
i. To design forms for directing transactions with remote services, for use in making
reservation, searching for information, ordering products, and others
ii. Retrieving online information through hypertext links.
iii. To include video and sound clips, spread sheets, and other applications straight in their

iv. Designer can publish online documents with text, headings, tables, photos and others.

CSS describes the Web pages presentation, involving layout, colors, and fonts. It enables
thedesigner to adjust the presentation to various types of devices, like a small screens,
large screens, or printers.
CSS is separate from HTML, and their separation makes it easy to preserve and maintain
sites,share style sheets across pages, and accommodate pages to various environments .

1.4.4 Frameworks Laravel
Laravel is a popular open-source PHP framework for web application development. It follows the
MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern and provides a robust set of tools and features
to build modern web applications.

1. Eloquent ORM: Laravel's ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) enables developers to interact with
the database using PHP objects, making database management more intuitive and efficient.

2. Routing: Laravel provides a simple and expressive syntax for defining routes, making it easy to
handle HTTP requests and define application URLs.

3. Blade Templating Engine: Laravel's Blade templating engine allows developers to write clean and
reusable templates with PHP code, making it easier to build dynamic web pages.

4. Middleware: Middleware in Laravel provides a mechanism to filter HTTP requests entering the
application. It can be used for authentication, logging, and other tasks.

5. Authentication and Authorization: Laravel provides a simple and easy-to-use authentication

system, including out-of-the-box support for user registration, login, and password reset. It also
provides authorization mechanisms to control access to resources.

6. Artisan Console: Laravel's Artisan command-line tool provides a set of commands to perform
repetitive tasks such as database migrations, seeding, and code generation, speeding up the
development process.

7. Security: Laravel includes built-in security features such as CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery)
protection, SQL injection prevention, and encryption, helping developers build secure web

8. Testing: Laravel is built with testing in mind and provides support for PHPUnit out of the box,
making it easier to write and execute tests for your application Bootstrap
Bootstrap is front-end framework and collection of tools and mechanisms for building web
applications. It consists of HTML and CSS based design templates for navigations, forms,
buttons, typography, and other interface elements, and also JavaScript extensions.
Bootstrap is free and open source, and its purpose is to make easy the development of dynamic
websites and web applications. It is the most starred project on GitHub, with more than 85,000
stars and 34,000 forks.
Bootstrap was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thomton and named Twitter Bluprint.
Before Bootstrap framework, designers were using different libraries for interface
development, which had many inconsistencies and their maintenance were difficult.
On 31 Jan, 2012, Bootstrap 2 was released. This framework has brought many changes to the
existing components and, also, added 12 column grid layout and responsive design
constituents. On August, 19, 2013, Bootstrap 3 was announced, which moved to first approach
of mobile and using a flat design. The first alpha version of Bootstrap was spread out on 19,
Aug, 2015 . JavaScript Framework(jQuery)

JQuery is JavaScript library intended to make simple the client-side scripting of HTML. It is
the most popular JavaScript framework, which is free and open-source software licensed
under theMIT License .
Several of the largest companies, including,
• Google

• Microsoft and
• Netflix are using the jQuery [24]. Semantic UI

It is a development framework which is very helpful in building responsive and beautiful

layouts utilizing human friendly HTML. In this framework the words and classes are treated
as interchangeable concepts.

In Semantic UI framework, the Classes use syntax from natural language like plurality, the
word order, and noun or modifier relationships to connect and join concepts naturally and

1.5 Web Template

A website template (web template) is a pre designed webpage which any developer can use
to plug-in their own text and text and script component and images into that to create a
website. Website Templates are generally built with HTML and CSS code. By using web
templates everyone is allowed to setup a website without hiring a professional web designer
or developer.This brings the facility for anyone to create a logically priced business or a
personal web that maybe listed in search engines thus users can seek for your particular
service [26].



2.1 Requirements Gathering

• Understand Stakeholder Needs: Identify and understand the needs, expectations, and
constraints of stakeholders, including users, customers, and other interested parties.
• Define System Scope: Define the boundaries and scope of the system to be developed,
including its functionalities, features, and limitations.
• Set Project Goals: Establish clear and measurable goals for the project, including
objectives, timelines, and budget constraints.
• Establish Communication Channels: Establish effective communication channels with
stakeholders to ensure that their needs are properly understood and addressed throughout
the project.
• Document Requirements: Document all gathered requirements in a clear, concise, and
unambiguous manner to serve as a reference for the development team.
• Prioritize Requirements: Prioritize requirements based on their importance, urgency, and
impact on the project's success.
• Validate Requirements: Validate requirements with stakeholders to ensure that they
accurately reflect their needs and expectations.
• Manage Changes: Manage changes to requirements throughout the project lifecycle,
ensuring that any changes are properly evaluated, documented, and communicated to
2.2 Component Design
• Identify Components: Begin by identifying the major components of the EAMS based on

the requirements gathered. Some common components for an EAMS may include:

o User Interface (UI): Responsible for user interaction and displaying attendance-

related information.

o Attendance Module: Manages the recording and processing of attendance data.

o Reporting Module: Generates various reports based on attendance data.

o Notification Module: Sends notifications to users for attendance-related events.

o Database: Stores all employee and attendance-related data.

o Integration Module: Handles integration with other systems such as payroll or


• Define Component Interfaces: For each component, define the interfaces that will allow it

to communicate with other components. This includes defining the methods, parameters,

and data formats that each interface supports.

• Design Component Interactions: Determine how components will interact with each other

to fulfill the system's requirements. This includes identifying the flow of data and control

between components.

• Ensure Modularity: Design components to be modular and independent, allowing for

easier maintenance, testing, and scalability. Each component should have a well-defined

purpose and should not rely heavily on other components.

• Consider Reusability: Identify opportunities for reusing components across different parts

of the system or in future projects. Design components to be flexible and adaptable to

different use cases.

• Define Component Responsibilities: Clearly define the responsibilities of each component

to avoid overlap and ensure that each component has a well-defined role in the system.

• Review and Iterate: Review the component design with stakeholders and development

team members to gather feedback and make necessary revisions. Component design is an

iterative process, so be prepared to refine your design based on feedback.

• Document the Design: Document the component design, including the purpose of each

component, its interfaces, interactions with other components, and any design decisions

made. This documentation will be valuable for future reference and maintenance

2.3 Database Design

Attendances Table

Departments Table

Users Table

Work Reports Table

Holidays Table

2.4 Data Flow Diagram

2.4.1 ‘0’ Level Data Flow Diagram

2.4.2 ‘1’ Level Data Flow Diagram

2.5 Entity Relationship Diagram

Dep_id mobile


Users email

address n

Checkin_tim Work station role



Attendance Checkout_time
U_id D_email





Work details
Work report
Work _date



3.1 Introduction

This is the Home screen of the proposed system which consists of menu buttons. In order to go
to the desired screen; the users just have to click the related button.
By clicking the Home, Login , about, their respective screens will appear.
In home screen there is also a sidebar where users may do new entries or take attendance by
clicking the Do Attendance button. The sidebar is shown below,

3.2 Log in
Before entering into the system (home page), the user must login, for this purpose the log in page is

This log in form is made for security purpose i.e. only authenticated users have access into the system,
i.e. either administrator or the user.

Followings are the description of respective screen of each button,

3.3 Log out
By clicking the Log Out button the user is redirected into the Login page, which has described.

3.4 Admin Login

This is the Admin Login screen which provides information about Admin dashboard such as Index
page ,Attendance list ,Add user, Holiday , Department , Report , in the pages.

3.4.1 Attendance list

3.4.2 Add User

3.4.3 Holiday List

3.4.4 Department

3.4.5 Report

3.5 Employee Login

3.5.1 Punch-IN/OUT

3.5.2 Holiday

3.5.3 Work Report


literature review on an Employee Attendance Management System (EAMS), you would start by
searching for academic articles, books, and other relevant sources that discuss topics related to EAMS,
such as attendance tracking, employee scheduling, time management, and workforce management.
Here's a general outline you could follow:

1. Historical Perspective:
• Evolution of attendance management from manual to automated systems.
• Key developments and milestones in EAMS technology.
2. Theoretical Framework:
• Theories and models related to employee attendance, motivation, and productivity.
• How EAMS fits into the broader context of human resource management theories.
3. Benefits of EAMS:
• Improved accuracy and efficiency in attendance tracking.
• Better compliance with labor laws and regulations.
• Enhanced employee productivity and satisfaction.
4. Challenges and Limitations:
• Technical challenges in implementing and maintaining EAMS.
• Resistance from employees or management.
• Privacy and data security concerns.
5. EAMS Features and Functionality:
• Overview of common features in EAMS (e.g., biometric attendance, mobile apps,
integration with payroll systems).
• How these features address the challenges faced by organizations.
6. Case Studies or Examples:
• Examples of organizations that have successfully implemented EAMS.
• Lessons learned and best practices from these case studies.
7. Future Trends and Directions:
• Emerging technologies (e.g., AI, IoT) in EAMS.

Experiments, simulations, and testing are crucial aspects of developing and evaluating an Employee
Attendance Management System (EAMS). Here's how these elements can be incorporated into the
development process:
1. Experiments:
• Conducting experiments can help validate the effectiveness of different features or
approaches in the EAMS.
• For example, you could experiment with different methods of data collection (e.g.,
biometric scanners, mobile apps) to determine which one yields the most accurate and
efficient results.
• Experiments can also be used to test the impact of the EAMS on employee attendance,
productivity, and overall satisfaction.
2. Simulation:
• Simulation can be used to model the behavior of the EAMS in various scenarios, such as
different levels of employee attendance, shifts, and scheduling constraints.
• Simulations can help identify potential bottlenecks or issues in the system before it is
implemented in a real-world setting.
• They can also be used to optimize the system's performance and resource utilization.
3. Testing:
• Testing is essential to ensure that the EAMS functions as intended and meets the
requirements of the organization.
• This includes functional testing (checking if all features work correctly), performance
testing (evaluating the system's speed and responsiveness), and security testing (ensuring
data protection and privacy).
• User acceptance testing (UAT) is also crucial, as it involves end-users testing the system
to ensure it meets their needs and expectations.
4. Iterative Development:
• The development of an EAMS should be iterative, with continuous testing and feedback
from users.
• This allows for the incorporation of changes and improvements based on real-world
usage and feedback.
5. Evaluation Metrics:
• Establishing clear metrics for evaluating the performance and effectiveness of the EAMS
is important.
• These metrics could include accuracy of attendance tracking, reduction in time spent on
attendance management tasks, and employee satisfaction with the system.
6. Documentation and Reporting:
• Documenting the results of experiments, simulations, and testing is essential for future
reference and improvement.
• Reports should include details of the methods used, results obtained, and any conclusions
or recommendations for further development.

6.1 Conclusion
1. In this work , the web based attendance management system is developed using PHP server-side
scripting language and CSS,HTML ,JavaScript for designing which is fully meet the system’s
This system overcome many limitations incorporated in attendance, this system saves a great
amount of time and reduces errors which may occur during attendance calculation. The system I
have developed is fully responsive which can be used in mobile, tablets and different operating
systems. Some other benefits are,
• Automated and web-based for easy accessibility
• It is a dynamic and flexible system
• It excludes paperwork and the possibility of making mistakes while using paper for
taking attendance
• It is very user friendly and handy
• The records of current and previous can be available in prompt and an immediate.

6.2 Futrue Scope

• Integration with Emerging Technologies: EAMS could integrate with emerging technologies
like blockchain for enhanced security and transparency in attendance records.
• AI and Machine Learning: AI and machine learning algorithms could be used to analyze
attendance patterns, predict future attendance, and optimize scheduling.
• IoT and Wearables: Integration with IoT devices and wearables could enable seamless,
automated attendance tracking based on biometric or location data.
• Mobile Accessibility: Continued focus on mobile accessibility, allowing employees to easily
clock in and out using their smartphones and providing managers with real-time attendance


HTML Tutorial (w3schools.com)

CSS Tutorial (w3schools.com)
JavaScript Tutorial (w3schools.com)
SQL Tutorial (w3schools.com)
PHP Tutorial (w3schools.com)
Installation - Laravel 11.x - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans
Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined
Download XAMPP (apachefriends.org)
MySQL Tutorial (w3schools.com)
Database: Migrations - Laravel 11.x - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans
Database: Migrations - Laravel 11.x - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans
DayLogs | Admin Login

Hello, I'm Shivam Maurya, a professional with a strong educational

background and experience in the field of computer applications. I
graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Applications (BCA)
from UPRTOU and further pursued my post-graduation, earning a
Master's degree in Computer Applications (MCA) from SRMU.
Currently, I am actively engaged in the dynamic realm of web
development at Varion Advisor Analyst, located at Summit Building,
Gomti Nagar Lucknow.

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