Endang Maimunah

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NAME : EndangMaimunah

NPM :723640537

CLASS :Sumenep


Part A Direction
In part A you will hear a short conversation between two people. After each conversation you
will get a question about the conversation and choose the best answer!
1. a. Someone is already using his vacuum
b. He is having trouble with his vacuum
c. He will need the vacuum to clean out his car
d. He is willing to lend the woman his vacuum
2. a. In a hotel
b. In a furniture store
c. In a campground
d. In a private home
3. a. There is one apartment that is worse than this one
b. She doesn’t like the size of this apartment at all
c. She would like to see the next apartment
d. She has never seen a worse apartment
4. a. She can’t understand why the man is thirsty
b. The man ought to go to the laundromat
c. The laundromat is too far away
d. She will not wash the man’s clothes for him
5. a. He will take no more than six courses
b. He is not interested in hearing about the woman’s life
c. He will not enroll in so many classes
d. He will get his new glasses before fall
6. a. Get a better doctor
b. Go see a doctor
c. Try not to hurt her shoulder
d. Look carefully at her shoulder
7. a. She can’t figure out what is wrong with the car
b. She is shocked by what the man said
c. She disagrees with what the man said
d. She can’t see what is behind the car
8. a. It’s Carol turn to bake one
b. He doesn’t know when Carol baked it
c. He would like to taste it
d. He will take it to Carol
9. a. He has to be home by eight
b. He doesn’t have time to eat right now
c. He is going to see the woman later
d. He dosen’t want to gain any weight
10. a. She doesn’t understand the man’s question
b. She will have the test ready in a few days
c. She has a few questions about the man’s schedule
d. The man may not take the test early
11. a. She was tired of the professor’s joke
b. She paid a hundred dollars for her new glasses
c. She couldn’t hear what was being said in class very well
d. She had heard the professor speak many times
12. a. It will carry him far
b. It is certain to improve with the time
c. It is somewhat limited
d. It has developed since he began singing opera
13. a. Can he stop and cound the sandwiches?
b. Did she pay for his sandwiches?
c. Are his sandwiches included in the ones that were counted?
d. Did she put his sandwiches in the picnic basket for him?
14. a. She thinks it would be a good idea to go swimming
b. She wants to talk to the man
c. She will loan the heater to the man
d. The heat doesn’t bother her that much
15. a. Both Professor andrews and proffesor Larson refuse late work
b. Proffesor Andrews will accept late work, but professor Larson won’t
c. Professor Larson will take everything except her papers t the lake
d. Professor larson and professor Andrews both live near the lake
16. a. She can help the man this term
b. She doesn’t know how to help the man
c. The man’s term paper is well-organized
d. She is never seen the man’s term paper
17. a. Look at his map
b Ask someone else for direction
c. Mark the map in the back of his catalog
d. Tell her where te school catalog is
18. a. Greg might not want a sports coat
b. The woman should buy me sports coat
c. Greg really has enough sports coats
d. Greg might prefer a different color
19. a. She had to type her report fast
b. Someone else typed he report for her
c. She will ask her secretary to help her type her report
d. She needs to find a secretary to finish her report
20. a. Today’s meeting was great
b. He doesn’t mind the change in the schedule
c. He doesn’t have time to think about the meeting
d. He will have time to run to the next meting
21. a. He has a lot of free time
b. He prefers swimming to anything else
c. He went swimming yesterday
d. He doesn’t like to swim
22. a. Drive her to the airport
b. Help her with her luggage
c. Help her plan her afternoon
d. Find her a ride to the airport
23. a. Scored exam
b. Prepared to take a test
c. Worked on a paper
d. Wrote the calculus test for his students
24. a. He is depending on the woman
b. He might be able to help the woman
c. He will do anything the woman asks
d. He couldn’t hear what the woman was saying
25. a. She needed to read the book before returning it
b. She hadn’t received the book yet
c. The clerk forgot to give her a receipt
d. She couldn’t get her money back
26. a. He needs to return the videos he rented
b. He won’t rent any more videos this weekend
c. He wants to rent three videos for Saturday night
d. They should watch a video together
27. a. The weather might prevent Richard from getting to Minneapolis on time
b. Richard will not arrive on time in Minneapolis due to bad weather
c. Richard will call them as soon as he knows more about the weather in Minneapolis
d. The woman shouldn’t interfere with Richard’s plans to go to Minneapolis
28. a. He hasn’t received any parking tickets
b. The woman has gotten too many parking tickets
c. He already knew about the parking tickets
d. He doesn’t think the woman will get a ticket
29. a. Sam mowed the lawn for her
b. Someone from the landscaping service came and mowed
c. Sam called the landscaping service for her
d. She mowed the lawn
30. a. He didn’t know the woman was graduating
b. he doesn’t want to be the featured speaker
c. He doesn’t think the woman should give the speech
d. He didn’t know that graduation was so soon

Part B Direction
In this part you will hear a longer conversation. After each conversation you will hear several
questions. The conversation and question will not be repeated. After you hear the question,
choose the possible answer!
31. a. In a furniture store
b. In the woman’s apartment
c. In the man’s car
d. At a party
32. a. Help the woman clean her apartment
b. Exercise with the woman
c. Help the woman by a bed
d. Explain what he meant
33. a. She is not a good houskeeper
b. She has found a larger apartment
c. She has a lot more cleaning to do
d. She wants to leave a clean
34. a. The man will take her
b. She will drive her car
c. She will take a taxi
d. She will walk
35. a. That the woman was going to empty her trash
b. That the woman would save her glass containers for him
c. That the woman would go for a bicycle ride with him
d. That the woman was saving her used bottles and cans for recycling
36. a. Saving money
b. Reusing materials that have already been used
c taking the same bicycle route more than once
d. Disposing of trash
37. a. It is too expensive
b. It takes too much time
c. She doesn’t have very many recyclabe items
d. She can’t remember to do it
38. a. Go for walk with the man
b. Start saving money
c. Start recycling again
d. Help the man recycle his cans and bottles

Part C Direction
In this part of the test, you will hear several talks. After each talk you will hear some
questions. The talk and questions will not be repeated. After you hear the question, choose
the possible answer!
39. a. In the library
b. In an auditorium
c. Outside on the campus grounds
d. In the greenhouse of the biology building
40. a. Library science students
b. Students interested in attending this college
c. Librarians who want to know about the library collection
d. Students who will be graduating from the college soon
41. a. The person who designed the library building
b. The author of several books in the library
c. The first director of the library
d. The biology professor after whom the library is named
42. a. To the biology building
b. To the reference section of the library
c. To the cafetaria
d. To the admissions office
43. a. To get hotel management students to be more diliigent about catching thieves
b. To educate hotel management students about te facts of hotel thievery
c. To encourage hotel management students to bolt everything down in their hotels
d To teach hotel management students how to attract honeymooners to their hotels
44. a. Security devices would have to be installed, and people who are innoncent might be falsely
b. The cost of implementing security measuresis too great
c. Honemoon couples might stop visiting hotels
d. People who live honest lives aften become thieves when they are in hotel room
45. a. So that guests won’t steal them
b. It’s good edvertising when stolen articles end up elsewhere
c. To make people whi steal things from rooms feel guilty about it
d. So that other hotels and motels can’t use them
46. a. They are a big part of the summer hotel business
b. They are often young and don’t think about what they are doing
c. They usually want something from the hotel to remind them of their stay
d. They are the good side of the problem of hotel theft
47. a. Flying squirrels don’t really fly their simply glide
b. A flap of skin serves as a sail on each side of a flying squirrel’s body
c. Special muscles control the flying squirrel’s glide
d. Flying squirrels use their tails to steer around twigs and tree trunks
48. a. It does most of the steering
b. It acts as a sail
c. It controls the tension of the potegum
d. It helps the squirrel maintain its balance
49. a. They like to land in a vertical position with their tails up
b. They like to be able to make slight twits in the air
c. They don’t like to have to climb up the trunks to continue their journeys
d. The tres are so close together that the squirrels don’t need to glide
50. a. A flying squirrel that has been stuffed for display in the museum
b. A flying squirrel who lives at the museum and demonstrates his glide for visitors
c. A resident naturalist who helps give tours of the museum
d. A cooperative student who stays out back to explain how squirrels glide


51. You can join the club when you ________ a bit older
a. Will have got c. Get
b. Will get d. Are getting
52. I _________ so much last night: I feel terrible
a. Shouldn’t have eaten c. Needn’t have eaten
b. Mustn’t have eaten d. Didn’t have to eat
53. Paul _________ with us for about nine days by now
a. Have lived c Lived
b. Has lived d. Had lived
54. No body knows why _________ postponed until next week
a. Did the meeting c. The meeting
b. Was the meeting d. The meeting was
55. The university _______ I earned my Bachelor’s degree has built a new business school building
a. Which c. That
b. Where d. Whom
56. The students always do _________ homework before the class begins.
a. Them c. Their
b. They d. Theirs
57. Before Bambang goes to bed, he always________his teeth.
a. Brushing c. Is brushed
b. Brushed d. Brushes
58. My grandmother enjoys __________ in the sea
a. Swam c. To swim
b. Swimming d. Is swimming
59. The student, ________ IQ is higher that Albert Einstein, loves to learn foreign languages.
a. Whom c. Whose
b. Who d. Which
60. Rina stopped _________ some water. She made a pause during her jogging
a. Drinking c. Drank
b. Drinks d. To drink
61. Today is the day ________ most people in Indonesia get the day off
a. Who c. Where
b. When d. Which

62. ______ on of the oldest art forms, combining beauty and functionally into one
a. Having architecture as
b. Architecture is
c. Architecture being
d. Because architecture is
63. The perpetrators _____________ have not been apprehended
a. Responsible for the vandalism at the high school
b. Are responsible for the vandalism at the high school
c. Who Responsible for the vandalism at the high school
d. Been Responsible for the vandalism at the high school
64. New York City’s Central Park is nearly twice larger _______ second smallest
a. As
b. Is the
c. As is
d. As is the
65. Star Wars, __________, is considered one of the greatest science fiction movies
a. Directing by Goerge Lucas
b. Directed by Goerge Lucas
c. Was directed by Goerge Lucas
d. Which Directed by Goerge Lucas
66. Domestic cats enjoy playing and sitting in the sun, _________ cats in the wild
a. And so do
b. Do so and
c. So do and
d. Do and so
67. Over the rive and through the woods __________ my grandmother lives
a. The house is where
b. Where is the house
c. Is the house where
d. Where the house is
68. John Grisham has written many novels, ___________
a. Included the firm, the Pelican brief, and the Brethern
b. In includes the firm, the Pelican brief, and the Brethern
c. Which was included the firm, the Pelican brief, and the Brethern
d. Including the firm, the Pelican brief, and the Brethern
69. Mars _______ vast oceans of dust
a. Is a planet covered with
b. A planet is covered with
c. Covered with planet is
d. Is covered with a planet
70. The student _________ is a friend of my sister
a. Studying in the library
b. Is studying in the library
c. Studied in the library
d. That studying in the library
71. Ali has just found ______________
a. A very good job will be what he thinks
b. What does he thinks will be a very good job
c. What he thinks will be a very good job
d. He thinks what will be a very good job
72. After carrying out a large number of experiments, _______________
a. Alfred Nobel finding the formula for dynamite in the 1866
b. The formula for dynamite was found in the 1866
c. Alfred Nobel found the formula for dynamite in the 1866
d. It was in 1866 that the formula for dynamite was found by Alfred Nobel

73. Many communities _______ a complex system of linguistic levels in order to show respect
a. Use already made
b. Useful
c. Making it useful
d. Make use of
74. The ear is flexible organ, _________ simply was not designed to withstand the noise of modern
a. It
b. But it
c. But
d. Its
75. In 1934, chemist Wallace Carothers produced a plastic which ________ nylon
a. He called
b. His call
c. He calling
d. Calling
76. Springs with _______ temperatures than their surroundings are called thermal springs
a. The highest
b. Higher
c. High
d. Highly
77. The public library of Yellow ___________ took fourteen years to complete
a. Is in Boston
b. It is in Boston
c. In Boston
d. Which Boston

78. Venus is almost same size as the Earth, __________ mountain ranges are much higher
a. They
b. But they
c. Its
d. But its
79. Each summer the Roanoke Historical Association sponsors a play that shows _______ about
the fate of the early colony
a. Known
b. What is known
c. What knowing
d. Is known
80. The greenhouse effect occurs _________ heat radiated from the Sun
a. When does the Earth’s atmosphere trap
b. Does the Earth’s atmosphere trap
c. When the Earth’s atmosphere traps
d. The Earth’s atmosphere traps
81. _________ off the Hawaiian coastline are living, others are died
a. While some types of coral reefs
b. Some types of coral reefs
c. Coral reefs
d. During coral reefs

82. The Pope's journey's have taken him to the Philippines, Poland, Brazil, and to Nigeria
83. The suds from the washing machine has just flowed over onto the laundry room floor

84. I'm not certain, but I don't think we have some of that particular brand in stock just Now

85. Parks which are found in downtown areas where office workers and store employees can
enjoy their lunch hours sitting on the green grass in clean, fresh air

86. Species like snakes, lizard, coyotes, squirrels, and jack rabbit seems to exist quite happily in
the desert
87. The guide told the tourists that it was a good restaurant specializing in seafood just round
the corner from the museum

88. Doctors believe there is better in this modern world of ours to try to prevent illnesses than
to rely on medicines to cure them

89. Jackie Robinson, whose joined the Brooklyi Dodgers in 1947, was the first black American to
play basketball in the major league
90. No one know what actually just has happened today


Passage 1

The first navigational lights in the New World were probably lanterns hung at harbor
entrances. The first lighthouse was put up by the Massachusetts Bay Colony In 1766 on Little
Brewster Island at the entrance to Boston Harbor. Paid for and maintained by light dues levied on
ships, the original beacon was blown up in 1776. By then there were only a dozen or so true
lighthouses in the colonies. Little over a century later, there were 700 lighthouses.
The first eight erected on the West Coast in the 1850’s featured the same basic New
England design: a Cape Cod dwelling with the tower rising from the center or standing close by. In
New England and elsewhere. though. lighthouses reflected a variety of architectural styles. Since
most stations in the Northeast were built on rocky eminences, enormous towers were not the rule.
Some were made of stone and brick, others of wood or metal. Some stood on pilings or stilts:
some were fastened to rock with iron rods. Farther south. from Maryland through the Florida Keys,
the coast was low and sandy. It was often necessary to build tall towers there – massive
structures like the majestic Cape Hatteras, North Carolina lighthouse, which was lit in 1870. At
190 feet, it is the tallest brick lighthouse in the country.
Not with standing differences in appearance and construction, most American lighthouses
shared several features: a light, living quarters, and sometimes a bell(or, later, a foghorn). They
also had something else in common: a keeper and. usually. the keeper's family. The keeper's
essential task was trimming the lantern 'Nick in order to maintain a steady bright flame. The
earliest keepers came from every walk of life-they were seamen. Farmers, mechanics, rough mill
hands-and appointments were often handed out by local customs commissioners as political
plums. After the administration of lighthouses was taken over in 1852 by the United States
Lighthouse 803rd, an agency of the Treasury Department, the keeper corps gradually became
highly professional.

91. What is the best title for the passage.

(A) The Lighthouse on Little Brewster Island

(B) The Life of a Lighthouse Keeper
(C) Early Lighthouses in the United States
(D) The Modern Profession of Lighthouse Keeping

92. Why does the author mention the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

(A) It was the headquarters of the United States Lighthouse Board.

(B) Many of the tallest lighthouses were built there.
(C) The first lantern wicks were developed there.
(D) The first lighthouse in North America was built there.

93. It can be inferred from the passage that light-houses in the Northeast did not need high
towers because

(A) ships there had high masts

(B) coastal waters were safe
(C) the coast was straight and unobstructed
(D) the lighthouse were built on high places

94. According to the passage. where can the tallest brick lighthouse in the United States be

(A) Little Brewster Island (B) The Florida Keys

(C) Cape Hatteras (D) Cape Cod

95. In line 19, to which of the following does the word "They" refers to?

(A) Lighthouses (B) Differences (C) Quarters (D) Features

96. It can be inferred from the passage that the Treasury Department, after assuming control of
the lighthouses, improved which of the following?

(A) The training of the lighthouse keepers (B) The sturdiness of the lighthouses
(C) The visibility of the lights (D) The locations of the lighthouses

97. Where in the passage does the author tell how lighthouses in the Northeast were fastened to
the surrounding rock?

(A) Lines 3-4 (B) Line 12 (C) Lines 14-15 (D) Line 19
Passage 2

Homing pigeons are placed in a training program from about the time they are twenty-eight
days of age. They are taught to enter the loft through a trap and to exercise above and around the
loft, and gradually they are taken away for short distances in wicker baskets and released. They are
then expected to find their way home in the shortest possible time.
In their training flights or in actual races, the birds are taken to prearranged distant points and
released to find their way back to their own lofts. Once the birds are liberated, their owners, who are
standing by at the home lofts, anxiously watch the sky for the return of their entries. Since time is of
the essence, the speed with which the birds can be induced to enter the loft trap may make the
difference between gaining a win or a second place.
The head of a homing pigeon is comparatively small, but its brain is one quarter larger than
that of the ordinary pigeon. The homing pigeon is very intelligent and will persevere to the point of
stubbornness some have been known to fly a hundred miles off course to avoid a storm.

Some homing pigeon experts claim that this bird is gifted with a form of built-in radar that
helps it find its own loft after hours of flight, for hidden under the head feathers are two very
sensitive ears, while the sharp, prominent eyes can see great distances in daytime.
Why do homing pigeons fly home? They are not unique in this inherent skill: it is found in most
migratory birds, in bees, ants, toads, and even turtles, which have been known to travel hundreds of
miles to return to their homes. But in the animal world. the homing pigeon alone can be trusted with
its freedom and trained to carry out the missions that people demand.

98. What is the purpose of the passage?

(A) To convince the reader to buy a homing pigeon

(B) To inform the reader about homing pigeons and their training
(C) To protect homing pigeons against the threat of extinction
(D) To encourage the owners of homing pigeons to set the birds free

99. According to the passage, what happens to homing pigeons when they are about a month old?

(A) They are kept in a trap. (B) They enter their first race.
(C) They begin a training program. (D) They get their wings clipped and

100. In line 8, when the author states that the owners "anxiously watch the sky" there is the
implication that the owners

(A) want their pigeon to win the race

(B) are sending radar signals to their pigeons
(C) do not know whether the race began on time
(D) do not trust the rules set down by the judges

101. According to the passage, what is the difference between a homing pigeon and an ordinary

(A) The span of the wings (B) The shape of the eyes
(C) The texture of the feathers (D) The size of the brain

102. The author mentions all of the following at tributes that enable a homing pigeon to return
(A) instinct (B) air sacs (C) sensitive ears (D) good eyes

103. In line 16, the pronoun "it" refers to which of the following?

(A) Radar (B) Bird (C) Loft (D) Form

104. Why does the author mention bees, ants, toads, and turtles in the last paragraph?

(A) To describe some unusual kinds of pets

(B) To measure distances traveled by various animals
(C) To compare their home-finding abilities with those of homing pigeons
(D) To interest the reader in learning about other animals

Passage 3

Central Park, emerging from a period of abuse and neglect, remains one of the most popular
attractions in New York City, with half a million out-of-towners among the more than 3 million
people who visit the park yearly. About 15 million individual visits are made each year.

Summer is the season for softball, concerts, and Shakespeare; fall is stunning; winter is
wonderful for sledding, skating, and skiing; and springtime is the loveliest of all. It was all planned
that way.
About 130 years ago Frederic Law Olmsted and his collaborator Calvert Vaux submitted their
landscaping plan for a rectangular parcel two miles north of the town' s center. The barren swampy
tract, home for squatters and a bone-boiling works that made glue, was reported as 'a pestilential
spot where miasmic odors taint every breath of air."It took 16 years for workers with pickaxes and
shovels to move 5 million cubic feet of earth and rock, and to plant half a million trees and shrubs,
making a tribute to nature-a romantic nineteenth-century perception of nature.
What exists today is essentially Olmsted and Vaux's plan. with more trees, buildings, and
asphalt. Landscape architects still speak reverently of Olmsted's genius and foresight, and the
sensitive visitor can see the effects he sought.

105. With what subject is the passage mainly concerned?

(A) The lives of Olmsted and Vaux

(B) New York City's tourist industry
(C) Examples of nineteenth-century art in New York City
(D) The development of Central Park

106. According to the passage. which is the prettiest time of year in Central Park?
(A) Winter (B) Spring (C) Summer (D) Fall

107. It can be inferred that the rectangular parcel mentioned in line 9 is

(A) the site of Central Park (B) a gift presented to New York
(C) a skyscraper in New York (D) the proposed design for Central Park

108. According to the passage. before Olmsted and Vaux began their work, the area now
occupied by Central Park was

(A) a romantic place (B) an infertile, marshy space

(C) a green and hilly park (D) a baseball field

109. It can be inferred from the passage that today's landscape architects praise Olmsted for his

(A) enthusiasm for sport

(B) skill at designing factories
(C) concern for New York's homeless people
(D) foresight in anticipating New York's urbanization

110. Where in the passage does the author mention unpleasant smells?

(A) Lines 1-3 (B) Lines 5-7 (C) Lines 10-12 (D) Lines 15-16

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