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PSI AP Chemistry Name _______________________________

Kinetics Practice Problems

Reaction Rates - CW

1. How does temperature affect k, the rate constant?

2. The rate constant (k) depends on how many of the following? a. the concentration of
the reactants b. the nature of the reactants c. the temperature d. the order of the
3. What would happen if the kinetic energy of the reactants was not enough to provide the
needed activation energy?
4. For the reaction O2 (g) + 2NO(g) ®2NO2(g)
The observed rate law is Rate = k[NO]2[O2].

Which of the changes listed below would affect the value of the rate constant k?

A) increasing the partial pressure of oxygen gas

B) increasing the temperature
C) using an appropriate catalyst.

5. The central idea of the collision model is that molecules must collide in order to react.
Give two reasons why not all collisions of reactant molecules result in product
6. Consider the reaction 2H2 + O2 →2H2O
What is the ratio of the initial rate of the appearance of water to the initial rate of
disappearance of oxygen?
7. At 40 °C, H2O2(aq) will decompose according to the following reaction:
2H2O2(aq)®2H2O(l) + O2(g)
The data were collected for the
concentration of H2O2 at various Time (s) [H2O2](mol/L)
times as shown 0 1.000
a. Calculate the average rate 2.16x10 0.500
4.32x10 0.250
of decomposition of H2O2
between 0 and 2.16x104 s. Use this rate to calculate the average rate of production
of O2(g) over the same time period.
b. What are these rates for the time period 2.16x104 s to 4.32x104 s? PSI® AP Chemistry Kinetics

Reaction Rates - HW

8. The reaction A (g) + B (g) ® C (g) is second order with respect to A and zero order with
respect to B. Reactants A and B are present in a closed container. Predict how each of the
following changes to the reaction system will affect the rate and rate constant.

a. More gas A is added to the container.

b. More gas B is added to the container.
c. The temperature is increased.
d. An inert gas, D, is added to the container.
e. The volume of the container is decreased.

Rate Law - CW

9. Tabulated below are initial rate data for the reaction

2Fe(CN)63- + I- → 2Fe(CN)64- + I2
Run [Fe(CN)63-]0 [I-]0 [Fe(CN)64-] [I2]0 Initial rate
1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1 x 10-5
2 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 2 x 10-5
3 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 8 x 10-5
4 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 8 x 10-5
5 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 8 x 10-5
Solve for the value of k

10-12 A general reaction written as 2A + 2B →C + 2D is studied and yields the

following data:
[A]0 [B]0 Initial∆[C]/∆t
0.100 M 0.100 M 0.000040 mol/L∙s
0.200 M 0.100 M 0.000160 mol/L∙s
0.100 0.200 0.00004 mol/L∙s
10. What is the order of the reaction with respect to B? with respect to A? What is the overall
order of the reaction?

11. What is the numerical value of the rate constant?

12. For the first of the reactions in the table of data, how many seconds would it take for [A] to
decrease to 0.050M?

13. Consider the following data concerning the equation H2O2 + 3I- + 2H+ →I3- + 2H2O

[H2O2] [I-] [H+] rate

0.100 M 5.00x10-4M 1.00x10-2M 0.137M/sec
0.100 M 1.00x10-3M 1.00x10-2M 0.268M/sec
0.200 M 1.00x10-3M 1.00x10-2M 0.542M/sec
0.400 M 1.00x10-3M 2.00x10-2 M 1.084M/sec
a. What is the rate law for this reaction? PSI® AP Chemistry Kinetics

b. What is the average value for the rate constant k (without units)?

14-15 The following initial rate data were found for the reaction

2MnO4- + 5H2C2O4 + 6H+ → 2Mn+2 + 10CO2 + 8H2O

[MnO4-]0 [H2C2O4]0 [H+]0 Initial Rate (M/s)
-3 -3
1 x 10 1 x 10 1.0 2 x 10-4
-3 -3
2 x 10 1 x 10 1.0 8 x 10-4
2 x 10-3 2 x 10-3 1.0 1.6 x 10-3
2 x 10-3 1x 10-3 2.0 1.6 x 10-3
14. What is the correct rate law for the reaction?
15. What is the value of the rate constant?
Rate Law - HW
16-19 For the reaction 2N2O5(g)→4NO2(g) + O2 (g), the following data were collected
t [N2O5]
(minutes) (mol/L)
0 1.24 x 10-2
10. 0.92 x 10-2
20. 0.68 x 10-2
30. 0.50 x 10-2
40. 0.37 x 10-2
50. 0.28 x 10-2
70. 0.15 x 10-2
16. What is the order of this reaction?
17. What is the concentration of O2 at t = 10 minutes?
18. What is the initial rate of production of NO2 for this reaction?
19. What is the concentration of N2O5 at 100 minutes?
20. At a particular temperature, N2O5 decomposes according to a first-order rate law with a
half-life of 3.0s. If the initial concentration of N2O5 is 1.0x1016 molecules/cm3, what will be
the concentration in molecules/cm3after 10.0 s?
Reaction Mechanisms - CW
21. Given the following reaction, which is the rate determining step
H2O2 + I- → H2O + OI-
OI- + H+ → HOI
HOI + I- + H+ → I2 + H2O
I2 + I- → I3-

22. The decomposition of ozone may occur through the two-step mechanism shown:
Step 1: O3 → O2 + O
Step 2: O3 + O → 2O2
What would you consider oxygen to be? PSI® AP Chemistry Kinetics
23. The reaction
2A +B → C
Has the following proposed mechanism:
Step 1: A + B ↔ D (fast equilibrium)
Step 2: D + B →E
Step 3: E + A → C + B
If step 2 is the rate-determining step, then the rate of formation of C should equal what?
24. The reaction 2NO + O2 →2NO2 obeys the rate law

− = kobsd [NO]2[O2]
Which of the following mechanisms is consistent with the experimental rate law?

a) NO + NO → N2O2 (slow)
N2O2 + O2 →2NO2 (fast)
b) NO + O2 ↔NO3 (fast equilibrium)
NO3 + NO → 2NO2 (slow)
c) 2NO↔N2O2 (fast equilibrium)
N2O2 →NO2 + O2 (slow)
NO + O → NO2
25. The reaction 2H2O2 → has the following mechanism
H2O2 + I- → H2O + IO-
H2O + IO- → H2O + O2 + I-
The Catalyst in the reaction is:
26. The rate law for a reaction is found to be Rate = k[A]2[B]. which of the following
mechanisms gives the rate law.
a) A + B ↔ E (fast)
E + B → C + D (slow)
b) A + B ↔ E (fast)
E + A →C + D (slow)
c) A + A →E (slow)
E + B →C + D (fast)

Reaction Mechanisms - HW
The following questions refer to the reaction 2A2 + B2 →2C. the following mechanism
has been proposed:
Step 1 (very slow) A2 + B2 →R + C PSI® AP Chemistry Kinetics
Step 2 (slow) A2 + R →C
27. What is the molecularity of step 2
28. Which step is the “rate determining”?
29. According to the proposed mechanism, what should the overall rate law be?

Half Life - CW
30. The equation for the gas-phase decomposition of ethylene chloride is
Experiment shows that the decomposition is first order.
The following data show kinetics information for this reaction

Time In [C2H5Cl]
(s) (M)
1.0 -1.625
2.0 -1.735
What is the time to half-life?

31-32. For the reaction: aA → Products, [A]0 = 4.0M, and the first two half-lives are 34
and 68 minutes respectively.
31. Calculate k (without units)
32. Calculate [A] at t=192 minutes.
33. For which order reaction is the half-life of the reaction proportional to 1/k (k is the rate
a. Zero b. first. c. second d. all of these
34. For the reaction 2N2O5(g)→4NO2(g) + O2 (g), the following data were collected
t [N2O5]
(minutes) (mol/L)
0 1.24 x 10-2
10. 0.92 x 10-2
20. 0.68 x 10-2
30. 0.50 x 10-2
40. 0.37 x 10-2
50. 0.28 x 10-2
70. 0.15 x 10-2
What is the approximate half-life of this reaction?

35-37. The reaction A →B + C is second order in A. When [A]o = 0.100M, the reaction
is 20.0% complete in 40.0 minutes.
35. Calculate the value of the rate constant (in L/ min∙mol).
36. Calculate the half-life for the reaction
37. A first-order reaction is 40.0% complete at the end of 50. minutes. What is the value of
the rate constant (in min-1)? PSI® AP Chemistry Kinetics

Half Life - HW
38. The reaction nA→B + C is known to be zero order in A with a rate constant of 5.0 x 10-2
mol/L∙s at 25°C. An experiment was run at 25°C where [A]0 = 1.0x10-3 M. What is the
half-life for the reaction?
39. The reaction 2NOBr→2NO + Br2 exhibits the rate law
Rate = k[NOBr]2 = -
Where k = 1.0x10-5 M-1∙s-1 at 25°C. This reaction is run where the initial concentration
of NOBr ([NOBr]0) is 1.00x10-1 M. What is the half-life of this experiment?

Extra practice:


Consider the reaction: 2 NO(g) + O2(g) ® 2 NO2(g)

The following data were obtained from three experiments using the method of initial

Expt Initial [NO] Initial [O2] Initial rate NO

mol L-1 mol L-1 mol L-1s-1

1 0.010 0.010 2.5 x 10-5

2 0.020 0.010 1.0 x 10-4

3 0.010 0.020 5.0 x 10-5

a. Determine the order of the reaction for each reactant.

b. Write the rate equation for the reaction.

c. Calculate the rate constant.

d. Calculate the rate (in mol L-1s-1) at the instant when [NO] = 0.015 mol L-1 and [O2] =
0.0050 mol L-1

e. At the instant when NO is reacting at the rate 1.0 x 10-4 mol L-1s-1, what is the rate
at which O2 is reacting and NO2 is forming?

41) 2NO + 2H2 à N2 + 2H2O

The experiments were conducted to study the rate of this reaction. PSI® AP Chemistry Kinetics

Initial con. Of reactants, moles/L Rate of formation
of N2
Expt [NO] [H2]

1 0.0060 0.0010 1.8 x10-4

2 0.0060 0.0020 3.6 x10-4

3 0.0010 0.0060 0.30x 10-4

4 0.0020 0.0060 1.2 x10-4

5 0.0075 ? 0.8x 10-4

a) Determine the order of each of the reactants, NO and H2, from the data given and show
your reasoning.

b) Write the overall rate law for the reaction.

c) Calculate the value of the rate constant, k for the reaction and include units.

d) For expt 2, calculate the concentration of NO remaining when exactly one half of the
original amount of H2 had been consumed.

e) In expt 5, fill in the missing information for the conc. of H2

f) The following elementary steps were proposed for the mechanism of this reaction.

I NO + NO ßà N2O2

II N2O2 + H2 à H2O + N2O

III N2O + H2 à N2 + H2O

Based on the data presented, which of the above is the rate determining step? Show that the
mechanism is consistent with

i) the observed rate law for the reaction and

ii) the overall stoichiometry of the reaction

42) 2HgCl2 (aq) + C2O4-2 à 2Cl- + 2CO2(g) + Hg2Cl2 (aq)

The equation for the reaction between mercuric chloride and oxalate ion in hot aqueous
solution is shown above. The reaction rate may be determined by measuring the initial rate of
formation of chloride ion at constant temperature, for various initial concentrations of mercuric
chloride and oxalate as shown in the following table. PSI® AP Chemistry Kinetics

Expt. Initial [HgCl2] Initial Rate of formation
[M] [C2O4]-2 of Cl-
[M] mol/L.min

1 0.0836 0.202 0.52x10-4

2 0.0836 0.404 2.08x10-4

3 0.0418 0.404 1.06x10-4

4 0.0316 ? 1.27x10-4

a) According to the data shown, what is the rate law for the reaction?

b) On the basis of the rate law from part (a), calculate the specific rate constant. Specify units.

c) What is the numerical value for the initial rate of disappearance of C2O4-2 for Expt. 1?

d) Calculate the initial oxalate ion concentration for EXpt.4.

43) An environmental concern is the depletion of O3 in Earth’s upper atmosphere,

where O3 is normally in equilibrium with O2 and O. A proposed mechanism for the
depletion of O3 in the upper atmosphere is shown below.

Step I O3 + Cl → O2 + ClO

Step II ClO + O→ Cl + O2

a) Write a balanced equation for the overall reaction represented by Step I and
Step II above.
b) Clearly identify the catalyst in the mechanism above. Justify your answer.
c) Clearly identify the intermediate in the mechanism above. Justify your answer.
d) If the rate law for the overall reaction is found to be rate = k[O3] [Cl], determine
the following.

i. The overall order of the reaction

ii. Appropriate units for the rate constant, k

iii. The rate-determining step of the reaction, along with justification for your answer PSI® AP Chemistry Kinetics

1. As temperature increases k increases
2. Two, temperature and reactant concentration. Rate constant increases when T
increases and hence the rate.
3. The reaction will not proceed to the right and reactants would remain as
4. All three would increase the rate constant. Partial pressure is equivalent to
concentration. So increase in the partial pressure affects the rate.
5. The molecules are not properly aligned or do not collide with enough energy
6. 2:1
7. a. Decomposition of H2O2= 2.31x10-5 Production of O2 = 1.16x10-5
b. Decomposition of H2O2 = 1.16x10-5 Production of O2 = 5.79x10-5
8. A and C Increase, B- no change, D no change, E increase
9. R= k [Fe(CN)63-]2 [I-]; k=10M-2s-1
10. B is zero order, A is second order, reaction is second order overall.
11. 0.0040L mol-1 s-1
12. 2500
13. a. rate = k[H2O2][I-] b. 2710
14. rate = k[MnO4-]2[H2C2O4]
15. 2 x 105 M-2-∙ s-1
16. 1
17. 0.16x10-2 mol/L
18. 6.4x10-4 mol/L∙min
19. 0.06x10-2 mol/L
20. 9.9x1014
21. H2O2 + I- → H2O + OI-
22. Reaction intermediate
23. Rate = k[A][B]2
24. b NO + O2 ↔NO3(fast equilibrium)
NO3 + NO → 2NO2 (slow)
25. I-
26. B
27. Bimolecular
28. Step 1
29. Rate = k[A2][B2]
30. 6.3s
31. 0.020
32. 0.086M
33. D
34. Approximately 23 minutes
35. 6.25x10-2
36. 1.60x102 min
37. 1.0x10-2
38. 1.0x10-2s PSI® AP Chemistry Kinetics
39. 1.0x106s

40. O2 – 1st order and NO – 2nd order

R = k[O2][NO]2

K = 25

R = 2.81 x10-5 mol/L/s

Rate of O2 reacting = 1/2 (1.0x10-4); Rate of forming NO = 1.0 x10-4


a) [H2] = 1st order From Expt. 1 & 2: [NO] unchanged, [H2] doubled, the rate also doubled
[NO] 2nd order From Expt. 3 &4 [H2] unchanged, [NO] doubled, the rate quadrupled.

b) R = k [NO]2[H2]

c) k = 1.8 10-4 / 0.0062x0.0010 = 5000 mol-2 L2 min-1

d) 0.01 mol of H2 will take away 0.001 mol of NO.

The remaining amount of NO = 0.006-0.001 = 0.005M

e) 0.8 x 10-4 = 5000 x .00752 x [H2]

[H2] = 0.00028 mol/L

f) i. Second step is rate determining step. R of 2nd step = k2[N2O2][H2]. N2O2 is an

intermediate from equilibrium reaction.

k1[NO2]2 = k-1[N2O2]
[N2O2] = (k1[NO2]2)/k-1

Substitute [N2O2] in the rate equation for the 2nd step, giving the observed rate law

R = k2 {(k1/k-1)[NO]2} x [H2] = k[NO]2[H2]

ii. I. NO + NO ←→ N2O2

II.N2O2 + H2 → H2O + N2O

III. N2O + H2 → N2 + H2O

2NO + 2H2 → 2H2O + N2 PSI® AP Chemistry Kinetics


a) R = k[HgCl2][C2O42-]2

b) k = 0.52 x 10-4/[.0836][.202]2 = 0.0152 mol-2L2min-1

c) 1/1 [C2O42-]/dt = ½ Cl-1/dt

= ½ x (0.52 x 10-4) = 2.5 x 10-5

d) 1.27 x 10-4 = 0.0152 x 0.0316 x [C2O42-]2 = 0.514


a) Answer: O3 + O → 2 O2

b ) used in step I and regenerated in step II, the amount at the end is the same as the

c ) ClO; product of step I and used in step II, an intermediate is a material that is
produced by a step and consumed later, it does not show as either a product or
reactant in the overall equation.

d ) i) second order overall—sum of the coefficients in the rate law

ii ) k unit is M-1time-1

iii) Step 1: the rate law applies to the concentration of the materials in the slowest
step, the rate determining step. PSI® AP Chemistry Kinetics

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