Pas B. Inggris Kls 8 Sem Genap 2022-2023 Ok

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Tahun Ajaran 2022 – 2023

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : 7 (Tujuh)/ Genap
Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu :
Nama :

Read the text below then choose A, B, C or D on the correct answer!

1. We describe things all the time. Sometimes we describe how pretty the dress we buy or we
tell our friend how someone looks like. In describing something we need adjective. For
example a pretty girl, a diligent student, a famous singer, etc. The word pretty, diligent and
famous are adjectives. Adjective are words which describe…
A. Noun C. Verb
B. Antonym D. Adverb
2. There are many types of adjectives depending on how it describe things. Adjective of quality
or descriptive adjective which is used in the sentence to express the size, color and shape of a
person, thing, animal or place. Below, the adjective of quality is …
A. Beautiful, small, many, hard C. Blue, heavy, black, box
B. Big, small, red, bag D. Green, glass, slow, beautiful
Choose and put the check mark (√) on the correct answer! (The answer can be more than
3. When you are using more than one adjective to describe a noun, the different types of adjectives
always in a specific order. The order is always opinion, size, shape, age, color, origin, and material.
The correct sentence uses more than one adjective in the correct order are…
A. One day i will visit a beautiful little old village in Indonesia
B. She wears a gold and red wedding dress
C. He sits behind a wooden big brown desk
D. My mother buys a cute pink small plastic vase
E. The playroom has six small round plastic table

Choose and put the cross (X) on the correct answer!

An occupation is a general name for a kind of work that people do in many different ways
and places. For example, teaching is an occupation that includes kindergarten teachers, high
school teachers, principals and many other. The picture below is for questions number 4 and

4. The man standing by the table is…

A. Coach C. Writer
B. Chef D. Waiter
5. His job is to…
A. Take and deliver orders to customers
B. Fly a plane
C. Teach materials to student
D. Drive people to places using a car
Choose and put the check mark (√) on the correct answer! (The answer can be more than
My house is on Mangga Street No.12, Nusantara housing complex. It has three floors. My family and i
always sleep on the second floor since the bedrooms are there. All of my family member usually read
books on the third floor. The whole space on the third floor is designed for our private library. We have
balcony on the third floor. This is my favorite spot. We generally like to have some relaxation while
enjoying the beautiful scenery of Bandung there. The kitchen, guest-room, living room, dining room,
warehouse, and garage are on the first floor.

6. The correct statements based on the text above is…

A. The writer’s keep his vehicles on the first floor
B. The writer’s bedroom is in second floor
C. The writer’s favorite spot is private library
D. The writer’s mother cooks in the second floor
E. The writer’s family have some relaxation on the third floor
Read the text below and write the letter T if the statement below is true and F if the
statement is false in provided places
7. To describe animals we should know about their characteristic features. These features helps
us in using the correct adjectives for the specific animals. For example we can describe fox
as wild, cunning and carnivorous but we cannot use the same adjectives for rabbit because
rabbit is an innocent animal.

No Statement Answer
1 The birds fly using wings …...
2 Giraffe has long trunk helps to eat leaves from the tall tress …...
3 Zebra has black and white stripes and it eats grass …..
4 Flamingo has two short legs, long neck and pink feather …..
5 Fish has gill and fins and it swims …..
6 Hippo is aggressive animal. It will attack human nears its territory …..
Answer the question below with short and correct answer!
In English there are three articles: a, an, the. Articles are used before noun. The definite article
(the) is used before a singular and plural noun, count and non count noun to indicate that the
identity of the noun is known to the reader. The indefinite article (a,an) is used before a singular
noun, count noun that is general or when its identity is not known.
8. We spent a lot of time swimming in ……. sea on holiday
9. We usually have ……. dinner at night
10. Would you like……. orange?

Answer the questions below with the correct description!

I have a new back pack. Its color is light green. I always take it when i go to school.It
is made of strong fabric.
My backpack has several parts. The first part is the pocket where I put my money and
library card. The second part is the main part. I always put my books and pencil case in it.
The third part is a small pocket on the left side of the backpack. I keep a bottle of water in
this pocket
The topic sentence of the second paragraph is…………………………………………………
12. Susi is looking for her lost pencil case in the library. She tried to ask her friend Tika by
explaining the characteristics of her pencil case in detail. Please, help Susi to describe her
pencil box characteristic according to the picture below!
Choose and put the cross (X) on the letter A, B, C or D on the correct answer!
Pronouns are words in a language that are used as substitutes for nouns or noun phrases and to
show possession. Pronouns can be classified into different types based on their functions. For
example personal pronouns are simple pronouns that are used to substitute proper names, subject
pronouns are pronouns that perform the action in a sentence, object pronouns are pronouns that
receive the action in a sentence, possessive pronouns are pronouns that are used to show
possession and reflexive pronouns are pronouns that are used to refer back to the subject in the
13. The pronouns (i and we) which denote a person of speaking is said to be personal pronouns
of the…
A. First person C. Third person
B. Second person D. None of these

14. Please listen to…. carefully!. I am talking about an important topic.

A. I C. They
B. Me D. We

15. Your son is climbing the tree in the garden. Look at…!
A. His C. Him
B. Her D. Us
Choose and put the check mark (√) on the correct answer! (The answer can be more than
16. Demonstrative pronouns are pronouns that are used to point to specific objects. Some
examples of demonstrative pronouns are this, that, these, and those. That is used to refer one
thing far from us, this is used to refer one thing in near us, these are used to refer more than
one thing near us and those are used to refer more than one thing far from us.
The correct form of demonstrative pronouns is…
A. All these people here are waiting for the bus Cambridge
B. Could you pass me that bottle of water, please?
C. Gery, take those keys here and lock the front door, please
D. That books are gift for my grandfather
E. These pen are mine
Read the text below and write the letter T if the statement below is true and F if the
statement is false in provided place!
17. The common grammar used in descriptive text is simple present tense. Simple present tense
is a verb’s base form used to indicate tat the event is present or happening right now in the
perspective of the writer or speaker. The simple present tense could also indicate that the
event or action happens regularly or is constantly happening. The pattern of simple present
tense that usually use in a descriptive text is subject + is/am/are + object/adjective for
positive sentence, for negative sentence is subject + is/am/are + not + object/adjective and
interrogative sentence is is/am/are + subject + object/adjective. Read these sentences!
No Sentences Answer
1 My mom is a teacher in Misi Bagi Bangsa School

2 They is brilliant student in Misi Bagi Bangsa School

3 My class are clean and tidy so I spend my reading time in there

4 It is a yellow hard cover notebook

5 She is very busy, but she always has time for her family
6 Are your house clean?

Answer the question below with short and correct answer!

Read the lyric song below to answer the questions number 18-20
See I never thought that I could walk through fire
I never thought that I could take the burn
I never had the strength to take it higher
Until I reached the point of no return
And there's just no turning back
When your heart's under attack
Gonna give everything I have
It's my destiny
I will never say never, I will fight
I will fight 'til forever make it right
Whenever you knock me down
I will not stay on the ground
Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up-up-up
And never say never
Ne-Never say never
Ne-Never say never
Ne-Never say never
(Never say it, never-never say it)
18. The rhyme of the underline lyric song above is………………………………………………

19. The genre of the song above is…………………………………………………………….

20. The thema of the song above is ……………………………………………………………….

Answer the question below with the correct description!

Song is a short piece of music usually with words. It combines melody and vocal. A song may
express an emoticon of the song’s composer or writer. Songs are used to express feeling and idea in
an entertaining world. A song also can be used to deliver social criticism. The moral values are
hidden in the lyric. Read the lyric song below to answer the questions number 21-22!

21. What is the message of the song above?

22. What do you fell about the song? Why?

Choose and put the cross (X) on the letter A, B, C or D on the correct answer!
Adjectives are commonly positioned before nouns. It is used to describe objects or things. For
example: A pretty girl, the word pretty is the adjective to describe girl. Adverb are commonly
positioned after verbs and used to describe how something is done. For example: he works rapidly.
Rapidly is adverb. We can construct an adverb by adding -ly in the end of adjectives. For example:
beautiful (adjective) - beautifully (adverb), bad (adjective)- badly (adverb). However there are also
some words that remain unchanged both in their form adjective and adverb such us fast, hard, late,
low. There are also words that change irregularly from adjective to adverb, such as good (adjective)
becomes well(adverb)
23. I normally drive very…
A. Slow C. Fastly
B. Fast D. Low

24. He plays… because he is a … player

A. Bad/ badly C. Beautiful/ beautifully
B. Badly/ bad D. Good/ goodly

25. Turtles walk … because they are… animals

A. Slow/ slowly C. Fast/ fastly
B. Slowly/ slow D. Fastly/ good

Choose and put the check mark (√) on the correct answer! (The answer can be more than
26. We can construct an adverb by adding -ly in the end of adjectives. For example: beautiful
(adjective) - beautifully (adverb), bad (adjective)- badly (adverb). However there are also some
words that remain unchanged both in their form adjective and adverb such us fast, hard, late,
low. There are also words that change irregularly from adjective to adverb, such as good
(adjective) becomes well(adverb).
Read the following sentence, the correct sentence is…
A. We waited patiently for the teacher to start the lesson
B. Mr. Edi teaches us karate regular every Sunday morning
C. She is sitting in a lazy chair while reading newspaper
D. Morena sang beauty
E. Kiki could not go to school because he is seriously ill

Read the genres in left column and match them with meaning in right column
27. Music is a piece that we sung which contains lyrics and words. Songs may be made by song
writer. A song may express an emotion of the song’s composer or writer. A song has rhyme
and stanza. Music can be divided into different genres or types of music. Some of the music
genres are: pop, rock, folk, jazz, classical, hip-hop, country,metal, blues, reggae
1. Pop
2. Rock
3. Folk
4. Jazz
5. Blues
6. Hip-hop
7. Heavy metal
8. Country

A. Traditional culture music
B. A Genre of American Music
C. Popular Music
D. A genre of music with harsh and serious music
E. Slow and sad music
F. A type of music that develop among African- American
musicians using rap and samples
G. A type of loud rock music played on drums and electric
H. A type of popular music based on the traditional music,
usually containing singing, guitars and violins
I. A type ofmusic that develop in Jamaica in the 1960s

Answer the question below with short and correct answer!

28. The genre of music that tends to have serious lyrics and have harsh music is……………….
29. One of two or more words or phrases that ends in the same sounds is called……………….
30. A group of lines that form a unit in a song or a poem is ……………………………………

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