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TAHUN 2023/2024

Nama : _____________________________ Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : V (LIMA) No. Peserta : _____________________________

I . Choose the correct answer between A, B, C or D below and give the sign (X) !
1. She uses her headset to___to the music. C. Neck
D. Mouth
A. Look C. Pick
B. Smell D. 7. What is the antonym of slim or thin? It is___
2. Look at the picture below! Doni is__, but Tio A. Small
is weak. B. Long
C. Fast
A. Long D. Fat
B. Soft
C. Strong 8. His house is__than your house.
D. Clean
A. farer
3. She uses her__to take a glass of orange juice. B. furthers
C. farther
A. Hand C. D. farthest
B. Eyes D. Nose 9. In 2000, England is the__in winter of all
4. Andi : We are in hurry. How should we go,
Dul? A. coolest
Dullah : I think motorcycle will be better, B. cooler
because it is__than bike. C. most cool
A. fast D. cool
B. faster
C. slow 10. X : Do you watch the sport program on TV
D. slower last night?
Y : Yes, of course. I think Taufik Hidayat will be
5. Look at the picture below! Mr. Ali is old, but a champion in the Indonesia Open Tournament.
Adit is__ X : I think so. he played__than before.

A. Young A. carefully
B. Old B. more carefully
C. Fat C. the most carefully
D. Fast D. as carefully

6. Berlin loves to eat cake. She thinks the taste of 11. Look! The elephant is big, but the ant is__
the cake is delicious. What dose she use to taste
the cake__? A. Slow
B. Small
A. Teeth C, Happy
B. Tongue D, Cheap
19. X : I think TV program is__ than radio.
12. She is hungry and her__starts rumbling. Y : I agree with you. TV has audio and visual
A. Finger A. less interesting
B. Foot B. more interesting
C. Stomach C. worse
D. Back D. the worst

13. I__short, but my father is tall. 20. My watch is__than yours.

A. Is C. Am A. good
B. Are D. Was B. better
C. best
14. The book’s price is Rp 10.000,00. The D. the same
pencil’s price is Rp 8.000,00. The book is__ than
the pencil. II. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)
based on the space provided.
A. expensive
B. more expensive 1. the children are short but the adults are tall
C. most expensive (__)
D. as expensive as 2. the baby is old but the adult is young
15. My sister puts on mascara on her___? 3. the deer is smaller than the ant is
A. Eyes 4. the plane is more expensive than the bike
B. Eyebrows (__)
C. Eyelashes 5. the stomache use for digest the food
D. Under eye (__)

16. Look! The rabbit is___, but the turtle is slow. III. Write the best answer below!
Which one is not the body parts? 1. Translate into English ! “Mereka tinggal di
rumah yang lebih besar dari pada rumahku”.
A. Fast
B. Fat 2. Arrange these words into the best sentence!
C. Strong
D. Old Lika - durian – nose – uses – to – smell – the -
17. These statements are true, except?
3. Translate into Indonesia! “we use mouth for
A. I have two ears eating and talking”
B. I have two cheeks
C. I have one head 4. Translate into Indonesia! “the tank is strong
D. I have one hair but the boat is weak”

18. Look at the picture below! The pencil is__, 5. Arrange these words into the best sentence!
but the ruler is long.
Than - car - Pedicap –slower - the – is - the
A. Expensive
B. Short
C. Big
D. Fast **** Fightihing Everyone****

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