Short Form - Writing Checking

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Short Forms for Checking Writing Papers

Short Form What it stands for?

SS Error in the Sentence Structure

VF Error in the Verb Form

TE Tense Error

VM Verb Missing

SM Subject Missing

MNC Meaning Not Clear

AVM Auxiliary Verb Missing

TA Task Achievement Failure

TR Task Response Failure

Pre. M. Preposition Missing

AM Article Missing

WW Wrong Word

WF Word Form

WI Wrong Information

NC Point/ Idea Not Convincing

WC Incorrect Word Choice

CE Collocation Error

PE Punctuation Error

WP Wrong Preposition

St.E. Structural Error in part of a sentence

Fr. Fragment

Sp. Spelling Error

IS Incomplete Sentence

NI Handwriting not intelligible

VC Error in the Verb Choice

US Unnecessarily Long Sentence

ERP Error in Relative Pronoun

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