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This LEAVE AND LICENSE AGREEMENT is made and executed at Pune

this __ day of ___ 2023.


Age :- __ Years, Occupation :- Service/Business,
R/at :- ________________________________
Hereinafter referred to as the ‘LICENSOR’
( which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning
thereof, be deemed to mean and include his heirs, successors, survivors,
representatives, executors, administrators and assigns etc.)
-------------- Party of the First Party


Age :- __ Years, Occupation :- Service/Business,
R/at :- ________________________________

Hereinafter called as the ‘LICENSEE’

( which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning
thereof, be deemed to mean and include its Directors, representatives,
liquidators, administrators, successors-in-title and assigns etc. )
-------------- Party of the Second Part

WHEREAS the Licensor is sufficiently entitled to and is the owner of Flat No

______________, Pune – 411014. Hereinafter referred to as the ‘said

AND WHEREAS the Licensee is desirous of taking on Leave and License basis
the said premises. After mutual discussions and negotiations, the Licensor has
agreed to give the said premises to the Licensee and the Licensee has agreed
to take the same on the terms & condition hereinafter appearing.

AND WHEREAS the terms were orally agreed between the parties hereto and
this Agreement are executed today to reduce the agreed terms and conditions
in writing.



1. GRANT OF LICENSE : The Licensor hereby permits and grants

license and the licensee hereby accept to use the said premise for purpose
of residence for a period of 11 months i.e. ___/__/20___ to
__/__/20___ on Leave and License basis.

2. SECURITY DEPOSIT : For the grant of license the licensee paid

Rs. __,000/- (Rupees _______ Thousand only) to the licensor as
interest free, refundable security deposit.


pay license charges of an amount of Rs. __,000/- (Rupees ________
Thousand Only) to the licensor every month.

4. PAYMENT OF LICENSE CHARGES : The monthly license fee

payable by the Licensee to the Licensor every month.

5. ELECTRICITY CHARGES : That Licensee shall pay all charges

for the electricity as per the bill/s issued by MSEB / MSEDC, as per the
electric meter readings of the said premises, during the period for which
this license shall continue to be in force.

6. SUBLETTING : That Licensee shall not be entitled to sublet the

said premise to any other person/s or organization/s.

7. REPAIRS : The Licensee shall maintain the premise in a proper

condition and shall be liable to rectify and repair the premise in case of
any damage is caused to the same due to the acts of the Licensee and in
case of any damage caused to the same due to the acts of the Licensee
and in case the licensee fails to rectify/repair the same then in such case
the licensor shall be deduct from security deposit amount.

8. ALTERATION : The Licensee shall be entitled to make temporary

alteration in the said premise. The licensee at the time of vacating will
have to undo the changes and reinstate the premise to original condition
as it was at the time of taking the possession.

9. INSPECTION : That the Licensor shall be entitled to inspect the
said premise at any reasonable time with prior consent of licensee. The
licensee shall keep fixtures, electric fittings and water connections in good
running conditions.

10. BREAKAGE : The Licensee shall be responsible for any repair

to breakage/ damage of the said premises, including the floor tiles, in
good condition, during the period of the license and to be responsible for
the maintenance of the entire premises including the fittings and fixtures
in the said premises.

11. UPKEEP THE PREMISE : That the licensee should keep the
premise clean and tidy and use the premise for which purpose it is given.

12. FORFEITURE : That the Licensee commits to the Licensor that all
his rights under the License shall be liable to be forfeited, in case of
breach of any of it's commitments like payment of monthly compensation,
subletting of the premise, use of the premise for purpose other than
residential purpose. In such case the licensor shall be entitled to resume
possession of the said premise immediately.

13. JUDICIAL POSSESSION : That at all the times the judicial

possession of the said premise shall be of the Licensor. The Licensee has
been merely granted permission to use the said premise and fixtures and
fittings on leave and license basis and the Licensee shall hand it over on
the expiry of the stipulated period.

14. LICENSEE NOT ENTITLED TO ASSIGN : The Licensee shall not

assign, transfer, sublicense or part with the said premise or any part
thereof, in any manner whatsoever, at any time during the continuance of
this agreement or thereafter and other wise will be treated as defaulter.

15. NUISANCE AND ANNOYANCE : The Licensee shall not do or

cause to do or permit to do any act which would amount to nuisance or
annoyance to the neighbouring occupiers and shall not do any act, deed or
thing whereby the Licensor suffers any loss or damage or which may
cause disturbance to the Licensor or to the neighbouring occupiers. The
Licensee shall not store any hazardous goods in the premises nor shall
carry out illegal immoral trade, business, and activity, prohibited by any
statute or law.

16. LICENSEE SHALL ABIDE BY LAW : The Licensee shall not

do anything which is not permissible or which is prohibited under the law
or is in contravention of any byelaw, rules and regulations or any order.
Disputes if any shall be resolved mutually without resorting to the courts.
of the period of license, the Licensor is entitled to terminate the license of
the licensee with One month written notice in advance to the licensee. If
the licensee intends to vacate the premises or terminate the license before
the expiry of license period he shall give One month notice in writing to
the Licensor informing of his intention for vacating and termination of the
this agreement. On the expiry of such notice period the licensee shall
vacate premise and this agreement shall stand terminated, and the
licensor shall immediately refund total security deposit.

18. REFUND OF SECURITY DEPOSIT : The Licensor shall

refund the total security deposit to the Licensee on vacating of the
premise by the Licensee. The security deposit is to be refunded on
vacating of the said premise by the Licensee, subject to the deductions of
any amount recoverable from the Licensee under this agreement including
license fee, arrears cost of repairing of the premise, damages, repairs and
recovery of outstanding dues such as electricity charges.

19. REMEDY AGAINST THE LICENSEE : If the Licensee fails to

quit and vacate the said premise and hand over the possession to the
owner then in that case the Licensor shall be entitled to forfeit the security
deposit amount and charge double monthly license fee till the vacation of
the premises.

20. NO CLAIM OF TENANCY : It is clearly understood between the

parties to this deed that no relationship of landlord and tenant exists
between them and that the Licensor has not granted tenancy rights in the
said premise to the Licensee by this deed. The Licensee shall not make
any claim of tenancy in the said premise.


That any communication made by and between parties at the address
mentioned above shall deemed to have been duly received in due course
of time.


The Licensee has duly executed this agreement after clearly
understanding the implications and consequences of the agreement and
they have signed hereunder by their free will and free consents.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties here to have put their hands on the
day and year first herein above written.



Name - Name -
Address – Address –
Signature – Signature –

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