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DCP - 18th Mar.


Day 1 - 18th Mar. 2024

Introduction to DevOps :::

What is DevOps ???

SDLC Process ::: - Software Development Life Cycle :

- Requirement Analysis
- Design
- Code
- Testing
- Implementation
- Monitoring/Maintain

Software - Applications :

- Desktop Applications
- Web Applications
- Mobile Applications

- System Applications
- Embedded Applications

Waterfall Model ::

- Linear in approach
- Follows Top-Down Approach.
- Monolith Application Architecture
- Tightly coupled Applications

Desktop Applications
Billing System 10 Months!
10 functions + 1
Project :

- Requirement Analysis
- Design
- Code current
- Testing
- Implementation
- Monitoring/Maintain

Enhancement - Project :

- Requirement Analysis
- Design
- Code
- Testing
- Implementation
- Monitoring/Maintain
Agile Methologies :::

Desktop Applications
Billing System 10 Months!
10 functions/Modules. - Iterations

Iteration 1 : User Interface Design.

- Requirement Analysis
- Design
- Code
- Testing
- Implementation
- Monitoring/Maintain

Iteration 2 : Stock Details.

- Requirement Analysis
- Design
- Code
- Testing
- Implementation
- Monitoring/Maintain

Iteration nth : Payment Module.

- Requirement Analysis
- Design
- Code
- Testing
- Implementation
- Monitoring/Maintain

Using AGILE :

we can achieve :

Continuous Development
Continuous Integration
Continuous Testing
Continuous Delivery
- This expects a Manual approvals for Production Release

We cannot achieve :

Continuous Deployment
- Without any Manual Intervension/approvals for Production

DevOps :::
DevOps is a Software Development Strategy which helps to promote the
collaboration between the Teams like Development Teams and Operation Teams to
achieve Continuous Development, Continuous Integration, Continuous Testing,
Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment and Continuous Monitoring in more
automated fashion.
How to Implement DevOps ???

1. Application Architecture:

Monolith Application Architecture

- Tightly coupled Applications
- There is not modularity

For DevOps - Its always recommended to have :

Micro-Service Based Application Architecture :

- It is loosely couple Applications
- Here, each fuction will be considered as Micro-Service.
- These Micro-Service can be independently developed,
testing and implemented to production automatically

2. Teams involved in overall SDLC :

- Infra-Structure Management Team

- Application Development Team
- Testing Team
- Release Management Team
- Production Support Team
- Production Monitoring Team
- Security Team

3. DevOps Stages :

- Continuous Development :
- It is the capability of the Development Team to continuously
develop code
- Improve the Productivity of the Developers

How ?

Role of Developer ?

- Code

- Coding
- Manual Build Application -
- Build - Is a process of compiling the source code and
create artifacts(Binaries - *.war/*.jar/*.exec/*.dll)
- Perform Unit Testing
- Promote the code to higher environments (QA / UAT / Prod)
- Notify the Testing team thru emails

Using DevOps Approach::

- Create Source Code

- Save/Commit the Source Code in a Source Repository.

Automate the process using DevOps Tools :

- Build Application -
- Build - Is a process of compiling the source code
and create artifacts(Binaries - *.war/*.jar/*.exec/*.dll)
- Perform Unit Testing
- Promote the code to higher environments (QA / UAT / Prod)
- Notify the Testing team thru emails

Tools ::

- Eclipse based IDEs( Integrated Development Environment),

Visual Studio, Pycharm, Visual Studio Code
- Build Tools - Maven integreted with IDEs

- Continuous Integration :
- It is capability of the Development Team to continuously
integrate the code for further testing without waiting for others.

- Promote the code to higher environments (QA / UAT / Prod)

- Notify the Testing team thru emails

Tools :

- GIT/Github
- Jenkins
- Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible

- Continuous Testing :

- It is a process of automated Testing

Tools :

- TestNG/JUnit
- Selenium
- Jenkins

- Continuous Delivery / Continuous Deployment ::

- Both are related to production Release.

- Continuous Delivery :
- It expect Manual Approval for Production Release
- Expect Downtime during Production Release

- Continuous Deployment :
- It NEVER expect Manual Approval for Production Release
- Production Release will be completly automated.
- NO Downtime during Production Release

Tools :
- Jenkins
- Docker, Ansible
- Kubernetes

- Continuous Monitoring :
- It is used to Monitor the Production Environment and
Applications :

- 10000 simultaneous users

- 50000 ?
CPU Utilization / Memory / Network / Traffic

Tools :
Prometheus / Grafana / Splunk / Dynatrace - Infra-
Structure Monitoring Tools

AppDynamics / DataDog -
Application Monitoring Tools


4. Infra-Structure Management :

IAC - Infra-Structure As Code :

Server Provisioning/ Creating - Terraform/CF/ARM

Configuration Management - Ansible/Chef/Puppet

5. DevOps Tools :

Open-Source Tools


Managed Services
AWS - Code commit, Code Pipeline, Code Build,....
AZURE - Azure DeveOps Services
GCP - GCP DevOps Services

6. DevOps Team's Role :::

- DevOps Team :
- Infra-Structure Management Team
- Application Development Team
- Testing Team
- Release Management Team
- Production Support Team
- Production Monitoring Team
- Security Team

- Role is to support the teams to automate their process.

7. DevOps Assessment :

DevOps is all about ::

- People

- Process

- Tools

Waterfall, AGILE, DevOps, DevSecOps, GitOps, SRE, MLOps, AIOps


DevOps LifeCycle

Version Control System

gihub account ?

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