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Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Calculation Description : Dial Gauge 30mm CMCC NO:_DN/024 a DATE: 18/4/2023 Pt.No — :2052F PAGE: 1 0F 19 S/No ae PREP BY (AH) CAP Date Cal: 05 APRIL 2023, yer 38] |, [ieee RFQ: 2701123 1. INTRODUCTION REV; 01 | DATE:4/12/2023 The reading from dial gauge was compared to the dial calibration tester and deviation was recorded for the measurement points as mentioned below. The measurement points were determined from the total number of outer ring revolution to be completed. For less than 5 total revolutions, reading at every 1/10 revolution was taken continuously. For S total revolutions, reading at every 3/6 revolution was taken continuously. For 10 total revolutions, reading at every 3/9 revolution was taken continuously. For 15 total revolutions, reading at every 3/12 revolution was taken continuously. For 20 total revolutions, reading at every 3/15 revolution was taken continuously. For 25 total revolutions, reading at every 3/18 revolution was taken continuously. For 30 total revolutions, reading at every 3/21 revolution was taken continuously. Outer Ring ef tomes] [oa Figure 1: Inward and Outward Direction of Dial Gauge Form AVN-2 Rev. 2 dated 12 Apr 2023 £207 sdy ZL povep z "AOw Z-NAVY WHOS = = = = > 0/0 0/0 0/0, * : : 3 : = 070 ofo o/0 s iat = o bs a 0/0 0/0 0/0 = € = : A = = Z a a = “as [oe = : z a - Z : z iz iz =. a = a = 0/0, 0/0 0/0 “as - - = 5 Z 5 0/0. 0/0 0/0 ues = S : = S . 0/0 0/0 0/0 ae > = = 5 ofo ofo 0/0 = =a = = | REEL: = 0/0 0/0 0/0 = > ; > = = 0/0 o/0 0/0 : = : > 5 = 0/0 of0 070 t ‘%00T #06 OS ‘%0L ‘60S ‘%0v ‘%0E ‘%OT ‘%60T UOIN|OADY woneneq €c0¢/ZT/v-3LWa TO ‘AIw eerr02 OH [AY | | \ae ezoz dy so: 129 a1€ (ONSTARAaY | luv) Ae 34e 6r 30% 39vE ec0c/v/st ava ‘¥20/NG :ON ND Trl: ON/S 47s0Z! ONT wuigg anes [eia : vondiiasaq fey jWaWeINseeW pue UOREIqTED £202 4d ZL POREP Z "ADU Z-NAY WHOS | irae - 7 - 7 a 9 a = oo oo o/0 i i= 7s q : of0 O70 o/0 aa wee [eEee eee | Eee te 0/0 O70 O70 : a - - 0/0 0/0 0/0 e = Eee EEE — 0/0 0/0 0/0 = = = c 0/0 of0 70 : 5 - - 0/0 0/0 0/0 ie i s z id z 0/0 0/0) 0/0 = “os 3 a = o/0 0/0) 0/0 5 ue : - 0/0 0/0 0/0 : | 7 = oo oo of : | e20c/et/PSLVG ECETOLE D3B (OnaTAEAgY | (Hv) AB aud Sr 40 39vE et0z/v/8t 31vG ‘7Z0/NG :OND3ND €20z dv SO: le ea Tr0l0: —ON/S 47902 ON Id wuigg a8ne je1g : vonduasag jiqede> WuSUISINSeOWN PUE VOEIGTED 202 4d ZL pavep z "ASM Z-NAV WHOS 7 O70 of Of0 ; 6 3 z 2 3 : : a ei 5 ee "os 5 3 5 : E = 5 5 fe we = a 0/0. 0/0. 0/0 = = a ‘os = = = oe 078 w 7 = ar : 0/0 of0 of0 5 é of0 of0 0/0 - 7 - of0 o/0 0/0 : E of0 of0 of0 e 7 : of0 0/0 0/0 i L > : - - = : = : = “es ecoe/er/Pa1vG 0 _ ASE ive - Es (ONSTAR Age | (Hv) AB aud 6ta0v 39Vve €t0z/¥/8T 3LVO PZO/NG:ON DIN €0z WdvS0: Je 1a Ty0To: —ON/S, 4%s0Z ON Ad uuwigg a8ne9 j2Iq : uoRdiiasag £202 44 ZL PAVE Z "ADU Z-NAV WHOS = 5 ‘0/0 0/6 i 5 Es os 4 a Toleo- | Co7eo- a 5 is arma TO/eO | COLO : z Toro | CORO Toro | CoRo 3 al Too | toRo 7 > Tole | Coie = 1 : 5 5 5 : 5 : = os = 5 = a 5 a = ie weow t - - - = . | j ~ - = = or : = 0/0 70 0/0 i a os a a = o/0. 0/0 o/o 5 a ues oo 0/0 0/0 F = = = of0 0/0 ofo 5 : | oo 0/0 oo e = = ofo of0 of0 : eeOeerw ava] —__ 10 ASE ecrtoce DH | ] aSy 231 Pid (ONSTARTABY | (Hv) AB 43d ta0§ 39vd ‘c0z/v/8T ILO ‘720/NQ :OND9N9 €20z dv so: 129 eG Ty0l0: —ON/S 47900: ONT wuigg a8neo [eI : uondussag jiqede> TuSUISINSEDIN PUE HOTETATED 8202 4d ZL PaLeP z "AOU Z-NAY WHOS a : A = Ez ee 5 7 : ; Ca a O70 0/0 0/0) ae 10S) 5 Toro | coleo | TO/z0- ES een 70-/2'0- 70-/2'0- 70-/7'0- a a zoo | coreo | Coreo = TO/eO- t0-/0- tO-/Z'0- i 70-/7'0- 70-/7'0- t0-/7'0- t0-/z'0- 70-/7'0- TO-/7'0- et 5 5 : ss a = 5 = - = wean 7 = - a €20¢/2T/v:3LVO TO [A328 ezrtozt a4 | TES Ne avo €707 dv SO led a3e0 ONSTAR TARE | (Hv) AB Jed dif IF eu 61409 "3Ove : 5 €207/v/8T 3LV0 nee ae vZ0/NG_3ON 39ND WWOE aBned |e1q : ONdISeq 2202 4d ZL PaVEP Z "APY Z-NAV WHOS TORO | CORO = 5 = Toee | COO = = TOO | COMO : 7 zoveo | cose = S To/EO | COICO = = a = 3 5 5 5 i= as 5 = 2 5 zi ie wean = 7 ot 07 0 w 5 = = Tt TORO | Coe | CORO = = = oy Tore | Cote | tO/eO- 2 TORO | Coe | CORO 7 = ZOO | TOTO | TOMO = To/eo | Tote | tito 5 E wor | Coleo | COReo - 7 st 5 5 : - = - as eeoeferivaiwa | 10 Aw ECTTOLz ‘OHH We) IE ezocriveys0: eo2%e0 pe 5% | HonSTASTAau | lv) aa eau woo: —oN/s re B140.L 139¥d Seas ete eal E0z//eE3IvG FZ0/NG-"ONDIND wuige aBnep je1a : uondunseq jiqedeD TUSUISINSESTN PUE WOTETATED 202 4dv Zi Pave Z "AP Z-NAY WHOS = > 7 T - Lore | voir = = vo/vo | volvo a 5 = = - role | volo = Te = ae 5 - > vo/ro | Polvo oz 0/0 = = i = 5 3 : Pa ra vO/vO- = = - = - = = cas ween volvo 5 : i 5 7 a - : : vowo | : = ae [care a é : volvo. : = : ci : . : 7 : vo/ro- e zi 7 : z a 7 S vo/v0- = a . = = : 7 : ee 5 5 5 5 5 5 = z - ‘O70 “os i = = = = = = Fi COLO ween : Se : roleo = - 7 ce tere 7 7 Toleo L - = E z 5 a 5 To/eo- mise - : = 5 7 7 Toleo aH = 5 = = = : - - Zo/to- st | fo of0 % 2 z = = 5 a 5. ace} Too | toleO a = a 5 a B E A veo ecofen/waiwa] 10 “AR ECITOLZ O3¥ Ay \yaif 27 zat : yy S a etoz Wud 60: Ie 81e0 om TOI: ON/S (ONSTAETASY | (Hiv) AB dua 61408 39¥e 4t90Z! ON Ad Ecoz/¥/Bt ava ¥ZO/NG :ON 39ND wuugg aBneg [21g : uondiosag £202 4dV Zi Pave Z "AW ZINA HOS ez o/o “os v0-/v0- coy yoyo vO/yo- vO/v0- vo/ro- volvo ee. "oS) wea 1 oS volvo | vO/%O- wea volvo | vO/vO- ecor/er/eaiva OEE) “1 | ~ECTEOL? 7D (ONSTAETASH | (Hv) 48 34 606 9va #20z/v/Bt 31a | —720/NG :ONDWD wOReMIET £207 Tudv SO: v0 ID: 42s0z? lea area ON/S ON Id wuigg a8neg jeig : vondi9sag qidede> WwauTaInsesN pUE woresqiieS 207 sdy Zi pavep Z"AoY Z-NAY WHOS volvo | volvo | vo/ro volo | vO/ro | vO/ro Zi x E a a a a a "os z = = = = fees wesw [= : 5 : . e 3 e = : = sz E 3 E oo of O70 = os a E volvo | volvo | vo/ro- é mesa! : volvo | volvo | vo/ro- = vo/vo | volvo | ro/ro- = : roo | volvo | vo/ro- Z = volvo | volvo | vo/vo | - vo/vo- | volvo | ro/ro- = ve a i z a = Zi a “os = 5 = és E 5 = ween [F rocretivaive To ra ECITOLZ Ds =a) | fe L f=) Ea ezozrwevs0: 92180 (ONSTRGARY | (Hv) A9 644 Ons ens 6540 01 :39Vd 47S0%? 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BY (ENG): Pt.No = 2052F SINo — :Q)041 Date Cal: 05 APRIL 2023, RFQ: 2701123 a DATE:4/12/2023 MATHEMATICAL MODEL Hence the mathematical relationship can be modelled as: S= SM; +SMo + SE where: Sis the size of dial gauge (the reading of unit under test) SM; is the measured size of dial gauge for inward direction SM, is the measured size of dial gauge for outward direction SE is the ertor of dial gauge under test 3. UNCERTAINTY EQUATION lu? (A) + u? (BG) + u? (BGA) + u? (DCT) + u? (SP)-+u? (DCTD) + w? (w) tw? (r) +0? (h) + WO) 4. SOURCE OF UNCERTAINTY uc(S) a) Type A uncertainty — Data from Measurement, u (A) b). Type B uncertainty ~ Block Gauge used, u (BG) ©). Type B uncertainty ~ Block Gauge Accessories used, u (BGA) 4d) Type B uncertainty ~ Dial Calibration Tester, u (DCT) e} Type B uncertainty ~ Surface Plate, u (SP) f) Type B uncertainty ~ Drift of Dial Calibration Tester, u (DCTD) 8) Type B uncertainty ~ Wringing of Block Gauge, w (Ww) h) Type 8 uncertainty ~ Readability of Dial Gauge, w (r) i) Type B uncertainty ~ Hysteresis, u (/t) |) Type B uncertainty ~ Temperature, u (¢) ANALYSIS OF UNCERTAINTY SOURCE 5.1 Type A uncertainty ~ Data from Measurement, u (A) Standard uncertainty: where n (qty of samples) = 5 Form AVN-2 Rev. 2 dated 12 Apr 2023, Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Calculation Description : Dial Gauge 30mm CMCCNO: DN/OZ4 (DATE: 18/4/2023 PLNo — :2052F PAGE: 14 OF 19 i siNo : Qh0a1 Be Date Cal :05 APRIL 2023 | 52 53 Rev: 01 | DATE:4/12/2023 Since standard deviation is zero, the uncertainty equals to zero. ‘Type B uncertainty ~ Block Gauge used, u (BG) Expanded uncertainty of the combination of 10mm and 20mm Block Gauge is calculated as Per certificate no. NMIM-1028-M-19. Standard uncertainty: Exp.uncertainty of Block Gauge uGe Wormal Distribution 0.0302 yg(86) = (um) = 0.0151 pm 0.0306 Uzo(BG) = —F— (um) = 0.0153 ym w(BG) = ¥0.0151? + 0.0153? (BG) = 0.0215 Degree of freedom= Type B uncertainty ~ Block Gauge Accessories used, u (BGA) Expanded uncertainty of Block Gauge Accessories is +0.6 yim as per certificate no. PMIM/2022- 0582 Standard uncertainty: Exp.uncertainty of Block Gauge Accessories u (BGA) Normal Distribution 06 W (BGA) = — (um) = 0.3 ym Degree of freedom = <= Form AVN-2 Rov. 2 dated 12 Apr 2023, Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Calculation Description ; Dial Gauge 30mm, CMCC NO: DN/O24 ATE: 18/4/2023 Pt.No :2052F PAGE: 15 OF 19 PREP BY (AH): | REV. BY (ENG): SINo ayoaa Date Cal: 05 APRIL 2023 i | RFQ: 2701123 REV: 01 DATEs4/12/2023 5.4 Type B uncertainty ~ Dial Calibration Tester, u (DCT) Expanded uncertainty of Dial Calibration Tester is +20 ym as per certificate no, ‘SST/SA/R/2022E/154, Standard uncertainty _ Exp.uncertainty of Dial Calibration Tester eS Wormal Distribution 2.0 u (DCT) = (um) = 1.0 um Degree of freedom = © 5.5 Type 8 uncertainty ~ Surface Plate, u (SP) Expanded uncertainty of Surface Plate is +1.9 jim as per certificate no. MSRP21090245. Standard uncertainty: uncertainty for surface plate uP) ‘Normal Distribution w (SP) = (um) = 0.95 jum Degree of freedom = co 5.6 Type 8 uncertainty — Drift of Dial Calibration Tester, u (DCTD) Drift calculated is 0.1573 jum. Standard uncertainty: Exp.uncertainty for drift u @CTD) = Fe ctangular Distribution Form AVN-2 Rov. 2 dated 12 Apr 2023, Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Calculation Description : Dial Gauge 30mm Pt.No :2052F lence: acOras Saeco PREP BY (AH) oP = Date Cal: 05 APRIL 2023, Fal SBI /L RFQ: 2701123 1573 REV. 01 | DATE.4/12/2073 (DETD) = == (um) = 0.0908 wm a Degree of freedom = 5.7 Type B uncertainty ~ Wringing of Block Gauge, u (Ww) ‘Wringing calculated for combination of 2 block gauges is 0.0508 jum. Standard uncertainty: Exp.uncertainty for wringing Rectangular Distribution uw) 0.0508 uw) (um) = 0.0293 pm v3 Degree of freedom= = 5.8 Type B uncertainty — Readability of Dial Gauge, u (r) Readability of dial gauge is 2 jum (0.002 mm). Standard uncertainty: Exp.uncertainty for readability ‘ Coverage Factor K u(r) om) = 1.155 um Degree of freedom = © 5.9 Type B uncertainty ~ Hysteresis, u (hh) max |(inward deviation ~ outward deviation)| u(h) = Coverage Factor K Form AVN-2 Rov. 2 dated 12 Apr 2023, cali ration and Measurement Capal Description ; Dial Gauge 30mm, CMCC NO: DN/OZ4 z DATE: 18/4/2023 7 Pt.No :2052F PAGE: 17 OF 19, | PREP BY syo pie PREP BY (AH): | REY. BY (ENG): Date Cal: 05 APRIL 2023, oF f 8B) IX RFQ: 2701123 REV:_O1 DATE:4/12/2023 Referring to raw data table, there is no difference between the inward and outward deviation, Hence, the uncertainty for hysteresis is taken to be zero. 6.10 Type B uncertainty - Temperature, u (t) ‘The temperature in the standard lab is controlled to be 20°C. Uncertainty of temperature as indicated by thermo hygrometer is #0.5°C. Coefficient of steel is taken to be 11.5x10-/*C as per certificate no. NMIM-4654-M-19-S, Standard uncertainty: LxaxaT uo) Coverage Factor K (30000 ~ 0.2) x 11.5 x 107° x 0.5 u(t) a (ym) w(t) = 0.0996 wm. Degree of freedom = = 6. COMBINED UNCERTAINTY (UC) (ya (PA) +0? (BG)-+ v2 (BEA) + u2 (DCT) +2 ($P}He? (DETD) +22 (Ww) one fu? (r) +12 (h) +2 () lo? + 0.0215? + 0.3? + 1.0? + 0.95? + 0.0908? + 0.02937 + 1.155? + 0? + 0.0996? ue(S) = 1.829 pm u(S) 7. EFFECTIVE DEGREE OF FREEDOM uo Mr = Fax), BG), we BGAY, wDCT) , WGP), w* DCTDY , w GH) Rie pear rpm et er tooe took fer roorert lott ( Ow @ 0 ) Form AVN-2 Rev. 2 dated 12 Apr 2023, Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Calculation Description : Dial Gauge 30mm Pt.No :2052F S/No :QN0a1 Date Cal: 05 APRIL 2023 1.829 0.0908" Very ( Vere 8. EXPANDED UNCERTAINTY US) =k x U.(5) U(S) = 2.0 x 1.829 jum UG) 3.7 ym ‘CMCC NO: DN/O24 DATE: 18/4/2023, PAGE: 18 OF 19 PREP BY (AH): | REY. BY (ENG) RFQ: 2701123, DATE:4/12/2023, 0.0293" | 1.155% +04 0.099% (k = 2.0 with 95% confidence level) *All calculations were done by using Microsoft Excel and has been verified as per Appendix B Form AVN-2 Rev. 2 dated 12 Apr 2023, ci ration and Measurement MC} Calculation Description : Dial Gauge 30mm [omc No: oN/o24 DATE: 18/4/2023 PL.No :2052F [ PAGE: 190F 19 | PREP BY (AH S/No yon ene OP Date Cal: 05 APRIL 2023 ee (| Lace JN | Ra: 2701123 o1 | pare:4/12/2023 | REFERENCES 1) Block Gauge Certificate No. : NMIM-1028-M-19 Uncertainty, U : +930)? + (0.3)%.(E)? 2), Block Gauge Accessories Certificate No: PMM/2022-0582 Uncertainty, U 40.6 jum 3}, Dial Calibration Tester Certificate No: SST/SA/R/20226/154 Uncertainty, U :#2.0 jum 4) Crystal Pink Surface Plate Certificate No: MSRP21090245 Uncertainty, U :+1.9 ym Form AVN.2 Rev. 2 dated 12 Apr 2023 wile GPR X T= Gn Rue pepUETS eee 2f 301923 3BCI0N0D = Tq “w0pae14 40 98189q SANDAYS wil 6zeT (5° ‘Aqujeyssun prepuers auiquioy ~ wri 9660°0 T ‘wii 9660°0 en | @ | semBuevey | szzto | (p)n‘aimesodwa, | (F - ° t ° en |g | senauessoy ° (u)n ‘sisasonshyy « ayn aah: 7 uu gest t unizystt | ex | @ | semfuevey | oz Oe eet | ae | - sum g6z0" wrt £620" sejn3uUe329, 4 a mt £6200 t meszoo | es | a rauepey | 80500 | oreyosusuum | a (aia) = ‘url g060'0 t umigosoo | en =| og | seinduevey | ezst'o | “s21se, vone. 6 a wilseo t wil seo Za enauene [et | as) w "anera aoenns | 13 i (9a) nase ~ 3 dg . unt ot t uni oT z a | rewon oz Decade | (voaryn ~ uni go t uieo | oz a 1ewon 90 ‘pasnsauossaooy | (9 | a8ne5 99018 | um unt stz0°0 z a jewsion . Cee @ ~ stz00 t st20 " pain aanes pola (¥) n aawenseay ’ ° t ° sn ly rewion ° iad) eed te a ox(xyn = |G, | (3) (xn woaaaus m Nounaruusia | — (’x) ALNIVLYE3NN ‘ON 30 | NOLLNERLNOD | eee | owas | Na | 384 | xuniaveous | antya 40 30unos wal aauoaa | ALIAUISNAS ‘S-6T-W-PS99-WIAN ¢ esto 00se0 P1000 oor toose eeero ‘or000 ‘D000't00e o0seo T1000 (oor too0e ro 90000 (00020008 20000 woneimaa | ‘000°, | re00%0 | coor | 00800 | wonenea | ( ) (eat) | (wrt) (uty | (ua) | a ‘zzoz_ | (wrt) zzoz | (wrt) 6toz | (url) stoz weaw | <2z0z | -6T0z | 8107 Peeateeee: a custo a a ione ua Area wands Jaysay uoneiqye9 jelg 40} uoNe|ns|e> UG :y xIpuaddy ‘Appendix B: Validation for Microsoft Excel Calculation ‘A. Equations Applied in Microsoft Excel u . fe sha A | 1 2 3 4 Standard deviation Figure 2 Uncertainty Calculation for Data from Measurement, u (A) cn i Se =SORT((C3/2)"24C11/2)"2) ay 8 ecce preiene 7 Block Gauge Uncertainty (For combined block 8 shed 10 mm 8 Uncertainty 1 0x01 0 sie2 20 mm it] Uncertainty 2 0.0305, | Combined Uncertainty (06) 0.0215] Figure 3 Uncertainty Calculation for 30mm Block Gauge, u (BG) is vie fe | =I6/K6 4A 1 1 k L gi 4| Standard deviation ° 2.23607 0.0000 5] Block gauge 2.00000, 0.0215 6 Block gauge accessories 06 2.00000] 0.3000] Figure 4 Uncertainty Calculation for Block Gauge Accessories, u (BGA) ua 7 Pe Fe =37/K7 4 I J, k L | 3] 4] Standard des ° 2.23607 1.0000 5| Block gouze 2.00000 00215 6 Block gouge accessories 06 2.00000, 10.3000 T Dial calibration tester 2 2.00000] Figure 5 Uncertainty Calculation for Dial Calibration Tester, u (DCT) 3 4 Standard deviation ° 2.23607 5 Block gouge 2.00000 0.0215 6 Block gauge accessories 06 2.00000 0.3000 7 Dial calibration tester 2 2.00000 1.0000 8 Surface plate 13 2.00000] 0.9500] Figure 6 Uncertainty Calculation for Surface late, u (SP) 6 : 05 rear Go ef es) elon al 4 x 2 ‘ait of Dia catation Tester 2 Daistion | oe zis | 2019 | 2022 | mean 2018 um | 2019 um) | 20224) tena |contibtors| et (wm | mr | tam | cond Coe 4 wn) s| [oP eeviaton|“aae [ons | 6 | oase aso] o0s00 | 0000 Figure 7 Drift Calculation - Actual length in 2018, s . fe 8s 8 joviuny svous eens eareepmoueieNsapeem 1 x : ele 2 of ia Cltraton Tester 3 Deviation minal zoe | 209 | 202 | mean 2018) | 2019 | 20224) Length |contibators 5 ie wm | wm | tm | om o | | o s| 0 | Bevistion | a08 | 008 o_| 0.0539 ‘e800 | 0.000 | 0.0000 Figure 8 Drift Calculation - Actual length in 2019 s . fe | se5ee5 jks eiraisines [sueas[ieea| ears [e vue laa ae 2 aot Tester 3 Deviation minal renin etitetors| 22% | 2002 | 202 | mean 20) | 2010p | 20224) | (oe) | Gam) | (om) | tomy 6) 0) © 4) ium) =| | Deveson | ane | ons | — 0 —[ onraa isos [anes | ane Figure 9 Drift Calculation - Actual length in 2022 " 1 1 k i M N ° Devotion [Dalit un/aay) ous yum) | 2040 (ge) | 2022 (ym) | 2019102022 | 2o18to2019 | avg oslyorite | avgAnnusloef eh | |e | Mevyiossy | (cya) | (nmldry) wnveae) ‘2000 | 0000 | eno | accor | emma | — oven omiss Figure 10 Drift Calculation - Difference in daily drift between 2019 and 2022 : =A85|(5:15/265) H 1 4 k L N Deviation Daigo qunVaay) 2018) | 2019 [gun | 2022(4en) | 2019%0 2022 | 2018t0 2019 | avg DallyDatt) avg Annual ait | @ | © | Heny/ss) | o-aysssy | tunveay ‘wuniyean) ‘cosa | o0ss0 | o.6600 | —oxsonn | ~-aaneo | axon ons Figure 11 Drift Calculation - Difference in daily drift between 2018 and 2019 = HUSiMsy/2 H 1 a kr L M ° ‘Deviation Dally quay) 2018 (en | 2019 (rn) | 2022(0m)| 20190 2022 | 20.8to2019 | Argosy Dt| —_AvgAnnusl Dit @ | @ | @ | Kevyiess | 10/365) | wien (uen/yean oss e.oa00 | 00 | aso noo [oom [eons Figure 12 Drift Calculation - Average daly drift between the two intervals 2 NS*(385) lee Deviation Daily rR unfay), 20us(qun) | 2019 (um) | 2022(um)| 20180 2022 | 2o1sto 2019 |avgallyortt| Aug Annuatatt | @) | ce | Keey oss) | je-0y365) | uote) (oun/veat) aoa) | ome | anton como | oa | co Figure 13 Drift Calculation - Average driftin a year ou =AVERAGE(O5‘015) K 1 4 k L mee © 2 a Deviation Dally OA (u/day) 4 2018(q1)| 219,91) | 2022 (yun) | 2019102022 | ox8t02019 | avgaly itt] AvgAnnua vie ‘ |e |e | ie2y/209s) | b-0)/955) | twn/4ay) (wurden) s ‘10800 | 07800 | a10000 | c1008 ‘0000 | — 0.0600 00133 6 2399.5000 | 2999.6060 | 3000.0000 | 0.0008 1.0003 [00603 06? 7 '5090.20e0 | 3000.2000 | 000.0000 | 0.0002 1.0000 | 0.0001 0.0333 @ 000.5000 | 000.4000 | 000.0060 | 0.0008 0003 | 00008 on? a] /10000.7600|12000.80005595.8000 | 0.0008 1a0003 | 0.005 0.2167 10] 12000.5000|13000.5000|12999.8000] 0.0005 0000 | cea 0.1000 0 13000.2000|13009.7000|14999.s000] 0.0007 «40003 | 0.005 0.835 2 180007000] 3800.¢000|17993:000) 0.0008 0.0003 | occas 0.587 2 200011000 20001.000012999.6000] 0.0012 c.0003 | 0.007 0.2300 u) [23001.0000|22001.0000|22999.s000] 0.0010 ‘0.0000 | a.cens 0.1833 15 zsoor.2000|23001.2000|24999.6000] 0.0014 ‘20005 | 9010 0.3500 Total Avg 03573 16 {qum/year) Figure 14 Total average drift for Dial Calibration Tester ir) ’ fe =I9/ks 4A 3 4 standard devia ° 2.23607 5 Block gauge 2.00000 6 | Block gauge accessories 06 2.00000 7 Dial calibration tester 2 2.00000 8 surface plate 2.00000 9 Drift 1.73205| Figure 15 Uncertainty Calculation for Dial Calibration Tester Drift, u (DCTO) aie * Se =MAK(C16:F16)-MIN(C16:F16) 4A 8 = c © e | 6 3 4 ‘wringing Uncertainty 15 ‘Block Gauge Combo Difference in Reading um Max dev- Mindev 16| z 0.0254 | 0.0762 | 0.0508, 0.0508 7 3 0.7366 | 0.6858 | 0.7365 0.1270 ie) 4 0.839 | 0.9906 | 1.0922 0.2032 19 7 0.9906 | 1.0322 | 1.2152 0.2286 Figure 16 Wringing Error Calculation (Ref: Impact on Length Caused by Wringing Together Block Gauges dated 17th July 2000) uo * fe =s10/K10 J Standard deviation 2.23607 0.0000 Block gauge 2.00000 0.0215 Block gauge accessories 08 2.00000 0.3000 Dial calibration tester 2 2.00000 1.0000 Surface plate 19 2.00000 0.9500 Drift 0.1573 173205 0.0308 Wringing 0.0508 173205] 0.0285] Figure 17 Uncertainty Calculation for Wringing of Block Gauges, u (w) Lak Standard deviation ° 2.23507 0.0000 Block gauge 2.00000 02s Block gauge accessories 06 2.00000 0.3000 Dial calibration tester 2 2.00000 1.0000 Surface plate 19 2.00000 0.3500 Dri 0.1573 1.73205 0.0908 wringing 0.0508 4.73205 0.0293 Readability 2 1.73205| 1.1547] Figure 18 Uncertainty Calculation for readability, u (r) * fe ssn2/Ka2 \ 1 3 K L | Standard deviation ° 2.23607 0.0000 Block gauge 2.00000 ors Block gauge accessories 0s 2.00000 0.3000 Dial calibration tester 2 2.00000 1.0000 Surface plate 139 2.00000 0.9500 Drift 0.1573 2.73205 0.0908 wringing 0.0508 2.73205 0.0293, Readability 2 1.73205, 1.1547 Hysteresis ° 1.73205| 0.0000] Figure 19 Uncertainty Calculation for hysteresis, u (h) 2s . ={c221000+C23)*(c24*0.000001)"C25 A 8 FT Temperature Uncertain 2 size om 2 Deviation fom OCT) kes By Coeficentof thermal Expansion re Temperature Uncertainty (from 5 thermohygrometer) = 25 Expanded uncertainty[_ 04725 Figure 20 Expanded Uncertainty Calculation for temperature, u (t) u3 7 fe =113/K13 J iy Uneerta nly, Dv ‘Standard deviation ° 2.23607 Block gauge 2.00000 Block gauge accessories O68 2.00000 Dial calibration tester a 2.00000 surface plate 19 2.00000 rift 01573, 1.73205 Wringing 0.0508 1.73205 Readability 2 4.73205 Hysteresis ° 1.73205 ‘Temperature 0.1725 1.73208 Figure 21 Uncertainty calculation for temperature, u(t) us Bs Block gauge 2.00000 0.0215 6 Block gauge accessories 06 2.00000 0.3000 7 Dial calibration tester 2 2.00000 1.0000 8 Surface plate 19 2.00000 0.3500 8 rife 0.1573 4.73205 0.0908 0 wri 0.0508 4.73205 0.0293 1 Readability 2 4.73205 1.1547 2 Hyster ° 1.73205 0.0000 B Temperature 0.1725 1.73205 0.0995 15| ‘Combined uncertainty 18290] Figure 22 Calculation for combined uncertainty, Ue * fe =2U5 1 J Standard deviation Block gauge Block gauge accessories 06 Dial calibration tester 2 Surface plate 19 Drift Wringing 0.0508 Readability 2 Hysteresis Temperature 1.73205, 1.73205 1.73205 1.73205 1.73205 Combined uncertainty us) 1.8230 Figure 23 Calculation for expanded uncertainty of Dial Gauge 10mm, U(S) 8. Comparison between uncertainty from manual calculation and Microsoft Excel Uncertainty from : No. Item Manual Caleuation | yy cccon eet rm H (4d.p.), um : 1_| Data from Measurement, w (A) 0 0 2__| Block Gauge used, u (BG) o.0215 0.0215 3. | Block Gauge Accessories used, u (BGA) 0.3000 03 4_ | Dial Calibration Tester, u (DCT) 11.0000 1.0 5_| Surface Piate, w (SP) 0.9500 0.95 6_| Drift of Dial Calibration Tester, u (DCTD) 0.0920 0.0908 ‘Wringing of Block Gauge, u (w) 0.0293 0.0293, 7_| Readability of Dial gauge, u(r) 1.1547 1.155 8_| Hysteresis, u (h) ° iE 0 | Temperature, u (¢) 0.0996 0.0996 10_| Combined uncertainty, u 1.8290 1.829 11_| Expanded uncertainty for Dial Gauge, U/S) 3.6580 37

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