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Stamps: Airmail & Lufthansa

Airmail 25 years (1944)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin (1938)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Lufthansa 10 years (1936)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Zeppelin Hindenburg (1936)

Stamps: Annexations & Anschluss

Annexation of the Saar (1934)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Annexation of the Saar (1934)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Annexation of the Sudetenland (1938)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Anschluss between Germany and Austria (1938)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Annexation of Danzig (1939)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Annexation of Eupen-Malmedy (1940)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Annexation of Carinthia & Styria (1941)

Stamps: Anniversary of the rise to power

11 year anniversary of Hitler's rise to power (1944)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Anniversary of Hitler's rise to power (1938)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
10 year anniversary of Hitler's rise to power (1943)

Stamps: Anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch

Anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch (1935)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch (1943)
Stamps: Buildings
Brandenburger Tor (1941)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Chancellery (1940)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Theatre in Saarpfalz (1938)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Gymnastics and Sports Event in Breslau (1938)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Buildings & Castles (1940)
Artushof (Danzig), Town Hall (Thorn), Kaub castle, Theater (Poznan), Heldelberg caste,
Porta Nigra (Trier), Theatre (Prague), Town Hall (Bremen), Town Hall (Munster)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Castles & Buildings (1940)
Elbogen castle, Drachenfels, Kaiserpfalz (Goslar), Clocktower (Graz), Town hall (Frankfurt),
Guild House (Klagenfurt), Schreckenstein castle, Fortress (Salzburg) and Hohentweil castle

Stamps: Day of the stamp

Day of the stamp (1942)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Day of the stamp (1943)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Day of the stamp (1944)

Stamps: Fairs & Congresses
Berlin Auto & Motorcycle Show (1939)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

European Postal Congress, Vienna (1942)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
National Fair, Leipzig (1940)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
National Fair, Leipzig (1941)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Vienna Fair (1941)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Municipalities Congress (1936)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

World Congress for Vacation and Recreation, Hamburg (1936)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Gardening show (1939)

Stamps: Feldpost

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Feldpost, Kurland

Photo © PJ Caliguire


Photo © PJ Caliguire

Stamps: Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler (1937)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Adolf Hitler (1938)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Adolf Hitler (1939)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Adolf Hitler (1939)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Adolf Hitler (1940)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Adolf Hitler (1941)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Adolf Hitler & Benito Mussolini (1941)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Adolf Hitler (1942)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Adolf Hitler (1944)
Stamps: Individuals

Emil von Behring (1940)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Gottlieb Daimler & Carl Benz (1936)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Paul von Hindenburg (1934)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1941)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Friedrich von Schiller (1934)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Schlitz, Bach and Händel (1935)

Stamps: Military

Heldengedenktag (1935)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Heldengedenktag (1942)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Volkssturm (1945)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Waffen-SS (1945)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Afrika Korps (fake)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Wehrmacht (1943)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Wehrmacht (1944)
Stamps: Foreign volunteers

Legion Nederland (the Netherlands)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Legion Wallonie (Belgium) (1942)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Legion Freies Indien (India)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Legion Vlanderen (Belgium)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Légion des Volontaires Français airmail (France)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Légion des Volontaires Français (France) (1942)
Stamps: National Trade Competition

National Trade Competition (1935)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

National Trade Competition (1939)

Stamps: Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD)

RAD (1943)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

RAD (1944)
Stamps: Reichsparteitage

Reichsparteitag (1934)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Reichsparteitag (1935)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Reichsparteitag (1936)
Stamps: Sports

Summer Olympics (1936)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Winter Olympics (1936)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Horse racing - Blue Ribbon (1939)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Horse racing - Blue Ribbon (1940)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Horse racing - Blue Ribbon (1941)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Horse racing - Blue Ribbon (1942)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Horse racing - Brown Ribbon (1936)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Horse racing - Brown Ribbon (1940)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Horse racing - Brown Ribbon (1941)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Horse racing - Brown Ribbon (1942)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Horse racing - Brown Ribbon (1943)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Shooting competion in Innsbruck (1944)

Stamps: Sturmabteilung (SA)

SA Wehrabzeichen (1942)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
SA (1945)

Stamps: Youth

Hitler Jugend meeting (1935)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Bund Deutscher Mädel meeting (1943)

Stamps: Various

100 years of railroad (1935)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Postal employees (1944)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Professions (1934)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

German native costumes (1935)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Ships (1937)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Helgoland German for 50 years (1940)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Reichluftschutzbund (1937)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
600 years municipal law in Oldenburg

Photo © Mladen Pausic


Photo © Mladen Pausic

Goldsmiths (1943)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Day of German Art (1939)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Farmer (1940)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Nurse (1943)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Nurse (1944)

Stamps: Dues Stamps


Photo © PJ Caliguire

Photo © PJ Caliguire


Photo © PJ Caliguire

NSFK (1941)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

NSFK (1942)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

NSFK (1942)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
NSFK (1942 & 1943)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

NSFK (1943)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

NSKOV (1941-1944)
Stamps: Böhmen und Mähren

Böhmen und Mähren 5 years (1944)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Red Cross nurse (1940)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Red Cross nurse (1941)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Red Cross nurse (1942)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Red Cross (1943)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Antonin Dvorak (1941)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1941)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Reinhard Heydrich

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Traditional costumes (1944)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Adolf Hitler (1942)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Adolf Hitler (1943)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Adolf Hitler (1944)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Stamps: Generalgouvernment - Famous Buildings

Cracow castle (1944)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Famous Buildings (1940)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Famous Buildings (1943)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Famous Buildings / One year of the Generalgouvernement (1941)

Stamps: Generalgouvernment - Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler (1942)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Adolf Hitler (1943)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Adolf Hitler (1944)

Stamps: Generalgouvernment - Various

Peasants (1940)

Photo © PJ Caliguire

Nicolaus Copernicus (1943)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Eagle (1940)

Photo © PJ Caliguire
Eagle (1943)

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