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Test class 10th

1). The current carrying straight conductor is placed in a magnetic field Parallel to it. The force experiences by the
conductor is: a). F = BIL b). F = BILcosθ c). F = BILsin θ d). F = 0
2). A strong magnetic field is applied on a stationary electron, then
(a) The electron moves in the direction of the field (b) The electron starts spinning
(c) The electron moves in an opposite direction (d) The electron remains stationary
3). A 2m length of a wire is carrying a current of 3 amperes at right angles to uniform magnetic field of 0.4 T . The
force on this length of wire is: a). 2.4 N b). 15 N c). 0.6 N d). 0.27 N
4). Mutual inductance of two coils can be increased by
a) Decreasing the number of turns in the coils (b) Increasing the number of turns in the coils
(c) Winding the coils on wooden core (d) None of these
5). “Induce current always flows in such a direction as to oppose the change which giving rise to it”. Is statement of:
a). lenz’s law b). faraday’s law c). ampere’s law d). N.O.T
6). Tesla is equal to: a). N/Am b). N/Am2 c). N/A2m d). NAm
7). The number of turns in the primary and secondary coils of a transformer are 100 and 300 respectively. If the input
power is 60 watt the output power will be: a). 12000 watt b) 6000 watt c). 300 watt d). 60 watt
8). Two free parallel wires carrying currents in opposite directions__________ each other.
a). attract b). do not affect c). repel d). N.O.T
9). S.I unit of mutual induction is: a). henry b). weber c). VsA d). both a & c
10). Find the magnetic force applied on a 20 micro coulomb charged projected with the speed of 10 6 m/s in a uniform
magnetic field of 0.6 T normally. a). 20 N b). 12 N c). 1.2 N d). 0.12N
11). The si unit of magnetic flux is: a). tesla b).gauss c). ohm d). weber
12). The direction of induce current is given by:
a). Lenz's law b). Faraday’s law c). Ohm’s law d). N.O.T
13). When the north pole of bar magnet is approaches the face of a closed coil the induced current flows in:
a). anticlock wise b). clockwise c). no effect d). both a & b
14). The core of a transformer is laminated to reduce energy losses due to
(a) Eddy currents (b) Hysteresis (c) Resistance in winding (d) None of these
15). Transformer works on the principle of:
a). self-induction b). Mutual induction c). Gauss’s law d). Ampere’s law
16). Which of the following law is satisfied by the lenz’s law:
a). law of conservation of energy b). law of conservation of charge
c). faraday’s law of induction d). N.O.T
17). In D.C motor which of the following is not present:
a). slip rings b). commutator c). magnets d). armature
18). To induce emf in a coil the magnetic flux :
a). increase or decrease b). must remain constant c).must increase d). must decrease
19). According to faraday’s law of induction:
−NdΦ −Ndt −dΦ
a). ɛ = b). ɛ = c). ɛ = d). N.O.T
dt dΦ Ndt
20). The induce emf produced during the phenomenon of mutual induction is given by the relation:
∆Ip −NdΦ ∆Ip
a). ɛ =−L b). ɛ = c). ɛ =−M d). ɛ =−M × ∆ I p × ∆t
dt dt ∆t
21). A transformer is used to: (a) Obtain a suitable dc voltage (b) Convert dc into ac
. (c) Obtain a suitable ac voltage (d) Convert ac into dc
22). A current carrying wire is placed in uniform magnetic field at right angle. The direction of force on wire:

a). Into the page

b). Out of the page
c). to the left
d). to the right
By Sir M Bilal Mughal
23). The path of electron in magnetic field is arc of arc of a circle. The direction of magnetic field is:
a). Into the page
b). Out of the page
c). to the left
d). to the right
24). Two hollow pipes of equal lengths are hang vertically. Two similar bar magnets are held above the pipes and
then released simultaneously. Which magnet will take longer time to fall through the pipe?
a). Magnet A
b). Magnet B
c). Both magnet take same time
d). incomplete information
25). In the diagram shown if a bar magnet is moved along the common axis of two single turn coils A and B in the
direction of arrow then face of coil A becomes _______ & face of coil of B becomes ______.

(a) North, South

(b) North, North
(c) South, North
(d) South, South

By Sir M Bilal Mughal

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