Hampers - Formulae - Sarah - 9d

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numb Reorde
er Item Item na QuantiPrice Total Price Weight r level Reorder comments
BS001 BespoOats ca 2 10 20 10 10 stock is low
BS002 BespoButter c 20 20 400 5 10 stock is ok
SD001 StandIndian 8 100 800 4 10 stock is low
SD002 StandFrench 10 50 500 3 10 stock is ok
SD003 StandGerman 12 75 900 6 10 stock is ok
BS003 BespoBiscuits 5 18 90 10 10 stock is low
BS004 BespoMilky ba 23 23 529 10 10 stock is ok
SD004 StandDutch 10 80 800 8 10 stock is ok
BS005 BespoNoodles 15 15 225 10 10 stock is ok
SD005 StandPoland 8 30 240 7 10 stock is low
Price Maximu
for all m
items 4504.00 weight

Num Total
Total ber price
numbe of of
r of Stan besp
items: dard oke 1264 10
113 weight

Price Table
Indian 100
French 50
German 75
Oats ca 10
Butter c 20
Biscuits 18
Milky ba 23
Dutch 80
Noodles 15
Poland 30

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