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doc 24 July 2005





In this section, we will extend our discussion on stiffness method for beams and frames analysis either
determinate or indeterminate. The same concepts that have been used in Chapter 3 for truss analysis will be
explained here. The different is the formation of member stiffness matrix and transformation matrix because
the degree of freedom for trusses are different compared to beams and frames. The degree of freedom for
plane beam and frame is three at each node. However, for beam the axial degree of freedom is always
ignored if the beam is subjected to vertical loads only. For space beams or frames, they are not discussed in
this book. Indeed, it just further extension of plane problems. The different between plane beams or frames
are the number of degree of freedom per node. Generally, for space beams and frames there are six degree
of freedom per node. Therefore, the member stiffness matrix for space structures is bigger than the plane


Like previous discussion, before we proceed to the formulation or develop some formulas, some definitions
and concepts need to be explained.

Node and member numbering system

For a structure, nodes should be introduced to the joints, connections, supports or corners. They should be
numbered in sequence. Members should be numbered too as shown in Figure 4.1.1(a). Member directions
should be determined arbitrarily by the reader using arrow.

2 5 z
3 1 y
2 x 3 B



1 3 fAy
14 4
11 9 A
15 13 12 10 7 8 Az
X m
4 fAx
5 1
(a) (b)

Figure 4.1.1 Nodes and members numbering system

Local and Global Axes

Global axes or structural axes are denoted by X and Y axes in which the origin is normally placed at bottom
most and left most of the nodes. By doing this, all the joint coordinates will have positive values. As
explained in Chapter 3 that the origin can be located arbitrarily. Generally, all the applied loads, reactions
and displacement from the computer analysis should refer to global axis.
Local axes or sometimes is called member axes are x and y axes which are parallel and perpendicular
to the member, respectively. Therefore, each member has its own local axis. For member 3 as an example,
the positive local x axis is parallel to the member direction. Then, the right hand rule is used to determine
the local y axis. If the global X axis is rotated for 90 degrees in clockwise rotation until it is parallel to local
x axis, thus the direction of global Y axis is to the right. Hence, the direction of local y axis for member 3 is
to the right. Generally, the results of internal force system from computer softwares will be based on local
axis system as shown in Figure 4.1.1(b).

Degree of freedom numbering system

After nodes and members number and also member directions are assigned to the structure, we need to
identify the numbering system for the degree of freedom. The unknown degrees of freedom are numbered
first and then followed by known degrees of freedom. This should follow the global axis system.
For beams and frames, each node experiences three deformation components i.e. displacement in X
and Y and rotation about Z axis for the structures in XY Plane. Generally, for beams the effect of axial and
shear can be ignored in the analysis since beams are structure which normally subjected to vertical loads
and the axial deformation is too small. However, for frames the effect of axial and shear should be
considered except the designer has decided not to include these effects. In this chapter, we sometimes
ignored the effects just for the purpose to make the calculations become easier where the size of the
stiffness matrix can be reduced significantly.
For frame in Figure 4.1.1(a), numbers 1 to 7 are unknown degrees of freedom whereas numbers 8 to
12 are known degrees of freedom (which are zero value). Total degrees of freedom become 12 (this
becomes the size of stiffness matrix) if the axial effects are considered into analysis.

Figure 4.1.2 shows a continuous beam. The nodes, members, member directions and degree of
freedom are written on the diagram. If the effects of axial are ignored, only nodes 1 and 2 can rotate but
node 3 is restrained against rotation. Therefore, this beam has two unknown degrees of freedom and one
known degree of freedom. The size of stiffness matrix is 3.

2 3
1 X
1 2 2 3

Figure 4.1.2 Nodes, members and degrees of freedom numbering system

Loads on member
If there is load acting on members and not on nodes, it should be converted to equivalent nodal loads
because in the stiffness method the solutions are carried out from one node to other nodes.
Consider a member subjected to uniformly distributed load w kN/m as shown in Figure 4.1.3(a).
Using superposition concept, this load can be converted to equivalent nodal load as shown in Figure
4.1.3(b) and (c). The stiffness method is applied to Figure 4.1.3(b) and the results will then combined with
fixed end moment in Figure 4.1.3(c). The fixed end moments for various type of loading are given in
Appendix A.

wL/2 wL/2 wL/2 wL/2

w w

= +
wL2/12 wL2/12
wL2/12 wL2/12
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4.1.3 Conversion of member load to equivalent nodal loads


The steps to formulate the stiffness matrix of beams or frames are same for truss structure. First we need to
form the member stiffness matrix and displacement and force transformation matrix. Combining these
matrices yield to structural stiffness matrix. Thus, the unknown displacements and forces can be solved.
In this section, the member stiffness matrix based on local axis x, y and z will be developed. Consider
a member AB as shown in Figure 4.2.1(a).

mBz fBx
fBy x x x

= +
y y
fAy y y
fAx mAz fAx
(a) x
fBx x mBz x

+ B + B + B

y y y


Figure 4.2.1 Internal forces in plane frame member

The origin of local axis is placed at starting node. At each node, there are three forces i.e. axial forces, fAx
and fBx, shear forces fAy and fBy, and bending moments mAz and mBz. All forces and moments are assumed to
follow positive directions. The positive moment is determined by right hand rule. Therefore, the positive z
axis is pointing out of xy plane. Hence the moment is positive if the rotation is anticlockwise.

Forces in x direction
Consider member AB assuming at point A is a roller support which free to move in x direction and at
B is a fixed support as shown in Figure 4.2.2(a). If the axial force at point A, fAx, causes displacement of Ax
at A, thus we can have a relationship between the force and the displacement as follows

f Ax   Ax

The forces in a member should be in equilibrium, so at B there must be a reaction force to balance the
axial at point A with the same value but opposite direction,

f Bx    Ax

fBx fBx

y x B y x
 Bx


 Ax fAx
(a) (b)

Figure 4.2.2 Forces and displacements in x direction


Similarly, if point A is fixed support and B is roller support which free to move in x direction as
shown in Figure 4.2.2(b) and an axial force is applied at B, thus the displacement that occurs at B, Bx can
be related to the axial force, fBx

f Bx   Bx

Hence, the axial force at A is

f Ax    Bx

Forces in y direction
Now, consider member AB with roller support which free to move in y direction at A and fixed
support at B as shown in Figure 4.2.3(a). Assume that A experiences displacement Ay. Therefore, the force
in y direction (shear force) and the force in z direction (bending moment) at A can be determined. Since the
forces and moments should be in equilibrium, thus the shear force and moment at B can be determined
easily. Thus we can relate forces and displacements as follow

12EI 12EI
f Ay  3
 Ay and f By   3  Ay

6 EI 6 EI
mAz  2
 Ay and mBz  2  Ay

Similarly, if A is fixed and B is free to move in y direction as shown in Figure 4.2.3(b), we have

12EI 12EI
f Ay   3
 By and f By  3  By

6 EI 6 EI
mAz   2
 By and mBz   2  By

mBz mBz

y x
y x fBy


 Ay
fAy fAy
(a) (b)

Figure 4.2.3 Forces and displacements in y direction


Moments in z direction
Next we need to find out the effects of forces to member rotation. Consider member AB with pinned
support at A and fixed support at B as shown in Figure 4.2.4(a). If point A experiences anticlockwise
rotation of AZ, then the shear forces and bending moments are developed which are given by

6 EI 6 EI
f Ay  2
 Az and f By   2  Az

4 EI 2 EI
m Az   Az and mBz   Az

Similarly, if A is fixed and B is pinned and B experiences rotation of BZ as shown in Figure 4.2.4(b), we
can write

6 EI 6 EI
f Ay  2
 Bz and f By   2  Bz

2 EI 4 EI
mAz   Bz and mBz   Bz

fBy mBz B

y x mBz
y x Bz
mAz Az
fAy A
A mAz
(a) (b)

Figure 4.2.4 Forces and moments due to rotation in z direction

By superposition of Figure 4.2.2 to 4.2.4, the resultant forces can be written as

f Ax   Ax   Bx

12 EI 12 EI 6 EI 6 EI
f Ay   Ay  3  By  2  Az  2  Bz
L3 L L L

6 EI 6 EI 4 EI 2 EI
m Az  2
 Ay  2  By   Az   Bz

f Bx    Ax   Bx

12 EI 12 EI 6 EI 6 EI
f By   3
 Ay  3  By  2  Az  2  Bz

6 EI 6 EI 2 EI 4 EI
mBz   Ay  2  By   Az   Bz
L2 L L L

These equations can be written into matrix form as follow

Ax Ay Az Bx By Bz

 AE AE 
 L 0 0  0 0 
 12EI 6 EI 12EI 6 EI   
 f Ax   0 0   Ax
f   L3 L2 L3 L2   
 Ay   6 EI 4 EI 6 EI 2 EI   Ay 
m Az   0  2
L   Az 
0 (4.2.1)
    L2 L L

 f Bx   AE 0   Bx 
0 0 0
 f By   L L   
   12EI 6 EI 12EI 6 EI   By 
 mBz   0   0  2  Bz 
L3 L2 L3 L 
 6 EI 2 EI 6 EI 4 EI 
 0 0  2 
 L2 L L L 

This equation can then simply written as

f  k (4.2.2)

Matrix k in Eq. (4.2.2) is called member stiffness matrix where the size is 6  6 . Each element in matrix k is
called influence coefficient taking account the effects from axial, shear and bending. These coefficients
represent the member force when a unit displacement is applied to it. For example, if Ax = 1 (Figure
4.2.2(a)), and others displacements are set to zero, the member forces are fAx = AE/L and fBx = –AE/L. This is
shown in the first column of matrix k.


In the preceding section, we have developed member stiffness matrix based on local axis system. In this
section we will transform the stiffness matrix to global axis system. Force f, and displacement , in local
axis x, y and z will be transformed to force F, and displacement , in global axis X, Y and Z. This
conversion needs transformation matrix.

Displacement transformation matrix

Consider a frame member as shown in Figure 4.3.1(a). Assuming that point A experiences global
displacement in X direction AX. This displacement can be resolved into components in x and y direction
which yields to local displacements Ax and Ay respectively. Thus

 Ax   AX kos X dan  Ay   AX kos Y (4.3.1(a))

Similarly, the global displacement in Y direction AY can be resolved into components in x and y direction
which yields to local displacements Ax and Ay respectively. Thus

 Ax   AY kos Y dan  Ay   AY kos X (4.3.1(b))

If point A is rotated about global Z direction of AZ, thus the rotation in local z direction is Az. Since the
local z axis is parallel to global Z axis, therefore

 Az   AZ (4.3.1(c))

y x y x y x
Y AY Y

Ax X X AZ
A X Ay  Ax X X
AX A Az
 Ay

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4.3.1 Global and local displacements

Hence, if point B experiences global displacement in X and Y directions and rotation in Z direction, we have

 Bx   BX kos X and  By   BX kosY (4.3.1(d))

 Bx   BY kosY and  By   BY kos X (4.3.1(e))

 Bz   BZ (4.3.1(f))

Setting X  kos X and Y  kosY , (X and Y are determined as we did in Chapter 3), thus the Eq.
4.3.1(a) to (f) can be written in matrix form as

 Ax    x y 0 0 0 0   AX 
    
 Ay    y x 0 0 0 0   AY 
 Az   0 0 1 0 0 0  AZ 
     (4.3.2)
 Bx   0 0 0 x y 0   BX 
 By   0 0 0  y x 0   BY 
    
 Bz   0 0 0 0 0 1  BZ 

or simply write as

  T (4.3.3)

By investigation, matrix T transforms the six global deformation components , to the local deformation
components . Thus, T is called displacement transformation matrix.

Force transformation matrix

Generally, the forces that applied to the structures are based on global axis system rather than local axis.
Therefore, the forces in local axis system need to be transformed to global axis. Hence, we can obtain the
relationship between local forces and global forces. We use the same concept as we did to transform the

y x B y x B y x B
Y Y
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4.3.2 Global and local forces

Referring to Figure 4.3.2(a), if point A has axial force in local x axis fAx, its components in global X and Y
axis which are FAX and FAY can be written as

FAX  f Ax kos X and FAY  f Ax kosY (4.3.4(a))

Now, if point A has shear force in local y axis fAy as shown in Figure 4.3.2(b), its components in global X
and Y axis which are FAX and FAY can be written as

FAX   f Ay kosY and FAY  f Ay kos X (4.3.4(b))

If point A has bending moment about local z axis in anticlockwise rotation mAz as shown in Figure 4.3.2(c),
its components in global Z axis which is MAZ can be written as

M AZ  m Az (4.3.4(c))

Similarly, if the axial, shear and bending are applied at point B in local axis system, its components in
global axis system are

FBX  f Bx kos X and FBY  f Bx kosY (4.3.4(d))

FBX   f By kosY and FBY  f By kos X (4.3.4(e))


M BZ  mBz (4.3.4(f))

Eq. 4.3.4(a) to (f) are then arranged into matrix form and by setting X  kos X and Y  kosY , we have

 FAX   x  y 0 0 0 0  f Ax 
F    
 AY   y x 0 0 0 0  f Ay 
 M AZ   0 0 1 0 0 0 m Az 
     (4.3.5)
 FBX   0 0 0 x  y 0  f Bx 
 FBY   0 0 0 y x 0  f By 
    
 M BZ   0 0 0 0 0 1  mBz 

or simply written as

FT f

By inspection, matrix TT transforms the six forces components in local axis system f, to global axis system
F. Thus, TT is called force transformation matrix.


So far we have developed the relationship between forces and displacements in local system f  k , Eq.
(4.2.1) and also the relationship between displacements in local and global system   T , Eq. (4.3.3).
Substituting Eq. (4.3.3) into Eq. (4.2.1), we have

f  kT (4.4.1)

Eq. (4.4.1) gives relationship between forces in local axis and displacements in global axis system.
Substituting Eq. (4.4.1) into Eq. (4.3.6), yield to

F  T kT

or simply written as

F  K  (4.4.3)

K  T kT

Matrix K' represents global stiffness matrix for frame members. The complete matrix of K' is


  AE 2 12EI 2   AE 12EI  6 EI  AE 2 12EI 2   AE 12EI  6 EI 

  L  X  3 Y    3  X Y  2 Y   X  3 Y     3  X Y  2 Y 
  L   L L  L  L L   L L  L 
  AE  12EI    AE 2 12EI 2 
Y  3  X 
6 EI
X 
 AE 12EI 
 3  X Y  
 AE 2 12EI 2  6 EI
Y  3  X   
  L  X Y
L3 

 L L  L2  L L   L L  L2
X 
 6 EI 6 EI 4 EI 6 EI 6 EI 2 EI 
  2 Y X Y  2 X

K   L L2
L L2
L L 
  AE 2 12EI 2   AE 12EI  6 EI  AE 2 12EI 2   AE 12EI  6 EI 
   X  3 Y     3  X Y Y   X  3 Y    3  X Y Y 
  L   L L  L2    
L L L L L L 
  AE 12EI   AE 2 12EI 2   AE 12EI   AE 2 12EI 2 
Y  3  X   2  X 
6 EI 6 EI
   L  L3  X Y   L Y  L3  X   L2  X 
 L
 3  X Y
L 

 L L  L
 
 6 EI 6 EI 2 EI 6 EI 6 EI 4 EI 
 2 Y X Y  2 X
 L L2 L L2
L L 

The size of this matrix is 6  6 and it is symmetry about the diagonal. The rows and columns for this matrix
follow the sequence of degree of freedom numbering system. The data in the first row and column indicate
the contribution to the stiffness due to unit displacement in global X axis at starting node. The data in the
other rows and columns can be interpreted in the same manner.


The concepts and the steps to analyse the beams are actually same as explained for frame structures. The
different is the member stiffness matrix. Equation (4.4.5) which is member stiffness for frame needs to be
simplified. Generally, for beam structures there will be one rotational degree of freedom at each node.
Hence, the translational degree of freedom in X and Y are restrained at both starting and ending nodes.
Therefore, the rows and columns number 1, 2, 4 and 5 (or AX, AY, BX and BY) can be cancelled from
matrix K, in Eq. (4.4.5). Thus


 4 EI 2 EI 
 L 
K   L 
2 EI 4 EI BZ
 
 L L 

However, Eq. (4.5.1) should not be applied to all beam structures. Eq. (4.4.5) needs modification depending
on the beam problems. For example, if the beam has two degree of freedom at one of its nodes as shown in
Figure 4.5.1, the rows and column 1 and 4 should be cancelled in order to form the member stiffness matrix
for this beam. Thus, we have


 6 3L 6 3L  AY
 3L 2 L2  3L L2  AZ
K '  2EI3  
L  6  3L 6  3L  BY
 
 3L L2  3L 2 L2  BZ

Please take notes that for beam structure lays in horizontal orientation the values for X  1, and Y  0 .

5 1 4
6 2
1 2

Figure 4.5.1

For the beam in Figure 4.5.2, one can justify that the rows and column 2 and 5 should be cancelled in order
to form the member stiffness matrix for this beam. We obtain


 AE AE 
 L 0  0 
 4 EI 2 EI 
 0 0 
K '   AE L L 
 0
0 
 L L
 2 EI 4 EI 
 0 0 
 L L 

6 2 4
5 1
1 2

Figure 4.5.2

The internal forces are determined from the following equation:

f  kT

Since for beams the values of X  1, and Y  0 , thus the matrix T in Eq. (4.3.2) is equal to identity
matrix, I i.e.

1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0 0
T   I    
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0
 
0 0 0 0 0 1

kT  T T kT  K '

f  K' 



The stiffness matrix for each member K' should be calculated first. Then structural stiffness matrix is
formed by combining the individual stiffness matrices into single matrix, K. Some rules should be obeyed
in assembling these matrices. The rows and columns of member stiffness matrices should be identified
referring to the degree of freedom numbering system which begin with degree of freedom at starting node
(AX, AY, AZ) and then at the ending node (BX, BY, BZ). Each element from member stiffness matrix is
transferred to same row and column in matrix K. Hence, there will be data from different member stiffness
matrix at the same location in matrix K. These data can be combined algebraically. It happens when there
are two members or more meet at the same node. Each element in matrix K represents the nodal resistance
to the structure in specific direction (X, Y or Z) when a unit displacement occurs either at the same node or
other nodes. For instance, the element K26 represents the load at degree of freedom 2 when a unit
displacement occurs at degree of freedom 6. Matrix K is a square matrix where the size is equal to the total
number of degree of freedom.



The followings are the summary to analyse determinate or indeterminate beam or frame structures using
stiffness method. The solutions give you the displacements, support reactions and internal member forces.

(i) Numbering system

Computer is a machine that cannot see the shape of the structures. Therefore, we need to create nodes
and lines to represent the structures. As a guide line, nodes should be introduced at supports, corners,
connections, point loads and at the points where the displacements to be determined. Lines are
constructed to join from one node to other node to represent members. Nodes and members should be
numbered. The origin of global axis should be located first. The coordinates of each node should refer
to the origin of global axis. Member directions are also important to indicate the positive directions of
local axes. Next is to put numbering system to degree of freedom starting from unknown degrees of
freedom and then followed by known degrees of freedom.

(ii) Structural stiffness matrix

Generally, the member stiffness matrix should be determined from Eq. (4.4.5). These matrices are
then assembled to form structural stiffness matrix. Then the known displacement k and external force
Fk matrices need to be setup.

(iii) Partitioning of matrix

Each matrix in the global equation, F  K should be partitioned. The purpose is to separate
between known quantities and unknown quantities of matrix F and .

 Fk   K11 K12    u 
   
 Fu   K21 K22    k 

Fk  K11  u  K12  k (4.7.1)

Fu  K21  u  K22  k (4.7.2)

Solving Eq. (4.7.1) we get the unknown displacements, u and then substituting into Eq. (4.7.2) we get the
solutions for unknown forces (support reactions), Fu. The ends forces are determined from the following

f  kT for frame structures

f  K'  for beam structures

Example 4.1

Determine the moment at support A for the beam shown in Figure 4.7.1(a). Assume that the value of EI is
constant. Then sketch the bending moment diagram for member AB only.


Numbering system: The beam is divided into two members. Node and member numbers and also member
direction are shown in Figure 4.7.1(b). Node 2 and 3 have one unknown rotational degree of freedom but
node 1 has one known rotational degree of freedom. Therefore, the degree of freedom number 1 or 2 can be
given to node 2 or 3. The degree of freedom number 3 should be given to node 1.
In this problem, we have a uniformly distributed load and point load on member 1 and 2, respectively.
These loads should be converted to equivalent nodal loads. The reader should refer to Appendix A for fixed
end moments formula. Referring to Figure 4.7.1(d), the known displacement and force matrix are

Figure 4.7.1

12  1
 k  0 3 and Fk   
84  2

Member stiffness matrix: The stiffnesses are determined from Eq. (4.5.1), i.e.

3 2 2 1

 4 EI 2 EI   4 EI 2 EI 
  3
 8 
K1   24 24 and K 2   8 
2 EI 4 EI  2 2 EI 4 EI 1
   
 24 24   8 8 

Structural stiffness matrix: Combining K1' and K 2' to form structural stiffness matrix K, we have a matrix
where the size is 3 3 i.e.

1 2 3

 4 EI 2 EI  1
 8 8
0 
 2 EI 16 EI 2 EI 
K   2
 8 24
2 EI
24 
4 EI
 0  3
 24 24 

Partitioning of matrix: The global equation is

F  K

The partitions of these matrices are


 4 EI 2 EI 
 12   8
0 
8  1 
   2 EI 16 EI 2 EI   
 84    8 24
 
24   2 
 M 3   2 EI 4 EI  0 
 0 
 24 24 


4 EI 2 EI
12  1  2
8 8

2 EI 16 EI
84  1  2
8 24

2 EI
M3  
24 2

Solving the first two equations then followed by the third equation, we get

48 144
1   ; 2  and M 3  12kNm

The positive value for moment indicates that the rotation is anticlockwise. The actual moment at A should
consider the fixed end moment of 96 kNm as shown in Figure 4.7.1(c). Thus

M AB  12  96  108 kN  m

We can also calculate the moment at A and B by considering the internal force for member 1, i.e.

f  K

3 2

 4 EI 2 EI 
 m3   24  0 
24   144 

 m    2 EI 
 2 4 EI 
   EI  2
24 24 

Solving these matrices, we have

m3  12 kNm and m2  24 kNm

M AB  12  96  108 kNm

M BA  24  96  72 kNm

These moments are shown in Figure 4.7.1(e) whereas the bending moment diagram for member AB is
shown in Figure 4.7.1(f).

Example 4.2
Determine the internal forces in each member of a frame shown in Figure 4.7.2(a). Given I = 500 mm4, A =
10 mm2 and E = 29 kN/mm2 for both members. Then determine the support reactions.

6 2
240 mm 240 mm
5N 4 3 1 5N
1 2

1 2
240 mm 240 mm
9 7
(a) (b)

1.87 N
y 1.87 N 3
450 Nmm
x 2 5N
450 Nmm
1 1
1.87 N y y
(c) 2
x x
8 5N 750 Nmm

(d) 1.87 N

Figure 4.7.2

Numbering system: All nodes, members and degrees of freedom numbering are shown in Figure 4.7.2(b).
The origin of global axis is placed at node 1. The known displacements and forces matrices are

5 1
0  6 0  2
0   
 k    and Fk  0 3

0  8  
 9 0  4
0  0 5

Member stiffness matrix:

AE 10  29000
  1208 .3 N/mm
L 240

12EI 12  29000  500

  12.6 N/mm
L3 (240)3

6 EI 6  29000  500
  1510.4 N
L (240) 2

4EI 4  29000  500

  241700 Nmm
L (240)

2EI 2  29000  500

  120830 Nmm
L (240)

Member 1:
240  0 00
x   1 and  y  0
240 240

Form Eq. (4.4.5), the stiffness is

4 6 5 1 2 3

 1208.3 0 0 1208.3 0 0 4
 
 0 12.6 1510.4 0 12.6 1510.4  6
 0 1510.4 241700 0 1510.4 120830  5
K'1   
 1208.3 0 0 1208.3 0 0 1
 
 0 12.6 1510.4 0 12.6 1510.4  2
 
 0 1510.4 120830 0 1510.4 241700  3

Member 2:
240  240  240  0
x   0 and  y   1
240 240

The stiffness is
1 2 3 7 8 9

 12.6 0 1510.4 12.6 0 1510.4  1

 
 0 1208.3 0 0 1208.3 0  2
1510.4 0 241700 1510.4 0 120830  3
K' 2   
 12.6 0 1510.4 12.6 0 1510.4  7
 
 0 1208.3 0 0 1208.3 0  8
 
1510.4 0 120830 1510.4 0 241700  9

Structural stiffness matrix and partitioning of matrices:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

 5   1220.9 0 1510.4  1208.3 0 0  12.6 0 1510.4   1 

0    
   0 1220.9  1510.4 0  1510.4  12.6 0  1208.3 0  2 
 0   1510.4  1510.4 483400 0 120830 1510.4  1510.4 0 120830    3 
    
 0   1208.3 0 0 1208.3 0 0 0 0 0   4 
0   0  1510.4 120830 0 241700 1510.4 0 0 0   5 
    
 F6   0  12.6 1510.4 0 1510.4 12.6 0 0 0  0 
 F    12.6 0  1510.4 0 0 0 12.6 0  1510.4  0 
 7   
 F8   0  1208.3 0 0 0 0 0 1208.3 0  0 
    
 F9   1510.4 0 120830 0 0 0  1510.4 0 241700   0 

The reduced matrix:

1 2 3 4 5

 5  1220.9 0 1510.4 1208.3 0    1   0

      
 0  0 1220.9 1510.4 0 1510.4    2   0
 0  1510.4 1510.4 120830    3    0
 
483400 0
   
 0  1208.3 0 0 1208.3 0    4   0
      
 0  0 1510.4 120830 0 241700    5   0

Solving these matrices, we have

 1   0.696 
   3 
 2   1.55  10 
  3    2.488  10 3 
   
 4   0.696 
  5   1.234  10  3 
   

Next the support reactions can be solved, i.e.

 0.696 
 F6   0  12.6 1510.4 0 1510.4  3  0   1.87 N 
F      1.55  10  0   5.00 N 
 7     12.6 0  1510.4 0 0 
 2.488  10 3       
 F8   0  1208.3 0 0 0   0  1.87 N 
     0 750 Nmm
0 
 F9  1510.4 0 120830 0
 1.234  10 3     
 

The internal forces can be calculated from Eq. (4.4.1) where k is determined from Eq. (4.2.1) and T from
Eq. (4.3.2). Thus, for member 1,

f  kT

4 6 5 1 2 3

 1208.3 0 0  1208.3 0 0  1 0 0 0 0 0  0.696 

 0 12.6 1510.4 0  12.6 1510.4  0 1 0 0 0 
0   0 
 
 0 1510.4 241700 0  1510.4 120830  0 0 1 0 0 0  1.234  10 3 
f     
 1208.3 0 0 1208.3 0 0  0 0 0 1 0 0  0.696 
 0  12.6  1510.4 0 12.6  1510.4 0 0 0 0 1 0   1.55  10 3 
   
 0 1510.4 120830 0  1510.4 241700  0 0 0 0 0 1  2.488  10 3 

yields to

 f4   0 
f   
 6    1.87 N 
 f5   0 
    
 f1   0 
 f 2   1.87 N 
   
 f 3   450 Nmm

The results are transferred to the diagram in Figure 4.7.2(c). By the same manner, the internal forces for
member 2 are

 f1   1.87 
f   
 2  5 
 f 3   450 
    
 f 7   1.87
 f8    5 
   
 f 9   450 

All the results for internal forces are referred to local axes system. Remember that when transferring the
results to the diagram, the degree of freedom should also referred to local axes as shown in Figure 4.7.2(d)
and (e).

Example 4.3

Determine the ends moments for the frame shown in Figure 4.7.3(a). Given I = 600 mm4, A = 12 mm2 and E
= 29 kN/mm2 for both members. Then determine the support reactions.

The numbering system for nodes, members and degrees of freedom is shown in Figure 4.7.3(b). The
equivalent nodal loads need to be calculated. The known displacements and forces matrices are

0  4
0  5
   0 1
0  6
 k    and Fk    30  2
0  7  1200 3
0  8
 
0 9

30 N
0.25 N/mm

1200 Nmm
30 +
0.25 N/mm 2
3 1 9 7
y 1200
2 3
180 mm = 5 1

6 4
240 mm 240 mm 1


1.81 N 43.5 N

y' x' 398 Nmm

146 Nmm
1.81 N (d)
43.5 N

30 N 30 N 24.6 N 35.4 N
5.37 N
5.37 N 0.25 N/mm
0.25 N/mm
35.8 N 35.8 N + = 35.8 N 35.8 N
802 Nmm 488 Nmm 1200 Nmm 1200 Nmm 398 Nmm 1688 Nmm

Figure 4.7.3

Member stiffness matrix:

For member 1,

AE 12  29000
  1160 N/mm
L 300

12EI 12  29000  600

  7.73 N/mm
L3 (300)3

6 EI 6  29000  600
  1160 N
L2 (300) 2

4 EI 4  29000  600
  232 000 Nmm
L 300

2 EI 2  29000  600
  116 000 Nmm
L 300

240  0 180  0
x   0.8 dan  y   0.6
300 300

From Eq. (4.4.5), the stiffness is

4 5 6 1 2 3

 745.18 553.09  696  745.18  553.09  696  4

 553.09 422.55  928  553.09  422.55 928  5

  696 928 232000 696  928 116000  6
K '1   
 745.18  553.09 696 745.18 553.09 696  1
 553.09  422.55  928 553.09 422.55  928  2
 
  696 928 116000 696  928 232000 3

For member 2,

AE 12  29000
  1450 N/mm
L 240

12EI 12  29000  600

  15.10 N/mm
L3 (240) 3

6 EI 6  29000  600
  1812.50 N
L (240) 2

4 EI 4  29000  600
  290 000 Nmm
L 240

2 EI 2  29000  600
  145 000 Nmm
L 240

480  240 180  180

x   1.0 dan  y  0
240 240

The stiffness is

1 2 3 7 8 9

 1450 0 0  1450 0 0 1
 0 15.10 1812.50 0  15.10 1812.50  2

 0 1812.50 290000 0  1812.50 145000  3
K '2   
 1450 0 0 1450 0 0 7
 0  15.10  1812.50 0 15.10  1812.50 8
 
 0 1812.50 145000 0  1812.50 290000  9

Structural stiffness matrix:

 0   219518 . 553.09 696 74518. 553.09 696 1450 0 0   1 

 30   553.09 437.65 884.5 553.09 422.55 928 0 1510
. 1812.50    2 
    
 1200  696 884.5 522 000 696 928 116000 0 1812.50 145000    3 
 F   74518 . 553.09 696 74518
. 553.09 696 0 0 0  0 
 4    
 F5    553.09 422.55 928 553.09 422.55 928 0 0 0  0 
 F6   696 928 116000 696 928 232 000 0 0 0  0 
    
 F7   1450 0 0 0 0 0 1450 0 0  0 
 F8   0 1510
. 1812.50 0 0 0 0 1510
. 1812.50  0 
    
 F9   0 1812.50 145000 0 0 0 0 1812.50 290000   0 

The reduced matrix:

 0   2195.18 553.09 696    1   0 

      
 30    553.09 437.65 884.5    2    0 
      
 1200   696 884.5 522 000    3   0 

The displacements are

 1   0.0247 
     0.0954 
 2  
  3   0.00217 

The next step is to compute for support reactions.

 F4   745.18  533.09  696  0 

F    0 
 5   533.09  422.55 928 
 0.0247   
 F6   696  928 116000    0 
       0.0954    
 F7    1450 0 0   0.00217  0
 F8   0  15.10  1812.50   0 
     
 F9   0 1812.50 145000  0

 F4   35.87 N 
F   
 5   24.64 N 
 F6    146.00 Nmm 
    
 F7    35.85 N 
 F8   5.37 N 
   
 F9   487.60 Nmm

The internal forces are calculated from equation f = kT. For member 1,

4 5 6 1 2 3

 f 4   1160 0 0 1160 0 0   0.8 0.6 0 0 0 0  0 4

     
 f5   0 7.73 1160 0 7.73 1160   0.6 0.8 0 0 0 0  0 5
     
 f6   0 1160 232 000 0 1160 116000   0 0 1 0 0 0  0 6
    
 f 1   1160 0 0 1160 0 0  0 0 0 0.8 0.6 0   0.0247  1
     
 f2   0 7.73 1160 0 7.73 1160   0 0 0 0.6 0.8 0   0.0954  2
     
 f3   0 1160 116000 0 1160 232 000   0 0 0 0 0 1   0.00217  3

Thus, the end forces are

 f 4   43.5 N 
f   
 5    1.81 N 
 f 6    146 Nmm 
   
 f1    43.5 N 
 f 2   1.81 N 
   
 f 3   398 Nmm

The results are shown in Figure 4.7.3(d). Similarly, for member 2, the results from the analysis can be seen
in Figure 4.7.3(e). These results should be combined with Figure 4.7.3(c) to get the actual end forces.


Q4.1 Determine the moment at A and C for the beam shown in Figure Q4.1. The value of EI is constant.
Ans: M A  18.5 kNm; M C  20.4 kNm

25 kN C
B 15 kN/m
2 1 3
1 2
1 3
3m 3m 4m

Figure Q4.1

Q4.2 Determine the moment at nodes 1 and 2 for the beam shown in Figure Q4.2. The value of EI is
Ans: M 3  4.71 kNm; M1  9.4 kNm

3 10 kN/m 2

1 2
2 3
6m 4m

Figure Q4.2

Q4.3 Determine the moment at nodes 2 and 3 for the beam shown in Figure Q4.3. The value of EI is
Ans: M 2  M 3  44.2kNm

4 kN/m

1 4
1 4
1 2 2 3 3

2 3
12 m 12 m 12 m

Figure Q4.3

Q4.4 Determine the support reactions at nodes 1, 2 and 3 for the beam shown in Figure Q4.4. The value of
EI is constant.
Ans: F1  F3  25.5 k ; F2  21.0 k

3 k/ka

1 1 2 2 3

1 3
4 ka 8 ka 8 ka 4 ka

Figure Q4.4

Q4.5 Determine the structural stiffness matrix K for the frame in Figure Q4.5. Take E = 29,000 ksi, I = 650
in4 and A = 20 in2 for all members.
Ans: K11  130.9, K12  0, K13  7854.17, K14  130.9,
K15  0, K16  7854.17, K17  K18  K19  0,

5 8

6 4 9
2 2 3

10 ka
4k 1
12 ka


Figure Q4.5

Q4.6 Determine the deformation components at node 2 for the frame in Figure Q4.5.
Ans: 1  0.761 in,  2  0.423 in, 3  6.84 103 rad

9 2
5 3
1 1 2

8 ka

6 ka 6 ka

Figure Q4.6

Q4.7 Determine the structural stiffness matrix K for the frame in Figure Q4.6. Take E = 29,000 ksi, I = 600
in4 and A = 10 in2 for all members.

Q4.8 Determine the rotations at nodes 1 and 3 and also the support reactions for the frame shown in Figure
Ans: 1  0.406 103 in, 3  0.149 103 rad, F6  0.818k,
F7  3.05k, F8  0.818k, F9  1.95k,

Q4.9 Determine the slope at A and vertical displacement at B for the column in Figure Q4.7. The values of
E, I and A for member BC is twice of member AB.

10 kN

20 kNm



Figure Q4.7

Q4.10 Find the ends forces for the beam in Figure Q4.8 if support B settle down of 30 mm. Then,
determine the displacement at support A. Take EI = 4000 kNm2 and A = 3000 mm2 for both


1 2

5m 4m

Figure Q4.8

Q4.11 Find the ends forces for the beam shown in Figure Q4.9. Assume that the values of E, I and A are
constant for both members.

A 6 kN/m
8 kN
1 2

5m 4m

Figure Q4.9

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