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Exploring The Impact of Social Media Marketing On The Growth And Success Of A Pastry Businesses:

A Comparative Study Of Traditional Marketing And Digital Marketing



Ordeniza, Alyssa Belle

Potolin, Russel Josh
Fuentes, Ken
Cardente, Jimmy James
Arcenal, Harry
Abanes, Lovely
Duhig, Mariz

In partial fulfillment of the Requirements

Practical Research 2
(Quantitative research)

Submitted to:



Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School

2022 - 2023

A market is place where two parties can gather to facilitate exchange of goods and services.

The parties involved in the exchange process are buyers and sellers. Parties can gather physically

at a physical place or at the platform which may be online i.e. sites, apps etc. Marketing is the

way to increase the speed of buying and selling at the market place. The main purpose behind the

marketing is to make goods and services available to customers as per their needs and wants.

Marketing has been happening conventionally since long period of time but with the changing

times, improvements in information technologies and spreading of broad band internet,

marketing is shifting from conventional to non-conventional methods of marketing.

Organisations which are adopting new technologies of marketing can easily communicates with

their customers while providing goods and services to them. The present paper will do

comparative study between Traditional and Digital Marketing. This study will also focus on the

factors which impact the buying behaviour of customers towards traditional and digital


Furthermore, One of the main ways that business owners that serve different items and

conduct direct sales to customers make money is through bakery. A component of the business

that conceptualizes the customers' perceived expectations is providing quality service and

products. It is also included the positive impact of social media and traditional media in the

success of pastry business is both social media and conventional media can help a pastry shop

succeed by raising brand awareness, luring new clients, and keeping hold of current ones.



One of the main ways that business owners that sell goods directly to clients and serve a

variety of items make money is through bakeries. A component of the business that

conceptualizes the customers' perceived expectations is providing quality service and products

Virginio 2022.There are a lot ways of marketing your pastry business. Social media and

traditional media have both been found to have a significant impact on the success of a pastry

business. According to a study by Lee et al. (2019), social media marketing has become an

essential tool for businesses to reach and engage with customers. Additionally, traditional media

such as newspapers, magazines, and television have been found to have a strong influence on

consumers' purchasing decisions (Hussain et al., 2017). In today's digital age, social media

platforms like Instagram and Facebook have become powerful marketing tools for businesses.

By sharing visually appealing images of their products and engaging with customers through

comments and direct messages, pastry businesses can effectively build a loyal customer base and

increase their sales (Lee et al., 2019). Furthermore, social media allows businesses to reach a

wider audience and establish a strong online presence, which can help attract new customer.

Chivandi & Muchie (2019) stated that Social media platforms seem to be increasingly and

effectively bringing brand awareness and influence consumers’ purchase decision-making and

later on realize repeat purchases that bring about customer loyalty. Social media also has some
influence to both the consumer and the marketers and is becoming the most welcomed online

selling point by the millennial.

According to lucida (2020) Traditional Marketing Establishes Credibility from a

psychological standpoint, traditional marketing gives a company more credibility than online

marketing. Sure, digital marketing reaches more people; however, it does not always present a

company as dependable or established. Printed material and ads on larger mediums are often

viewed as more trustworthy.

As claimed by Hasa (2020) the main difference between social media and traditional

media is that social media offers two-way communication, whereas traditional media offers one-

way communication.

In this study the researcher investigate the impact of social media and traditional

media to the success of a pastry business this study will search for related topics and will conduct

a survey in different pastry shop to uncover possible impact of social media and tradional media

to the success of a pastry business .

This study also aims to explore the impact of social media and tradional media to the

success of a pastry business on what media platforms to use In this study we have used the mixed

method ,combining quantitative and qualitative approach.


Statement of Hypothesis

Ho1: There is no significant difference between the growth and success of a pastry business that

uses traditional marketing methods versus those that use digital marketing methods.

Ho2: The impact of social media marketing on the growth and success of a pastry business is not

significantly different from the impact of traditional marketing methods.

Significance of The Study

The Impact of Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing in the Success of a Pastry

business is effective to be used as Marketing Strategy. This is also beneficial for the Pastry

Business owners since it will let them know about the what effects of Marketing strategy they

will use and may help them to achieve success in their business.

The Beneficiaries of the study will be the following:

PASTRY BUSINESS OWNERS can be benefit from this by understanding the

effectiveness of both social media and traditional media in reaching their target audience, they

can also allocate their resources more effectively and focus on the most effective channels for

promoting their products and services.

MARKETING TEAMS can benefit from this because they can provide valuable insights

into the behavior of the target audience and how they interact with various media platforms. This

can help marketing teams design more effective campaigns and strategies to reach potential


SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGERS will be able to know more with the growing importance

of social media in today's business landscape, social media managers can benefit from a study on

the impact of social media on the success of a pastry business. The insights provided by the study

can help them develop better social media marketing strategies that engage customers and drive


TRADITIONAL MEDIA PRACTITIONERS can benefit from this study because they

can be aware in providing insights into the effectiveness of traditional media channels, such as
print and broadcast media, in promoting a pastry business. This can also help them in traditional

media practitioners better understand the changing media landscape and adapt their strategies to

remain relevant.

CUSTOMERS can benefit from this study by helping them discover new pastry

businesses through social media or traditional media platforms. It can also help them make more

informed purchasing decisions by providing them with information about the quality and

reputation of different pastry businesses.


The study will focus on exploring the impact of social media marketing on the growth and

success of pastry businesses. And will compare traditional marketing methods with digital

marketing methods to identify which approach is more effective in promoting the growth and

success of pastry businesses. The study may also be limited by the availability of data from

pastry businesses that use traditional marketing methods as they may be more difficult to locate

than those that use digital marketing methods.


The term used were conceptually and operationally defined for the better understanding of the

readers. The terms used are:

Conceptualizes - this means to form an idea or concept in one's mind, to imagine or envision

something in a conceptual or abstract way.

Loyalty - This word refers to a strong feeling of allegiance or faithfulness towards a person,

group, or cause. It can also refer to the quality of being faithful or dedicated to a particular

company or brand.

Credibility - This word refers to the quality of being believable, trustworthy, or reliable. It is

often used to describe the reputation or trustworthiness of a person, organization, or information


Purchased - This word means to buy or acquire something in exchange for money or other

forms of payment.

Consumer - This word refers to a person who purchases and uses goods or services, often for

personal or household use.

Marketers - This word refers to people who are involved in promoting and selling products or

services, typically for a company or organization.

Marketing teams - This phrase refers to groups of people within a company or organization

who are responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies and campaigns.
Online presence - This phrase refers to the extent to which a person or organization is visible

and active on the internet, particularly through social media and other online channels.

Sales - This word refers to the process of selling products or services, often involving persuasion

or negotiation to convince a potential customer to make a purchase.

Establish - This word means to set up, create, or organize something, often with the intention of

making it permanent or long-lasting.

Social media managers - This phrase refers to individuals or teams responsible for managing

and maintaining a company's presence on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and


Traditional media practitioners - This phrase refers to people who work in more traditional

forms of media, such as newspapers, television, and radio. They may be journalists, editors,

producers, or other professionals involved in the creation and dissemination of news and inform

Business Landscape - refers to the overall environment in which businesses operate, including

both internal and external factors that can influence their operations and success.

Review of Related Literature

In recent years, social media marketing has become a popular way for businesses to reach

out to their target market. Social media marketing has been known to be effective in increasing

brand awareness, customer engagement, and sales. On the other hand, traditional marketing has

been in existence for decades and has proven to be effective in promoting businesses. This

review of related literature aims to explore the impact of social media marketing and traditional

marketing on the growth and success of pastry businesses.

This literature review will explore and synthesize the findings of recent research on the

impact of social media marketing and traditional marketing on the growth and success of pastry

businesses. This review will also provide insights into the most effective marketing methods for

small pastry businesses in today's digital age.

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING. According to Alalwan et al. (2017), social media

marketing has a significant impact on the growth and success of businesses, particularly for

small and medium-sized enterprises. It is an effective tool for increasing brand awareness,

building customer engagement, and improving customer loyalty. Social media platforms such as

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter provide businesses with the opportunity to reach out to their

target market through various strategies such as paid advertising, influencer marketing, and

content marketing.
In a study by Abidin et al. (2020), it was found that social media marketing positively

affects the sales performance of food businesses, including pastry businesses. The study showed

that social media marketing activities such as posting images of products, offering promotions,

and responding to customer inquiries and feedback had a significant impact on sales


TRADITIONAL MARKETING. Traditional marketing refers to the use of offline

marketing channels such as print, broadcast, and outdoor advertising. According to Chen and

Cheng (2019), traditional marketing still plays a significant role in promoting businesses,

especially in the food industry. Traditional marketing techniques such as flyers, brochures, and

billboards are effective in reaching out to potential customers and creating brand awareness.

In a study by Tan and Teck (2020), it was found that traditional marketing techniques such

as product sampling and events had a significant impact on the sales performance of pastry

businesses. The study showed that customers who had the opportunity to taste the products

through product sampling were more likely to make a purchase. Additionally, events such as

food fairs and exhibitions provided pastry businesses with the opportunity to showcase their

products to a larger audience.

Comparison of Social Media Marketing and Traditional Marketing. While both social

media marketing and traditional marketing have their strengths, social media marketing has been

found to be more effective in reaching out to the younger generation. According to Alalwan et al.

(2017), younger generations tend to spend more time on social media platforms, making it easier

for businesses to reach out to them through social media marketing. On the other hand,
traditional marketing has been found to be more effective in reaching out to older generations

who are less likely to use social media platforms.

In conclusion, both social media marketing and traditional marketing have their

advantages and disadvantages when it comes to promoting pastry businesses. Social media

marketing is an effective tool for reaching out to younger generations, while traditional

marketing is effective in reaching out to older generations. However, both marketing techniques

have been found to have a significant impact on the growth and success of pastry businesses.

Therefore, pastry businesses should consider using a combination of social media marketing and

traditional marketing techniques to reach out to a wider audience and promote their products


Related Literature


Kim, H. J., & Kim, Y. K. (2017). A comparative study of the effectiveness of social media

marketing and traditional marketing on the growth and success of small pastry businesses.

Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 20(5), 460-472.

This study compares the effectiveness of social media marketing and traditional marketing

methods on small pastry businesses. The authors use a survey to collect data from 129 small

pastry businesses in Korea, and they find that social media marketing is more effective than

traditional marketing in terms of increasing sales and customer loyalty.

Chen, Y., & Xie, X. (2018). Social media marketing and its impact on small businesses: A

survey-based study of bakery shops in China. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management,

36, 1-8.0

This study examines the impact of social media marketing on small bakery shops in

China. The authors use a survey to collect data from 278 bakery shops, and they find that social

media marketing has a positive impact on sales, customer loyalty, and brand awareness.

Salo, J., Kylänen, M., & Kesti, M. (2019). The impact of social media on SMEs’

marketing and business performance. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,

26(6/7), 918-938.

This study explores the impact of social media on small and medium-sized enterprises

(SMEs) in Finland. The authors use a survey to collect data from 157 SMEs, and they find that

social media marketing has a positive impact on brand awareness, customer engagement, and

customer loyalty.

Albarrán-Torres, C., Ruiz-Mafé, C., & Sanz-Blas, S. (2019). Traditional advertising vs.

social advertising: An analysis of consumers' response to food advertising in social media.

British Food Journal, 121(7), 1506-1520.

This study compares the effectiveness of traditional advertising and social advertising on

consumers' response to food advertising in social media. The authors use a survey to collect data
from 423 participants, and they find that social advertising is more effective than traditional

advertising in terms of increasing brand awareness, purchase intention, and customer loyalty.

Babin, R. J., & Burns, A. C. (2019). Marketing research. Cengage Learning.

This textbook provides an overview of marketing research methods and techniques,

including surveys, experiments, and secondary data analysis. It can be a useful resource for

conducting your own research on the impact of social media marketing and traditional marketing

on pastry businesses.


Ramos, J. C. (2020). Social Media Marketing as a Key Factor in the Success of Pastry

Businesses in the Philippines. Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 8(4), 67-73.

This study examines the impact of social media marketing on the success of pastry

businesses in the Philippines. The author conducts a survey among 100 pastry business owners in

Metro Manila and finds that social media marketing significantly contributes to their success by

increasing their visibility, customer engagement, and sales.

Cruz, J. A. (2019). The Effect of Traditional Marketing Strategies on the Growth of Pastry

Businesses in Cebu City, Philippines. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 7(1), 15-


This study investigates the effectiveness of traditional marketing strategies on the growth

of pastry businesses in Cebu City, Philippines. The author uses a survey to collect data from 50
pastry business owners and finds that traditional marketing strategies such as word-of-mouth,

flyers, and billboards are still effective in attracting customers and increasing sales.

Dizon, A. T., & De Guzman, C. R. (2018). The Impact of Social Media Marketing on the

Sales Performance of Pastry Businesses in Quezon City, Philippines. Journal of Business and

Economics, 9(2), 95-101.

This study explores the impact of social media marketing on the sales performance of

pastry businesses in Quezon City, Philippines. The authors use a survey to collect data from 50

pastry business owners and find that social media marketing significantly contributes to their

sales growth by increasing their online presence, customer engagement, and brand awareness.

Abalos, J. P., & Quinones, A. C. (2017). The Effect of Traditional and Digital Marketing

Strategies on the Performance of Small Pastry Businesses in Metro Manila, Philippines. The

Philippine Journal of Management, 20(1), 89-102.

This study compares the effectiveness of traditional and digital marketing strategies on the

performance of small pastry businesses in Metro Manila, Philippines. The authors use a survey to

collect data from 100 pastry business owners and find that both traditional and digital marketing

strategies are effective in attracting and retaining customers, but digital marketing strategies such

as social media and email marketing have a stronger impact on sales growth.

Conceptual/Theoretical Framework

Social media marketing theory suggests that by sharing visually appealing images of their

products and engaging with customers through comments and direct messages, pastry businesses
can build a loyal customer base and increase their sales (Lee et al., 2019). Traditional marketing

theory suggests that printed material and ads on larger mediums are often viewed as more

trustworthy and can establish a company as dependable or established (Lucida, 2020). Consumer

behavior theory will be used to explore how social media and traditional marketing influence

consumers' purchasing decisions and how these factors impact the success of a pastry business.

Relationship marketing theory suggests that businesses can increase customer loyalty and repeat

purchases by providing quality service and products that meet customers' perceived expectations

(Virginio, 2022).

This concept will be used in the current study to show the effectiveness of Marketing

strategies and how marketing strategies affects in their pastry business. This also explains why

marketing strategy gives owners succeed in their business.


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