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Management (MSBTE)

O publish its
qislative Acts likely toproposbe al for the

representations 5-44
appropriate received affrom fected and Inperfoconsrsmonsati.idoern of

Coordinating gOve rnment

Board for:
shall all Q.4
Which labor law
relates to the
Legislative Acts
the appoint an advisory between omployee, employer andtripartite rolationship
sub-commi t
Advisinraise, ees and wNork
g it as regards fixing
of (a) Individual
, classes
commit ees and (o) Both
( None
ate of revising minimurm Q.5
Which labor law concerns
Ans.: (b))

Q. 1
Explain the
Revew Questions and through the
{a) Individual
ermployses rghts at work
contract for work?
Illustrate theimpurpose
portanceof Labour legislation Act.
of (b) Colloctive
bour Q. 2
(c) Both
() None
Q. 3
ofExplain the terms Industrial Dispute Act. [Anis. : (a))
Workmen's Employer, dependent a.6 ... is a law making body
Q. 4 In what Compensation Act, 1923. and wages
condition employer is (a) Assenbly (b) Management
Act, 1923. under Workmen's liable
to pay (c) Organization ( ) Legislation
Q. 5 [Ans. : (d]
What do you
Minimum Wages by the
Act 1948? term Wages' under
Q.7 Among all the sources of law. which one is the most
patent and sovereign source of law making?

Multiple Choice Questions (a) Assembly (b Managerment

Q. 1 L(C) Legislation () Organization

Labor law is also known as [Ans.: (c)1
(a) Development Q.8 The tem that describes an act and states what the
(b) Employment future law will be for cases arising from it is .....
(c) Legislation () None o the above
(a) Labor act (b) Development act
[Ans. : (b))
(c) Industrial a c t ) Legislation act
Q.2 How many types are there of labor law? [Ans. : (d)
Q.9 The making of general orders by our judges is as
1 a) Two (b) Three
true as is carried on by the crown.
(c) Four () Five
Lla Legislation (b) Development
[Ans. : (a)] (c) Labor (d) Purpose
Q.3 law defines the rights and obligations as [Ans. : (a)1
workers, union members and enmployers in the Q. 10 Legislative act gives legal framework to relationship
workplace. between employer and
L a Labor (b) Development (a) Executive (b) Manager
L(CEmployee (d) Foreman
(c) Collective labor (d) All
[Ans. : (c)]
[Ans. : (a)]


a .25

Legislative Acts
(a) Payment of gratuity act, 1972
Q. 11 Labor legislation n India has a history of
(b) Fatalaccidents act, 1855
150 (o) Workmen's cornpensation act, 1923
(a) 10O (b)
(c) 200 (9 125 () Docworkers act, 1986
[Ans. : ()1
[Ans. : (d))
a. 12 Labor laws are enacted by the **** Q. 18 covers all manufacturing processes and
(b) Central Government establishrments falling within the definition of factory.
(@) State Govemment
(c) Legislation (d) Organization
[Ans. :(b)J Llay Applicability of act (b) Purpose of act
(c) Importance of act () All
responsibility for enforcement in
Q. 13 has the sole [Ans. : (a)]
labor laws.
Central Government Q. 19 Adult mneans a person who has completed his/her
(a) State Govermment (b)
() Organization ..... year of age
(c) Legslation
[Ans. :(b)] (a) 16 (b) 8 (c) 21 () 19
not the law related to [Ans. : (b)]
Q. 14 Which of the following is
Adolescent means a person who has completed
wages? Q. 20
1936 his/her .... year of age.
(a) Payment of wages act,
(b) Minimum wages act, (a) 16 (b} 15 (c) 17 (d) 18
(c) Payment of bonus act, [Ans. : (b]
Mines act, 1952 Q. 21 Child means a person who has not completed of his
[Ans. : (d)] year age.
related to
Which of the following is not the law (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 21
[Ans. : (a)]
(a) Factories act, 1948
Q. 22 ....... Means a person who is either a child or
(b) Mines act, 1952
1 C Payment of bonus act, 1965 (a) Adult (b) Human
() Plantation labor act, 1951
[Ans. : (c)]
(c) Aged person ) Young person
[Ans. : (d)]
Q. 16 Which of the following is not the law related to
deprived and disadvantaged sections of the
Q. 23 ..... Means a period of 12 months beginning with
society? the first day of January in any year.
(a) Leap year (b) Year
(a) Children act, 1933
(c) Calendar year (d) None of above
b Personal injuries act, 1962 [Ans. : (c)1
(c) Bonded labor system act, 1976 Q. 24 Means a period of 24 hours beginning at mid
() Child labor act, 1986 night.
[Ans. : (b)) (a) Night (b) Noon
17 Which of the following is not the law related to social ( Day (d) Month
security? [Ans. : (c)]
a. 25
Management (MSBTE)
e Acts means electrical
which is
energy or any orm of
generated by
(a) Work mehuman
chanicalandy anitramnsalmit ed and
is not a. 32
Child below the age
Legislative Acts
Kinetic energy (b) Energyagencies. (a) 16 (b) 15
of * should not be employed.

(d) Power () 14 (d 13
Chief a. 33 [Ans. : (c]
nd inspector appointed by...... [Ans. :()1
(a) Chief minister
Sections 11 to 20 of the
Factories Act doal about

(b) Prime minister (a) Welfare

State govemment (d) (c) Leave
(b) Wages
1(a) Health
Q. 27
Who mnay Central government a. 34
[Ans. :())

certifying appoint qualified

Ans. :(c)] Sections 21 to 40 of Factories Act discuss about

(a) Chief minister

medical practitioners as
(a) Health
(b) Prime minister (b) Safety measures
(c) State (c) Leave

Q. 28
govemment (d)
Central government
(a) Proper lighting
[Ans. : (b)]
Workers cannot be [Ans. : (c)] Q. 35 Section 11 of factory act deals with .....
hours in a employed for
day. more than ..... ( a ) Cleanliness (b) No overcrowding
(a) 8 (c) Both
(b) 7 (c) 10
(d) None
[Ans. : (a)]
Q. 29 [Ans. : (] Q.36 Section 17 of factory act deals with .....
Workers cannot be
employed for
hours in a week. more than (a) Cleanliness (b) No overcrowding
(c) Proper lighting (d) AlI
La 48 (b) 40 (c) 36 [Ans. : (c)]
(d) 30
[Ans. : (a)1 Q. 37 Section 35 of factory act deals with ....
Q. 30 If worker works beyond 9 hours a day or 48 hours a (a) Cleanliness (b) No overcrowding
week, overtime wages are ... the rate of wages are L( Protection of eyes
(c) Proper lighting
payable. [Ans. : (d))
(a) Same Q.38 Sections 42 to 49 of Factories Act discuss about
\by Double

(c) One and half (d) Triple (a) Health (b)Welfare measures
[Ans. : (b)] (c) Leave () Proper lighting
act has been proposed to be amended to allow [Ans. : (b)]
night shift for women workers. Q. 39 ...... means the permanent closing down of a pace
(b) Mine of employment or part thereof.
na Factory a) Closure (b) Industry
(d) Welfare (c) Award (d) Grievance
(c) Wages
[Ans. : (a)] YEARED [Ans. :(a)]
Management (MSBTE) 547
Legislative Acts
shall not be liable
a. 40
*****.means a person whohns not attained the age a. 42 Under this Act, employer s topay
of 18 years. Compensation in respect of any injury whiich does
or partial
disablerment of the
(a) Employer not result in the total
(b) Employee
workman for a period exceeding days;
(c) Minor () Managing agent
[Ans. :(c)] (a) 7 L(b) 3 (c) 5 () 2
Q. 41 No contribution is required for geting benefit under [Ans. : (b))
which of the following legislations? Q. 43 Statutory Minimum wage is fixed under..
(a) Maternity Benefit Act (a) Payment of Wages Act, 1936
(b) Workmen's Compensation Act (b) Minirmum Wages Act, 1948
(c) Both under (A) & (B) (c) Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
(d) None of the above
() Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923
[Ans. : (a)]
[Ans. : (b1




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