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License-Web ADI is available when you purchase Oracle HRMS.

Oracle web ADI Responsibility should have Desktop Integration Menu. In R12 we have set of predefined form functions for few Integrators. We need to attach those functions to Desktop Integration Menu to have access to those Integrators.

Security Settings

It is also possible to give access to all users if there are no security implications by setting the profile option BNE Allow No Security Rule to Yes

o o o o Go to Tools > Macros > Security Security Level tab change it Low. Trusted Publishers tab Check Trust all installed add-ins and templates. Trusted Publishers tab Check Trust access to Visual Basic Projects.

Internet Explorer o Go to Tools > Internet Options > Security Tab

o Click the "Internet" icon in the "Select a zone" box and then click the "Custom Level" button. o When the "Security Settings" dialog box appears, scroll down to "Scripting" on the menu. Enable- Allow status bar updates script. o Click "OK" to close the Internet Options dialog box and Close the browser window so that new settings can be used.

Getting Started
When HR: Enable Web ADI Integration is Y, the Web ADI Create Document program is invoked for an HR user by clicking on the Export Data icon on the toolbar of an HRMS window. Seq Prompt Submenu Function 10 Create Document Create Document 20 Define Layout Web ADI Layout Definition 30 Define Mapping Web ADI Text Mapping 40 HR Create Document HRMS Create Document These functions are sufficient to get you started, but more may be added for specific tasks. Note that the HR Create Document function is the same as Create Document but filters out Integrators linked to forms and the HR Startup integrators. When creating custom integrators the HR Setup Integrator (HR_SETUP_SETUP_INTG) should be run from the Create Document function. If an attempt is made to launch the HR Create Document function without having created any general integrators, the error,800:GENERAL% is an invalid Integrator Key

Integrator This is the definition that stores the information about the
action the user wishes to perform. For example, downloading specific data to a spreadsheet for viewing or to modify and upload back to the database. For ADE users, this equated to the Style.

API Application Programming Interface. This is the pl/sql interface by which

data is validated and uploaded into Oracle HRMS. You would associate an api with an integrator if it was intended to either create new data in the application or update data that had been previously downloaded. See Oracle HRMS Configuring,Reporting and System Administration manual for a list of supported apis.

View A view is an object by which you can query data on a table or tables.
If the action you are intending to perform involves downloading data, you must associate a view with the integrator. If you are using Create style APIs, you do not require a view. You can elect to use a seeded view, for example, PER_PEOPLE_V, to use with your integrator. However, if the integrator is for updating data, then it is recommended that you create your own views and remember to include the OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER, and any other In/Out parameters used by your chosen API.

Layout This is where the user selects the columns to be displayed in the
spreadsheet or Word document from the API and/or View used by the integrator. An integrator can have more than one layout defined for it. You can choose which one to use when you create your document.

Mapping the mapping definition links the data source to the api columns.

If no view is specified against the integrator or no text file used to load data, then no mapping is needed. When the data source is a view, the mapping is created automatically, however if a text file is being used then a mapping needs to be manually defined to associate each column in the file (source) to the relevant api parameter (target).

Creating Integrators in Web ADI

Creating integrators is a system administration step required to enable download or upload of data from and to windows for which no seeded integrator exists. Web ADI has two types of integrators: Application Integrators Standalone Integrators An Application Integrator links to a specific form. You typically use the form to download HRMS data, using some form restriction, modify the data, and then upload the data.

You use standalone integrators directly from the self-service menu function. These integrators allow you to create new data or download and update existing data. You can set up a query restriction to use at runtime. For Standalone Integrators the form name is GENERAL.

To Create Upload Integrator 1. Select HR Create Document from the menu. The Settings page of the
Web ADI wizard appears. 2. In the Settings page, select a spreadsheet viewer in the Viewer field. 3. Deselect the Reporting check box, as this integrator is used to upload data to the database. 4. In the Integrator page, select the seeded integrator "HR Integrator Setup". 5. In the Layout page, select the default layout "HR Integrator Setup". 6. In the Content page, select none. 7. In the Review page, you can see full details of the document that will be created. Choose the Back button if you want to change any of the information, or choose the Create Document button to continue

8. On Document Creation Review page, Click on Create Document button.

Open file and Enable Macros if prompted. A Processing window will open and a Confirmation window will advise when document has been created.
o Upl -Ignore o Metadata Type -Select List of Values from Oracle menu or right click on mouse. Choose CREATE o Application Short Name -Choose your Application Short Name o Integrator User Name - Enter a name for your integrator (For e.g. EMP Details) o View Name- Ignore (Views are only required for Download or update Integrators. For create style apis is provided by Manual input to spreadsheet or text File. o Form Name- GENERAL o API Package Name PL/SQL Package Name

API Procedure Name- Procedure Name Interface User Name- Enter a unique name Interface Parameter List- Enter a unique name API Type - Select List of Values from Oracle menu or right click on mouse. Choose PROCEDURE o API Return Type- Ignore o o o o

9. Upload by going to Oracle menu on spreadsheet toolbar, and select Upload.

Create Form Function o o o o o o

Function Name: SG_INV_LOCATOR User Function Name: Inventory Locator Web ADI Upload Description: Inventory Locator Web ADI Upload Type: SSWA Servlet function

Parameters: bne:page=BneCreateDoc Html call: oracle.apps.bne.webui.BneApplicationService

Associate Form Function with Integrator

1. Select HR Create Document from the menu. The Settings page of the Web ADI wizard appears. 2. In the Settings page, select a spreadsheet viewer in the Viewer field. 3. Deselect the Reporting check box, as this integrator is used to upload data to the database. 4. In the Integrator page, select the seeded integrator HR Maintain Integrator Form Function Associations ". 5. In the Layout page, select the default layout "Form Function Association". 6. In the Content page, select "Form Function Association". 7. In the Review page, you can see full details of the document that will be created.

8. Open file and Enable Macros if prompted. A Processing window will

open and a Confirmation window will advise when document has been created.


Enter the following details after getting excel sheet: Integrator application short Name: INV Integrator User Name : Inventory Locator Web ADI

Form function : SG_INV_LOCATOR 9. Upload by going to Oracle menu on spreadsheet toolbar, and select Upload.

Parameters To Integrator
1. Select HR Create Document from the menu. The Settings page of the Web ADI wizard appears. 2. In the Settings page, select a spreadsheet viewer in the Viewer field. 3. Deselect the Reporting check box, as this integrator is used to upload data to the database. 4. In the Integrator page, select the seeded integrator HR Create Standalone Query". 5. In the Layout page, select the default layout "Standalone Query Details". 6. In the Content page, select "Standalone Integrators". 7. Select Mapping o Mapping HR Create Standalone Query Mapping. o Application Short Name INV o Integrator User Name - Inventory Locator Web ADI Upload 8. Review page, you can see full details of the document that will be created.

9. Open file and Enable Macros if prompted. A Processing window will Enter the following details after getting excel sheet:

open and a Confirmation window will advise when document has been created.

SQL WHERE CLAUSE: WHERE ORGANIZATION_CODE = $PARAM$.p_organization_code PARAMETER_NAME PARAMETER_TYPE PROMPT Parameter1:p_organization_code VARCHAR2 Organization Code

Defining a New Layout

Use this procedure to define or modify a layout. 1. From the Oracle Applications navigator, select the Define Layout link. This may be under the Desktop Integration responsibility, or it may be located under a different responsibility assigned to you by your system administrator. 2. In the Define Layout window, select an integrator(Inventory Locator Web ADI Upload). 3. In the Select Layout window, define a new layout. Enter a name and layout key for the new layout. Layout key is used to internally identify the layout. You cannot change the layout key after it is specified. 4. In the Define Layout window, select the appropriate values for the fields. The Define Layout window allows you to determine the placement of fields, add optional fields, and set default values. All required fields must be included in your layout. Include optional fields by selecting the Select check box. The table that follows describes the fields in the Define Layout window.

Fields Description
Placement: Defines the location of the field on the spreadsheet. Choices
are Context, Header, and Line. In your spreadsheet:

o Context: Appears at the top of the spreadsheet as read-only,

contextual information. are uploading. This region appears above the line region in the spreadsheet. o Line: Fields whose values change for every record that is uploaded to Oracle Applications. This is the data you add and modify. For example, in the Journals integrator, Account fields should be in the line region. Default Type Constant: Used when the text entered in the Default Value field is used as the default value in the spreadsheet. Default Type Environment: Used to reference an environment variable when setting a default for a field. Values are as follows: o sob.chartofaccountsid: ID of the chart of accounts assigned to your current set of books o sob.periodsetname: Name of the calendar assigned to the current set of books o sob.transactioncalendarid: ID of the calendar assigned to the current set of books o sob.setofbooksid: ID of the current set of books o sysdate: System date o database: Name of the current database o ID of your current Oracle Applications user o sob.accountedperiodtype: Value for the Period Type in the current set of books definition o sob.currencycode: Currency for the current set of books o sob.latestencumbranceyear: Last encumbrance year of the current set of books o sob.adbflag: This flag returns True or False values if the current set of books have average balances enabled o sob.consolidationflag: This flag returns True or False values if the current set of books is a consolidation set of books Default Type SQL: Used to run a SQL statement to determine the default for the field. Web ADI runs the SQL statement entered in the Default Value field and automatically populates the spreadsheet with the results. If more than one value is returned from the query, it uses the first value.You can use the following tokens in the SQL statement for the Default Value field: o $profiles$.profilename: Returns the value for the current users profile when you enter the name of the profile option. o $env$.userid: Returns the current user ID. o $env$.appid: Returns the current application ID. o $env$.respid: Returns the current responsibility ID. o $env$.language: Returns the current session language.

o Header: Fields whose values do not change for every record you

Default Type Parameter: Used to reference a parameter that your system administrator stores in the form function (Self Service Link) that you use to access the Create Document flow. The parameters that can be referenced are specific to each integrator.

Defining Mappings
You can choose to automatically import data into the spreadsheet during the Create Document flow. When you choose to import data on the Content page, Web ADI prompts you to select a mapping. Web ADI requires a mapping in order to determine where imported data should be placed in the spreadsheet. Mapping associates columns in the imported data with columns in the spreadsheet. You do not need to create new mappings for fields that do not have data, or if a mapped field is not included in the spreadsheet. You need to create multiple mappings for content only if the associations between the downloaded columns and the fields in the spreadsheet change. If you import text files with varied data structures, you may have to define more than one mapping for the text file.

Defining a New Mapping

Use this procedure to define mapping between source data and columns in a spreadsheet. 1. From the Oracle Applications Navigator, select the Define Mapping link.
This may be under the Desktop Integration responsibility, or it may be located under a different responsibility assigned to you by your system administrator. 2. In the Mapping window, select an integrator. 3. In the Select Content window, select a content to import. For example, Text File. Content indicates the information you will import into your spreadsheet. One or more mappings can be defined for a particular content. 4. In the Select Mapping window, select Define Mapping. Enter a name for the new mapping, a mapping key, and the number of columns to be mapped. Mapping key is used to internally identify the mapping. It cannot be changed after you specify the key name. Key names must not contain spaces. Number of columns in an estimate. Columns can be added or deleted later in the Define Mapping process. 5. In the Define Mapping - Source to Target Columns window, associate columns being imported from the content to fields in the spreadsheet. Click the list of values for the Source Column to view a list of available columns to import, and then enter the search criteria. (If you know the name of the Source Column, you can type it directly into the field without using the list of values.) Click the radio button next to the column name, and then click select to select columns to map. o Use the Target Column field next to each Source Column to create a mapping between the two fields. The Target Column list of values contains a list of columns that can exist in a spreadsheet. You may add new rows if more columns need to be mapped. Click the list of values for the Target Column to view a list of available columns to import, and then enter the search

criteria. Click the radio button next to the column name, and then click select to select columns to map. o Some Target Columns support the translation of ID values from Source Columns. To find out if the translation of IDs is supported by a specific column, select that column and click Lookup. If the column supports the ID translation, a check box appears under Lookup for that column name. To perform the ID translation, select the Lookup check box for the desired columns. 6. Apply the mapping definition you have created.

Defining Setup for Key Flexfields

With Web ADI version BNE.D, you have the option to set rightjustification and zero padding for every segment of a key flexfield, regardless of this setting at the value set level. Lists of values for flexfields apply character format masks after a segment value has been selected. These format masks such as right-justify and zero padding and maximum character width is derived from the flexfield value set definition. Use the Web ADI Setup Options feature to override the values specified in the value set definition. To set the right-justify and zero-fill format mask for a key flexfield, or for specific segments within the key flexfield structure: 1. From the Oracle Applications Navigator, select Desktop Integration,
then Setup Options. Choose Select Key Flexfields. 2. To apply the right-justify and zero-fill format mask to every segment of a flexfield, select it from the list. 3. To apply the format mask to specific segments of the key flexfield, choose Select Structure, and then select the appropriate segments. The Overridden column will display the number of segments selected.


BNE_MAPPINGS_TL Sample script to print out integrator details. Note only update integrators have apis. Reporting_Flag='N' Otherwise they are associated with the _INTFC entity

set Pagesize 1000 set linesize 200 set termout on set verify off spool bne.lis select distinct substrb(bit.application_id,1,12) APP_ID, substrb(bit.user_name,1,35) INTEGRATOR_NAME, bl.reporting_flag, substrb(blcv.layout_code,1,35) INTEGRATOR_LAYOUT, substrb(biv.user_name,1,30) ASSOC_VIEW, substrb(biv.interface_name,1,20) API, substrb(biv.upload_type,1,3) TYPE from bne_integrators_tl bit, bne_layout_cols_v blcv, bne_layouts_b bl, bne_interfaces_vl biv where bit.INTEGRATOR_CODE = biv.INTEGRATOR_CODE and biv.interface_code = blcv.INTERFACE_CODE and bit.integrator_code=bl.integrator_code and upper(bit.user_name) like upper('%&&Integrator_name%') order by bl.reporting_flag / Sample script to find integrators associated with a form function select security_code Integrator, security_type Type, security_value Function from bne_security_rules where application_id=800 and security_value = '&function_name'

2. The following View lets are available for download from Metalink to help with
the HR Integrator setup. Patch Patch Patch Patch Patch Patch Patch 3196431 4125542 3196360 3196357 3196355 4125537 4112747 Disabling integrators Creating standalone integrators Mail merge example Upgrading ADE to Web ADI Download example Creating integrators Associating Form Functions with integrators

3. Debugging
You can get a log file to help diagnose an error in Web ADI. The following profile options need to be set: BNE: Server Log Filename: Use this profile option to change the name of the Web ADI log file on the middle tier. If this profile option is not set, bne.log is used. BNE: Server Log Path: This profile option can be used to set the directory for the Web ADI log file on the applications server. If this profile option is not set, then the FND_TOP/log directory is used. BNE: Server Log Level: This profile option determines the level of detail that is recorded in the Web ADI log file. The valid values are noted below. The level of granularity and amount of information recorded to the log file increases as you move down the list. CRITICAL_ERROR: - Messages that are the result of a system failure. The integrity and reliability of the system is in doubt as a result of this error. ERROR: - Messages that are the result of an unexpected error in the system. It is possible to recover from these errors; the system may still be in a usable state. Setting the profile option to this value will includeCRITICAL_ERROR messages in the log file. WARNING: - Messages trapped by the application.These errors were handled by the application but the system administrator should be aware of them occurring. Setting the profile option to this value will includeERROR and CRITICAL_ERROR messages as well. INFORMATION: - Additional messaging is added to the log file that includes processing information. Setting the profile option to this value includes CRITICAL_ERROR, WARNING, and ERROR log messages. This is the setting that is used by Web ADI if the profile option is not set at the site level. DETAIL: - Messages that summarize what is written to the log file. Setting the profile option to this value includes CRITICAL_ERROR, WARNING, ERROR, and INFORMATION log messages. TRACE: - Messaging that generated detailed debugging statements. Setting the profile option to this value includes CRITICAL_ERROR, WARNING, ERROR, INFORMATION and DETAIL log messages. 4. Creating an Integrator in an NLS environment The script $BNE_TOP/sql/BNENLINS.sql needs to be run to populate multiple language rows on BNE_INTEGRATORS_TL table

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