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Name: _________________________ Year & Section: ___________________ Score: _________

Given the diagram below supply 3 keywords you have understood from each of the functions


A. Multiple Choice
Instructions: Write the CAPITAL LETTER of the correct answer in the space provided before each number.
_____1. This is a management function which includes assigning tasks to various individuals.
a. Planning b. Leading c. Staffing d. Controlling
_____2. This is a management function that involves choosing tasks that must be performed to attain organizational goals, outlining
how the tasks must be performed and indicating when they should be performed.
a. Planning b. Leading c. Organizing d. Controlling
_____3. This is a management function which is also referred to as motivating and directing.
a. Planning b. Leading c. Organizing d. Controlling
_____4. This is a management function where a manager’s role is to gather information that measures performance of his
subordinates and compare present performance to pre-established norms.
a. Planning b. Leading c. Organizing d. Controlling
_____5. This is a one of the category of management style which leaders and workers have a two-way communication and team
members share their opinion in solving issues of the company.
a. Autocratic b. Persuasive c. Consultative d. Participative
_____6. Who is the Father of Scientific Management?.
a. Hugo Munsterberg b. Henri Fayol c. Frederick Taylor d. Max Weber
_____7. What is the guiding principle of scientific management found among the choices below?
a. Rule of thumb b. Freedom of association
c. Fluid working relationships d. Scientifically select then train, teach and develop the workers
_____8. Which feature does not form one of Fayol's 14 principles of management?
a. Esprit de corps b. Initiative c. Order d. individualism
_____9. What management theory which involves the study of the conduct, demeanor, or action of people at work?
a. General Administrative Theory b. Organizational Behavior (OB) Approach
c. Scientific Management Theory d. Henri Fayol’s General Administrative Theory
_____10. What management theory believes that each organization is unique as to marketing, finance, and others?
a. General Administrative Theory b. Organizational Behavior (OB) Approach
c. Scientific Management Theory d. Henri Fayol’s General Administrative Theory

B. Case Analysis
Instruction: Read the situation below then answer the questions that follow.
Mr. Julian is a newly appointed manager of ABC group of companies and was tasked to manage a newly developed team. He was
expected to perform the five functions of management and he was able to plan and organize activities for his team that
contributes to attaining the goals and objectives of the company. He was able to assign staff to the different tasks that are essential
and was able to influence his subordinates to do the task assigned to them by distributing power and authority to his trusted
subordinates and letting them share the responsibility. As the team competently completed their task and was able to attain its goal
to a minimum effort, an observation was made by his supervisor as Mr. Julian’s subordinates are starting to slack on their job and was
not able to surpass its current accomplishment on the following months. Their performance began to decrease by a small
percentage. Since their performance is still manageable, the new manager did not mind at all and did not make any adjustments
and strategies to correct their behavior since he wanted to remain in a close bond with his subordinates.

1. What management functions where accomplished by the new manager?
2. What management functions where not accomplished by the new manager?
3. Which type of management was evident in his leadership?
4. Which among the three management process are where present in Mr. Julian’s management?
5. Explain what should Mr Julian do for him to be able to correct this problem? And which do you think is the best type of leadership
to use in this situation?

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