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Deming's Quality Circle

Deming's Quality Circle is a group of employees who come together voluntarily to

identify, analyze, and solve work-related problems with the aim of improving the
quality of products or processes within an organization.

Key principles of Deming's Quality Circle include:

 Voluntary Participation: Employees choose to participate in Quality Circles

voluntarily, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment to the
improvement process.
 Problem Identification and Analysis: Quality Circles focus on identifying and
analyzing problems related to quality, productivity, or processes within their
scope of work.
 Team Collaboration: Members work collaboratively as a team, drawing on
their collective skills, knowledge, and experience to propose solutions to the
identified problems.
 Continuous Improvement: The primary goal is continuous improvement.
Quality Circles aim to implement solutions and monitor their effectiveness,
iterating as necessary to achieve on going enhancements.
 Employee Empowerment: Deming emphasized the importance of empowering
employees to contribute to the improvement process, recognizing their
valuable insights and expertise.
 Communication and Feedback: Quality Circles emphasize open
communication and feedback, ensuring that insights and recommendations
are shared effectively within the organization.

The concept of Quality Circles aligns with Deming's broader philosophy, which
advocates for a systematic approach to quality management, focusing on continuous
improvement, customer satisfaction, and the engagement of employees at all levels
in the organization.

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