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Higher Mind Incense

Listening To Incense Program


Fire is an Element of dynamic energy. In an energetic and physical sense, it can be found at
the heart of many things. The sacred Element of Fire is an eternal flame that animates all of
life. Fire is found within the hearts of all living creatures and resembles the Life Force. It also
illuminates our world, is found at the center of the Earth and throughout her veins, and is a
major philosophical focus in the works of traditional Alchemy, Taoism, and many other
spiritual traditions.

The vibrant sun, a massive ball of intense burning combustion, sheds its light and warmth
upon the surface of the Earth, sharing its energy and vitality while keeping the atmosphere
warm and ideal for flourishing life. Deep beneath the Earth’s crust, at her heart-center, we
find the Fire Element again. Heated air, water, and liquid hot magma travel through passages
and veins all throughout the Earth, often surfacing in raging volcanos, lava fields, and the
more tolerable (and relaxing) hot springs. In this way, Fire is above us and below our feet,
while the spiritual Fire lives within our hearts.

© 2016 Evan Purcell, Higher Mind Incense LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Fire is a consuming force. In a philosophical sense, it is purifying and cleansing, burning away
undesirable things from the psyche and the emotional, physical, and energetic bodies. The
Fire Element strongly effects self expression, passion, desire, joy, laughter, enthusiasm, drive,
ambition, and determination. It is an initiator and it has spirit and brilliance. When stagnation
is present in different areas of life (relationship, spirituality, exercise, emotions, etc.) Fire can
help bring life, energy, and stimulation. In the peak season of Fire, summer, these energies can
be felt the most as temperatures, action, and ambition arise, and goals are strived towards.

Alchemical Symbol for Fire

The Fire Element in Plants

Strong Fire Element plants are often found to be dry, growing in arid regions such as deserts
(frankincense, juniper). In the summer months, flowering Fire-dominant plants express their
beauty and force with brilliant, bright flowers. Though any color may be expressed by a Fire
plant, most commonly these flowers are yellow, orange, or red.

As each part of every plant is likened to a particular Element (Earth: roots, Water: trunk), in
general, flowers, seeds, and fruits are believed to be the part of any plant that is ruled by the
Fire Element, whether this Element is very dominant in the plant or not. Though physical
flowers are ruled by Fire, floral aromas relate most to the Water Element in the ancient system
of Ayurveda. To make matters a little more confusing, there are a handful of floral aromas that
are traditionally associated to the Fire Element, in a lesser degree.

Fire Element plants can also be very oily to the touch. Plant resins or oils exuding from pores
in the leaves, foliage, or other parts of a plant is a classic expression of this Element. Fire
plants tend to be very healthy, radiant, and vibrant in their energy. They are often medium
sized and move upward in their expansion. Thorns, spines, or serrated edges can also be a
strong indication of Fire plants.

The distinct aromas associated with Fire Element plants are: pungent, spicy, warming, exotic,
musky, floral, sharp, and light. As mentioned previously, when trying to discover a plant’s
dominant Element, it is important to look at every aspect: environment, morphology,
physiological effects, psychological effects, aromas, tastes, actions, and the essence, nature,
overall feeling, and spirit of the plant. Only by looking at the entire picture can we properly
determine a plant’s Elemental correspondence.

© 2016 Evan Purcell, Higher Mind Incense LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Juniper tree, Eastern Oregon high desert
Frankincense: extremely dry, arid environment

Ripe Cloves: red flower buds, oily leaves

Flowering Ginger plant: intense, red flowers

© 2016 Evan Purcell, Higher Mind Incense LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Aromatic Incense Plants that express a strong Fire Element:


Fire on the Psycho-spiritual Planes

The sacred Fire Element, or Grandfather Fire, as it is referred to by Native Americans and
other indigenous peoples, is a profound teacher. It is present in most rituals and ceremonies
around the world, oftentimes at the heart of a ceremony. In this way it can be found in many
forms: a raging bonfire, a steady fire, coals, burning incense, hot stones, and more. Humans
have gathered around fires and hearths since the beginning of time for warmth, comfort,
protection from the dangers of night, sharing wisdom and stories, and to better understand
the mystery and teachings through the flames.

Fire is an ancient force. One of my Native teachers always tells people that through the Fire,
one can gain any wisdom. As Fire has been burning throughout the existence of man, keeping
people warm, cooking our food, enriching our rituals, its spirit has heard and witnessed
everything on Earth from the beginning of time and beyond. In learning to tend a fire in a
sacred or ritualistic way, one can learn how to better tend to their life in its deeper aspects.
Just like meditation or working on deepening relationship to a plant, inviting an Element into
your life and discovering its wisdom takes time, patience, and diligence.

Fire is a Yang and masculine Element. Through working with the sacred Fire Element in a
psycho-spiritual way, people often become stronger in many aspects of their life: confidence,
inner power, vitality, etc. It also teaches focus as well as caution, helping one to be more
present and aware. Many disciples of various spiritual and meditation practices are taught to
focus on a candle for long periods of time to sharpen their mental focus as well as strengthen
the vision. Through meditating with a flame, many sacred teachings of Fire can be revealed. It
is the same way with incense. Meditating and focusing on the ember and rising smoke from
incense is an ancient technique that can reveal profound wisdom to the dedicated wisdom
seeker with patience.

© 2016 Evan Purcell, Higher Mind Incense LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Excess Fire is expressed through the emotions of anger, frustration, hate, and rage. As one
begins to understand how this force moves and operates, one can begin to transform these
intense emotions into love, compassion, care, and a warm, open heart; all positive, balanced
aspects of the Fire Element. It is important never to suppress any emotions, but to release
them in a healthy way. For fiery emotions, expressing them through movement (running,
exercise, dance, music), healthy communication, or balancing and cooling them with the help
of the Water Element (Elemental incense, diet, swimming, etc.) are beneficial ways to keep
the internal Elements in harmony.

Just as Water takes on its many different forms, so does the Element of Fire. Fire comes in
the warming rays of the sun, the intense burning of a raging wildfire, an erupting volcano,
flowing lava, the heat of a vast desert, a lightning storm, a warm summer breeze, relaxing hot
springs, smoldering coals, etc. Just as Water reflects human emotions through its many forms,
so does the Fire Element. These different states of being resemble the many states within the
emotional human organism, from intense bursts of rage, to the smoldering warmth of

In Carl Jung’s system, Fire is associated with the intuition. As we have discussed in the
workbook, the intuition is not a phycological function, but one that is a mediation between the
heart, mind, and the Great Mystery; though it is often perceived by the mind. My friend Sajah
Popham says, “Intuition dawns within us when we reach the psychological edge, when we
have pushed the boundary and limit of our rational mind to its brink. In that moment, we take
the leap from the mind and into the heart, where a whole new dimension of perspective
enters.” In this way, light is shed on the bigger picture and we are less concerned with the
smaller thoughts and concerns of the mind. Through the intuition and its association with the
Fire Element, our path is illuminated, helping us to take our next steps with confidence and

Just as a Fire Element plant produces healthy seeds or flowers, humans express a healthy
Fire through a positive attitude towards completing goals and tasks with vibrancy and
determination. With perseverance and passion, we can enjoy the fruits of our labors.
Ultimately, Fire reveals truth. Through working with the Fire Element, our own personal
truths are revealed, or strengthened, and we learn how to live in more alignment with those
truths as Fire burns away all that is not in alignment with them. Fire can also help us find the
courage, inspiration, and motivation to shine our light into the world, sharing our own unique
gifts with a new sense of empowerment.

© 2016 Evan Purcell, Higher Mind Incense LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Connecting to Fire

In addition to burning aromatic Fire plants to balance out fiery energies or emotions within
the body/mind, or to acknowledge or work with Fire on a spiritual level, there are many other
powerful ways in which to connect to this wise and sacred Element. To Native Americans,
Fire holds infinite wisdom. As one of my teachers says, it has witnessed everything on the
Earth, every ceremony and ritual where there was a living, burning fire, every incense and
prayer that has been said with it, every cook fire, campfire, family hearth, and so on. By
establishing a sacred connection to Fire, a passageway to its endless wisdom begins to open
itself to us.

One of the most simple and ancient ways to connect with the sacred Fire Element is by
lighting a candle and meditating with it in your focus. This can also be done with burning
incense, gazing at the ember and smoke. Over time, doing so helps to refine the mind, focus,
awareness, and vision. Usually, people will keep their vision soft, eyelids low, but eyes open in
this practice. Another beautiful way to connect to this Element is by waking before the sun
comes up over the horizon and watching the sunrise. Witnessing a sunset in its colorful beauty
is also a great way to acknowledge Fire. All around the world, prayers have been spoken to
the rising and setting sun throughout many cultures over thousands of years.

There is no better way to connect with the Fire Element than having an actual fire in front of
you. You can light and tend a bonfire, campfire, or fire in your stove during the night time,
hold your own personal Fire ritual, use coals from the fire to burn loose incense or resins, pray
to your fire, or gaze into the flames or coals and meditate on this powerful, illuminating,
transformative force. In many traditions people use bonfires at particular times of the year to
cleanse and purify themselves or the past year and bring light into the next. People chant, sing
songs, pray, or dance around fires to celebrate the many qualities of Fire. Burning objects that
symbolize things that no longer serve us, old journal pages, or sacred offerings are also
profound ways to let go and move forward.

© 2016 Evan Purcell, Higher Mind Incense LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Another way to connect with your inner Fire is by being active. Participating in competitive
sports, exercising, hiking, dancing, or getting the blood pumping in any way is acknowledging
and stoking your inner Fire. An extreme way to work with the movement of Fire is to take up
Fire poi, or traditional Polynesian Fire spinning. Sharing in passion, compassion, or sacred
intimacy with a lover is also a way to honor your personal Fire. Laughter, joy, and having fun
are all expressions of the Fire Element, so be sure to do what you love to do full heartedly and
live your passions to the fullest.

By learning about the four Elements beyond incense and plant medicine, their energies and
qualities can be revealed in many different ways. Learning to see and feel the Elements
throughout your daily life is the best way to become fluent in their living language. As you get
better at living in harmony with the Elements they will begin to show through your incense or
herbal crafting with more intention and understanding, and your incense practice will take on
a whole new level.

Fire Correspondences:

Human Body: metabolism, digestion, small intestine, heart, immune system, eyes
Sense: Sight
Balanced Emotions and Psychology: faithful, hopeful, passionate, focused, inspired,
confident, courageous, productive, patient, motivated, trusting of intuition, intuitive,
compassionate, empowered, emotionally balanced, spiritual dedication, open-hearted
Imbalanced Emotions and Psychology: anger, frustration, envy, judgmental, impatience,
hate, rage, overly determined, overly ambitious, intense personality, loud, emotionally cold,
shy, anxiety, fear, self-doubt, feelings of rejection, hard-hearted
Rulership: Spiritual Body
Chakra: Solar Plexus (3rd)
Dosha: Pitta
Plant Parts(most common): seeds, fruit, flowers
Effect: Spiritual Virtues
Season: Summer
Medicine Wheel: South
Aromas: spicy, pungent, sharp, light, warming, exotic, floral musk
Environments: deserts, dry and arid lands, direct sun, southward facing slopes, drought
areas, post brush fires, post forest fires
Tastes: pungent, sour, salty
Astrological Signs: Ares, Leo, Sagittarius
Carl Jung’s Psychic Function: Intuition
Energetics: Yang, masculine, dynamic, volatile, active, spontaneous
Qualities: hot, dry, mobile, sharp, light, warming, stimulating, cleansing, purifying,
metabolizing, transforming, penetrating, distilling

© 2016 Evan Purcell, Higher Mind Incense LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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