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Lesson Plan in

English 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. Define analogy
b. Analyze relationships presented in analogies.
c. Supply other words or expressions that completes an analogy.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Analogy
B. References:
C. Materials: Laptop, Power Point
D. Values Integration: Develop Higher-Order Thinking Skills and Verbal
reasoning of the learners.

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review

To check the knowledge of the students about the lesson that they
are about to learn, they will be given an activity to answer. The title of the
activity is, “BE A MATCH MAKER”, the students will match the words

B. Lesson Proper
Activity: DIRECTIONS: Know the relationship of the first pair of words so
that you can select the correct answer to complete the second pair of word.
1. large : big : : shout : ______________________
a. cry b. scream c. anxious
2. wheel : car : : branch :______________________
a. leaf b. flower c. tree
3. hand : glove : : foot :______________________
a. toe b. sock c. shoe
4. ruler : measure :: scissors: ______________________
a. sew b. cut c. knit
5. Philippine: Peso:: America: _____________________
a. eagle b. Euro c. Dollar

C. Analysis
Guide Question:
1. What have you notice on the pair of words?
2. How were you able to pair those words?

● The teacher will discuss about the Analogy and the different
relationship use in it.

D. Abstraction
The teachers ask the learners these questions:
1. What are the different types of Analogy?
2. Why is it important to study analogy?

E. Application (1 minute) ( Give rubrics )

Group 1:Make 2 analogies using the synonym & antonym relationship

Group 2:Make 2 analogies using the part to whole relationship
Group 3:Make 2 analogies using the performer to related relationship
Group 4:Make 2 analogies using the cause & effect relationship
Group 5:Make 2 analogies using object to function relationship

IV. Evaluation
Identify the relationship between the first pair of words given below. From
the four choices, choose the pair of words that has the same relationship
as the original pair of words.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. chef : knife : : ____ : ____
A. computer : hard disk
B. famous : renowned
C. sink : drown
D. warrior : sword
2. Botany : plants : : ____ : ____
A. horse : grass
B. Zoology : animals
C. Cardiology : Physiology
D. rabbit : leap
3. scientist : laboratory : : ____ : ____
A. beautician : parlor
B. court : lawyer
C. theater : artist
D. factory : worker
4. question : answer : : ____ : ____
A. pen : write
B. shoes : socks
C. binocular : view
D. table : sit
5. king : palace : : ____ : ____
A. eskimo : igloo
B. barracks : soldier
C. cock : hen
D. nephew : niece

V. Assignment
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