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Webpage: Post Sign-in dashboard

What can be improved?

- Tutorial: Post the sign-up of a new-user, a tutorial pop-up that guides the first time user is
missing. A tutorial will help a new user in navigating through the tool.
- The email icon on top right, redirects to a new page altogether, when clicked. Ideally, it
should open a support query window then and there and help the user raise a ticket for
- The question mark icon on the dashboard page looks more like a FAQ page and less like
a customer support/help page. Can be replaced with a better icon.
- The customer support portal requires the user to login again. This makes the process a bit
cumbersome for the user.
- The pricing plans page after clicking on ‘upgrade me now’ has too much information and
too many plans. A lot of them are quite similar, and can be clubbed together. This will
reduce the cognitive overload from a user's mind.
- A timer on the top can be placed that shows how much time is left for the free trial to get over.

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