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1. Is the content of principle 2 of Administration unfortunately incorrect?

-> Risk management is associated with the responsibility of the administrator.

2. Which statement is FALSE when talking about approaches to risk in business?

-> Risk does not always exist.

3. The maximum revenue growth rate is not compatible with the minimum cost growth rate

B) adulthood risk.

4. Risk that cannot be spread is

D) the risk that monetary or property contribution compromises will have no effect in reducing loss.

5. What is the risk of a business being established but unable to reach customers?

 Risks in the start-up phase.

6. Risk financing is

D) activities that provide the means to compensate for losses that occur.

7. Speculative risk is

A) risk has both the potential for benefit and the potential for loss.

8. In which historical period did the perspective on risk management coincide with the perspective on
property insurance?

B) After World War II until 1960.

9. Risk can be dispersed

C) risk can reduce losses through contribution compromises (such as property, money...) and risk

10. A sudden decrease in the selling price of goods on the market is a type of risk due to the cause

A) objective.

11. Vertical risk is

D) risk along the traditional professional functional dimension of the enterprise.

12. Pure risk is

C) risks above which are unlikely to benefit the entity.

12. How many roles does risk management play in an organization?

C) 6 roles

13. In terms of the decision-making process, how many types of risks does opportunity risk include?
A) 3 types

14. Which of the following views is correct?

C) Risk management issues are associated with all organizational activities.

15. Which statement is FALSE when talking about risk management?

A) Risk management increases costs and expenses for the organization

16. Risk control is

B) activities related to avoidance, prevention, or mitigation of the severity of the loss.

17Risk management includes activities

A) identify, analyze, measure, and evaluate to find measures to overcome risks.

18. What is the content of principle 3 of Risk Management?

B) Risk management is associated with the organization's activities.

19. Horizontal risk is

B) risks occur in specialized functions.

20. Risk management principles do NOT include:

D) risk management must be associated with employee responsibilities.

21. What is the content of principle 1 of Risk Management?

A) Risk management must be goal-oriented.

22. The relationship between risk management, strategic management and operational management is

A) interrelated, intertwined and closely dependent, mutually complementary relationships.

23. The content of risk analysis and measurement includes

A) analyze risks, evaluate the level of damage and probability of occurrence to find solutions to prevent,
eliminate, limit and mitigate damage.

24. The risk of bankruptcy of the enterprise is

D) risk of decline stage.

25. What is the sequence in the risk identification process?

D) Identification; Analysis and measurement; Control; Sponsor

26. Which of the following statements is FALSE when talking about the role of risk management in an

B) Prevent risky business activities.

27. What is risk identification?

B) Identify a list of possible risks to arrange and group.

28. Identifying risks by directly observing activities taking place in each department and individual in the

D) Field inspection method.

29. For intangible damages such as opportunity costs, decline in health and mental health, what risk
measurement method is often applied?

A) Indirect method.

30. The sensory method is

B) methods that use the experience of experts.

31. The method of studying the quantity of past losses in risk identification is

C) by consulting archived records of past losses.

32. The method of working with other departments outside the business in risk identification is

A) through contact, exchange, and discussion with individuals and organizations outside the enterprise
that have a relationship with the enterprise.

33. Analyze losses through methods

B) analyze the losses that have occurred and base them on the hazards and causes of risk.
















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