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Be “ VIGNAN’S INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING FOR WOMEN (A) ‘Accredited by NBA for UG Programmes of BEE, ECE, CSE & IT Accredited by NAAC with A Grade (CGPA of 349/4.00 Academic Regulations (VR23) for Master of Computer Applications Programme Duration: Two Years (Effective for he students admited into I year from the Academic Year 2023-24 onwards) ‘Applicable for the students of Master of Computer Applications (MCA) PG Programme admit from the Academic Year 2023-24 onwards. The MCA Degree of Vignan of Engineering for ‘women shall be confered on candidates who are admitted 0 the program and who Fulfil ll the requirements for the award of the Degree LOELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSIONS ‘Admission to the above program shall be made subject to eligibility, qualification and specialization as prescribed by the fom ime to time ‘Admissions shall te made on the basis of merit rank obtained by the cindidotes at ICET examination or the qualifying Eniance Test conducted by the Institte or en the basis of any other order of merit as approved by the Institue, subject to reservations as laid down by the Govt. from time ote, 2.0 AWARD OF MCA DEGREE i. A student stall be declared eligible forthe award ofthe MCA Degret, if she pursues a course of study and completes it successfully in aot less than two academic yeas and not ‘more than Four academic years. li, The student shall register for ll 80 credits and secure all the 80 credits lil The minimum instction days in each semester are 90. iv, A Stodent, who fais to fulfil all he academic requirements forthe award ofthe degree within Four seademic years ffom the year of their admission, shal ‘ofthis seat in MCA course. Credit Defiiton: [Hour Cactus (oy per week Tore [Hour Tuoriat (1) per week T Credit. I Hour Practical (P) per week 03 Credit [2 Hours Practical (Lab) per week [1 Credit 30 ATTENDANCE ‘+A candidate shall be deemed to have eligibility to write end semester examinations if she ‘has pu ina minimum of 75% o attendance in aggregate of ll the subject + A students eligible to write te Intute examinations if she acquires a minimum of40% in each subject and 75% of attendance in aggregate of ll he subjects. + Condonation of shortage of atendance up to 10% ie. 65% and above, and below 75% may be given fora maximum of TWO times by the college academic committee * Condonation of shortage of atendance shall be granted only on genuine and valid reasonson representations by the candidate with supporting evidence ‘+ Shortage of attendance below 65 & in ageregnte shall in NO eae be condoned and not ligible to write ther end semester examination ofthat clas. ‘+ A candidate shall not be promoted 10 the next semester unleseche fulfills the attendance requirements of the previous semester, + A stipulated fee of Rs $00/- shall be payable towards condonation fee for shortage of attendance. Students availing sondonation on medical ground shall produce a medical 6010-675 (With any supplementary appearance) ‘The secured grade, grate points, status and credits cbiained willbe shown separately inthe remorandim of marks. 8.0 WITHHOLDING OF RESULTS Ir he student is involved in indiscplinemalpeacticetcour eases, the result ofthe student will be withheld 9.0 TRANSITORY REGULATIONS ‘+ Discontinued or detained candidates ae eligible fr eadmisson (within the duration ssmentioned in tem 2.1) as and when next offered, ‘+ The readmitted students will be goverted by the regulations under which the candidates bees admitted 100 MINIMUM INSTRUCTION DAYS ‘The minimum instruction days foreach semester shall be 90 working days. MALPRACTICES RULES DISCIPLINARY ACTION FOR / IMPROPER CONDUCT IN EXAMINATIONS ‘Nature of Malpracticesimproper ee Punishment Pie candidate Possesies or keeps accessible in| Expulsion from the examination all md ‘xamination hall, any paper note book, | cancellation of the performance in that sbject programmable calculators, Cel phones, | only ager palm computers or anyother form ‘of material concerned with or related to 1. (2) | the subject ofthe examination (theory or ‘practical) in which she i appearing but has not made use of (material shall include any marks on the body ofthe candidate which can be used a an ad in the subject of the examination) Gives assistance or guidance oreceTes | Expulsion fom the examination fall and it from any other candidat orally o by | cancellation ofthe performance in that subject any other body language methods or | only ofall the candidates involved. In case ofan ‘communicates through cell phones with | outsider, she will be handed over ta the police any candidat or persons in ooutsie the | anda case is registered against him, exam hall in respect of any mater. co) as copied inthe examination hall Tom | Expulsion from the examination hall_and any paper, book, — programmable | cancelation ofthe performance jn that subject calculators, palm computers o any other | and all other subject the candidate has altealy form of material relevant tothe subject | appeaced including peactcal examinations and Of the examination (theory or practical) | project work and shal not be permited to sppear in which te candidate is appearing. | forthe remaining examinations ofthe subjctsot that Semeste/yar. Tinpersoates any oer candidate a) The eandidkte who has Impetonated shall Be connection withthe examination, expelled from examination hall. The candi is also debared and forfeits the seat. The performance ofthe original candidate who Fas been impersonated, shall be cancelled in all the subjets ofthe examination including practical and project work) already appeared and stall not, 3 be allowed to appear for examinations of the remaining subjects of that semestryeae. The candidate is aso debarred for two consecutive Semesters from css work and all Extemal examinations. The contimaton of the course by the candidate is subject 10 the scaderie regulations in conpeetion with forfeiture of st. If the imposter is an outsider, she will be handed ‘over othe police nda cases egiered against him, ‘Sinuggles In the ARSwerbOOk_or Additonal sheet of takes out or arranges to send out the question paper during the feximination a ancuer hack or additonal sheet, during or after the Expulsion from the examination fall and catcelation of performance in tht subject and all the other subjects the candidat has ‘already Appeared incladiog practical examinations and project work and shall not be permite for the ‘emaining examirations of the subject ofthat semester year. The candidate is also debared for ‘two consecutive semesters from class work and all Exieral exarinations. The continuation of the course by the candidate is subject to the academic regulations in connection with forfeiture of seat ‘Uses objectionable, abusive or offensive language inthe answer paper orin eters (o the examiners or writes to the examiner requesting him to award pass racks ‘Cancellation ofthe pevTormance in hat bjoc. Refuses 1 obey the ordars oF the Chie? SuperintendenU Assistant E Superintendent / any officer on duty or mmisbehaves or ereats disturbance of any kind in and around the examination hall for organizes a walk out or instigates fothers 10 walk out, or threatens the ‘ charge or any person on duty in or outside the examination hall of any injury t his person or to any of his relations whether by. words, ether spoken or writen o¢ by signs or by visible representation, assaults the, or any person on duty in or ousie the examination hal or any Of his relations, or indulges in any other act of misconduct of mischiet which result in damage to or destruction of property in the examination hall or any Par ofthe College campus o engages in “any other act which in the opinion ofthe ‘officer on duty amounts o Use of unfair means or misconductor athe tnaney 1 ip the ery cond of te Tn cake of sodent of te college, they shall be expelled from examination alls and cancelation oftheir performace in that subject and all other subjecs the canfidtes) has (have) already ‘appeared and shal not be permite to appeat for the remaining examinations of the subjects of thar semesteyesr. The candidates also are debarred and rfeit their seats. In case of outsiders, they wil be handed over tothe police and a poice eases egistered against them Leaves the exam hall king away answer sript or intentionally tears ofthe Expulsion Wom the examination hall and cancelation of performance in that subject and all the other subjects the candidate has lead ° expt or any pat Treo inside or [appeared icloding prictical examinations and | ‘ute the examination Pal project work and shal not be pemited forthe Femaiing examinations of the subjects of tat Semesteyear. The candids i also debared for two consectve semesters frm clas work and all Exemal examinations. The conination ‘ofthe couse by the candidate i subject othe ‘academic repulaions in comecton vith forfeiture of sea. ‘Posies any Ital weapon or Firearm in | Expulsion om dhe craniaatia Fall and | ‘he examination hall. carcellstion ofthe perfomance in that sje and all ter subjects the candida has already | * ‘pend icing practical examinations and | projet work and shall ot be pemited forthe remaining examinatioas ofthe sess of tat Semester/year. The candidate in also debared and forfeit the sex. TT sudkat of he college. who Ws ota Student of the colleges expulsion From the andi forthe particule examination | examination Rall and canceltion of the ‘or any person not connected withthe | perfomance in ha subject and allother subjects college indulges in any malpractice of the candnte hae aleady appeted incladng Improper conduct mentioned in clase 6| praccal examinations and projet work and 5 Joe Stall “not be" pemited fore remaining cxamimtione of "theses of that Semester/sear. The candidate ip aso debared and forfeits the se. Perso) who donot belong te College will be handed over o police and apoio ese ville registered aginst tem. ‘Comes in ranken condi othe [Expuhion from the examination pall and ‘examination hall cancellation ofthe perfomance in that subject, and all ter subjects the candi has already 10, appeared inclading practical examinations and | ‘rject work and Shall nt be peed forthe ‘emaining examinations ofthe sibjets ofthat | Semester Cop SRT oe aa | Caton FOS uy, [esi sch a ding vaso o| sda ee ste conf bs eee’ | ‘during special scrutiny. {including practical examinations and project | Saker il cnoseryaxanans Tay malpractice 6 deed which 1 ot covered in the above causes 110 1 12, | shall be repoaed to the Instat for futer action to award suitable | pnistinent "|

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