10-PS Tamang Combine

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FORM 2G (See rule 4) NOMINATION PAPER Election to the Legislative Assembly of Sikkim from a genetal Constituency or A coustituency Reserved for Scheduled Caste Rees | 20. ao 91/4 /20n/R0 : at. 11,3) am. PART I* (To be used by candidate set up by recognised political party) T nominate as a candidate for election to the Legislative Assembly of Sikkim from the MO: IB iho KARARA nda. Assembly Constituency, 2 Candidpic's name Beeina...Stett...TaAaA sl. Fathers/modher's/busbemd's name...KAd, His postal address H. Non 2013. Ze is entered at S.No. RENE. CAabatele; My name is Bupar Rac... SAL. ‘Assembly Constituency, and it is entered at 8.No OF. ee oo Date 34:.09....2019... Signature of proposer PART O* , (To be used by candidate not set up by recognized political party) We hereby nominate as cundidute for election to the Legislative Assembly of Sikkim from the. Candidate's name. Father's/mother's/husband's name His postal address... His name is entered at $, No. the .. of the electoral roll for “Sirk ou the pert which is nocupplicube, Particulars of the proposers and their signatures r L Elector Roll No. of Proposer aa | SLNo. | Electoral Roll S.No. in Full Name Signature Date |. ofthe that pat | Constituency 1 2 3 4 st 6 ; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nene be ea electors of ta cnstiuony as proposes as requzed dr te proviso sub-section (1) of Section 33 of the Representation ofthe People Act, 194] PART HL 1 the candidate mentioned in PAA T* Bast, assent to this nomination and hereby declare that (@) Iam acitizen of nda and havenot acquired the citizenship of any foreign State, (b) Ihave completed....5) year of age; (©) @ * Lam set up at this election by the wSUstSL0%.. IRBONTISARL... MARCHA. ..patty; which is Tecognised Nationat Party/*Si Party in this State and thatthe symbol reserved for the above party be allotted tome. (W)* [am set up at this election by the . unrecognised political party*/that lam. symbols have chosen, in order of prefefence, ate ae ME Q... 26) A. - (@) my name and my fathers/mother's/busband's uame have beea correctly spelt out above in on Oadt SH, (name of the language). © 0 te best ofmy lmowedge and belief 1am qualified and not also disqualified for being chosen to {ill the seatin the Logislative Assembly of this State, “1 further declare that {am a Member of the...0. URELUAB LL. ofthe State of Sikkim Lalso declare that have: ‘not been, and shall not be nominated as 4 candidate at the present: ‘general election/the byé-clections being held simultaneously, to the Legislative. Assembly of Sikkim from more than two Assembly constituencies, ee - Party, which is a registered election as an independent candidate* and that the allt. - Caste which is a Scheduled Caste *Suike out which is not applicable. N.B--A ‘recognised political party’ means a political pany recognized by ‘he lection Commission under the Election Symbols (Rescrvation und Allotment) Order, 1968 in the State of Silekimn we @ ro) @ @ PARTIV (To be filled by the candidate) Whether the candidate - (fas been convicted - @) of any offence(s) under sub-section (1); of () for contravention of any law specified in sub-section @, Woe of section 8 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (43 of 1951); or Gi) has been convicted for any other offence(s) for which he has been ‘Seutenced to imprisonment for two years or more, Tthe answer is “Yes”, the candidate shall furnish the following information: © Case/irst information report No./Nos, 5: ERMAN E86 al.02e). 200906, .2013)/ RC-4 2005 Gi) Police Station(s),Sitsdina..xi6/eaace.District( BAS, ‘Sta UE OD cocoon. Gi) Seetion(s ofthe concerned Act(s) and brief description of the offfence(s) for which be has been convicted See..403 See 12080) Ky See AO3fUEE of IPC,18 60s Sec 1362) Rh) Sec (iv) Date(s) of conviction(s)..28..1 Ok 13 cdStiijol Pe. Act 1988. () Court(s) which convicted the candidate. Zt, the Specind Tesye Red) Sinkina wt barg kok (i) Punishments) imposed {indicate period of impriboamer (8) and/or Quantum of fine(s)} Unelon 62 hie 15a Alot SecA RCANADCII GE Act 988 coan nenbonced Si oo por and be pay a fine (il) Date(s) of release from prison." J0s.08»..2018.. See BT erg ashwere a ' wv yan. Bu (viii) Was/were epee verritongs) filed against above ARRIGO i 16 ia . Rani ctie OF ae Je Ginn matencashe’ (ix)_Date and particulars of appeal(syappli sions) forrevion Sit 4) mah Be eee 5 42. 2012. Te the. High layer, ps eb, ae AN naa 2 ®) RE PR ellen create 2 Sn et re Of OF is/s = (xi) Whether the said ap, ee eters 6c osed ane 4 . pending Ain, (xii) If the said ay )/apbplication(s) for revision ae been .serend ot - if Te Casprtme: tach 7 Iabin, (8) Date(s) of disposg). ln High. Casent-ol Sukhi Rees pase fa ji bes a RO GLE cried ‘Whether the candidate is holding any office of profit under the ‘Government of India or the Stace Government?.V0... akan ~Af'Yes, details of the office held......!-/MAvescssscssee he Whether the candidate hasbeen declared san insalventby any Court?..Na.(¥es/NO) ~If Yes, bas he been discharged frominsoivency, (VA... Whether the candidate is unde1 allegiance or adherenceto any foreign country?./V/a.(¥es/No) “AtYes, give details........0¢A. ‘Whether the candidate has been disqualified under section 8A of the ‘Representation of the People Act, 1951, by an order of the President? ../2eue, (eens ase ‘Whether the candidate was dismissed for corruption or: ee ae i halagofin under the lo) -AEYes, the date of such dismissal... Ab..ossese. 1 ‘Whetler the candidate has any subsisting contract(s) with the Goverment either in individual Covert orfor eatin oa cantata sharefr sappy fay ds to that Government or for execution of works undertaken by that Government’. (veal) and details of subsisting contract(s) ....:...0A. -ACYes, with which Governmey (8) Whether the candidate is a managing agent, or manager or secretary of any company or Corporation (other than a co-operative society) in the capital of which the Central Government or State Government has not less than twenty-five percent share?..ald. (veins). -If'Yes, with which Government and the details thereof... M4. (9) Whether the candidate has been aaa by the Election Commission under section 10A of the Ilr. “A. Representation of People Act, 1951. ..(¥es/NO) -Liyes, the date of disqualification. 2 2 Place: Nameni — / SI he Pandidate Date: 30.097. 2019 7 PARTV (To be filled by the Retuming Officer) Serial number of nomination paper . ‘This nomination was delivered to me at my Office (hour) on... *eandidate/*proposer Date..... “*Suike out which is not applicable, i © PARTI Decision of Returning Officer accepting or rejecting the Nomination Paper Thave scrutinised this nontination paper in accordance with the provisions of section 36 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 and decideas follows: ‘Retuming Officer PART VIL Receipt for nomination paper and notice of scrutiny (To be handed over to the person presenting the nomination paper) candidate for election from ly Const ivered to me at my Office t2) by the *candidate/*proposer.All nomination papers will be taken up (hour) on, (date) at, (place). Retuming Officer *Strike out which is not applicable] 'SGP/Comp, Ejection Dept/FomarFou 26/2017; 9.201480 Sot ONE HUNDRED RUPEES NON-JUDICIAL 4 FORM 26 (Soe rule 4A) AMFIDAVIT TO BE FILED BY THE CANDIDATE ALONGWITH NOMINATION PAPER BEFORE THE RETURNING OFFICE FOR ELECTION TO LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ROM 10 — CONSTITUENCY (NAME OF THE CONSTITUENCY) 5 PART-A |, PREM SINGH TAMANG Son of SHRI KALU SINGH TAMANG aged 51 years, resident of HOUSE NO 29/2, SINGLING BUSTY, P.O SINGLING, P.S. SORENG, WEST SIKKIM - 737124, a dandidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as i Mr, Ditip Kr Tamang Oath Commissioner (East) i High Court of Sikin ‘etn ton No. SHS (a) (2) 3) | am candidate set up by SIKKIM KRANTIKARI MORCHA (SKM) ("* name of the political party)/*" ar-centesting-as-an independent candidate-(** strike out whichever is not applicable) My name is enrolled in 07- SORENG CHAKUNG, SIKKIM (Name of the constituency and the state), Serial No, 762 in Part No. 10. My contact telephone number(s) is 8927745822 and my e-mail id is psgolay@gmail.com and my social media account (if any) is NIL. (4) Details of Permanent Account-Number (PAN) and status of filing of Income Tax return: SINo. [Names PAN The financial [Total income | year for which | shown in the last Income | Income-Tax Tax retum has | return (in) for | been filed os | the last five Financial Years | completed as ‘on 31 March Seif (PREM SINGH TAMANG) | AYGPT7904A | Exempted U/S | Exempted U/S Exempted U/S | 10(26AAA) of | 10(26AAA) of 10(26AAA) _ of | Income Tax Act, | Income Tax Act, Income Tax Act, | 1961 1961. 1961 Exempted U/S | 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempted U/S 410(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961, : Kr Tamang Mr. es of Skim ranean no MCSD IS 42 Ura ‘Spouse (Mrs. TAMANG) SARDA BRAPTS637E Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempied U/S 40(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted U/S 40(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempied US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. ‘Spouse (Mrs. KUMARI PRADHAN) BHAKTA, BDOQPP1112A Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. az) ‘Spouse (Mrs. KRISHAN ARPPRIO71A_| Exempted US | Exempted US KUMARIRAI) Exempted UIS | 10(28AAA) of | 10(28AAA) of | 10(26AAA) _ of | Income Tax Act, | Income Tax Act, Income Tax Act, | 1981 1961 1961 Exempted U/S | 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempied US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. 5 |HUF (if candidate is | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable KartalCoparcener) Not Applicable | Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 6 | Dependent-1 (PRABHAKAR | NO PAN | Exempted US| Exempied US GOLAY) ALLOTED 10(26AAA) of | 10(26AAA) of Exempted U/S | Income Tax Act, | Income Tax Act, 10(26 AAA) of | 1961 A861. pene Tek Ae Exempled US : 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempied U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempied US 10(26AAA) of of Shim Vide noteston No. MCSA 2019 Dependent-2 TAMANG) (PRABHA BLPPT0267F | Exempted _U/S 10(26 AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 - Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 “| Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, [1961._ Exempted U/S 40(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. 8 Dependent-3 TAMANG) L I (PRAKRIYA NO PAN ALLOTED | Exempted U/S | 10(26 AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of | Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. | Exempted U/S 410(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. | Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Note :it is mandatory for PAN holder to mention PAN and in case of no PAN, it should be clearly stated "No PAN allotted” (5) Pending criminal cases i Geciare that there is no pending criminal case against me. (Tick this alternative f there is no criminal case pending against the candidate and write NOT APPLICABLE against alternative (ii) below) oR Gil) The following criminal cases are pending against me: (if there are pending criminal cases against the candidate, then tick this altemative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details of all pending cases. in the Table below) NOT APPLICABLE ~~ Table (f@) [FIR No. with name | NOT NOT NOT \and address of | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE Police Station | concerned | | | Case No. with Name | NOT NOT NOT citieiGout APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE, Section(s) of [NOT NOT NOT concerned APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE ‘ActiCodes involved | | (give no. of the | | Section, e.g Section | of IPC, etc.) (@) | Brief description of | Nov NOT NOT offence’ APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE (©) | Whether charges | Nor NOT NOT S| have been framed APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | | (mention YES or NO) (8 _| If answer against (e) | NOY NOT NOT | above is YES, then | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE give the date on which charges were | framed. | (g) Whether any NOT NOT NOT | AppealiApplication | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | for revision has been filed against the proceedings (Mention YES or NO) | ke Tara ‘we, ie ones E29) os CT A HN th OAH ye Wooo" _(6) Cases of Conviction (i) | dectare that | have not been convicted for any criminal offence. (Tick this alternative, if the candidate has not been convicted and write NOT APPLICABLE against alternative (ii) below OR (ii) have been convicted for the offences mentioned below: (if the candidate has been convicted and tick this alternative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details in the Table below) TABLE [f@) | Case No. S.T. (VIG.) CASE NO. | Not ‘Not 02 OF 2009 (05 OF | Applicable | Applicable — __| 2013) | (b) | Name ofthe Court [iN THE COURT OF | Not Not THE SPECIAL JUDGE | Applicable | Applicable (PC ACT), SIKKIM AT | | _ GANGTOK Section(s) of SECTION 403: | Not Not SECTION —120B(2) | Applicable | Applicable concerned READ With ‘ActiCodes involved | SECTIONS 403/406 (give no. of the OF THE IPC, 1860 AND. SECTION 13(2) READ WITH SECTION 43(1)(@)(i) OF THE PC 5 ACT, 1988. ee (a) Brief description of | THE PROVENANCE | Not Not ach |OF FILING OF | Applicable | Applicable offence for which | CHaRGESHEETICASE | convicted AGAINST ME AND | OTHER FOUR | PERSONS, _NAMELY TIL BAHADUR GURUNG, _KESHU | AGARWAL, SUBASH TAMANG: AND SANJAY AGARWAL IN SHORT COMPASS WAS FOR | ALLEGEDLY HAVING COMMITTED | OFFENCES UNDER SECTIONS 468/120B(2)IPC; | SECTIONS | 420/120B(2) IPC; i SECTIONS | 403/120B(2) IPC; SECTIONS Ur. Bitip Kr en Oath Commissioner (East) Court of Sikkim 3 \ win e088 = ‘sii L 26/08/2015 | T370%070002 | on Bankof india, “00008 e Rs 4265 25.09.2019 | Namchi 4303 15,25,489/- | Balanceason | isRs. | Branch, Balance | (Rupees | 27.09.2019 Rs. | 100214.00 | Balance as on ason Fiteen | 6910.00 | (Rupees | 26.09.2019 25.092 | Lakhs (Rupeess | one Lakh | Re. 209586.00 o19is | Twenty Five | Thousand | Two (Rupees Two Rs Thousand | Nine Hundred | Hundred | Lakhs Nine 0407. Four andTen) | andFourte | Thousand Five 00 | Hundred en) Hundred and (Rup | | and Forty Eighty So) Four | | Nine) mm) | Lakhssix General | (IV) Dena Bank, | tyne (iw union Provident | Gangtok Thousa BANK OF Fund, Afe | Branch, A/c. nd Four INDIA, No12878 | No. Hundre Gangtok. du, 13981003403 dand saving A/e Balance as | Balance as on seven) No. : on 25.09.2019 is 5315020100 31.03.2019 | Rs. 9782.00 o7231 ish (Rupees Nine Balance as 33059.00 | Thousand on (Rupees | Seven Hundred | 25/09/2019, Thirty | and Eighty | Rs 1711/- Three | Two) (Rupees One Thousand | Thousand and Fifty | seven Nine) | Hundred | and Eleven) (iy | Beta oF Wa investment in Bonds Debentur | NIL NIL ib ni we fu | NIL s/ Shares and nisin companies/Mut ual funds and others and the ammount = TH) | Detals of | auc (ypostOffce [WA [UC (NL | Post Investment in| NIL | Gangtok | nn Aled Gangto office NSS, Postal Branch, 4311154797 k Acid Savings, Polo. Balance as 0 Branch | | #75200 Insurance 453753038, 25.09.2019 Pol No. 591 Policles and Summ Assured fs. 2007.00 as1149 Balance investment in fs, 100000.0, | ose aso any Financial (Rupees one Sum 25.092 instruments in lakh) Assured 19 Post Office or poc~ Rs. Rs. | insurance 10/06/2008 175000. 88540.0 Company and Dom- ° ° the amount 10/06/2020. (Rupees Surrender One Value as on Lakh | 26.09.2019 Rs. andsev : 6880.00 LC uc FiveTho | Gangtok usend) Branch poc- Bima Gold Pol saftan No. 995 | 451162628 | om— ‘Sum Assured 14/12/2 1100000.9 020. (Rupees one, lakh) Surrend poc- erVelue 20/3/2006 ason Dom- 2608.2 20/3/2022 og Surrender Rs Value as on 209879, 26.09.2019 Rs. 00 24225.00 (Rupees Two Lakhs Nine Thousa nd Five Hundre dand seventy |__ re Nine) L (| Personal Wa Loans/advance | | gventoany | NIL |v me NIL mu ff person or entity ineluding frm, Company, Trust etc, and other receivables | | from debtors | and the amount Twi) [motor Mahindra | MarutiSwift | NA NIL Ni Nit Vehicles/Aircrat Bolero mx ts/Yachts/Ships | NIL NIL Regd No: | Regd No: (Details of ‘SKO4P6276 | SKO4P2311 Make, No: | CNo. registration Manxi2w | MASEYE41500 number ete. gusczaad | 127956 Year of | 2 ENo: purchase and | Purchase | 239514 amount) value Rs. Purchase value 850000/- | Rs. 485,000 (Rupees (Rupees Four Eight Lakhs | Lakhs | and Fifty | andéightyFiveT | Thousand) | housand) | Yearof | Yearof | purchase | purchase r L 2018 2012 ¢: 9 eo ww. Di er (Eas oa ot stim High Cout SCS TEA go wenenton NO j NA (wil) a stolasot | Gtolasotgold | atoasof | 3Tolasof got NIL. Ltola | NIL bullionand | gold Value Rs. gold Value Rs. of gold valuable thing | Value Rs. | 269400.0 | Value 134700.00 Value (5) (given details | 134700.00 | (Rupees Two | Rs.179600. | (Rupees One Rs. cofweight and | (Rupees One | Lakhssity | 0 Lakh Thirty 4430.0 value) lakh and | NineThousand | (Rupees | FourThousand) (Rupees Thirty and Four ‘One Lakh | (Approx M.V.) Fourty FourThousa | Hundred) | Seventy Four 1nd) (Approx | (Approx M.V.) | NineThous Thousa Mv.) andand Six nd Nine | Hundred) Hundre | {Approx (Appr | Mv.) oxM.V.) Will | Any other ‘One32NP | NIL NIL NIL wa TN TNL | NL ) | assetssuchas | Bore value of Revolver No. | claims/interest_ | ABM-4073 (ix) | Gross Total Rs. Rs. | Rs.9,48,157.00 | NA Rs. Rs. Rs. Value 4,15,290.00 | 17,42,009. 2,10,27 | 5,21,14 | 88,540. | 0 | 00 |700 | | Details of immovable Assets 1.Properties in joint ownership indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be indicated lote: 2. Each Land or building or apartment should be mentioned separately in this format Note: 3. Details should include the interest in or ownership of offshore assets 3 | DESGRIPTO | SELF SPOUSE—1 | SPOUSE—2 | SPOUSE-3 | HUF DEPENDE | DEPENDE | DEPEN NO. |N PREMSINGH | SARDA | BHAKTA | KRISHNA ra | Nt-2 | DENT. Taman — | TAMANG =| KUMARI | KUMARI RAI PRABHAK | PRABHA | 3 PRADHAN ARGOLAY | GOLAY | PRAKRI vyaTa | | MANG | Agricultural | NIL NIL ikhatiyan | NIL NA NIL NL NIL land, | No, 727 Plot | Location (5) No. 681/3356 Survey | Soreng Block, number(s) West Sikkim ‘area (total_| NOT NOT 0.088958 | NOT NA nor [NOT | NOT measureme | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | Acres APPLICABLE appucas | apPuCA | APPUC nntinacres) | Le BLE ABLE Whether | NOT NOT ves NoT WA Not | NoT | NoT inherited | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE APPLICABLE AppLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC property ue pe | ABLE (es or No) _| Date of | NOT NOT NOT NOT NA not [NOT | NOT Purchase in | APPLICABLE APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE appuicas | appuica | APPLIC case of elt jue BE | ABLE acquired | property gee > Tamang, Ae Min Cot Seer $0 14 aa on™ Cost ofland | NOT NOT NOT NOT NA Not. not [NOT | | “\ncase of | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC | purchase) _ = Le BLE ABLE ‘Any NOT NOT NO NOT NA noT [NOT | NOT investment | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE. | APPLICABLE AppLicaB | APPLICA | APPLIC ‘on the land it ‘BLE | ABLE | by way of developmen u construction ate. | Approximat | NOT NOT Rs. NOT NA wor [NOT | NOT current. | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | 465000.00 | APPLICABLE Apeuicas | APPLICA | APPLIC market | Le BLE ABLE value @ 7 Singing | Jaraal ‘DNayabazar, | TinzirBlock, | NA wit wit NIL Block, West | Mahal 5 PO Namehi sikkim. Mouze,Ps | Nayabazsar, | South Sikkim Land, Ktativan No. | Bhaktinagar, | South Sikkim | Khtivan No. 808. Plot No. | Dist PlotNo.3 | 977 1254 Jalpaiguri Piot No. (2) Floor Mill | Khatiyan No. | 327/535 Ares,P0 | 4 | Tadong, East | Plot No. 5/2 ‘Sikkim. &S/L | (36862 aaieg | SOUS | S00sq. | NA woT [NOT | NOT Sq. ft. (6 kathas) (20° x30’) (30' x 30’) APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC (0.935216 le ae | ABLE Acres) (2)1200 sat a 1 | ‘Whether (1) YES NO. NO NO. NA NOT NOT | NOT inherited APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC property. (2) NO Le BLE ABLE (Vesor No) | Date of (nor 4/12/2004 | Allotted by | 09/02/2004 | NA NOT NoT | NOT Purchase in | APPLICABLE the Govt of APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC |_| case of self Sikkim on ue BLE | ABLE acquired (2) Allotted 12/08/2003 property | by govt of sikkimon | 11/08/2010 Costafland | U)NOT | Rea50000.0 | Rs. 6000.00 | Rs 10000.00 | NA not [NOT | NOT {incase of | aPpucABLe | 0 (Rupees six | (Rupees ten appuica | APPLICA | APPLIC purchase) at (Rupees One | thousand) as | thousand) LE BLE ABLE the time of | (2) lakh and Site Salami purchase | Rs.72000.0 | fity (Rupees _| thousand) Seventy two | thousand) wn] 1e Ae Noiicaton No. HHCY Sj o NO T Constructed Constructed [NA WOT NOT [NOT Ywestmant_| Constructed | newonwved | xBstowend aprucas | apPucA | APPUC onthe land | a4 storeyed RCC Building | RCC Building Le BLE ABLE by way of RCC structure | developmen | t (2) NOT. } construction | APPLICABLE ete ‘Approximat | (1) Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. NA NOT NOT NOT eeurent | 2728680.00 | 3486800.00 | as9600.00 | 218700.00 appuicas | APPLICA | APPLIC market (2) Rs. | le Bue ABLE Yalue | 1246800.00 | _ Commercial | NIL NC TNE Nt wa [we Building. | (including. | apartments) Nor NOT NOT NOT Na [wot [nor NT pepuicaste | APpLicaBLe | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE appucas | APPLICA | APPLIC . BLE ABLE Nor nor NOT Nor Na [nor [Nor nor pppuicaste | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE fpPuicas | APPLICA | APPLIC te BE | ane nt in Sq. f) = Whether | NOT nor NOT wor NA PROT [NOT [NOT inherited | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE appuicas | APPLICA | APPLIC property ie BE ABLE (reser Ho) | Date of NOT | NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT Purchase in | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE appuicas | APPLICA | aPPuC case of self- Le BLE ABLE seen | pooper | Costof | NOT Nor NOT NoT nA nor nor [nor Property (in | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC maonat | lte BE | asle purchase) at | | the time of | Purchase _ | fe NOT NOT nor NoT a NT [NFP Nor investment | aPpucasLe | appuicaste | APPUCABLE | APPLICABLE appucas | aPPLicA | APPUC ti i Be | able property by | vay of decals t ttn Py foprouat | NOT NOT Nor Nor Na [Nor [nor [NOT ecurent | aPpuicaste | aPPLcABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE aerucas | appucA | ApPUC weer te sue | ante aim we. Dilip WE TeMATS, Campo KH 5 ayn Km stato NO. ACS" Ww) | Residential | (i)Singling | Flat No.27, | Nayabazar, | TinzirBlock, | NA NIL [Nc Nit B ings | Block, West | 2 Floor, | PS PO Namchi | (including | sikkim, Prestige | Nayabazaer, | South Sikkim apartments) | KhatiyanNo. | Garden, | South Sikkim | Khtiyan No. | |s g08.PLOT | Pipeline | PlotNo.3_ | 97 Location(s) | No.1254 | Road,Saluga Plot No. Survey a, 3° Mile, 327/535 number(s) stliguri, PS. Bhaktinagar, Dist Japaigur, “area Watal | (2) 3638201 | 1200sqf | 600sqR | 4500sq.ft | NA NOT Not | NOT measureme | Sq.ft. ‘APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC ntinSq.ft.) | (0.835216 ita BLE ABLE Acres) = 7 : | Built-up (a) 5400 1200 sqft | 2400sqft — | 900 sq. Ft NA NOT NOT NoT area(total | SO.FT (20 x30'px4 | (30' x30")x5 ‘APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC measureme | storied storied & pe | ABLE nt in sa. Ft) | b YES NO 1) NO NA NoT NOT | NOT ‘APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC ita BLE ABLE (NOT 01072014 | Alotted by [09/02/2008 | NA NOT Not [NOT APPLICABLE the Govt of ‘APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC Sikkim on le BLE ABLE 12/08/2003 [7 cost of @noT fs. Rs. 6000.00 | Rs 1000.00 | NA NOT not | NoT | property (in | APPLICABLE | 215714400 | (Rupees six | (Rupees ten APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC case of Pe | thousand) as_| thousand) jue BLE ABLE bores) ot Twenty One | site Salami | Thousand erchass ‘One Hundred and Fourty | Four) ‘Any @ NIL Constructed | Constructed | NA NOT nor | noT investment | Constructed 2 Astoreyed | a5storeyed pPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC onthe land | a4 storeyed RCC Building | RCC Bullding it BLE | ABLE bywayof | RCC structure Rs, |e. developmen ‘2400000.00 | 2600000.00 v Rs. (Approx) (Approx) | construetion | 1820000.00 etc. (Approx) a Approximat | (2) Rs. Rs, 3460000 | Re Rs. NA NoT not | NOT ecurrent | 9180000.00 .4980000.00 | 7580000.00 APPLICA | APPLICA | APPLIC market le BLE | ABLE value W) | Other (euch | NIL nit NIL NL NA NIL wl NIL as interest in property) = Ww [Totalof [Re Rs, Bs, Rs NA current 13158450.00 | ¢916800.00 | $004600.00 | 7778700.00 NL iL Nit market value of (i) | to (v) above a ° 2 (8) I give herein below the details of liabilities/dues to public financial institutions and government: (Note: Please give separate details of the name of bank, institution, entity, or individual and amount before each itern) [SUNO.] DESCRIPTEION | SELF | SPOUSE-1 | sPOUSE-2 ‘SPOUSE -3. HUF | DEPEN | DEPENDE | DEPEN SARDA BHAKTA KRISHNA DENT-1 )NT-2 | DENT-3 TAMANG | KUMARI KUMARI RAL PRABH | PRABHA | PRAKRI PRADHAN Kar | TAMANG | YA GoLAY TAMAN _ _| s (| Loan or dues to | Nik | Vijaya Bank, | (1) Uc’s | State Bank of [NA | NIL | NIL NIL Bank/financial Gangtok | Housing India, Namchi institution (3) Branch | Finance branch Nein 6 De Loan limited Loan a Outstanding | A/c No. | Outstanding | ator: as on | 21050000267 | amount as on qe 31.08.2019 | 2 Loan 29.09.2019 is eitstnicligs Rs. Outstanding | Rs. 233273.0 Nature of Loan 30,46,311.0 | amount as on | (Rupees Two | (Rupees | 31.03.2019 | lakhs Thirty Thirty lakhs | vide loan | Threethousan Forty Six | statement | d Two ae SS ‘thousand | dated Hundred as % Three 28.09.2019 is | Seventy 6 Zz Hundred | Rs. 920978.00 | Three) IZ Eleven) (Rupees Nine * Lakhs Twenty TRKIM| thousand Nine | m— Hundred and Seventy Eight) (2) ues Housing Finance Limited Ale No. 21050000097 Loan Outstanding amount as on 28.09.2019 is | Rs. 606091.00 | (Rupees Six lakhs Ninety | five thousand) l 1 i vide ___ | bean or dues to | Nil | NIL NIL (1) Kesu | NA’ NIL NIL NIL any other Kumar individuals/enti Agarwal ty other than Construction mentioned can oe Outstanding Amount” amount — Rs. outstanding, 1000000.00 nature of loan (Rupees ten lakhs) (2) Khagen Rai Construction Loan Outstanding | amount Rs. 5000.00 | (Rupees five | L : lakhs) ‘Any other | Nil NIL NIL NIL NA NIL NIL NIL lability Grand total of [NIL | Rs. Rs. Rs. NA [NIL NIL NIL liabilities 30,46,311.0 | 15,27,069.00 | 17,33,273.00 0 w Government. (A) (8) Has the Deponeni been in occupation of accommodation vee eG provided by the Government at any time during the last ten | NO department years before the date of notification of the current election? | (PL dealing with government pie tick accommodati (C) If answer to (A) above is YES, the following declaration may be | the on furnished namely: appro | priate () The address of the Government accommodation: ain MLA HOSTEL ROOM | tvs) TIBET ROAD GANGTOK, EAST SIKKIM (ii) There is no dues payable in respect of above Government accommodation, towards- (a) rent; (b) electricity charges; (©) water charges; and (d) telephone charges as on ..........(date) [the date should be the last date of the third month prior to t 4 orca ~ in which the election is notified or any date thereafter]. Note- ‘No Dues Cerificate’ from the agencies concerned in respect of | rent, electricity charges, water charges and telephone charges for the above Government accommodation should be submitted. CD} Dues to NIL department dealing withtransport SELF | SPOUSE—1 | SPOUSE-2 | SPOUSE-3 | HUF DEPENDE | DEPENDE | DEPENDE PREM |SARDA | BHAKTA —_| KRISHNA nrawta | NTs SINGH |TAMANG — | KUMARI | KUMARI RAL PRABHA | PRABHA | PRAKRIYA TAMA PRADHAN KAR | TAMANG | TAMANG NG a Gouay Ni) NL NIL NL NA NIL Ni NIL NIL] NL NIL NIL NA Ni NIL NIL Nit [NIC Ni WIL NA Nit Nit NIL (wi) [Any Other nit [NIL NiL NIL NA NIL NIL NIL Dues (Wil) [Grand total [wit | Nit Nit NIL NA NIL Ni ‘NIL of all Government dues. | () | Whether any | wit [NIL NIL NL NA Nit NIL Ni other liabilities | are in dispute, if $0, mention the = amount involved and | the authority | before which it jis pending Saeatacane (9). Details of profession or occupation: (a) Self: Politician (b) Spouse 1 ~Government Employee (©) Spouse 2 Government Employee {d) Spouse 3 Government Employee (@A) Details of the source(s) of Income (@) Sett: Salary (b) Spouse 1 -Salary as Government Employee (©) Spouse 2 -Salary as Government Employee (d) Spouse 3 -Salary as Government Employee (©) Sources of income, if any, of dependents., Nil (98) Contract with appropriate Government and any public company or companies (@) Details of contracts entered by the candidate.NIL (b) Details of contracts entered into by spouse. NIL (©) Details of contracts entered into by dependents NIL (@) Details of contracts, entered into by Hindu Undivided Family or trust in which the ‘candidate or spouse or dependents have interest. NA (©) Details of contracts, entered into by Partnership Firms in which candidate or spouse or dependents are partners. NIL (f) Details of contracts, entered into by private companies in which candidate or spouse or dependents have shareNIL (10) My education qualification is as under:- Passed Bachelor of Arts degree from Darjeeling Government college in the year 1988 under the North Bengal University. (Give details of highest School/University education mentioning the full form of the certificate/diploma/degree course, name of the School/College/University and the year in which the course was completed.) = omnes Asecgne Oe Tae 2 vide’ PART-B (11) ABSTRACT OF THE DETAILS GIVEN IN (1) TO (10) of PART-A, Name of the Ca ‘SHRI PREM SINGH TAMANG 2 | Full postal address HOUSE No. 29/2, SINGLING BUSTY, PO SINGLING, PS SORENG, WEST DISTRICT, SIKKIM 3 | Number and name of the constituency | 10 - POKLOK KAMRANG ASSEMBLY | and State CONSTITUENCY, SIKKIM 4 Name of the political party which set up | SIKKIM KRANTIKARI MORCHA (SKM) the candidate (otherwise write “independent” Total number of pending criminal cases | NA | Total number of cases in which | 1 (ONE) convicted ‘Year for which last | Total income shown PAN of income Tax retumn filed Candidate | AYGPT79048 Exempted US Exempted U/S (PREM | 10(26AAA) of 10(26AAA) of Income Income Tax Act, | Tax Act, 1961. ‘SINGH 1961. TAMANG) b) Spouse BRAPT5637E Exempted U/S Exempted U/S (SARDA 10(26AAA) of 10(26AAA) of Income Income Tax Act, | Tax Act, 1961 TAMANG) 1961. (c) Spouse BDQPP1112A | Exempted U/S Exempted U/S ae 40(26AAA) of 10(26AAA) of Income Me Income Tax Act, Tax Act, 1961. BHAKTA 1961. KUMARI PRADHAN) (d) Spouse ARPPR1071A Exempted U/S Exempted U/S nM 10(26AAA) of 10(26AAA) of Income Ms, Income Tax Act, | Tax Act, 1961 KRISHNA | 1961. KUMARI RAI) Ke Tamang ema High Couto} f 132. Byler Ses. JAMA) PL Ak JERE coon terborced &F tor tg anes ps 48 Bape fe, (ii) Date(s) of release trorh prison. 10:.0.8....20.8.. eee ae eee ihe & (viii) Was/were any appeal(s)/revision(s) fil ist above convictions) /22 6 (2) Ads “e- Y IEC Aid iva Ries oo ions ee) fie, Hes SIF for Sire resus e A (ix) Date and particulars of appeal(s) /application(s) for revision filed i he Se eerie / ie G62. 20) fs heush.ol Sibhing eke GA ol - ® ie a a Gi) Whether said appeal(s)/application(s) for revision has/havé 68 OF OF is r ¥ pending... ua 4 (xii) tthe said appéal(s)/appli fion(s) for revision has/have been disposed of - . (0 ate of ig oll hkhi ib cs cy 34-4 Bs aah of Sooh Rates rel iin Hs eon leaned. OLN SCeoH) eee ace] Brolin fh BLP etor obrrrired» © Whether the candidate is holding any office of profit under the Goyerument of India or the State Government?.02. (¥esiNb) ~IfYes, dotails of the officeheld...:....AV.A. 6) Wether Ue candidate has been declared asan insolvent by any Court? vu (eiNO) “Af Yes, bas he been discharged fronrinsoivency,..0A.... . ee @ ‘Whether the candidateisunder allegiance or adherence to any foreign country?.Ald.(¥es/Noy -AfYes, give details......... MAL. (S) Whether the candidate has been disqualified ee of the Representation of the People 0) Act, 1951, by an order of the President?..V2eusna( tes, the period for which the candidate has been disqualified a. (© Whether the candidate was dismissed for corruption or ‘disloyalty while holding office under the Goverumentof India or the Government of any State? ..VA..(es i) If Yes, the date ofsuch dismissal.....VA. o Whetluer the candidate has any subsisting contract(s) with the Government ither in individual bsclty orby trustor parinerslp in which the candidatehhas a share for sup Stray gaps tofint Be 6 Government or for execution of works undertaken by that ‘Government?, -lf Yes, with See mene ed etal of subsisting contraci(s) ... (® Whether the candidate is a managing agent, or manager or secretary of any company or Corporation (ether than a co-operative society) in. the capital of which the Ce Government or State Govermment has not less than twenty-five percent share?..../Q. ane -LfYes, with which Government and the details thereof f (9) Whether the candidate has been disqualified by the Election Commission under section 10A of the Representation of People Act, 1951.. (eesiNNO) -Ifyes, the date of disqualificatio : a place: Namen) ~ Si date Date: 36.69.2019 PARTV (io be filed by the Returning Officer) Serial number of nomination paper ‘This nomination was delivered to me at my Office *candidate/*proposer Date... “sire out which is not applicable, PART VI Decision of Returning Officer accepting or rejecting the Nomination Paper have scrutinised this nomiination paper in accordance with the provisions of section 36 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 and decide as follows: PART ViL Receipt for nomination paper and notice of scrutiny (To be handed over to the person presenting the nomination paper) Serial No. ofnomination paper. ‘The nomination paper of.. candidate for election from sembly Constituency was delivered to me at my Office date) by the *candidate/* proposer. Al nomination papers will be taken up Jon (dateyat____ place). Returning Officer Strike out which is not applicable.) ‘S@P/Comp, Yelection DepttsForms/Form 26/2010/7.3.2010/50 Sat ONE HUNDRED RUPEES NON-JUDICIAL 4 FORM 26 (Soe rule 4A) AMFIDAVIT TO BE FILED BY THE CANDIDATE ALONGWITH NOMINATION PAPER BEFORE THE RETURNING OFFICE FOR ELECTION TO LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ROM 10 — CONSTITUENCY (NAME OF THE CONSTITUENCY) 5 PART-A |, PREM SINGH TAMANG Son of SHRI KALU SINGH TAMANG aged 51 years, resident of HOUSE NO 29/2, SINGLING BUSTY, P.O SINGLING, P.S. SORENG, WEST SIKKIM - 737124, a dandidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as i Mr, Ditip Kr Tamang Oath Commissioner (East) i High Court of Sikin ‘etn ton No. SHS (a) (2) 3) | am candidate set up by SIKKIM KRANTIKARI MORCHA (SKM) ("* name of the political party)/*" ar-centesting-as-an independent candidate-(** strike out whichever is not applicable) My name is enrolled in 07- SORENG CHAKUNG, SIKKIM (Name of the constituency and the state), Serial No, 762 in Part No. 10. My contact telephone number(s) is 8927745822 and my e-mail id is psgolay@gmail.com and my social media account (if any) is NIL. (4) Details of Permanent Account-Number (PAN) and status of filing of Income Tax return: SINo. [Names PAN The financial [Total income | year for which | shown in the last Income | Income-Tax Tax retum has | return (in) for | been filed os | the last five Financial Years | completed as ‘on 31 March Seif (PREM SINGH TAMANG) | AYGPT7904A | Exempted U/S | Exempted U/S Exempted U/S | 10(26AAA) of | 10(26AAA) of 10(26AAA) _ of | Income Tax Act, | Income Tax Act, Income Tax Act, | 1961 1961. 1961 Exempted U/S | 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempted U/S 410(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961, : Kr Tamang Mr. es of Skim ranean no MCSD IS 42 Ura ‘Spouse (Mrs. TAMANG) SARDA BRAPTS637E Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempied U/S 40(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted U/S 40(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempied US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. ‘Spouse (Mrs. KUMARI PRADHAN) BHAKTA, BDOQPP1112A Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. az) ‘Spouse (Mrs. KRISHAN ARPPRIO71A_| Exempted US | Exempted US KUMARIRAI) Exempted UIS | 10(28AAA) of | 10(28AAA) of | 10(26AAA) _ of | Income Tax Act, | Income Tax Act, Income Tax Act, | 1981 1961 1961 Exempted U/S | 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempied US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. 5 |HUF (if candidate is | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable KartalCoparcener) Not Applicable | Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 6 | Dependent-1 (PRABHAKAR | NO PAN | Exempted US| Exempied US GOLAY) ALLOTED 10(26AAA) of | 10(26AAA) of Exempted U/S | Income Tax Act, | Income Tax Act, 10(26 AAA) of | 1961 A861. pene Tek Ae Exempled US : 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempied U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempied US 10(26AAA) of of Shim Vide noteston No. MCSA 2019 Dependent-2 TAMANG) (PRABHA BLPPT0267F | Exempted _U/S 10(26 AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 - Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 “| Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, [1961._ Exempted U/S 40(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. 8 Dependent-3 TAMANG) L I (PRAKRIYA NO PAN ALLOTED | Exempted U/S | 10(26 AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of | Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. | Exempted U/S 410(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. Exempted US 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961. | Exempted U/S 10(26AAA) of Income Tax Act, 1961 Note :it is mandatory for PAN holder to mention PAN and in case of no PAN, it should be clearly stated "No PAN allotted” (5) Pending criminal cases i Geciare that there is no pending criminal case against me. (Tick this alternative f there is no criminal case pending against the candidate and write NOT APPLICABLE against alternative (ii) below) oR Gil) The following criminal cases are pending against me: (if there are pending criminal cases against the candidate, then tick this altemative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details of all pending cases. in the Table below) NOT APPLICABLE ~~ Table (f@) [FIR No. with name | NOT NOT NOT \and address of | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE Police Station | concerned | | | Case No. with Name | NOT NOT NOT citieiGout APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE, Section(s) of [NOT NOT NOT concerned APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE ‘ActiCodes involved | | (give no. of the | | Section, e.g Section | of IPC, etc.) (@) | Brief description of | Nov NOT NOT offence’ APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE (©) | Whether charges | Nor NOT NOT S| have been framed APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | | (mention YES or NO) (8 _| If answer against (e) | NOY NOT NOT | above is YES, then | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE give the date on which charges were | framed. | (g) Whether any NOT NOT NOT | AppealiApplication | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | for revision has been filed against the proceedings (Mention YES or NO) | ke Tara ‘we, ie ones E29) os CT A HN th OAH ye Wooo" _(6) Cases of Conviction (i) | dectare that | have not been convicted for any criminal offence. (Tick this alternative, if the candidate has not been convicted and write NOT APPLICABLE against alternative (ii) below OR (ii) have been convicted for the offences mentioned below: (if the candidate has been convicted and tick this alternative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details in the Table below) TABLE [f@) | Case No. S.T. (VIG.) CASE NO. | Not ‘Not 02 OF 2009 (05 OF | Applicable | Applicable — __| 2013) | (b) | Name ofthe Court [iN THE COURT OF | Not Not THE SPECIAL JUDGE | Applicable | Applicable (PC ACT), SIKKIM AT | | _ GANGTOK Section(s) of SECTION 403: | Not Not SECTION —120B(2) | Applicable | Applicable concerned READ With ‘ActiCodes involved | SECTIONS 403/406 (give no. of the OF THE IPC, 1860 AND. SECTION 13(2) READ WITH SECTION 43(1)(@)(i) OF THE PC 5 ACT, 1988. ee (a) Brief description of | THE PROVENANCE | Not Not ach |OF FILING OF | Applicable | Applicable offence for which | CHaRGESHEETICASE | convicted AGAINST ME AND | OTHER FOUR | PERSONS, _NAMELY TIL BAHADUR GURUNG, _KESHU | AGARWAL, SUBASH TAMANG: AND SANJAY AGARWAL IN SHORT COMPASS WAS FOR | ALLEGEDLY HAVING COMMITTED | OFFENCES UNDER SECTIONS 468/120B(2)IPC; | SECTIONS | 420/120B(2) IPC; i SECTIONS | 403/120B(2) IPC; SECTIONS Ur. Bitip Kr en Oath Commissioner (East) Court of Sikkim 3 \ win e088 = ‘sii L 26/08/2015 | T370%070002 | on Bankof india, “00008 e Rs 4265 25.09.2019 | Namchi 4303 15,25,489/- | Balanceason | isRs. | Branch, Balance | (Rupees | 27.09.2019 Rs. | 100214.00 | Balance as on ason Fiteen | 6910.00 | (Rupees | 26.09.2019 25.092 | Lakhs (Rupeess | one Lakh | Re. 209586.00 o19is | Twenty Five | Thousand | Two (Rupees Two Rs Thousand | Nine Hundred | Hundred | Lakhs Nine 0407. Four andTen) | andFourte | Thousand Five 00 | Hundred en) Hundred and (Rup | | and Forty Eighty So) Four | | Nine) mm) | Lakhssix General | (IV) Dena Bank, | tyne (iw union Provident | Gangtok Thousa BANK OF Fund, Afe | Branch, A/c. nd Four INDIA, No12878 | No. Hundre Gangtok. du, 13981003403 dand saving A/e Balance as | Balance as on seven) No. : on 25.09.2019 is 5315020100 31.03.2019 | Rs. 9782.00 o7231 ish (Rupees Nine Balance as 33059.00 | Thousand on (Rupees | Seven Hundred | 25/09/2019, Thirty | and Eighty | Rs 1711/- Three | Two) (Rupees One Thousand | Thousand and Fifty | seven Nine) | Hundred | and Eleven) (iy | Beta oF Wa investment in Bonds Debentur | NIL NIL ib ni we fu | NIL s/ Shares and nisin companies/Mut ual funds and others and the ammount = TH) | Detals of | auc (ypostOffce [WA [UC (NL | Post Investment in| NIL | Gangtok | nn Aled Gangto office NSS, Postal Branch, 4311154797 k Acid Savings, Polo. Balance as 0 Branch | | #75200 Insurance 453753038, 25.09.2019 Pol No. 591 Policles and Summ Assured fs. 2007.00 as1149 Balance investment in fs, 100000.0, | ose aso any Financial (Rupees one Sum 25.092 instruments in lakh) Assured 19 Post Office or poc~ Rs. Rs. | insurance 10/06/2008 175000. 88540.0 Company and Dom- ° ° the amount 10/06/2020. (Rupees Surrender One Value as on Lakh | 26.09.2019 Rs. andsev : 6880.00 LC uc FiveTho | Gangtok usend) Branch poc- Bima Gold Pol saftan No. 995 | 451162628 | om— ‘Sum Assured 14/12/2 1100000.9 020. (Rupees one, lakh) Surrend poc- erVelue 20/3/2006 ason Dom- 2608.2 20/3/2022 og Surrender Rs Value as on 209879, 26.09.2019 Rs. 00 24225.00 (Rupees Two Lakhs Nine Thousa nd Five Hundre dand seventy |__ re Nine) L (| Personal Wa Loans/advance | | gventoany | NIL |v me NIL mu ff person or entity ineluding frm, Company, Trust etc, and other receivables | | from debtors | and the amount Twi) [motor Mahindra | MarutiSwift | NA NIL Ni Nit Vehicles/Aircrat Bolero mx ts/Yachts/Ships | NIL NIL Regd No: | Regd No: (Details of ‘SKO4P6276 | SKO4P2311 Make, No: | CNo. registration Manxi2w | MASEYE41500 number ete. gusczaad | 127956 Year of | 2 ENo: purchase and | Purchase | 239514 amount) value Rs. Purchase value 850000/- | Rs. 485,000 (Rupees (Rupees Four Eight Lakhs | Lakhs | and Fifty | andéightyFiveT | Thousand) | housand) | Yearof | Yearof | purchase | purchase r L 2018 2012 ¢: 9 eo ww. Di er (Eas oa ot stim High Cout SCS TEA go wenenton NO j NA (wil) a stolasot | Gtolasotgold | atoasof | 3Tolasof got NIL. Ltola | NIL bullionand | gold Value Rs. gold Value Rs. of gold valuable thing | Value Rs. | 269400.0 | Value 134700.00 Value (5) (given details | 134700.00 | (Rupees Two | Rs.179600. | (Rupees One Rs. cofweight and | (Rupees One | Lakhssity | 0 Lakh Thirty 4430.0 value) lakh and | NineThousand | (Rupees | FourThousand) (Rupees Thirty and Four ‘One Lakh | (Approx M.V.) Fourty FourThousa | Hundred) | Seventy Four 1nd) (Approx | (Approx M.V.) | NineThous Thousa Mv.) andand Six nd Nine | Hundred) Hundre | {Approx (Appr | Mv.) oxM.V.) Will | Any other ‘One32NP | NIL NIL NIL wa TN TNL | NL ) | assetssuchas | Bore value of Revolver No. | claims/interest_ | ABM-4073 (ix) | Gross Total Rs. Rs. | Rs.9,48,157.00 | NA Rs. Rs. Rs. Value 4,15,290.00 | 17,42,009. 2,10,27 | 5,21,14 | 88,540. | 0 | 00 |700 | | Details of immovable Assets 1.Properties in joint ownership indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be indicated lote: 2. Each Land or building or apartment should be mentioned separately in this format Note: 3. Details should include the interest in or ownership of offshore assets 3 | DESGRIPTO | SELF SPOUSE—1 | SPOUSE—2 | SPOUSE-3 | HUF DEPENDE | DEPENDE | DEPEN NO. |N PREMSINGH | SARDA | BHAKTA | KRISHNA ra | Nt-2 | DENT. Taman — | TAMANG =| KUMARI | KUMARI RAI PRABHAK | PRABHA | 3 PRADHAN ARGOLAY | GOLAY | PRAKRI vyaTa | | MANG | Agricultural | NIL NIL ikhatiyan | NIL NA NIL NL NIL land, | No, 727 Plot | Location (5) No. 681/3356 Survey | Soreng Block, number(s) West Sikkim ‘area (total_| NOT NOT 0.088958 | NOT NA nor [NOT | NOT measureme | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | Acres APPLICABLE appucas | apPuCA | APPUC nntinacres) | Le BLE ABLE Whether | NOT NOT ves NoT WA Not | NoT | NoT inherited | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE APPLICABLE AppLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC property ue pe | ABLE (es or No) _| Date of | NOT NOT NOT NOT NA not [NOT | NOT Purchase in | APPLICABLE APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE appuicas | appuica | APPLIC case of elt jue BE | ABLE acquired | property gee > Tamang, Ae Min Cot Seer $0 14 aa on™ Cost ofland | NOT NOT NOT NOT NA Not. not [NOT | | “\ncase of | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC | purchase) _ = Le BLE ABLE ‘Any NOT NOT NO NOT NA noT [NOT | NOT investment | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE. | APPLICABLE AppLicaB | APPLICA | APPLIC ‘on the land it ‘BLE | ABLE | by way of developmen u construction ate. | Approximat | NOT NOT Rs. NOT NA wor [NOT | NOT current. | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | 465000.00 | APPLICABLE Apeuicas | APPLICA | APPLIC market | Le BLE ABLE value @ 7 Singing | Jaraal ‘DNayabazar, | TinzirBlock, | NA wit wit NIL Block, West | Mahal 5 PO Namehi sikkim. Mouze,Ps | Nayabazsar, | South Sikkim Land, Ktativan No. | Bhaktinagar, | South Sikkim | Khtivan No. 808. Plot No. | Dist PlotNo.3 | 977 1254 Jalpaiguri Piot No. (2) Floor Mill | Khatiyan No. | 327/535 Ares,P0 | 4 | Tadong, East | Plot No. 5/2 ‘Sikkim. &S/L | (36862 aaieg | SOUS | S00sq. | NA woT [NOT | NOT Sq. ft. (6 kathas) (20° x30’) (30' x 30’) APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC (0.935216 le ae | ABLE Acres) (2)1200 sat a 1 | ‘Whether (1) YES NO. NO NO. NA NOT NOT | NOT inherited APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC property. (2) NO Le BLE ABLE (Vesor No) | Date of (nor 4/12/2004 | Allotted by | 09/02/2004 | NA NOT NoT | NOT Purchase in | APPLICABLE the Govt of APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC |_| case of self Sikkim on ue BLE | ABLE acquired (2) Allotted 12/08/2003 property | by govt of sikkimon | 11/08/2010 Costafland | U)NOT | Rea50000.0 | Rs. 6000.00 | Rs 10000.00 | NA not [NOT | NOT {incase of | aPpucABLe | 0 (Rupees six | (Rupees ten appuica | APPLICA | APPLIC purchase) at (Rupees One | thousand) as | thousand) LE BLE ABLE the time of | (2) lakh and Site Salami purchase | Rs.72000.0 | fity (Rupees _| thousand) Seventy two | thousand) wn] 1e Ae Noiicaton No. HHCY Sj o NO T Constructed Constructed [NA WOT NOT [NOT Ywestmant_| Constructed | newonwved | xBstowend aprucas | apPucA | APPUC onthe land | a4 storeyed RCC Building | RCC Building Le BLE ABLE by way of RCC structure | developmen | t (2) NOT. } construction | APPLICABLE ete ‘Approximat | (1) Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. NA NOT NOT NOT eeurent | 2728680.00 | 3486800.00 | as9600.00 | 218700.00 appuicas | APPLICA | APPLIC market (2) Rs. | le Bue ABLE Yalue | 1246800.00 | _ Commercial | NIL NC TNE Nt wa [we Building. | (including. | apartments) Nor NOT NOT NOT Na [wot [nor NT pepuicaste | APpLicaBLe | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE appucas | APPLICA | APPLIC . BLE ABLE Nor nor NOT Nor Na [nor [Nor nor pppuicaste | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE fpPuicas | APPLICA | APPLIC te BE | ane nt in Sq. f) = Whether | NOT nor NOT wor NA PROT [NOT [NOT inherited | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE appuicas | APPLICA | APPLIC property ie BE ABLE (reser Ho) | Date of NOT | NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT Purchase in | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE appuicas | APPLICA | aPPuC case of self- Le BLE ABLE seen | pooper | Costof | NOT Nor NOT NoT nA nor nor [nor Property (in | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC maonat | lte BE | asle purchase) at | | the time of | Purchase _ | fe NOT NOT nor NoT a NT [NFP Nor investment | aPpucasLe | appuicaste | APPUCABLE | APPLICABLE appucas | aPPLicA | APPUC ti i Be | able property by | vay of decals t ttn Py foprouat | NOT NOT Nor Nor Na [Nor [nor [NOT ecurent | aPpuicaste | aPPLcABLE | APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE aerucas | appucA | ApPUC weer te sue | ante aim we. Dilip WE TeMATS, Campo KH 5 ayn Km stato NO. ACS" Ww) | Residential | (i)Singling | Flat No.27, | Nayabazar, | TinzirBlock, | NA NIL [Nc Nit B ings | Block, West | 2 Floor, | PS PO Namchi | (including | sikkim, Prestige | Nayabazaer, | South Sikkim apartments) | KhatiyanNo. | Garden, | South Sikkim | Khtiyan No. | |s g08.PLOT | Pipeline | PlotNo.3_ | 97 Location(s) | No.1254 | Road,Saluga Plot No. Survey a, 3° Mile, 327/535 number(s) stliguri, PS. Bhaktinagar, Dist Japaigur, “area Watal | (2) 3638201 | 1200sqf | 600sqR | 4500sq.ft | NA NOT Not | NOT measureme | Sq.ft. ‘APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC ntinSq.ft.) | (0.835216 ita BLE ABLE Acres) = 7 : | Built-up (a) 5400 1200 sqft | 2400sqft — | 900 sq. Ft NA NOT NOT NoT area(total | SO.FT (20 x30'px4 | (30' x30")x5 ‘APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC measureme | storied storied & pe | ABLE nt in sa. Ft) | b YES NO 1) NO NA NoT NOT | NOT ‘APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC ita BLE ABLE (NOT 01072014 | Alotted by [09/02/2008 | NA NOT Not [NOT APPLICABLE the Govt of ‘APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC Sikkim on le BLE ABLE 12/08/2003 [7 cost of @noT fs. Rs. 6000.00 | Rs 1000.00 | NA NOT not | NoT | property (in | APPLICABLE | 215714400 | (Rupees six | (Rupees ten APPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC case of Pe | thousand) as_| thousand) jue BLE ABLE bores) ot Twenty One | site Salami | Thousand erchass ‘One Hundred and Fourty | Four) ‘Any @ NIL Constructed | Constructed | NA NOT nor | noT investment | Constructed 2 Astoreyed | a5storeyed pPLICAB | APPLICA | APPLIC onthe land | a4 storeyed RCC Building | RCC Bullding it BLE | ABLE bywayof | RCC structure Rs, |e. developmen ‘2400000.00 | 2600000.00 v Rs. (Approx) (Approx) | construetion | 1820000.00 etc. (Approx) a Approximat | (2) Rs. Rs, 3460000 | Re Rs. NA NoT not | NOT ecurrent | 9180000.00 .4980000.00 | 7580000.00 APPLICA | APPLICA | APPLIC market le BLE | ABLE value W) | Other (euch | NIL nit NIL NL NA NIL wl NIL as interest in property) = Ww [Totalof [Re Rs, Bs, Rs NA current 13158450.00 | ¢916800.00 | $004600.00 | 7778700.00 NL iL Nit market value of (i) | to (v) above a ° 2 (8) I give herein below the details of liabilities/dues to public financial institutions and government: (Note: Please give separate details of the name of bank, institution, entity, or individual and amount before each itern) [SUNO.] DESCRIPTEION | SELF | SPOUSE-1 | sPOUSE-2 ‘SPOUSE -3. HUF | DEPEN | DEPENDE | DEPEN SARDA BHAKTA KRISHNA DENT-1 )NT-2 | DENT-3 TAMANG | KUMARI KUMARI RAL PRABH | PRABHA | PRAKRI PRADHAN Kar | TAMANG | YA GoLAY TAMAN _ _| s (| Loan or dues to | Nik | Vijaya Bank, | (1) Uc’s | State Bank of [NA | NIL | NIL NIL Bank/financial Gangtok | Housing India, Namchi institution (3) Branch | Finance branch Nein 6 De Loan limited Loan a Outstanding | A/c No. | Outstanding | ator: as on | 21050000267 | amount as on qe 31.08.2019 | 2 Loan 29.09.2019 is eitstnicligs Rs. Outstanding | Rs. 233273.0 Nature of Loan 30,46,311.0 | amount as on | (Rupees Two | (Rupees | 31.03.2019 | lakhs Thirty Thirty lakhs | vide loan | Threethousan Forty Six | statement | d Two ae SS ‘thousand | dated Hundred as % Three 28.09.2019 is | Seventy 6 Zz Hundred | Rs. 920978.00 | Three) IZ Eleven) (Rupees Nine * Lakhs Twenty TRKIM| thousand Nine | m— Hundred and Seventy Eight) (2) ues Housing Finance Limited Ale No. 21050000097 Loan Outstanding amount as on 28.09.2019 is | Rs. 606091.00 | (Rupees Six lakhs Ninety | five thousand) l 1 i vide ___ | bean or dues to | Nil | NIL NIL (1) Kesu | NA’ NIL NIL NIL any other Kumar individuals/enti Agarwal ty other than Construction mentioned can oe Outstanding Amount” amount — Rs. outstanding, 1000000.00 nature of loan (Rupees ten lakhs) (2) Khagen Rai Construction Loan Outstanding | amount Rs. 5000.00 | (Rupees five | L : lakhs) ‘Any other | Nil NIL NIL NIL NA NIL NIL NIL lability Grand total of [NIL | Rs. Rs. Rs. NA [NIL NIL NIL liabilities 30,46,311.0 | 15,27,069.00 | 17,33,273.00 0 w Government. (A) (8) Has the Deponeni been in occupation of accommodation vee eG provided by the Government at any time during the last ten | NO department years before the date of notification of the current election? | (PL dealing with government pie tick accommodati (C) If answer to (A) above is YES, the following declaration may be | the on furnished namely: appro | priate () The address of the Government accommodation: ain MLA HOSTEL ROOM | tvs) TIBET ROAD GANGTOK, EAST SIKKIM (ii) There is no dues payable in respect of above Government accommodation, towards- (a) rent; (b) electricity charges; (©) water charges; and (d) telephone charges as on ..........(date) [the date should be the last date of the third month prior to t 4 orca ~ in which the election is notified or any date thereafter]. Note- ‘No Dues Cerificate’ from the agencies concerned in respect of | rent, electricity charges, water charges and telephone charges for the above Government accommodation should be submitted. CD} Dues to NIL department dealing withtransport SELF | SPOUSE—1 | SPOUSE-2 | SPOUSE-3 | HUF DEPENDE | DEPENDE | DEPENDE PREM |SARDA | BHAKTA —_| KRISHNA nrawta | NTs SINGH |TAMANG — | KUMARI | KUMARI RAL PRABHA | PRABHA | PRAKRIYA TAMA PRADHAN KAR | TAMANG | TAMANG NG a Gouay Ni) NL NIL NL NA NIL Ni NIL NIL] NL NIL NIL NA Ni NIL NIL Nit [NIC Ni WIL NA Nit Nit NIL (wi) [Any Other nit [NIL NiL NIL NA NIL NIL NIL Dues (Wil) [Grand total [wit | Nit Nit NIL NA NIL Ni ‘NIL of all Government dues. | () | Whether any | wit [NIL NIL NL NA Nit NIL Ni other liabilities | are in dispute, if $0, mention the = amount involved and | the authority | before which it jis pending Saeatacane (9). Details of profession or occupation: (a) Self: Politician (b) Spouse 1 ~Government Employee (©) Spouse 2 Government Employee {d) Spouse 3 Government Employee (@A) Details of the source(s) of Income (@) Sett: Salary (b) Spouse 1 -Salary as Government Employee (©) Spouse 2 -Salary as Government Employee (d) Spouse 3 -Salary as Government Employee (©) Sources of income, if any, of dependents., Nil (98) Contract with appropriate Government and any public company or companies (@) Details of contracts entered by the candidate.NIL (b) Details of contracts entered into by spouse. NIL (©) Details of contracts entered into by dependents NIL (@) Details of contracts, entered into by Hindu Undivided Family or trust in which the ‘candidate or spouse or dependents have interest. NA (©) Details of contracts, entered into by Partnership Firms in which candidate or spouse or dependents are partners. NIL (f) Details of contracts, entered into by private companies in which candidate or spouse or dependents have shareNIL (10) My education qualification is as under:- Passed Bachelor of Arts degree from Darjeeling Government college in the year 1988 under the North Bengal University. (Give details of highest School/University education mentioning the full form of the certificate/diploma/degree course, name of the School/College/University and the year in which the course was completed.) = omnes Asecgne Oe Tae 2 vide’ PART-B (11) ABSTRACT OF THE DETAILS GIVEN IN (1) TO (10) of PART-A, Name of the Ca ‘SHRI PREM SINGH TAMANG 2 | Full postal address HOUSE No. 29/2, SINGLING BUSTY, PO SINGLING, PS SORENG, WEST DISTRICT, SIKKIM 3 | Number and name of the constituency | 10 - POKLOK KAMRANG ASSEMBLY | and State CONSTITUENCY, SIKKIM 4 Name of the political party which set up | SIKKIM KRANTIKARI MORCHA (SKM) the candidate (otherwise write “independent” Total number of pending criminal cases | NA | Total number of cases in which | 1 (ONE) convicted ‘Year for which last | Total income shown PAN of income Tax retumn filed Candidate | AYGPT79048 Exempted US Exempted U/S (PREM | 10(26AAA) of 10(26AAA) of Income Income Tax Act, | Tax Act, 1961. ‘SINGH 1961. TAMANG) b) Spouse BRAPT5637E Exempted U/S Exempted U/S (SARDA 10(26AAA) of 10(26AAA) of Income Income Tax Act, | Tax Act, 1961 TAMANG) 1961. (c) Spouse BDQPP1112A | Exempted U/S Exempted U/S ae 40(26AAA) of 10(26AAA) of Income Me Income Tax Act, Tax Act, 1961. BHAKTA 1961. KUMARI PRADHAN) (d) Spouse ARPPR1071A Exempted U/S Exempted U/S nM 10(26AAA) of 10(26AAA) of Income Ms, Income Tax Act, | Tax Act, 1961 KRISHNA | 1961. KUMARI RAI) Ke Tamang ema High Couto} f

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