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Amalina has an interesting hobby. Her Mat has a pet. His pet is a monkey. He

hobby is collecting stamps. She has two calls it 'Jinak'. It was given to him by his

albums of stamps. Amalina gets her father. His father found it in the jungle

stamps from her father and her sisters. last year. Everyday Mat feeds it with

She has stamps from many countries. milk and bananas. Every evening he takes

She has stamps from England, America, it for a walk. 'Jinak' is very tame. Mat's

Singapore and also from Brunei. She likes friends like to play with it. 'Jinak' can

her stamps very much. She arranges do a few tricks. It can also dance. Mat is

them neatly in her stamp albums. teaching 'Jinak' how to ride a bicycle.

Every weekend, Mat takes 'Jinak' to the

playground for cycling practice.


Pakcik Umar is an old man. He is seventy- Farid, Charlie and Raymond are friends.

six years old. Although he is old, he is They study in the same class. They have

still strong and healthy. Pakcik Umar different hobbies. Farid likes fishing.

has five sons and five daughters. All of He goes fishing with his brother. They

them are married. He has forty always fish at the river behind their

grandchildren. He loves all of them very house. Charlie likes playing hockey. He

much. Pakcik Umar lives with his wife plays hockey with his friends in the

Mak Limah in a big bungalow in Kg Desa school field. They play hockey every

Jaya, Parit Buntar. None of his children evening. Raymond likes drawing

lives with him because all of them are cartoons. He draws them in his drawing

working in Kuala Lumpur. book. He likes drawing his favourite

cartoon Doraemon.


E Rizmi is eight years old. He studies at

Mei Ying is at the school library. Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangin. He is in

Year Two. Rizmi has two sisters. His

Mei Ying : Good morning, teacher. elder sister, Fatin, is eleven years old.

Mrs. Rajan : Good morning. His younger sister, Suhaibah is six years

Mei Ying : I wish to become a member old. Rizmi lives with his parents in a

of our school library. big house in town. Rizmi's father is a

doctor at the General Hospital. His

Mrs. Rajan : Of course. What is your
mother is a teacher. Every weekend,
Rizmi visits his grandmother in Kampung
Mei Ying : Lee Mei Ying.
Mrs. Rajan : Please tell me your age.

Mei Ying : I am nine years old.

Mrs. Rajan : What is your home address?
Pn Hjh Rohanieza Ab Halim is the
Mei Ying : Number 74, Jalan Teratai,
headmistress of Sekolah Kebangsaan
Taman Indah.
Puteri Maimun. She is fifty-two years
Mrs. Rajan : Please tell me your date of
old. She has been the headmistress of
this school since the year 2000. Pn
Mei Ying : 20th. October, 2006.
Hjh Rohanieza is a hardworking and
Mrs.Rajan : Good. I have all your
strict lady. She goes to school at seven
personal details now. You
o'clock in the morning. She likes to walk
may borrow the books.
round the school to make sure everything
Mei Ying : Thank you. is in order. All the teachers and pupils

in the school respects Pn Rohanieza. They

always say that she is a good, caring and

kind headmistress.



It is eight o'clock in the morning. Mrs. Daniel and Christie are siblings. They are

Wee is carrying a big basket. First, she active children. Both of them attend

goes to buy some fish and prawns. Then, swimming classes during the

she goes to Pak Mat's stall. Pak Mat is a weekends. Daniel is two years older

butcher and he wears an apron. than Christie. He is in Year Three. His

favourite subject is Science. He wants to

After that, Mrs. Wee buys some be a scientist when he grows

vegetables. She buys bean sprouts, okras, up. Christie loves dancing. She likes to

spinach and cucumbers. Her family likes sing songs too. When she grows up, she

to eat vegetables. Before she goes home, wants to be a singer.

Mrs. Wee buys a packet of fried noodles.


Lina comes from a big family. They are Pak Ali is a farmer. He has a wife and

her parents, two brothers and six four children. They live in a small house

sisters. Lina is the sixth child. Lina's near the jungle. Pak Ali goes to his

father is a businessman. He works hard farm early in the morning. He works on

to support his family. Lina's mother is a his farm till evening. He grows

housewife. She is a loving and caring cucumbers, chillies and long beans on his

mother. She cooks and cleans for the farm. His wife and children help him to

family. Lina's brothers works in Kuala sell the vegetables at the market. Pak Ali

Lumpur. Three of her sisters are uses the money to buy rice, sugar and

teachers. Lina and her two other sisters other things. Pak Ali is a very

are still schooling. Her youngest sister is hardworking man. He also plants coconut

three. She stays at home. trees near his house. He sells the

coconuts, too.



My name is Sakinah. I am nine years old. r

I am the third child in my family. My Yoges : Please tell him that the lesson
father is an Islamic Religious teacher. My will be held tomorrow at 2 p.m.
mother is a Mathematics teacher. I love at the same place.
my parents very much. Mothe : All right. I'll inform him that.

I have two brothers and three Yoges : Thank you.
sisters. The youngest is my sister who is

two years old. Four of us are schooling N

and one is in a kindergarten. Michael celebrated his ninth birthday

last weekend. He invited many of his

My parents always take us out for friends to his birthday party. They came
dinner, picnic and visiting our in the afternoon and brought many
grandparents. We are a happy family. presents. His mother baked him a big

birthday cake and put nine candles on it.

M She also prepared delicious food like
Yoges : Hello, is Johan in? friend chicken, corn custard, sandwiches,
Mothe : I'm sorry. Johan is not in. He curry puffs and cookies. She also served
r will be back this evening. orange juice and syrup. They ate all
Yoges : Could you please pass him a the food and drank the orange juice and
message? syrup. They played games too. Michael

Mothe : Oh, sure. and his friends enjoyed themselves very

r much.

Yoges : Please tell him that the English

extra class this afternoon at 2

p.m. is cancelled as Teacher Tan

is not well.

Mothe : Okay.



Mr. Kang and his family are going on a One day, Pak Abu was going to market to

picnic. Mrs. Kang has made some sell a basket of rambutans. He was tired,

sandwiches and currypuffs for her family so he sat down under a tree. Soon he fell

to eat at the picnic. They start off at asleep. Pak Abu did not know that

seven o'clock in the morning. An hour there were monkeys up in the tree. They

later, they reach the waterfall. Thomas were watching him all the time. When he

and Peter quickly change into their fell asleep, the monkeys climbed down.

swimming trunks. Then they run to the They took some rambutans and climbed

waterfall. "Be careful, boys," warns Mrs. quickly up the tree again. The

Kang, "the rocks are wet and monkeys started quarrelling. They did not

slippery." "Brr... Brr... The water is want to share the rambutans. They made

very cold," says Peter. "Come on, let's a lot of noise. Pak Abu woke up. He was

swim in the water now before the sun suprised to see that there was only a

heats it up!" says Thomas. The boys handful of rambutans left in his basket.

splash water at each other. They shout

and laugh happily. R

Wardah has a cat. Its name is Bocky. It's

P a big cat. It has black fur and a long tail.

I went to the market, Wardah feeds it fish, rice and milk every
To buy some vegetables and meat,
day. One day, Bocky was missing.
I walked and walked,
From stall to stall. Wardah looked everywhere for it. It was
The market was crowded, not in her room. It was not in the
There were fishmongers selling fish,
kitchen. It was not in the
Crabs and prawns too.
There were butchers selling beef and garden. Wardah was sad. Then she
mutton, heard a noise in the storeroom. She
and grocers selling sugar and eggs.
My morning at the market was fun.


opened the door and saw Bocky with exercise to have a healthy and strong

three little kittens. body.


Last week, Ishak was watching television Rabbits are good pets. They are fun to

when he heard the sirens of fire engines. play with. They are soft and cuddly. They

He looked out the window and saw many have fur on their bodies. Rabbits need

people standing outside Pak Mat's house. good food. They eat carrots, lettuce and

grass. They do not eat meat. They need

The firemen aimed a strong jet of clean, fresh water to drink. Rabbits

water at the fire. Pak Mat's son was need a big cage to live in. It must be kept

trapped inside the house. He was clean. Rabbits need exercise. It is

shouting for help from the window. The good for them to hop and play.

firemen used a tall ladder to rescue him.

The fire was finally put out after an



We must take good care of our body. Do Hannah is a Chinese girl. Her father is a

you know what we must do to have a famous Dr. Lee. Her mother is a lawyer

healthy body? We must bathe to keep with a big company. Hannah is the only

our body clean. We must brush our teeth child in her family. She feels lonely

to keep them clean and strong. We must because she is always alone at home. Both

wash our hands before eating and after her parents are busy at work.

going to the toilet. We must eat good Maria is Hannah's maid. She cooks

food such as vegetables, fruit, meat and for Hannah and keeps the house clean.

fish. We must also drink healthy She also helps Hannah with her work.

drinks. Lastly, we must not forget to


It is a hot day. Ah Hong is in the school

field. His friends are with him. They

have been playing football for half an

hour. They want to go for a drink at the

canteen. They leave the ball near the goal

post. After a while, they come back

but the ball is not there anymore. The

boys look everywhere for it. At last they

find the football in a drain.

Last Saturday, Encik Kamarudin and his

family went to the shopping mall. They

arrived there at 1.30 p.m. The first place

they went to was the exhibition hall.

There was a cooking competition going on

in the hall. After a while they felt

hungry, so they had lunch at the Chicken

Rice Shop. Then, they went to the

bookshop. There, they bought some

crayons and books. They went home after

buying some grocery items at the


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