Our Values

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· Fun · Community Spirit

· Development · Inclusiveness
· Respect · Perseverance
What Does it Look Like
What Outcomes Will we
Value What Does it Mean When Members Are
Living it?
Enjoyment / looking Happy players Happy
forward to soccer parents Smiling / laughing Retention Increased
Desire to play & Variety / social Social membership by word of
practice on your own environment / lifelong mouth Minimal complaints
time Coming to Soccer friends Positivity Achieving from players/members
energizes you An goals Hardware / trophies Increases in volunteering
escape / “my time” / More teamwork Sharing / Safe to take risks
being outside Winning collaboration Understanding
Growth (facility, That we’re projecting an Player retention Increased
individual, as a team, image of being “cutting registration Saints FC
coaching, etc.) edge” (progressive) Positive would become more sought
Improvement change would be embraced after Skills improvement at
Progressing towards Emphasis is on all levels of players,
goals -> goal setting improvement & progress coaches and officials
You value the Coaches do not yell at
contributions of your players, spectators do not
teammates, the referees, yell at players or referees
the coaches and Playing hard but fair Players arrive and leave a
opposition Feedback is Appropriately express game in good spirits,
Respect delivered appropriately frustration or anger, in feeling supported and
and received graciously accordance with the codes of successful Our facilities are
Displaying good conduct Players & parents clean & well cared for
sportsmanship at all clean up after themselves
times Take good care of and regularly participate in
facilities and equipment park cleanup
Welcoming of diversity
Ability and economic
No one is turned away from
status will not be a Increased membership
the club and all members
blocker to participation More returning players &
can participate in fulfilling
Inclusiveness Club management is alumni More volunteers
ways in any capacity Any
open, transparent, and Engaged and informed
member seeking information
all members are membership with a
about the club
encouraged to
Inviting collaborative
relationships with other
will have their questions greater sense of value in the
organizations What
answered club
does it look like when
members are living it?
Community Spirit Community Shared benefits between Positive image Club
youth / seniors More would
volunteer for more projects
Community groups seeking
involvement /
Saints FC out to participate
participation Seamless
in projects Seek benefits as a result of
integration Giving back
sponsorships Mentoring partnerships Be able to
Engaging in mutually
opportunities (i.e.: sr. -> expand physical facility
beneficial projects /
youth, youth -> minis) Increased participation in
partnerships Within the
Establishing connections community events
club as well as in the
through social media
actual community
Promote universally
beneficial ideas at league
Coaches with diverse
Not giving up Long- toolkits and skills Better
term Goal focused performing teams
Learn through mistakes Solve problems by trying (examples of effort when
(positive and negative) different approaches, instead losing, grinding out wins,
Perseverance Overcoming obstacles, of giving up More self- Keeping your head up, etc.)
fear Continuous reliance Other clubs would Less need for intervention
improvement Requires fear us from staff and directors
a challenge Intestinal More retention -> better
fortitude Effort numbers as age increases

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