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Semester 1, Academic Year 2023-2024




1. Nguyễn Trung Hậu – 20DH130099

2. Nguyễn Khánh Duy – 20DH131241
3. Phan Trần Thị Phi Giao - 20DH130287
4. Lê Thị Như Quỳnh - 20DH130205
5. Trần Thị Bảo Trân - 20DH130324

HCMC, November 2023


KHOA DU LỊCH - KHÁCH SẠN Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc


1. Thông tin sinh viên
Tỷ lệ
STT Họ và tên MSSV Điểm
hoàn thành
1 Nguyễn Trung Hậu 20DH130099 100
2 Nguyễn Khánh Duy 20DH131241 100
3 Phan Trần Thị Phi Giao 20DH130287 100
4 Lê Thị Như Quỳnh 20DH130205 100
5 Trần Thị Bảo Trân 20DH130324 100
2. Điểm số (theo thang điểm 100)
Tiêu chí CLO Điểm số GV1 GV2
Chuyên cần Nộp bài thu hoạch đúng thời hạn CLO1 10
Bố cục rõ ràng, đúng quy định,
CLO1 –
Hình thức chính tả, chú thích rõ ràng, tài liệu 10
tham khảo…
Chương 1: Trình bày vấn đề nghiên CLO1 –
cứu có 5 phần theo qui định CLO5
Chương 2: Tổng hợp, lược khảo
được các nghiên cứu trước, tìm ra CLO2,
được khoảng trống trong các nghiên CLO5
Nội dung cứu.
Đề xuất mô hình, giả thuyết nghiên CLO4 –
cứu phù hợp. CLO5
Chương 3: Trình bày phương pháp CLO4 -
nghiên cứu CLO5
CLO3 –
Thiết lập được bảng hỏi nghiên cứu. 10
Điểm số: 100

Tổng cộng:
Giảng viên chấm 1 Giảng viên chấm 2
Ngày….. tháng….. năm 2023


Bảng 2.1: Bảng đề xuất giả thuyết.........................................................................................


Hình 2.1 Quan hệ giữa chất lượng dịch vụ và sự hài lòng của khách hàng.......................
Hình 2.2 Mô hình nghiên cứu mối quan hệ giữa thỏa mãn và lòng trung thành...............
Hình 2.3 Mô hình đề xuất nghiên cứu...................................................................................


CHAPTER 1: RESEARCH OVERVIEW......................................................................1

1. Reason for choosing the topic...........................................................................1

1.2. Purpose of research..............................................................................................2

1.3. Subjects and subjects of study.............................................................................2

1.4. Research tasks......................................................................................................2

1.5. Research methodology:.....................................................................................3

1.6. Scope of research:................................................................................................3

1.7 Overview of the research situation:......................................................................3

1.7.1 Overview of domestic research situation.......................................................3

1.7.2 Overview of overseas research......................................................................3

1.7.3 Conclusion.....................................................................................................4


2.1. Theoretical basis..................................................................................................5

2.1.1. Concepts.......................................................................................................5

2.2. Research hypotheses and models........................................................................8

2.2.1. Research hypotheses.....................................................................................8

2.2.2. Research model...........................................................................................14

CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH DESIGN..........................................................................16

3.1 Study design.......................................................................................................16

3.1.1 Research process..........................................................................................16

3.1.2 Research methodology................................................................................16

3.2 Qualitative research............................................................................................18

3.2.1 Purpose........................................................................................................18

3.2.2. Qualitative research design.........................................................................19


3.2.3 Qualitative research results..........................................................................20

3.2.4. Scale of factors...........................................................................................20

3.2.5 Scale design.................................................................................................28


APPENDIX 2...............................................................................................................35
1. Reason for choosing the topic
Ecotourism today has become a popular and important trend in the tourism
industry. With the rise of awareness of environmental protection and the necessity of
preserving natural areas, ecotourism is attracting interest from both tourists and
destination managers. In the tourism industry, attracting and retaining customers is
one of the important factors for business development. Nam Cat Tien National Park in
Long An has attracted the attention of many visitors with its beautiful natural
landscape and new experiences. However, in order for customers to intend to return,
there should be a number of factors that are considered and improved. One of the
prerequisite factors is the quality of service. Customers expect dedicated and
professional treatment from the staff in the resort. Staff need to be trained in
communication skills, understanding of their products and services to be able to meet
all customer requirements. The warmth, friendliness and attentiveness of the staff will
make an important contribution to creating a positive travel experience for customers.
The maintenance and improvement of the quality of leisure activities is another
important factor. Nam Cat Tien National Park needs to constantly update new and
attractive activities to attract the attention of customers. Organizing interesting
activities such as adventures in the forest, walking over suspension bridges or
participating in cultural activities will make this tourist area an attractive destination
not only for people in the area but also for visitors from far away and especially
foreign visitors. Creating a safe and comfortable environment is also indispensable.
Ensuring security, hygiene and comfort is important so that customers can enjoy their
travel without risks or hassles. In order for customers to intend to return to Nam Cat
Tien National Park, business owners (General Department of Forestry, Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development) need to focus on improving services, improving
the quality of recreational activities, creating a safe and comfortable environment,
guaranteed infrastructure, ... It is essential to study all these factors to enhance positive
perceptions and at the same time suggest ways to improve, to increase satisfaction and
return of visitors to Nam Cat Tien National Park. Stemming from the above practices,

the topic "Factors affecting the intention of visitors to return in Nam Cat Tien
National Park" aims to offer solutions and solutions to increase the return of
customers and the higher purpose is the loyalty of customers.
1.2. Purpose of research
Get a better understanding of what factors can make a positive impact and
maintain customer interest in the destination. This research is not only theoretical but
also has practical implications in the development and management of tourist resorts.
One of the purposes to study the factors that influence guests' intention to return
is to help resort operators better understand their customers' wants and needs. By
identifying these factors, businesses and managers can take appropriate measures to
attract and retain customers, thereby increasing revenue and sustainable development
for the resort.
Help identify the strengths and weaknesses of Nam Cat Tien National Park. This
allows managers and businesses to focus on improving incomplete aspects, thereby
enhancing the customer experience and creating higher satisfaction.
Contribute to the development of Vietnam's tourism industry. By better
understanding our customers' intentions to return, we can build effective marketing
and promotion strategies to attract domestic and foreign visitors. This not only brings
economic benefits, but also contributes to building a positive image of the country.
The study of factors affecting visitors' intention to return to Nam Cat Tien
National Park is important in improving customer experience, enhancing satisfaction
and sustainable development for Vietnam's tourism industry.
1.3. Subjects and subjects of study
Subjects of study: factors affecting the intention of domestic visitors to return to
Nam Cat Tien National Park.
Study subjects: tourists returning to Nam Cat Tien National Park.
1.4. Research tasks
Study documents, theoretical foundations, overview and current status of Nam
Cat Tien National Park. Actual survey of current status and customer assessment after
visiting Nam Cat Tien National Park. Find out the reasons why customers do not

return to the resort and offer solutions to that cause. Write reports and offer methods
and solutions.
1.5. Research methodology:
- Research methodology: Consult an expert
- Research methodology: Data collection
1.6. Scope of research:
- The research paper was conducted in Ho Chi Minh City. The research paper was
surveyed from customers who have visited Nam Cat Tien National Park.
- The study will be conducted nearly 3 months from October 7, 2023
- This research paper focuses on the factors affecting the intention of customers to
return when coming to Nam Cat Tien National Park.
1.7 Overview of the research situation:
1.7.1 Overview of domestic research situation

According to Nguyen Van Thich (2021), Factors affecting Binh Quoi's intention to
return to tourist destinations of domestic tourists have come to a conclusion affecting
the intention to return as shown through the image of the tourist destination, natural
and cultural environment, reasonableness of prices, tourist infrastructure,
accessibility, local cuisine, entertainment services, local people.

According to Lin et al. (2007), Influence of destination image, emotional value on

visitor satisfaction and loyalty: Dalat city case study, tourist satisfaction positively
influences the factor of returning to the attraction.

According to Nguyen Tien Thanh (2021), The relationship between the image of Da
Nang destination and the intention of domestic tourists to return. The emotional factor
partly influences the intention of visitors to return when visiting the attraction.
1.7.2 Overview of overseas research
This topic has been researched by many authors, some factors have been mentioned
and the authors have proposed some more elements to expand the topic.

According to M-K's customer satisfaction model. Kim et al argue that customer
satisfaction consists of six basic components: service quality, service price, brand
image, advertising promotions, added services, customer service.
According to research by Hossain, M. A., Chowdhury, M. R., & Jahan, N. (2017)
suggests that the factors used to determine consumer satisfaction and loyalty are: price
factors, service quality, customer care, brand image.
1.7.3 Conclusion
Thereby, the authors agree with factors such as service quality, service price, tourist
attraction image, natural environment, infrastructure, local cuisine, entertainment
services and give some other factors that can affect customer loyalty such as brand
reputation, perceived value.


At the beginning of the team's paper, the authors will bring some theoretical
foundations from various experts in fields related to tourism, market marketing,
hospitality and services to clarify the basic concepts and thereby inherit the research
model that the team proposed in this research paper for that purpose is to prove that
the research model of the group is good in all aspects, from summarizing the purpose
of the group and offering some best solutions to solve some problems that the business
establishment has been facing, in order to improve some service quality and give
customers a service experience as expected; theirs and moreover, the return to use the
services of the business is the goal that the team set for the research paper, the loyalty
of customers to tourism products in the national park.
These will be some theoretical bases that the authors have integrated and
researched to form a research model of customer loyalty to the research subject that is
customer loyalty. The goal of the authors in this program is to clarify the concept of
factors affecting customer loyalty including such as service quality at the destination,
affordable price, brand reputation of the business, brand awareness if meeting these
factors will achieve customer satisfaction, And when the business has achieved
customer satisfaction, it is certain that the ability of customers to return will account

for quite a high rate, and the higher goal is the long-term commitment of customers to
the product.
2.1. Theoretical basis
2.1.1. Concepts
In recent years, when tourism products are more and more diversified in the
market with many different price segments aimed at each customer, that business aims
to attract, find new customer files and maintain relationships between customers who
have used tourism products. However, the return rate of customers for travel products
they have used is relatively unsatisfactory, customers are always looking for new
products and services to solve problems that satisfy their needs. So to overcome this,
some researchers have come up with a lot of concepts about each problem such as: The concept of service quality
One of the first factors affecting the return rate of customers or establishing
customer loyalty to the tourism products provided by that enterprise, the quality of
service will play a significant part in influencing the feeling of customers, thereby
shaping the decision of returning customers in the future.
According to the International Organization for Standardization ISO defines as
relevant factors of service quality: "Quality is the ability of the set of characteristics
of a product, system or process to meet the requirements of customers and
stakeholders." The author, according to Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985),
introduced the notion that service quality can be seen as the gap between customers'
expectations and their perceptions after using the service.
Service quality is also considered the process by which the supplier must
ensure the satisfaction of all legitimate products and service needs, requirements and
expectations of consumers, at an acceptable price according to the World Tourism
In addition to the researchers' concept of service quality, there is a relationship
between service providers and their expectations and perceptions after customers have
used the product. In order to meet the research objectives of the group, the team
observed and concluded as follows. In addition to the relationship as listed by the
above authors, there will be some objective factors that the authors also recognize

some factors affecting service quality such as according to Nguyen Xuan Thanh
(2015), Impact of destination image on customer loyalty: In the case of Nghe An
tourist destination, PhD thesis, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, service
quality is influenced by factors such as destination image, natural environment,
infrastructure, local cuisine, entertainment services. The concept of brand reputation
According to Thuong Cong magazine, they show that customers often rely on
reputation and brand to choose products. Because when it comes to product brands,
customers usually know the style/quality/price of each brand, from which they can
easily choose their favorite products. The concept of emotional value of customers
According to the author Sheth et al. (1991), emotional value refers to the
emotions and happy and sad states of customers when using or experiencing
services/products at businesses. In addition, for the landscape at the tourist attraction,
Williams & Soutar (2009), for the point of view, emotional value is assessed to create
a sense of safety and enjoyment to stimulate the discovery of customers at a certain
attraction. The concept of customer satisfaction
After meeting the concepts that the author team has drawn from many different
authors about service quality, brand image, price and brand reputation. The authors
would like to mention some conceptual bases of customer satisfaction in the tourism
For a business that has ensured the above factors that the authors have
presented or more, the higher the rate of meeting customer satisfaction will be. Weber
(1996) argues that customer satisfaction is a fundamental element of customer
marketing theory that has an important influence on a customer's future purchase
intent, either through distribution or word of mouth (WOM). The concept of customer loyalty
The last concept that the authors want to mention in the research paper is
customer loyalty in the tourism industry. After meeting the expectations and
expectations of customers, businesses will get a part of customer satisfaction. Thereby
forming customer loyalty and increasing the return rate for used tourism products in
the future. Because customer loyalty is critical to the success of any organization.
According to Oliver (1997), loyalty is a behavioral bond directed to future
purchases of products or services. Because the rate of return of visitors to a certain
tourist destination that they have visited or not is very difficult to predict.
Besides, customer loyalty is also shown through the decision of customers
whether to return to use the service and whether they are willing to recommend
products at that business to customers or not. According to Chen and Tsal's research
(2007) và Oppermann (2000) cũng đã đề cập như sau: “mức độ của lòng trung thành
đối với một điểm đến được thể hiện qua ý định quay lại và sẵn sàng giới thiệu nó cho
người khác”.
2.2. Research hypotheses and models
2.2.1. Research hypotheses
The relationship between visual elements of tourist spots, natural
environment, infrastructure, local cuisine, entertainment services and service
Yumi Park and David Njite studied the relationship between Destination
Imagery and Traveler's Intended Behavior in Jeju Island, South Korea. In this study,
Destination images are measured through 04 factors: (1) Environment, (2)
Attractiveness of the destination, (3) Value for money, (4) Climate. The authors
developed a research model to examine the relationship between the components of
Destination Imagery to Visitor Satisfaction, which in turn influenced Traveler Intent
to Return.
Asuncion Beerli and Josefa D. Martín conducted research on the influence of
travelers' individual characteristics on different components of travelers' perceptions
of destination images. Factors that affect visitors' perception of destination image
include: Natural environment, Infrastructure, Tourism infrastructure, Entertainment
services, Cultural, historical and artistic values, Political and economic factors.
Tun Thiumsak and Athapol Ruangkanjanases studied the factors influencing
international tourists returning to the Thai capital, Bangkok. This study, although
referring to international tourists, is a theoretical basis and builds a number of factors

that affect the intentions of domestic tourists. The results of the study identified five
factors that affect foreign visitors' intention to return to Bangkok, Thailand, including:
Satisfaction of destination attributes, Overall satisfaction, Perception of attractiveness
of the destination, Overall image of the destination, Tourists' motives.
According to Nguyen Xuan Thanh (2015), Destination image impact on
customer loyalty: The case of Nghe An tourist destination, PhD thesis, Hanoi
University of Science and Technology

Element Proposed hypothesis

H1: The image of the destination is the impression, belief and general
simulation of the destination that wants to target customers. Or it is also
the attributes of associating the brand of the travel destination with
identifying characteristics that help customers have an overview of that
travel destination.
H2: The natural environment is elements that occur in nature but do not
have an impact from humans. In tourism, the natural environment
includes rivers, mountains, ponds, lakes, forests, deserts, weather,...

H3: Infrastructure is a component that has a significant impact on the

quality of services. Infrastructure is a fairly transparent tool for most
people, within time and space, tied to familiar structures such as the
Infrastructure power grid, water, the Internet, and airlines. The infrastructure includes
general infrastructure (medical services, telecommunications,...) and
tourism infrastructure (such as houses, restaurants, hotels, tourist

H4: Food has become an increasingly important factor in the tourism
industry, which will help improve food service as well as increase
customer satisfaction. For destination food suppliers, it is necessary to
Local cuisine expand the knowledge of tourists' food culture (including eating habits,
tastes, customs,...) to make the food fit the habits of tourists.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, leisure refers to time spent doing

what you enjoy when you're not working or studying. Entertainment is
Entertainment also defined as a film/musical,... used to entertain people. H5:
services Recreation includes outdoor activities, adventure activities, shopping
as well as nightlife.

Table 2.1: Hypothesis proposal table

The relationship between emotional value and visitor satisfaction and

It is possible that emotional value will also have an impact on customer behavior
decisions, as according to Sheth &; colleagues (1991). When visitors visit with a
positive emotion towards the tourist destination, this will lead to the satisfaction of
visitors and the authors that the authors have consulted also cite the relationship

between emotional value, which is a good catalyst to positively impact the experience
and satisfaction of visitors. (Gallarza & Saura, 2006; Hung & Petrick, 2012)
Customer satisfaction with a tourist destination is a positive state that affects the
perception and behavior of customers. Many researchers have argued for verifying the
positive impact of customer satisfaction on their loyalty (Chen et al., 2007; Pham &;
Kullada, 2009). In the tourism industry in particular, there are also various studies to
verify the positive relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty, such as
Yoon & Uysal (2005); Lee (2009); Hung & Petrick (2012); Horng et al. (2012).
Based on some of the above theories, the authors have concluded and would like
to propose the following hypothesis: H6 Emotional value is a positive catalyst for
customer satisfaction and loyalty.
The relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the
tourism industry.

To know a good product, high reliability, businesses will have to prove that their
service quality will meet the expectations and expectations of customers. Because
service quality can be said to be the first measure in deciding to use tourism products
for that business to provide in the market, if a tourism business provides products and
services that meet the criteria set by customers, this is the factor determining
satisfaction as well such as achieving customer satisfaction. According to Oliver
(1993), the quality of service affects the level of customer satisfaction. This means
that service quality is determined by many different factors, which are part of the
determinant of satisfaction (Parasuraman, 1985, 1988).

According to Cronin & Taylor (1992), the test and conclusion is that quality of
service leads to customer satisfaction. Service quality is the first factor of satisfaction
and the main factor affecting satisfaction.

Based on the above theoretical bases, the authors have concluded and proposed
the hypothesis as follows: H7 service quality is the top prerequisite factor leading to
customer satisfaction.

The Relationship Between Price and Customer Satisfaction in the Travel

According to Cronin and Taylor (1992), customers do not necessarily buy the
highest quality products or services, they will buy the products and services that give
them the most satisfaction. Therefore, service quality does not affect the price, but it
will affect customer satisfaction.

According to Patterson et al (1997), with the fierce competition of the current

industry, customers' perceptions of products and services, price and customer
satisfaction are closely related. Without mentioning price, satisfaction research would
be inaccurate.
According to Kaura (2012) Price is an important factor affecting customer
satisfaction. According to Andaleeb And Conway (2006) In a competitive
environment, customers always make price comparisons between suppliers. This
becomes even more important for products with a clearly standardized nature. Various
studies show a link between product and service price and customer satisfaction
(Andaleeb And Conway, 2006; Dharmalingam and Kanna, 2011; Kaura, 2012), in
which feeling good about price creates customer satisfaction.

Based on the above theories, the authors found that it does not matter whether it
is expensive or cheap, but depending on the feelings of customers, when customers
feel reasonable service prices, they will be satisfied and satisfied. The authors would
like to propose the following hypothesis: H8 Price is a cause of customer satisfaction.
The relationship between Brand Reputation and Customer Satisfaction in
the Tourism Industry

According to Makanyeza and Chikazhe (2017), the brand image is the

orientation, clear development plan, credibility in the eyes of customers, ethics when
doing business and keeping trust in customers.

Brand reputation can represent products associated with the brand (Truong,
McColl, & Kitchen, 2009). Alden, Steenkamp, and Batra (1999) argue that consumers

tend to perceive consumption of prestige brands as indicative of social status, wealth,
or power because prestigious brands are not purchased often and are strongly related
to an individual's social image
According to Han et al. (2020), reputable brands differ from non-reputable
brands in a number of ways that can influence consumers' motivation for purchasing
decisions. For example, to enhance their social status and self-expression. Compared
to non-reputable brands, reputable brands not only provide intangible benefits to
consumers, but also create value for consumers through asserting their position and
getting attention. In addition, numerous consumer studies demonstrate the decisive
role of self-improvement in consumer preference for brands (Fournier, 1998; Han et
al., 2020; Thomson, Mac Innis, & Park, 2005). Therefore, brand reputation has a
synergistic impact on consumers' brand recognition

Based on the above theories, the authors found that the reputation of a tourism
business shows the popularity and popularity of the business, reflecting the
satisfaction and reliability of customers for that business. The authors have inherited
and hypothesized as follows: H9 Prestige is an important factor to help customers
choose products and services of the business.
The relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Tourism
To prove whether the relationship of satisfaction affects customer loyalty,
according to Curry and Sinclair (2002), if a business provides a quality of service that
meets customer expectations, there will be customer satisfaction and vice versa. From
there, customer loyalty is formed. Research by Wicks and Roethlein (2009) shows that
if businesses increase satisfaction, it will increase customer loyalty to the tourism
products they provide. In addition, the increase in loyalty leads to a positive factor for
travel businesses that is an increase in the number of return purchases and a decrease
in the percentage of customers to other businesses.
In a study by Nguyen Thi Mai Trang (2006) also pointed out that service
quality is an important factor to satisfy customers, as well as increase their loyalty.

According to Giao and Ai (2020), which has also proven the relationship
between service satisfaction and customer loyalty, this research model has shown that
when customer loyalty is met, they will show loyalty through the behavior of buying a
product at a used supplier.

Figure 2.2 Model studying the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty

Based on the above theories of some authors, the authors would like to
propose the following hypothesis: H10 Satisfaction affects customer loyalty.
2.2.2. Research model
From the hypotheses that the authors have proposed for the relationships and
correlations between factors that the authors have inherited from many research
papers on the loyalty of tourists about the company's products.

The authors would like to propose the following research model:

Photos of tourist
Quality of service
Natural environment

Infrastructure Price Customer loyalty


Local cuisine
Brand reputation
Entertainment services
Emotional values

Figure 2.3 Research proposal model

In the content of chapter 3, the authors are presented in detail about the methods
and processes in the research process. From there, from the perspective of students, the
authors will adjust and evaluate the scales, theories, and methods that the authors have
obtained through data processing.
3.1 Study design
3.1.1 Research process
During the research process, the first thing that needs to be determined is based on
data about the factors that affect customer loyalty about a product in the long run and
extend the life of a product. In the following, the authors would like to present the
research process that the authors have carried out throughout the measurement research
process are qualitative research and quantitative research.
The research process of the author team will present in specific steps as follows:

Table 3.1. Summary of research steps

Step Data Collection Techniques Execution time Location

Expert interviews, group

1 Qualitative Oct – 16 HCM City

2 Quantitative Surveys through surveys Nov – 7 HCM City

Source: Author Synthesis

3.1.2 Research methodology
Step 1: Qualitative research

The first step in this research method is to find theories and synthesize materials
from the textbooks, relevant domestic and foreign studies that have been published by the
authors before, helping the author group inherit the approach to solving problems of
previous authors and at the same time help the group of authors gathered review the
observed factors and variables, thereby building a preliminary research model for the trial
investigation process with experts. However, there are still some factors and variables
observed that affect this scale, because these factors and scales are developed in
developed countries, leading to differences in culture and speed of tourism economic
development compared to Vietnam's tourism economic market. At the same time, the
model and legacy scales of the authors are integrated from research articles from
domestic and foreign authors related to customer loyalty and customer satisfaction, but
the observed variables and factors are not really consistent with the research model of the
proposed author team.
Therefore, the authors conducted qualitative research through expert interviews
with the purpose of appraising and adjusting the research model to build a survey for
quantitative research, the authors conducted an interview and discussed with 1 expert
researcher in the field of tourism about the impact factors touch customer loyalty.
The next step is to conduct a group discussion of 5 people who have used the
services of Nam Cat Tien tourist area who are currently studying, working and living in
Ho Chi Minh City. The purpose of the group discussion is to check and re-evaluate the
use of words in each question, each measurement variable to ensure that the subjects
interviewed through the questionnaire understand correctly and clearly. The participants
in the group discussion are those who have had time to experience all the services at Nam
Cat Tien tourist area.
The authors carry out qualitative research for the purpose of which is to
supplement and adjust the scales, as well as to verify the clarity of words, the ability to
speak as well as the duplication of statements in the scale so that it can be adjusted
accordingly. Therefore, through this result, the authors have adjusted the research model
and scales to suit the loyalty of customers in Nam Cat Tien tourist area.

Step 2: Quantitative research
After satisfying the conditions in step one, the authors conducted a large-scale
survey of official data. Income data by two main methods: direct surveys and Internet
surveys. For the Internet survey method is carried out through the docsgoogle tool. The
authors expect to collect a minimum of 280 required forms, the authors design
questionnaires and distribute to potential candidates a list of relatives, friends, colleagues
of the author group by email and social applications such as zalo, Facebook,... until
enough pieces are needed, they will stop.
The results of the survey will be entered into the Microsoft Excel Comma
Separated Values File (.csv) and will use SmartPLS 3.0 software to perform the analysis:
During the analysis, the authors need to determine the correlation of the observed
variables in the scale with each other through Cronbach's Alpha (CA) reliability
assessment, Composite Reliability (CR);
In addition, the authors also need to check model compatibility, convergence,
distinction, reliability and CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) quoting variance. Finally,
the authors need to check model compatibility, hypothesis testing, impact assessment
using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling).
3.2 Qualitative research
3.2.1 Purpose
Qualitative research to better understand the factors that impact customer loyalty
and thereby give the right scale for variables in the research model. Qualitative research
aimed at:
First, analyze, adjust and add variables to make measurement of research concepts
tailored to the research market.
Second, understand and assess the appropriateness of the scale after adjusting from
the study model and scale of the study concepts.
Third, continue to check and re-evaluate the wording in each sentence to make sure
that yes, the authors propose research models and research hypotheses, then conduct
interviews with experts on factors affecting customer loyalty to use tourism services in

Nam Cat Tien National Park; interview experts The factors given by the authors were
consistent with the subjects interviewed by the survey that understood the meaning.
3.2.2. Qualitative research design
To determine the scale for the study, the authors conducted expert interviews and
group discussions with subjects who had visited and used services in Nam Cat Tien
National Park. The implementation steps of qualitative research are as follows:
Step 1: Identify the factors that affect customer loyalty.
Step 2: In-depth interviews are conducted through interviewing experts, researchers,
managers who have expertise in the field of tourism. This step includes the following
tasks: preparing expert interview questions and identifying interview subjects who people
with research knowledge and people with in-depth experience in the field of tourism are.
First, the authors give the topic and purpose of the research and discuss together to
come up with a survey for research. The authors learn about the research and work
experiences of interviewing experts on the issue of customer loyalty when traveling.
After the topic or not and whether anything needs to be added, the authors finally
carefully recorded the opinions of experts and summarized them into a table of expert
interview results.
Step 3: Group discussions, including outlining group discussions. Then determine
the requirements for selecting interviewees. The audience invited by the author group
consists of 6 people.
The discussion is about the factors that affect customer loyalty, listing the variables
for each scale and discussing with the interviewee the level of significance of the
problem, the discussion content is based on the prepared outline.
The outline of the discussion of the group of customers using the service is made up
of three main parts: the introduction and the discussion problem, the main part is to
conduct the discussion and then the end of the discussion.
In the introduction, the authors clearly state the topic, research purpose, research
object, thoughts and discuss together to build a survey for research.

In the discussion section, the authors asked thematic questions and interviewed each
subject about the scales: factors affecting customer loyalty to Nam Cat Tien National
Park; The authors ask questions about the factors and ask if the assessment team is
appropriate, whether the factors need to be added and with that encourage participants to
answer questions positively.
At the end of the discussion, the results of the group discussion will be recorded by
the secretary with the opinions of the group members and summarized into a table of
group discussion results. It will then be summarized and emphasized to the main points
with the participants again.
Qualitative research is concluded when the questions discussed consistently produce
results that coincide with previous results. The results of the discussion were developed
into a formal survey with clear and easy-to-understand question content. The results of
qualitative research are shown at the next step of adjusting the scale to obtain the right
model and scale.
3.2.3 Qualitative research results
The first result: on the model of factors affecting customer loyalty in Nam Cat Tien
National Park, the expert proposed between raw and no other factors and the research
model consists of eleven factors: (1) service quality, (2) price, (3) brand reputation, (4)
perceived value and in service quality, there are also factors (5) destination image, (6)
natural environment, (7) infrastructure, (8) local cuisine, (9) entertainment services; that
has a positive effect on (10) customer satisfaction and in turn has a positive effect on (11)
customer loyalty in Nam Cat Tien National Park.
The second result: experts and teams believe that the content of the scales is suitable
for evaluation for the study.
Thus, at the end of the qualitative study concluded that the research model has 11
variables and 45 scales, the author's proposed research model is preserved.
3.2.4. Scale of factors
The scale" of factors influencing visitor loyalty in Nam Cat Tien National Park is
based on inheritance from Chen & Kerstetter (1999), Dunning (1993), Tsai et al. (2009),

Nguyen Dinh Tho (2018), Porter (2003), Uysal, Mclellan and Syrakaya, 1996; Iso-Ahola
and Mannel, 1987; Fodness, 1994; Mohsin and Ryan, 2003; Shoemaker, 1989; Cossens,
1989, Lee, 2009, Lin & associates, 2007, Lin & associates (2007); Nguyen Tien Thanh,
Le Van Huy (2021). The author synthesizes and presents the measurement variables for
the scales as follows:

The service quality scale, denoted "CL" is measured by 5 measurement

variables, showing the perceived value when used:"

STT Ampersand Tham khảo

1 CL1 Fast delivery time of products and services

Chen &
2 CL2 Diverse accommodation services

3 CL3 Extensive catering service (1999),

Services provided by enterprises always
4 CL4 Tsai et al.
ensure quality and reputation
The services provided have unique
5 CL5
characteristics of ecotourism

On the Brand Reputation scale, the symbol "UT" is measured by 4 measurement

variables from UT1 to UT4:

STT Ampersand Measurement variables Consult

The brand of the business is known by many

1 UT1


2 UT2 The brand of the business ensures trust Đình Thọ

The brand of the enterprise is built and (2003)
3 UT3
managed methodically

4 UT4 Eco-friendly business brand

Scale for emotional value, the symbol "GT" is measured by the measurement variable GT1 - GT4

STT Ampersand Measurement variables Consult

1 GT1 Places that create a sense of security Theo

& Soutar
Places that create a sense of security and a (2009)
2 GT2
desire to explore

3 GT3 Places create stimulation with tourism

4 UT4 The place feels rejuvenated with visitors

The scale for satisfaction, symbol "HL" is measured by two measurement

variables HL1 and HL2:"

STT Ampersand Measurement variables Consult

My overall level of satisfaction as an
1 HL1 aya,1996;Iso-Ahola
experience traveler
và Mannel, 1987;
Mohsin và Ryan,

2 HL2 Level of satisfaction, I rate the resort 2003;

Cossens, 1989

The scale for loyalty, denoted "TT" is measured by four measurement variables
from TT1 to TT4:"

STT Ampersand Measurement variables Consult

I would recommend the destination to
1 TT1
their friends

I would recommend the destination to

2 TT2
others who want to travel
Lee, 2009
I would encourage relatives to choose to
3 TT3
travel here

I will keep coming back to my

4 TT4
destination in the future

The price scale, denoted "CP"" is measured by 4 measurement variables from CP1
to CP3:

ST Measurement
Ampersand Consult
T variables

Price but it will impact customer

1 CP1
Theo Cronin and
Price and customer satisfaction are Taylor (1992),
2 CP2
closely interrelated Patterson et al
(1997), Kaura
There are many packages to suit
3 CP3 (2012), Lê Thị
customer needs
Tuyết và cộng sự
4 CP 4 Reasonable prices at the resort

The scale for the natural environment, symbol "MT" is measured by five
measurement variables from MT1 to MT5:"

STT Ampersand Measurement variables Consult

1 MT1 Fresh air

2 MT2 Pollution-free habitat

Lin et al., 2007;

3 MT3 Many beautiful landscapes
Lujun Su &; and

4 MT4 The climate is mild, pleasant Yinghua Huang

Have a special culture, history,

5 MT5

On the infrastructure scale, denoted "CS" is measured by five measurement

variables from CS1 to CS5:"

STT Ampersand Measurement variables Consult

Less congested transportation

1 CS1

There are many diverse and

2 CS2 convenient means of coming and
going. Lin et al., 2007

The means of transportation
3 CS3 between tourist destinations in the
region are diverse and convenient.

4 CS4 Good road quality

Destinations with many unique

5 CS5

On the scale of local cuisine, the symbol "AT" is measured by three

measurement variables from AT1 to AT3:"

STT Ampersand Measurement variables Consult

1 AT1 Gastronomy features

2 AT2 Dishes to fit tourists Lin et al., 2007

3 AT3 Dining style suitable for customers

The scale for entertainment services, symbol "DV" is measured by 4

measurement variables from MT1 to MT5:"

STT Ampersand Measurement variables Consult

Tourism activities, tours are
1 DV1
rich, novel and diverse

The means of transportation

between tourist destinations in
2 DV2 Lin et al (2007);
the region are diverse and
convenient. Nguyễn Tiến Thành,
Lê Văn Huy (2021)
Ensuring safety and security for
3 DV3 tourists in tourist and
commercial areas

There are efficient hotlines for

4 DV4

On a scale of emotional value, the symbol "CX" is measured by 4 measurement

variables from CX1 to CX5:

STT Ampersand Measurement variables Consult

Places create a sense of

1 CX1
Williams & Soutar,
Places that create a sense of
2 CX2
fun and exploration

Places that create excitement
3 CX3
with visitors

Create a sense of youth for

4 CX4

3.2.5 Scale design

Questionnaires are secondary sources of data collected from domestic tourists. For
this study, the survey questionnaire consisted of two main parts:

Part 1: General information:

Respondents' age, gender, origin, occupation, and experience are related to

respondents' socio-demographic characteristics.

The survey tool is completely anonymous, does not require the name of
respondents, and it is not necessary to identify each specific respondent during data
collection or specific destination ratings. It is important to find out how visitors feel when
visiting Sac mangrove forest. It allows data to be collected in each situation; to ensure
that data collection is not recognized; and to ensure that information is collected at the
team level.

Part 2: Respondents' comments:

The 5-point Likert type scale table is used as the response format for each factor
variable, with specified values where 1 is "Very Disagree" to 5 is "Very Agree". There
will be 5 factors used for the Likert scale:

▪ Local community

▪ Operator and business .

▪ Organization of tourism.

▪ Department of Agriculture and Rural Development .

▪ Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) .

The first part includes questions related to the respondent's views on the local
community. The items include statements to see if local communities and ecotourism
influence each other.

The second part includes six statements to see respondents' opinions on how
operators and businesses affect ecotourism.

This is followed by tourism organizations, departments of agriculture and rural

development, non-governmental organizations that reflect the respondent's views on a
particular issue. A questionnaire consists of a list of questions compiled to elicit reliable
answers from a selected sample for the purpose of determining what participants do,
think, or feel.

The type of interview that the author decides to use is

• Structured interviews: Similar to questionnaires intended to guide the order of

questions and how to ask specific questions, questions are generally open-ended. The
sample framework will include domestic and foreign tourists, management and service

Thus, with the structured interview, there will be a series of questions aimed at
determining the respondent's overall level of satisfaction with their experience in Sac

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Hello Sir/Madam,
Hello Sir/Madam, I’m Nguyen Khanh Duy and my partner is currently a final year
student of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality at Ho Chi Minh City University of
Foreign Languages and Information Technology. Currently, I am writing a thesis with the
The purpose of this research is to investigate factors that influence visitors'
intention to return to Nam Cat Tien Tourist Area and tourist destinations in general. From
there I can learn from experience and contribute to developing the tourism industry
during the current economic recession.
Therefore, my colleagues and I designed the survey below to have the amount of
information to complete this research. We hope you will take some time to answer the
survey below. Your opinion will help me a lot in my research topic.
If you have any questions or comments about the survey, please contact us
Phone number: 0328690674 or email:


1. Have you ever been to Nam Cat Tien National Park? S
Yes (please continue to complete the survey).
No (please stop here, thank you for participating).
2. you gone to Bam Cat Tien National Park ?
☐ 01 time ☐ 02 times
☐ 03 times ☐ More than 03 times
3. you been here ?
☐ 01 day ☐ 02 days

☐ 03 days ☐ More than 03 days
4. For what purpose do you come here ?
☐ Go on bussiness ☐ Study, research
☐ Sightseeing and relaxing ☐ Other


By default, the telecommunications provider that you primarily use has been
answered in question 2, Part 1. Please provide your assessment of the above provider in
the following statements. For each statement, please indicate your level of agreement by
circling the appropriate box on a 5-level scale:
1 2 3 4 5
Totally Completely
Disagree Neutral Agree
disagree Agree
Completely disagree
The mobile telecommunications service provider you are
(1) Completely agree
using is ...
Regarding environmental quality issues in Nam Cat Tien National Park
1 Clean air 1 2 3 4 5
2 The living environment is not polluted 1 2 3 4 5
3 Many beautiful landscapes 1 2 3 4 5
4 The climate is temperate and pleasant 1 2 3 4 5
5 Has a special culture, history, and heritage 1 2 3 4 5
infrastructure issues at Nam Cat Tien National Park
6 There is little congestion in the traffic system 1 2 3 4 5
There are many diverse and convenient means of
7 1 2 3 4 5
8 Means of transportation between tourist destinations in 1 2 3 4 5

the area are diverse and convenient
9 Road quality is good
ten Destinations have many unique architecture
About the problem local food
11 The cuisine has its own characteristics 1 2 3 4 5
12 Appropriate eating style 1 2 3 4 5
About the problem service quality
13 Fast delivery time for products and services 1 2 3 4 5
14 Diverse accommodation services 1 2 3 4 5
15 Extensive food and beverage services 2 3 4 5
The services provided by businesses ensure quality and
16 1 2 3 4 5
17 The service provided has its own unique characteristics 1 2 3 4 5
reputation issues
18 The brand is known to many people 1 2 3 4 5
19 Brands ensure trust 1 2 3 4 5
20 Brands are built and managed systematically 1 2 3 4 5
21 Environmentally friendly corporate brand 1 2 3 4 5
Regarding the issue of brand image at Nam Cat Tien National Park
22 There are many famous scenic spots 1 2 3 4 5
23 There are many unique tourism products 1 2 3 4 5
24 The location creates an interesting feeling 1 2 3 4 5
Regarding the issue of perceived value, I found the provider's service…
25 Create a feeling of security 1 2 3 4 5
26 Create stimulation 1 2 3 4 5
27 Is a good choice 1 2 3 4 5
Regarding satisfaction, using the provider's services I feel...
28 Satisfied 1 2 3 4 5

29 Pleasant experience 1 2 3 4 5
30 Meets my parents,.. 1 2 3 4 5
Regarding the issue of cohesion, I intend to…
31 Introducing it to everyone 1 2 3 4 5
32 Come back here 1 2 3 4 5
34 Encourage everyone to travel here 1 2 3 4 5


This section refers to your general personal information. The information will allow
us to make descriptive statistics and compare differences between response groups in this
☐ Male ☐ Female ☐ Other
☐ Under 18 years old ☐ From 18 to 28 years old
☐ From 29 to 39 years old ☐ From 40 to 50 years old
☐ Over 50 years old
Marital status:
☐ Single ☐ Married ☐ Other…
Academic level:
☐ High school ☐ College/University
☐ Postgraduate ☐ Other:…
Monthly income:
☐ Under 6 million ☐ From 6 to under 10 million
☐ From 10 to under 15 million ☐ From 15 to under 30 million
☐ From 30 to 50 million ☐ Over 50 million

You currently live in:
☐ Ho Chi Minh City ☐ Hanoi
☐ Da Nang ☐ Other…
Thank you very much for participating in the survey.


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