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Description Debit Credit Codes

Property & Equipment - - ANA0010000
Land - - ANA0010010
Office Buildings - - ANA0010020
Land and Building (where inseparable) - - ANA0010030
PSX Booths - - ANA0010040
Leasehold Improvements - - ANA0010050
Office Equipment - - ANA0010060
Office Furniture & Fixture - - ANA0010070
Office Computer and accessories - - ANA0010080
Motor Vehicles - - ANA0010090
Assets Subject to Finance Lease - - ANA0010100
Capital Work in Progress - - ANA0010110
Others - - ANA0010120
Intangible Assets - - ANA0020000
TREC - PSX - - ANA0020010
TREC - PMEX - - ANA0020020
Software & related Licenses - - ANA0020030
Goodwill - - ANA0020040
Others - - ANA0020050
Long-term Investments - - ANA0030000
Long-term Investments - Equity Market - - ANA0031000
Ordinary Shares - - ANA0031010
Preference Shares - - ANA0031011
PSX Shares - - ANA0031012
ISE REIT shares - - ANA0031013
LSE Financial Services shares - - ANA0031014
Others - - ANA0031015
Long-term Investments - Debt Market - - ANA0032000
Pakistan Investment Bonds - - ANA0032010
Sukuks - Listed - - ANA0032020
Sukuks - Unlisted - - ANA0032030
TFC/ Corporate Bonds - Listed - - ANA0032040
TFC/ Corporate Bonds - Unlisted - - ANA0032050
Eurobonds / Medium Term Notes (MTN) - - ANA0032060
Term Deposits (more than one year) - - ANA0032070
National Saving Schemes - - ANA0032080
Others - - ANA0032090
Long-term Investments - Others - - ANA0033000
Mutual funds - - ANA0033010
Others - - ANA0033020
Investment in Subsidiary - - ANA0040000
Investment in Subsidiary - - ANA0040010
Investment in Associates - - ANA0050000
Investment in Associates - - ANA0050010
Investment in Holding Company - - ANA0060000
Investment in Holding Company - - ANA0060010
Investment Property - - ANA0070000
Land - - ANA0070010
Building - - ANA0070020
Land & Building (Where inseparable) - - ANA0070030
Others - - ANA0070040
Long-Term Loans and Advances - - ANA0080000
Loans to Directors - - ANA0080010
Loans to Employees - - ANA0080020
Loans to Corporate Associates - - ANA0080030
Loans to Non-Corporate Associate Businesses - - ANA0080040
Others - - ANA0080050
Long-term Deposits, Prepayments and Other Receivables - - ANA0090000
Long-term Deposits - - ANA0091000
Long-Term Deposit - Rent - - ANA0091010
Long-Term Deposit - PSX - - ANA0091020
Long-Term Deposit - NCCPL - - ANA0091030
Long-Term Deposit - CDC - - ANA0091040
Long-Term Deposit - PMEX - - ANA0091050
Long-Term Deposit - PSX BMC - - ANA0091060
Long-Term Deposit - BATS - - ANA0091070
Long-Term Deposit - Others - - ANA0091080
Long-term Prepayments - - ANA0092000
Long-term Prepayments (Vendors, others etc.) - - ANA0092010
Long-term Other Receivables - - ANA0093000
Long-term Other Receivables - - ANA0093010
Deferred Tax Asset - - ANA0100000
Deferred Tax Asset - - ANA0100010
Trade Debts - - ACA0010000
Trade Debts - Equity Market - - ACA0011000
Trade Debts - Corporate Associated Companies (including Funds) - - ACA0011010
Trade Debts - Non-Corporate Associate Businesses - - ACA0011020
Trade Debts - Other Corporates - - ACA0011030
Trade Debts - Individuals - - ACA0011040
Trade Debts - Corporate Foreign - - ACA0011050
Trade Debts - Individual Foreign - - ACA0011060
Trade Debts - Directors/ Sponsors - - ACA0011070
Trade Debts - Employees - - ACA0011080
Trade Debts - Trust, Foundation, Welfare, NPOs and Others - - ACA0011090
Trade Debts - Equity Leverage Market - - ACA0012000
Trade Debts - Margin Trading - - ACA0012010
Trade Debts - Margin Financing - - ACA0012020
Trade Debts - Securities Lending and Borrowing - - ACA0012030
Trade Debts - Murahaba Shares Financing - - ACA0012040
Trade Debts - Others - - ACA0012041
Trade Debts - Consulting & Advisory Services - - ACA0013000
Trade Debts - Corporate Finance Advisory Services - - ACA0013010
Trade Debts - Underwriting Services - - ACA0013020
Trade Debts - Market Making Services - ETF - - ACA0013030
Trade Debts - Research Services - - ACA0013100
Trade Debts - Research Services - - ACA0013110
Trade Debts - Debt Market - - ACA0014000
Trade Debts - Money Market - - ACA0014010
Trade Debts - BATS Trading - - ACA0014020
Trade Debts - Reverse Repo Transactions - - ACA0014030
Trade Debts - Others - - ACA0014040
Trade Debts -FOREX Market - - ACA0015000
Trade Debts - FOREX Clients - - ACA0015010
Trade Debts - Commodity Market - - ACA0016000
Trade Debts - Market Making Services for PMEX - - ACA0016010
Trade Debts - Others - - ACA0016020
Trade Debts - Others - - ACA0017000
Trade Debts - Others - - ACA0017010
Short-Term Investments - - ACA0020000
Short-term Investments - Equity Market - - ACA0021000
Ordinary Shares - - ACA0021010
Preference Shares - - ACA0021020
PSX Shares - - ACA0021030
Others - - ACA0021040
Short-term Investments - Debt Market - - ACA0022000
Pakistan Investment Bonds - - ACA0022010
Treasury Bills - - ACA0022020
Sukuks - Listed - - ACA0022030
Sukuks - Unlisted - - ACA0022040
TFC/ Corporate Bonds - Listed - - ACA0022050
TFC/ Corporate Bonds - Unlisted - - ACA0022060
Commercial Paper - - ACA0022070
Term Deposits (1 year or less) - - ACA0022080
Certificate of Investments - - ACA0022090
National Saving Certificates - - ACA0022100
Reverse Repo - - ACA0022110
Others - - ACA0022120
Short-term Investments - Others - - ACA0023000
Mutual funds - - ACA0023010
Others - - ACA0023020
Short-Term Deposits - - ACA0030000
Shor-term Deposit - Rent - - ACA0030010
Shor-term Deposit - PSX - - ACA0030020
Shor-term Deposit - NCCPL - - ACA0030030
Shor-term Deposit - CDC - - ACA0030040
Shor-term Deposit - Others - - ACA0030050
Cash Margin Against Exposure - Proprietary - - ACA0040000
Cash deposit - Ready - - ACA0040010
Cash deposit - DFC - - ACA0040020
Cash deposit - CSF - - ACA0040030
Cash deposit - MTS - - ACA0040040
Cash deposit - MFS - - ACA0040050
Cash deposit - MSF - - ACA0040060
Cash deposit - SLB - - ACA0040070
Cash deposit - BATS - - ACA0040080
Cash deposit - ETF - - ACA0040090
Cash deposit - SIFC - - ACA0040100
Cash deposit - Others - - ACA0040110
Cash Margin Against Exposure - Clients - - ACA0050000
Cash deposit - Ready - - ACA0050010
Cash deposit - DFC - - ACA0050020
Cash deposit - CSF - - ACA0050030
Cash deposit - MTS - - ACA0050040
Cash deposit - MFS - - ACA0050050
Cash deposit - MSF - - ACA0050060
Cash deposit - SLB - - ACA0050070
Cash deposit - BATS - - ACA0050080
Cash deposit - ETF - - ACA0050090
Cash deposit - SIFC - - ACA0050100
Cash deposit - Others - - ACA0050110
NCCPL Settlement - - ACA0060000
NCCPL Settlement - Proprietary - - ACA0060010
NCCPL Settlement - Clients - - ACA0060020
Short-Term Loans - - ACA0070000
Short-Term Loans - Directors - - ACA0070010
Short-Term Loans - Employees - - ACA0070020
Short-Term Loans - Corporate Associates - - ACA0070030
Short-Term Loans - Non - Corporate Associates - - ACA0070040
Short-Term Loans - Others - - ACA0070050
Short-term Advances - - ACA0080000
Advances (Salary, Suppliers, etc.) - - ACA0080010
Short-term Prepayments - - ACA0090000
Prepayment - Rent - - ACA0090010
Prepayment - Insurance - - ACA0090020
Prepayment - Royalty - - ACA0090030
Prepayment - Marketing & Advertisements - - ACA0090040
Prepayment - Repair & Maintenance - - ACA0090050
Prepayment - Computer and IT related Expenses - - ACA0090060
Prepayment - Travelling and Conveyance - - ACA0090070
Prepayment - Communications - - ACA0090080
Prepayment - Others - - ACA0090090
Accrued Markup/ Interest - - ACA0100000
Accrued Markup/ Interest on Loan to Directors - - ACA0100010
Accrued Markup/ Interest on Loan to Brokers - - ACA0100020
Accrued Markup/ Interest on Loan to Employees - - ACA0100030
Accrued Markup/ Interest on Loan to Corporate Associate (including
Fund) - - ACA0100040
Accrued Markup/ Interest on Loan to Non-Corporate Associate
Businesses - - ACA0100050
Accrued Markup/ Interest on MTS - - ACA0100060
Accrued Markup/ Interest on MFS - - ACA0100070
Accrued Markup/ Interest on SLB - - ACA0100080
Accrued Markup/ Interest on MSF - - ACA0100090
Accrued Markup/ Interest on Treasury Bills - - ACA0100100
Accrued Markup/ Interest on Pakistan Investment Bonds - - ACA0100110
Accrued Markup/ Profit on Sukuks - Listed - - ACA0100120
Accrued Markup/ Profit on Sukuks - Unlisted - - ACA0100130
Accrued Markup/ Interest on TFC/ Corporate Bonds - Listed - - ACA0100140
Accrued Markup/ Interest on TFC/ Corporate Bonds - Unlisted - - ACA0100150
Accrued Markup/ Interest on Commercial Papers - - ACA0100160
Accrued Markup/ Interest on Fixed Income funds - - ACA0100170
Accrued Markup/ Interest on National Saving Schemes - - ACA0100180
Accrued Markup/ Interest on Term Deposits - - ACA0100190
Accrued Markup/ Interest on Certificate of Investments - - ACA0100200
Accrued Markup/ Interest on Reverse REPO - - ACA0100210
Accrued Markup/ Interest on Loans to Other - - ACA0100220
Other Receivables - - ACA0110000
Dividend Receivable - - ACA0110010
Other Receivables from Corporate/Fund Associate - - ACA0110020
Other Receivables from Non-Corporate Associate Businesses - - ACA0110030
Others - - ACA0110040
Provincial Service Tax Withheld - - ACA0120000
Service Tax Withheld - SRB - - ACA0120010
Service Tax Withheld - PRA - - ACA0120020
Service Tax Withheld - KPKRA - - ACA0120030
Service Tax Withheld - BRA - - ACA0120040
Advance Income Tax - - ACA0130000
Advance Income tax - Brokerage and Commission - - ACA0130010
Advance Tax - Dividend Income - - ACA0130020
Advance Tax - Capital Gain - - ACA0130030
Advance Tax - Profit on Debt - - ACA0130040
Advance Tax - others - - ACA0130050
Other Taxes - - ACA0140000
Presumptive Tax on Sales Value - - ACA0140010
Presumptive Tax on Purchase Value - - ACA0140020
Capital Value Tax on Purchase Value - - ACA0140030
Federal Excise Duty - - ACA0140040
Others - - ACA0140050
Bank Balance - Proprietary - - ACA0150000
Allied Bank Limited - - ACA0150010
AL Baraka Bank Pakistan Limited - - ACA0150020
Askari Bank Limited - - ACA0150030
Bank Alfalah Limited - - ACA0150040
Bank Al-Habib Limited - - ACA0150050
Bankislami Pakistan Limited - - ACA0150060
Bank of Khyber - - ACA0150070
Bank of Punjab - - ACA0150080
MUFG Bank Limited (Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi) - - ACA0150090
Citibank N.A. Pakistan - - ACA0150100
Deutsche Bank AG - - ACA0150110
Dubai Islamic Bank Limited - - ACA0150120
Faysal Bank Limited - - ACA0150130
First Women Bank Limited - - ACA0150140
Habib Bank AG Zurich - - ACA0150150
Habib Bank Limited - - ACA0150160
Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited - - ACA0150170
Invest Capital Investment Bank Limited - - ACA0150180
Industrial Development Bank Limited - - ACA0150190
JS Bank Limited - - ACA0150200
MCB Bank Limited - - ACA0150210
MCB Islamic Bank Limited - - ACA0150211
Meezan Bank Limited - - ACA0150220
National Bank of Pakistan Limited - - ACA0150230
Punjab Provincial Cooperative Bank Limited - - ACA0150240
Samba Bank Limited - - ACA0150250
Standard Chartered Bank of Pakistan Limited - - ACA0150260
Silk Bank Limited - - ACA0150270
Sind Bank Limited - - ACA0150280
Summit Bank Limited - - ACA0150290
SME Bank Limited - - ACA0150300
Soneri Bank Limited - - ACA0150310
United Bank Limited - - ACA0150320
Zarai Taraqiati Bank Ltd - - ACA0150330
Others - - ACA0150340
Bank Balance - Client - - ACA0160000
Allied Bank Limited - - ACA0160010
AL Baraka Bank Pakistan Limited - - ACA0160020
Askari Bank Limited - - ACA0160030
Bank Alfalah Limited - - ACA0160040
Bank Al-Habib Limited - - ACA0160050
Bankislami Pakistan Limited - - ACA0160060
Bank of Khyber - - ACA0160070
Bank of Punjab - - ACA0160080
MUFG Bank Limited (Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi) - - ACA0160090
Citibank N.A. Pakistan - - ACA0160100
Deutsche Bank AG - - ACA0160110
Dubai Islamic Bank Limited - - ACA0160120
Faysal Bank Limited - - ACA0160130
First Women Bank Limited - - ACA0160140
Habib Bank AG Zurich - - ACA0160150
Habib Bank Limited - - ACA0160160
Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited - - ACA0160170
Invest Capital Investment Bank Limited - - ACA0160180
Industrial Development Bank Limited - - ACA0160190
JS Bank Limited - - ACA0160200
MCB Bank Limited - - ACA0160210
MCB Islamic Bank Limited - - ACA0160211
Meezan Bank Limited - - ACA0160220
National Bank of Pakistan Limited - - ACA0160230
Punjab Provincial Cooperative Bank Limited - - ACA0160240
Samba Bank Limited - - ACA0160250
Standard Chartered Bank of Pakistan Limited - - ACA0160260
Silk Bank Limited - - ACA0160270
Sind Bank Limited - - ACA0160280
Summit Bank Limited - - ACA0160290
SME Bank Limited - - ACA0160300
Soneri Bank Limited - - ACA0160310
United Bank Limited - - ACA0160320
Zarai Taraqiati Bank Ltd - - ACA0160330
Others - - ACA0160340
Cash in Hand - - ACA0170000
Petty Cash - - ACA0170010
Prize bonds - - ACA0170020
Others - - ACA0170030
EXPENSE - - EXP0000000
Operating Expenses - - EXP0010000
Salaries and Benefits - - EXP0010010
Directors Remuneration - - EXP0010020
Commission to Dealers - Equity Market - - EXP0010030
Commission to Dealers - Debt Market - - EXP0010040
Commission to Dealers - FOREX Market - - EXP0010050
Commission to Dealers - Commodity Market - - EXP0010060
Commission to Underwriter - - EXP0010070
Consultancy expense - - EXP0010080
CDC charges - - EXP0010090
PSX Charges - - EXP0010100
NCCPL Charges - - EXP0010110
Investor Protection Fund/ Customers Protection Compensation Fund
Charges - - EXP0010120
MTS/Laga Fee - - EXP0010130
SECP Charges - - EXP0010140
SECP License/ Renewal Fee - - EXP0010150
NDM Charges - - EXP0010160
Research Cost - - EXP0010170
Others - - EXP0010180
Administration Expenses - - EXP0020000
Rent Rates and Taxes - - EXP0020010
Office Rent - - EXP0020020
Repair & Maintenance - - EXP0020030
Utility - - EXP0020040
Telephone and Communication Expense - - EXP0020050
Printing & Stationery - - EXP0020060
Computer and IT related Expenses - - EXP0020070
Entertainment Expenses - - EXP0020080
Travelling & Conveyance - - EXP0020090
Motor Vehicle Running Expense - - EXP0020100
Marketing and Business Promotion Expenses - - EXP0020110
Postage & Courier - - EXP0020120
Paper and Periodicals - - EXP0020130
Staff Training and Development - - EXP0020140
Security Guard Services - - EXP0020150
Royalty Expense - - EXP0020160
Donation - - EXP0020170
Insurance Expense - - EXP0020180
Commission on Bank Guarantee - - EXP0020190
Assets written off - - EXP0020200
Registrar Service Charges - - EXP0020210
Other General Expenses/ Miscellaneous - - EXP0020220
Audit Expenses - - EXP0030000
Audit Fee - - EXP0030010
Audit - Out of Pocket Expenses - - EXP0030020
Other Certifications - - EXP0030030
Internal Audit fee - - EXP0030040
System Audit Fee - - EXP0030050
Legal and Professional Expenses - - EXP0040000
Legal expenses - - EXP0040010
Others - - EXP0040020
Penalty - - EXP0050000
Penalty - SECP - - EXP0050010
Penalty - PSX - - EXP0050020
Penalty - CDC - - EXP0050030
Penalty - NCCPL - - EXP0050040
Penalty - SRB - - EXP0050050
Penalty - FBR - - EXP0050060
Penalty - Others - - EXP0050070
Impairment Expense - - EXP0060000
Impairment Loss on Investment classified as FVTOCI - Debt Market
(Short-term) - - EXP0060010
Impairment Loss on Investment measured at Amortized Cost - Debt
Market (Short-term) - - EXP0060020
Impairment Loss on Investment classified as FVTOCI - Debt Market
(Long-term) - - EXP0060030
Impairment Loss on Investment measured at Amortized Cost - Debt
Market (Long-term) - - EXP0060040
Impairment of Loans and Advances (Short-term) - - EXP0060050
Impairment of Loans and Advances (Long-term) - - EXP0060060
Impairment of TREC - PSX - - EXP0060070
Impairment of TREC - PMEX - - EXP0060080
Impairment of Software & Licenses - - EXP0060090
Impairment of Goodwill - - EXP0060100
Impairment of Investment in Subsidiary - - EXP0060110
Impairment of Investment in Associates - - EXP0060120
Impairment of Investment in Holding Company - - EXP0060130
Impairment of Property and Equipment - Land - - EXP0060140
Impairment of Property and Equipment - Office Building - - EXP0060150
Impairment of Property and Equipment - Land and Building (where
inseparable) - - EXP0060160
Impairment of Property and Equipment - PSX Booths - - EXP0060170
Impairment of Property and Equipment - Leasehold Improvements - - EXP0060180
Impairment of Property and Equipment - Office Equipment - - EXP0060190
Impairment of Property and Equipment - Office Computer and
accessories - - EXP0060200
Impairment of Property and Equipment - Motor Vehicles - - EXP0060210
Impairment of Property and Equipment - Assets Subject to Finance
Lease - - EXP0060220
Impairment of Property and Equipment - Capital Work in Progress - - EXP0060230
Impairment of Property and Equipment - Others - - EXP0060240
Impairment of Investment Property - Land - - EXP0060250
Impairment of Investment Property - Land and Building (where
inseparable) - - EXP0060260
Impairment Expense - Others - - EXP0060270
Bad Debts Expense - - EXP0070000
Bad Debts Expense - Equity Market - - EXP0071000
Bad Debts Expense - Corporate Associates - - EXP0071010
Bad Debts Expense - Non-Corporate Associate Businesses - - EXP0071020
Bad Debts Expense - Corporate Others Businesses - - EXP0071030
Bad Debts Expense - Individuals - - EXP0071040
Bad Debts Expense - Corporate Foreign - - EXP0071050
Bad Debts Expense - Individuals - Foreign - - EXP0071060
Bad Debts Expense - Directors - - EXP0071070
Bad Debts Expense - Employees - - EXP0071080
Bad Debts Expense - Trust, Foundation, Welfare, NPOs and Others - - EXP0071090
Bad Debts Expense - Equity Leverage Market - - EXP0071100
Bad Debts Expense - Margin Financing - - EXP0071110
Bad Debts Expense - Consulting & Advisory Services - - EXP0072000

Bad Debts Expense - Consultancy and Corporate Finance Advisory - - EXP0072010

Bad Debts Expense - Underwriting Services - - EXP0072020
Bad Debts Expense - Market Making Services - ETF - - EXP0072030
Bad Debts Expense - Research Services - - EXP0072100
Bad Debts Expense - Research Services - - EXP0072110
Bad Debts Expense - Debt Market - - EXP0073000
Bad Debts Expense - Money Market - - EXP0073010
Bad Debts Expense - BATS Trading - - EXP0073020
Bad Debts Expense - Others - - EXP0073030
Bad Debts Expense - FOREX Market - - EXP0074000
Bad Debts Expense - FOREX - - EXP0074010
Bad Debts Expense - Commodity Market - - EXP0075000
Bad Debts Expense - Commodity Market - - EXP0075010
Bad Debts Expense - Others - - EXP0076000
Bad Debts Expense - Others - - EXP0076010
Depreciation Expense - - EXP0080000
Depreciation Expense - Office Buildings - - EXP0080010
Depreciation Expense - Land and Buildings - - EXP0080020
Depreciation Expense - Leasehold Improvements - - EXP0080030
Depreciation Expense - Office Equipment - - EXP0080040
Depreciation Expense - Office Furniture and Fixtures - - EXP0080050
Depreciation Expense - Office Computers and Related Accessories - - EXP0080060
Depreciation Expense - Motor Vehicles - - EXP0080070
Depreciation Expense - Others - - EXP0080080
Depreciation Expense - Investment Property - - EXP0080100
Depreciation Expense - Investment Property - - EXP0080110
Amortization Expense - - EXP0090000
Amortization Expense - TREC PSX - - EXP0090010
Amortization Expense - TREC PMEX - - EXP0090020
Amortization Expense - Software and Licenses - - EXP0090030
Amortization Expense - Others - - EXP0090040
Finance Cost - - EXP0100000
Finance Cost - Financial Institutions - - EXP0101000
Markup/ Interest on Long-term Loans from Financial Institutions -
Secured - - EXP0101010
Markup/ Interest on Long-term Loans from Financial Institutions -
Unsecured - - EXP0101011
Markup/ Interest on Short-term Loan from Financial Institutions -
Secured - - EXP0101012
Markup/ Interest on Short-term Loan from Financial Institutions -
Unsecured - - EXP0101013
Markup/ Interest on Running Finance - - EXP0101014
Bank Charges - - EXP0101015
Other Charges - - EXP0101016
Finance Cost - Associates - - EXP0102000
Markup/ Interest on Long-term Loans - Corporate Associates - - EXP0102010
Markup/ Interest on Long-term Loans - Non-Corporate Associates - - EXP0102020
Markup/ Interest on Short-term Loans - Corporate Associates - - EXP0102030
Markup/ Interest on Short-term Loans - Non-Corporate Associates - - EXP0102040
Markup/ Interest on Subordinated Loan/ Debt - - EXP0102050
Markup/ Interest on Short-term Loan from Directors/ Sponsors - - EXP0102060
Markup/ Interest - unwinding of discount on Director Loans/ Sponsor
Loans - - EXP0102070
Finance Cost - Other Financing Facilities - - EXP0103000
Markup/ Interest on Liability against Finance Lease - - EXP0103010
Markup/ Interest on Long-term Loans - Others - - EXP0103020
Markup/ Interest on Commercial Papers - - EXP0103030
Markup/ Interest on overdue Balance of Provident Fund - - EXP0103040
Finance Cost - Equity Leverage Products - - EXP0104000
Markup/ Interest on Financing under MTS - - EXP0104010
Markup/ Interest on Financing under MFS - - EXP0104020
Markup/ Interest on Financing under SLB - - EXP0104030
Markup/ Interest on Financing under MSF - - EXP0104040
Markup/ Interest on Financing under Others - - EXP0104050
Finance Cost - Others - - EXP0105000
Markup/ Interest - unwinding of discount on Gratuity Liability - - EXP0105010
Markup/ Interest - unwinding of discount on Loan - Others - - EXP0105020
Markup/ Interest on REPO transaction - - EXP0105030
Markup/ Interest on Others - - EXP0105040
Taxation Expense - - EXP0110000
Income Tax Expense - Current - - EXP0110010
Income Tax Expense - Prior - - EXP0110020
Deferred Tax Expense - - EXP0110030
Deferred Tax Income - - EXP0110040
Others - - EXP0110050
Long-term Loan from Financial Institution - Secured - - LLT0011000
Allied Bank Limited - - LLT0011010
AL Baraka Bank Pakistan Limited - - LLT0011020
Askari Bank Limited - - LLT0011030
Bank Alfalah Limited - - LLT0011040
Bank Al-Habib Limited - - LLT0011050
Bankislami Pakistan Limited - - LLT0011060
Bank of Khyber - - LLT0011070
Bank of Punjab - - LLT0011080
MUFG Bank Limited (Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi) - - LLT0011090
Citibank N.A. Pakistan - - LLT0011100
Deutsche Bank AG - - LLT0011110
Dubai Islamic Bank Limited - - LLT0011120
Faysal Bank Limited - - LLT0011130
First Women Bank Limited - - LLT0011140
Habib Bank AG Zurich - - LLT0011150
Habib Bank Limited - - LLT0011160
Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited - - LLT0011170
Invest Capital Investment Bank Limited - - LLT0011180
Industrial Development Bank Limited - - LLT0011190
JS Bank Limited - - LLT0011200
MCB Bank Limited - - LLT0011210
MCB Islamic Bank Limited - - LLT0011211
Meezan Bank Limited - - LLT0011220
National Bank of Pakistan Limited - - LLT0011230
Punjab Provincial Cooperative Bank Limited - - LLT0011240
Samba Bank Limited - - LLT0011250
Standard Chartered Bank of Pakistan Limited - - LLT0011260
Silk Bank Limited - - LLT0011270
Sind Bank Limited - - LLT0011280
Summit Bank Limited - - LLT0011290
SME Bank Limited - - LLT0011300
Soneri Bank Limited - - LLT0011310
United Bank Limited - - LLT0011320
Zarai Taraqiati Bank Ltd - - LLT0011330
Others - - LLT0011340
Long-term Loan from Financial Institution - Unsecured - - LLT0012000
Allied Bank Limited - - LLT0012010
AL Baraka Bank Pakistan Limited - - LLT0012020
Askari Bank Limited - - LLT0012030
Bank Alfalah Limited - - LLT0012040
Bank Al-Habib Limited - - LLT0012050
Bankislami Pakistan Limited - - LLT0012060
Bank of Khyber - - LLT0012070
Bank of Punjab - - LLT0012080
MUFG Bank Limited (Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi) - - LLT0012090
Citibank N.A. Pakistan - - LLT0012100
Deutsche Bank AG - - LLT0012110
Dubai Islamic Bank Limited - - LLT0012120
Faysal Bank Limited - - LLT0012130
First Women Bank Limited - - LLT0012140
Habib Bank AG Zurich - - LLT0012150
Habib Bank Limited - - LLT0012160
Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited - - LLT0012170
Invest Capital Investment Bank Limited - - LLT0012180
Industrial Development Bank Limited - - LLT0012190
JS Bank Limited - - LLT0012200
MCB Bank Limited - - LLT0012210
MCB Islamic Bank Limited - - LLT0012211
Meezan Bank Limited - - LLT0012220
National Bank of Pakistan Limited - - LLT0012230
Punjab Provincial Cooperative Bank Limited - - LLT0012240
Samba Bank Limited - - LLT0012250
Standard Chartered Bank of Pakistan Limited - - LLT0012260
Silk Bank Limited - - LLT0012270
Sind Bank Limited - - LLT0012280
Summit Bank Limited - - LLT0012290
SME Bank Limited - - LLT0012300
Soneri Bank Limited - - LLT0012310
United Bank Limited - - LLT0012320
Zarai Taraqiati Bank Ltd - - LLT0012330
Others - - LLT0012340
Long-Term Loan - Associates - - LLT0020000
Subordinated Debt - Directors/ Sponsors - - LLT0020100
Long-Term Loan - Corporate Associates - - LLT0020200
Long-Term Loan - Non-Corporate Associates - - LLT0020300
Long-Term Loan - Others - - LLT0030000
Long-Term Loan - Others - - LLT0030100
Finance Lease Liability - - LLT0040000
Finance Lease Liability - - LLT0040010
Staff Retirement Benefits - - LLT0050000
Provident Fund Payable - - LLT0050010
Gratuity Payable - - LLT0050020
Other Long-term Employee Benefits - - LLT0050030
Other Deferred Liabilities - - LLT0060000
Other Deferred Liabilities - - LLT0060010
Deferred Tax Liabilities - - LLT0070000
Deferred Tax Liabilities - - LLT0070010
Short-Term Loans from Financial Institutions - Secured - - LST0011000
Allied Bank Limited - - LST0011010
AL Baraka Bank Pakistan Limited - - LST0011020
Askari Bank Limited - - LST0011030
Bank Alfalah Limited - - LST0011040
Bank Al-Habib Limited - - LST0011050
Bankislami Pakistan Limited - - LST0011060
Bank of Khyber - - LST0011070
Bank of Punjab - - LST0011080
MUFG Bank Limited (Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi) - - LST0011090
Citibank N.A. Pakistan - - LST0011100
Deutsche Bank AG - - LST0011110
Dubai Islamic Bank Limited - - LST0011120
Faysal Bank Limited - - LST0011130
First Women Bank Limited - - LST0011140
Habib Bank AG Zurich - - LST0011150
Habib Bank Limited - - LST0011160
Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited - - LST0011170
Invest Capital Investment Bank Limited - - LST0011180
Industrial Development Bank Limited - - LST0011190
JS Bank Limited - - LST0011200
MCB Bank Limited - - LST0011210
Meezan Bank Limited - - LST0011220
National Bank of Pakistan Limited - - LST0011230
Punjab Provincial Cooperative Bank Limited - - LST0011240
Samba Bank Limited - - LST0011250
Standard Chartered Bank of Pakistan Limited - - LST0011260
Silk Bank Limited - - LST0011270
Sind Bank Limited - - LST0011280
Summit Bank Limited - - LST0011290
SME Bank Limited - - LST0011300
Soneri Bank Limited - - LST0011310
United Bank Limited - - LST0011320
Zarai Taraqiati Bank Ltd - - LST0011330
Others - - LST0011340
Short-Term Loans from Financial Institutions - Unsecured - - LST0012000
Allied Bank Limited - - LST0012010
AL Baraka Bank Pakistan Limited - - LST0012020
Askari Bank Limited - - LST0012030
Bank Alfalah Limited - - LST0012040
Bank Al-Habib Limited - - LST0012050
Bankislami Pakistan Limited - - LST0012060
Bank of Khyber - - LST0012070
Bank of Punjab - - LST0012080
MUFG Bank Limited (Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi) - - LST0012090
Citibank N.A. Pakistan - - LST0012100
Deutsche Bank AG - - LST0012110
Dubai Islamic Bank Limited - - LST0012120
Faysal Bank Limited - - LST0012130
First Women Bank Limited - - LST0012140
Habib Bank AG Zurich - - LST0012150
Habib Bank Limited - - LST0012160
Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited - - LST0012170
Invest Capital Investment Bank Limited - - LST0012180
Industrial Development Bank Limited - - LST0012190
JS Bank Limited - - LST0012200
MCB Bank Limited - - LST0012210
Meezan Bank Limited - - LST0012220
National Bank of Pakistan Limited - - LST0012230
Punjab Provincial Cooperative Bank Limited - - LST0012240
Samba Bank Limited - - LST0012250
Standard Chartered Bank of Pakistan Limited - - LST0012260
Silk Bank Limited - - LST0012270
Sind Bank Limited - - LST0012280
Summit Bank Limited - - LST0012290
SME Bank Limited - - LST0012300
Soneri Bank Limited - - LST0012310
United Bank Limited - - LST0012320
Zarai Taraqiati Bank Ltd - - LST0012330
Others - - LST0012340
Short-term Loans from Associates - - LST0013000
Short-term Loans - Directors/ Sponsors - - LST0013010
Short-term Loans - Corporate Associates - - LST0013020
Short-term Loans - Non-Corporate Associate Businesses - - LST0013030
Short-term Loans from Others - - LST0014000
REPO Transactions - - LST0014010
Others - - LST0014020
Trade Payables - - LST0020000
Trade Payables - Equity Market - - LST0021000
Trade Payables - Corporate Associated Companies/ Funds - - LST0021010
Trade Payables - Non-Corporate Associate Businesses - - LST0021020
Trade Payables - Other Corporates - - LST0021030
Trade Payables - Individuals - - LST0021040
Trade Payables - Corporate Foreign - - LST0021050
Trade Payables - Individual Foreign - - LST0021060
Trade Payables - Directors/ Sponsors - - LST0021070
Trade Payables - Employees - - LST0021080
Trade Payables - Trust, Foundation, Welfare, NPOs and Others - - LST0021090

Trade Payables - Consulting and Corporate Finance Advisory Services - - LST0022000

Trade Payables - Consultancy and Corporate Finance Advisory Services - - LST0022010

Trade Payables - Underwriting Services - - LST0022020
Trade Payables - Debt Market - - LST0023000
Trade Payables - Money Market - - LST0023010
Trade Payables - BATS - - LST0023020
Trade Payables - Others - - LST0023030
Trade Payables - FOREX Market - - LST0024000
Trade Payables - FOREX - - LST0024010
Trade Payables - Commodity Market - - LST0025000
Trade Payables - Commodity Market - - LST0025010
Trade payables - Others - - LST0026000
Trade payables - Others - - LST0026010
Accrued Liabilities - - LST0030000
Accrued Expenses - Salaries and Benefits - - LST0030010
Accrued Expenses - Directors Remuneration - - LST0030020
Accrued Expenses - CDC, NCCPL and PSX Charges - - LST0030030
Commission Payable - Equity Market - - LST0030040
Commission Payable - Debt Market - - LST0030050
Commission Payable - FOREX Market - - LST0030060
Accrued Expenses - Commission on Bank Guarantee - - LST0030070
Accrued Expenses - Office Rent - - LST0030080
Accrued Expenses - Utilities - - LST0030090
Accrued Expenses - Provident Fund - - LST0030100
Accrued Expenses - Travelling and Conveyance - - LST0030110
Accrued Expenses - Printing and Stationery - - LST0030120
Accrued Expenses - Legal and Professional Fees - - LST0030130
Accrued Expenses - Audit Fee - - LST0030140
Accrued Expenses - Consultancy Fee - - LST0030150
Accrued Expenses - Insurance Expense - - LST0030160
Accrued Expenses - Office Maintenance Expenses - - LST0030170
Accrued Expenses - Marketing and Advertisement - - LST0030180
Unearned Rental Income - - LST0030190
Dividend Payable - - LST0030200
Unclaimed Dividend - - LST0030210
Other Liabilities (e.g. Retention money etc.) - - LST0030220
Other Provisions - - LST0030230
Income Taxes Withheld and Deducted at Source - - LST0040000
Income Taxes Withheld and Deducted at Source (e.g. Salary, Goods,
Commission, Royalty, Dividend etc.) - - LST0040010
Other Taxes Withheld/ Payable - - LST0050000
Capital Gain Tax Payable - - LST0050010
Provincial Taxes Payable - - LST0050020
Other Taxes (FED etc.) - - LST0050030
Provision for Depreciation - - LST0060000
Provision for Depreciation - Building Offices - - LST0060010
Provision for Depreciation - Land and Building (where land is
inseparable) - - LST0060020
Provision for Depreciation - Lease hold Improvements - - LST0060030
Provision for Depreciation - Office Equipment - - LST0060040
Provision for Depreciation - Office Furniture & Fixture - - LST0060050
Provision for Depreciation - Office Computer and accessories - - LST0060060
Provision for Depreciation - Motor Vehicles - - LST0060070
Provision for Depreciation - Assets subject to Finance Lease - - LST0060080
Provision for Depreciation - Others - - LST0060090
Provision for Depreciation - Investment Property - - LST0060100
Provision for Depreciation - Building - - LST0060110
Provision for Depreciation - Land and Building (where land is
inseparable) - - LST0060120
Provision for Depreciation - Others - - LST0060130
Provision for Amortization of Intangibles - - LST0070000
Provision for Amortization of TREC - PSX - - LST0070010
Provision for Amortization of TREC - PMEX - - LST0070020
Provision for Amortization of Software & Licenses - - LST0070030
Provision for Amortization of Others - - LST0070040
Provision for Income Tax - - LST0080000
Provision for Income Tax - Current - - LST0080010
Provision for Income Tax - Prior - - LST0080020
Provision for Bad Debts - - LST0090000
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Equity Market - - LST0091000
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Corporate Associated Companies/
Funds - - LST0091010

Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Non-Corporate Associate Businesses - - LST0091020

Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Other Corporates - - LST0091030
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Individuals - - LST0091040
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Corporate Foreign - - LST0091050
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Individual Foreign - - LST0091060
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Directors/ Sponsors - - LST0091070
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Employees - - LST0091080
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Trust, Foundation, Welfare, NPOs
and Others - - LST0091090
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Equity Leverage Market - - LST0091100
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Margin Financing - - LST0091110
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Consulting, Market Making &
Advisory Services - - LST0091200
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Consultancy & Advisory - - LST0091210
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Underwriting Services - - LST0091220
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Market Making Services - ETF - - LST0091230
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Research Services - - LST0091290
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Research Services - - LST0091291
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Debt Market - - LST0091300
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Money Market - - LST0091310
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - BATS Trading - - LST0091320
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Others - - LST0091330
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - FOREX Market - - LST0091400
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - FOREX - - LST0091410
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Commodity Market - - LST0091500
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Commodity Market - - LST0091510
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Others - - LST0091600
Provision for Bad Debts Expense - Others - - LST0091610
Accrued Markup - Markup/ Interest Payable - - LST0100000

Accrued Markup - Markup/ Interest Payable - Financial Institutions - - LST0101000

Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Long-term Loans from
Financial Institutions (Secured) - - LST0101010
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Long-term Loans from
Financial Institutions (Unsecured) - - LST0101020
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Short-term Loans from
Financial Institutions - Secured - - LST0101030
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Short-term Loans from
Financial Institutions - Unsecured - - LST0101040

Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Running Finance from Banks - - LST0101050

Accrued Markup - Markup/ Interest Payable - Associates - - LST0102000
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Long-term Loans from
Directors/ Sponsors - - LST0102010
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Long-term Loans from
Corporate Associates - - LST0102020
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Long-term Loans from Non-
Corporate Associate Businesses - - LST0102030
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Short-term Loans from
Directors/ Sponsors - - LST0102040
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Short-term Loans from
Corporate Associates - - LST0102050
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Short-term Loans from Non-
Corporate Associate Businesses - - LST0102060
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on unwinding of Loans from
Directors/ Sponsors - - LST0102070
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on overdue balance of Provident
Fund - - LST0102080
Accrued Markup - Markup/ Interest Payable - Other Financing
Facilities - - LST0103000
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Finance Lease Liability - - LST0103010
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Long-term Loans Others - - LST0103020
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Commercial Paper issued - - LST0103030
Accrued Markup - Markup/ Interest Payable - Equity Leverage
Products - - LST0104000
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on MTS - - LST0104010
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on MFS - - LST0104020
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on SLB - - LST0104030
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on MSF - - LST0104040
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Others - - LST0104050
Accrued Markup - Markup/ Interest Payable - Others - - LST0105000
Accrued Markup/ Interest - unwinding of discount on Gratuity
Liability - - LST0105010

Accrued Markup/ Interest - unwinding of discount on Loan - Others - - LST0105020

Accrued Markup/ Interest on REPO transaction - - LST0105030
Accrued Expenses - Markup/ Interest on Others - - LST0105040
Provision for Impairment Expense - - LST0110000
Provision for Impairment Loss on Investment classified as FVTOCI -
Debt Market (Short-term) - - LST0110010
Provision for Impairment Loss on Investment measured at Amortized
Cost - Debt Market (Short-term) - - LST0110020
Provision for Impairment Loss on Investment classified as FVTOCI -
Debt Market (Long-term) - - LST0110030
Provision for Impairment Loss on Investment measured at Amortized
Cost - Debt Market (Long-term) - - LST0110040
Provision for Impairment of Loans and Advances (Short-term) - - LST0110050
Provision for Impairment of Loans and Advances (Long-term) - - LST0110060
Provision for Impairment of TREC - PSX - - LST0110070
Provision for Impairment of TREC - PMEX - - LST0110080
Provision for Impairment of Software & Licenses - - LST0110090
Provision for Impairment of Goodwill - - LST0110100
Provision for Impairment of Investment in Subsidiary - - LST0110110
Provision for Impairment of Investment in Associates - - LST0110120
Provision for Impairment of Investment in Holding - - LST0110130
Provision for Impairment of Property and Equipment - Land - - LST0110140

Provision for Impairment of Property and Equipment - Office Building

- - LST0110150
Provision for Impairment of Property and Equipment - Land and
Building (where inseparable) - - LST0110160
Provision for Impairment of Property and Equipment - PSX Booths - - LST0110170
Provision for Impairment of Property and Equipment - Leasehold
Improvements - - LST0110180
Provision for Impairment of Property and Equipment - Office
Equipment - - LST0110190
Provision for Impairment of Property and Equipment - Office Computer
and accessories - - LST0110200

Provision for Impairment of Property and Equipment - Motor Vehicles

- - LST0110210
Provision for Impairment of Property and Equipment - Assets Subject to
Finance Lease - - LST0110220
Provision for Impairment of Property and Equipment - Capital Work in
Progress - - LST0110230
Provision for Impairment of Property and Equipment - Others - - LST0110240
Provision for Impairment of Investment Property - Land - - LST0110250
Provision for Impairment of Investment Property - Land and Building
(where inseparable) - - LST0110260
Provision for Impairment - Others - - LST0110270
EQUITY - - CAP0000000
Shares Capital - - CAP0010000
Preference Shares Issued and Paid up - Class A - - CAP0010100
Preference Shares Issued and Paid up - Class B - - CAP0010200
Ordinary Shares Issued Subscribed and Paid up Capital - - CAP0010300
Treasury shares - - CAP0010400
Share Premium on issue of ordinary shares capital - - CAP0010500
Discount on issue of ordinary shares capital - - CAP0010600
Retained Earnings - - CAP0020000
Accumulated Profit/ Loss - - CAP0020010
Reserves - - CAP0030000
Capital Reserve (excluding Share Premium) - - CAP0030100
General Reserve - - CAP0030200
Other Reserve - - CAP0030300
Revaluation Surplus/ Deficit on Property and Equipment - - CAP0040000
Revaluation surplus on Property and Equipment - - CAP0040010
Re-measurement Gain/ (Loss) on Investments - - CAP0050000

Gain /(Loss) on re-measurement of investments classified as Fair Value

through Other Comprehensive Income (FVOCL) - Equity Market - - CAP0050010

Gain /(Loss) on re-measurement of investments classified as Fair Value

through Other Comprehensive Income (FVOCL) - Debt Market - - CAP0050020
Other Elements of Other Comprehensive Income - - CAP0060000
Others (including elements of Other Comprehensive Income like change
in Accounting Policies) - - CAP0060010
Advance Against Issue of Shares - - CAP0070000
Advance against issue of Preference shares - - CAP0070010
Advance against issue of Ordinary shares - - CAP0070020
REVENUE - - REV0000000
Brokerage and Commission Income - - REV0010000
Brokerage and Commission Income - Equity Market - - REV0011000
Commission Income - Equity - - REV0011010
Commission Income - Share Subscription/ IPO/ Book Building - - REV0011020
Commission Income - Others - - REV0011030
Commission and Brokerage Income - Debt Market - - REV0012000
Commission Income - Money Market - - REV0012010
Commission Income - BATS - - REV0012020
Commission and Brokerage Income - FOREX Market - - REV0013000
Commission Income - FOREX - - REV0013010
Commission and Brokerage Income - Commodity Market - - REV0014000
Commission Income - Commodity Market - - REV0014010
Corporate Advisory Services - - REV0020000
Income From Corporate Finance Advisory Services - - REV0020010
Underwriting Commission Income - - REV0020020
Others Advisory Services - - REV0020030
Income from Research Services - - REV0021000
Income from Research Services - - REV0021010
Dividends, Market Making and Other Operating Income - - REV0030000
Dividend Income - - REV0030010
Income from Market Making Services - ETF - - REV0030020
Income from Market Making Services - PMEX - - REV0030030
Others - - REV0030040
Capital Gain/ Loss - - REV0040000
Capital Gain/ Loss - Operating Equity - - REV0041000
Capital Gain/(Loss) - Equity - - REV0041010
Capital Gain/(Loss) - Equity Futures - - REV0041020
Capital Gain/(Loss) - Others - - REV0041030
Capital Gain/ Loss - Operating Debt - - REV0042000
Capital Gain/(Loss) - Pakistan Investment Bonds - - REV0042010
Capital Gain/(Loss) - Treasury Bills - - REV0042020
Capital Gain/(Loss) - Listed Sukuks - - REV0042030
Capital Gain/(Loss) - Unlisted Sukuks - - REV0042040
Capital Gain/(Loss) - Listed TFC/ Corporate Bonds - - REV0042050
Capital Gain/(Loss) - Unlisted TFC/ Corporate Bonds - - REV0042060
Capital Gain/(Loss) - Others - - REV0042070
Capital Gain/ Loss - Operating Others - - REV0043000
Capital Gain/(Loss) - Redemption of Mutual funds - - REV0043010
Capital Gain/(Loss) - Commodities Trading (Proprietary) - - REV0043020
Capital Gain/ Loss - Non - Operating - - REV0044000
Capital Gain/(Loss) - Property and Equipment - - REV0044010
Share of Income from Associates - - REV0050000
Share of Profit/ (Loss) of Corporate Associates - - REV0050010
Share of Profit/ (Loss) of Non-Corporate Associates - - REV0050020
Income from Investment Property - - REV0060000
Rent from Investment Property - - REV0060010
Unrealized Gain/ (Loss) on revaluation of Investment Property - - REV0060020
Re-measurement Gain/ (Loss) on Investments - - REV0070000

Unrealized Gain/ (Loss) on re-measurement of Investments classified as

Fair Value through Profit or Loss (FVTPL) - Equity Market - - REV0070010
Mark to Market Gain/ (Loss) on Trading of Futures - - REV0070020

Unrealized Gain/ (Loss) on re-measurement of Investments classified as

Fair Value through Profit or Loss (FVTPL) - Debt Market - - REV0070030
Markup/Interest Income - Operating Leverage Products - - REV0080000
Markup/ Interest Income - MTS - - REV0080010
Markup/ Interest Income - MFS - - REV0080020
Markup/ Interest Income - MSF - - REV0080030
Markup/ Interest Income - SLB - - REV0080040
Markup/ Interest Income - Reverse REPO Transaction - - REV0080050
Markup/ Interest Income - Other Market Products - - REV0080060
Markup/Interest Income - Non - Operating - - REV0081000
Markup/ Interest Income - Cash Margins with NCCPL - - REV0081010
Markup/ Interest Income - BMC deposit with PSX - - REV0081020
Markup/ Interest Income - Cash deposit with PMEX - - REV0081030
Markup/ Interest Income - Banks (House Accounts) - - REV0081040
Markup/ Interest Income - Banks (Clients Accounts) - - REV0081050
Markup/ Interest Income - Pakistan Investment Bonds - - REV0081060
Markup/ Interest Income - Treasury Bills - - REV0081070
Markup/ Profit - Listed Sukuks - - REV0081080
Markup/ Profit - Unlisted Sukuks - - REV0081090
Markup/ Interest Income - Listed TFC/ Corporate Bonds - - REV0081100
Markup/ Interest Income - Unlisted TFC/ Corporate Bonds - - REV0081110
Markup/ Interest Income - Fixed Income Funds - - REV0081120
Markup/ Interest Income - National Saving Schemes - - REV0081130
Markup/ Interest Income - Term Deposits (More than 1 year) - - REV0081140
Markup/ Interest Income - Term Deposits (1 year or less) - - REV0081150
Markup/ Interest Income - Others - - REV0081160
Others - Non - Operating - - REV0090000
Reversal of Provision for Bad Debts - - REV0090010
Liabilities written off - - REV0090020
Actuarial Gain/ (Loss) on Retirement Benefit - - REV0090030
Expenses Recovered from Clients - - REV0090040
Foreign Exchange Gain / (Loss) - - REV0090050
Miscellaneous - - REV0090060

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