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Task No.

9063 EDUC203 3 Methods of Research
11:15-14:15 FG308

These topics were culled from the intro file of your LMS. Say
something about these concisely in relation to your readings. If there
is a need that you present the types/styles/designs, go ahead, just
follow your own format and style according to your creativity in
writing. If there are references being used in each item, there will be
an automatic 1 point. the packaging of your presentation will also gain
one point. The other one point is intended for the contents of your
presentation. (3 pts. for each item)

1) Meaning of Research
2) Characteristics of Research
3) Characteristics of the Researcher
4) Values of Research to Man
5) Types of Research
6) Classifications of Research
7) The Variable
8) Types of Variables
9) Research Problem
10) Characteristics of Research Problem
11) Sources of Research Problem
12) Criteria of a Good Research Problem
13) Hypothesis
14) Theoretical Framework
15) Conceptual Framework

I. Research
- the scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection, presentation,
analysis and interpretation of facts that links an individual’s speculation with
- Systematic study of event/trend which involves careful collection, presentation,
analysis and interpretation of facts that relates man’s thinking with reality
- Research is the careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or
research problem using scientific methods.
- According to the American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie, “research is a
systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the observed
phenomenon. It involves inductive and deductive methods.”
- According to Creswell “research is a process of steps used to collect and
analyze information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue”
- (Reference:

II. Characteristics of Research

1. Logical-based on valid procedures and principles. Systematic examination of the

procedures used in the research enables the investigator to draw valid
2. Empirical-based on direct experience or observation by the researcher.
3. Cyclical-cyclical process in a way that it starts with a problem and ends with a
4. Critical-exhibits careful and precise judgement.
5. Methodical-conducted in methodical process without bias using systematic
method and procedure.
6. Analytical-utilizes proven analytical procedure in gathering the data.
7. Replicability-research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to
enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results. Replicability of the
study means using of the same instruments, method, and procedure but to
different subjects and venue.

III. Characteristics of the Researcher

1. Intellectual curiosity-undertakes deep thinking and inquiry of the things

problems, and situations around him.
2. Prudence-careful to conduct the research and uses the 7Ms (manpower, money,
materials, method, machinery, moment of time, and marketing) to avoid danger.
3. Healthy Criticism-the researcher is always doubtful as to the veracity of the
4. Intellectual honesty-honest to collect facts to arrive at honest results.
5. Intellectual creativity-productive and resourceful investigator always creates
new research.

Qualities of a Good Researcher

1. Research-oriented
2. Efficient
3. Scientific
4. Effective
5. Active
6. Resourceful
7. Creative
8. Honest
9. Economical
10. Religious

IV. Values of Research to Man

a) Improves the quality of life
b) Improves instructions
c) Research improves students’ achievement
d) Research improves teachers’ competence
e) Research satisfies man’s needs
f) Research reduces the burden of work
g) Research has deep-seated psychological aspects
h) Research improves the exportation of food products
i) Research responds to the economic recovery and austerity measure of the
j) Research trains graduates to become responsible to the economic development
of the country and compete globally. -Four mandated functions of SUCs:
instruction, research, extension, and production.
V. Types of Research

1) Basic Research
2) Applied Research
3) Developmental Research
4) Correlational Research
5) Descriptive Research
6) Ethnographic Research
7) Experimental Research
8) Exploratory Research
9) Grounded Theory
10)Historical Research
11)Phenomenological Research
12)Qualitative Research
13)Quantitative Research

1) Basic research - A.K.A fundamental research/ pure research, it seeks to

discover basic truths or principles. The results of basic research in theoretical
knowledge have no immediate usefulness or value to man.
2) Applied research-type of research involves seeking new applications of
scientific knowledge to the solution of a problem such as the development of new
system/procedure/ device/ method in order to solve problem. Applied research
produces knowledge of practical use to man.
3) Developmental research-this is a decision-oriented research involving the
application of the steps of the scientific method in response to an immediate
need to improve existing practices.
4) Correlational Research - The relationship among 2 or more variables without
necessarily determining the cause and effect is known as correlational research
5) Descriptive Research - This type of research provides accurate portrayal of
characteristics of a particular individual, situation or group. Also known as
statistical research. It deals with everything that can be counted and studied
which have an impact on the lives of people.
6) Ethnographic Research - This type of research involves investigation of a
culture through an in-depth study of members of culture. It involves systematic
collection, description, analysis of data for development of theories of cultural
7) Experimental Research - This study involves objective, systematic, controlled
investigation for purpose of predicting and controlling the phenomena. It also
includes examining the probability and causality among variables.
8) Exploratory Research - This type of research will be conducted for a problem
that has not been clearly defined. It helps to determine the best research design,
data collection method and selection of subjects. It is quite informal relying on the
secondary research.
9) Ground Theory Research - It studies about the problems existing in a given
social environment and how people involved handles them. It operates almost in
a reverse fashion from traditional research and involves 4 stages- Codes,
Concepts, Categories and Theory
10)Historical Research - Research involving analysis of events that occurred in the
remote or recent past.
11)Phenomenological Research - It aim to describe an experience that has been
actually lived by a person.
12)Quantitative Research - Involving numbers and quantifying the results
mathematically in numbers.
13) Qualitative Research - Difficult or impossible to quantify mathematically such
as beliefs, meanings, attributes and symbols. It aim to gather an in-depth
understanding of human behavior.


VI. Classification of Research

1) Library research-done in the library where answers to specific questions or
problems of the study are available.
2) Field research-research is conducted in a natural setting.
3) Laboratory research-research is conducted in artificial or controlled conditions
by isolating the study in a thoroughly specified and equipped area. -The
purposes are: (1) to test hypotheses derived from theory, (2) to control variance
under research conditions, and (3) to discover the relations between the
dependent and independent variables


VII. Variable
- Quantity susceptible of fluctuation or change in value or magnitude under
different conditions.
- A variable is either a result of some force or is itself the force that causes a
change in another variable. In experiments, these are called dependent and
independent variables respectively. When a researcher gives an active drug to
one group of people and a placebo, or inactive drug, to another group of people,
the independent variable is the drug treatment. (Reference:
- In Research, Variables refer to characteristics or attributes that can be
measured, manipulated, or controlled. They are the factors that researchers
observe or manipulate to understand the relationship between them and the
outcomes of interest. (Reference:

VIII. Types of Variables

a. Independent variable
- the stimulus variable which chosen by the researcher to determine its
relationship to an observed phenomenon (the one being manipulated).
- This is the variable that is manipulated by the researcher. It is also known
as the predictor variable, as it is used to predict changes in the dependent
variable. Examples of independent variables include age, gender, dosage,
and treatment type.
b. Dependent variable
- response variable which is observed and measured to determine the
effect of the independent variable. It changes when the independent
variable varies.
- This is the variable that is measured or observed to determine the effects
of the independent variable. It is also known as the outcome variable, as it
is the variable that is affected by the independent variable. Examples of
dependent variables include blood pressure, test scores, and reaction

c. Moderator variable
- secondary/ special type of independent variable chosen by the researcher
to determine if it changes or modify the relationship between the
independent and dependent variables.
d. Control variable
- variable that is controlled by the investigator in which the effects can be
neutralized by eliminating or removing the variable (Quantities that a
scientist wants to remain constant)
e. Intervening variable
- variable which interferes with the independent and dependent variables,
but its effects can either strengthen or weaken the independent and
dependent variables.


IX. Research Problem

- A research problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition
to be improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that
exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need
for meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation. In some social
science disciplines the research problem is typically posed in the form of a
question. A research problem does not state how to do something, offer a
vague or broad proposition, or present a value question.
- (Reference:

Five Factors to consider if the problem is researchable or not:

1) The problem is existing in the locality or country but no known solution to the
2) The solution can be answered by statistical methods and techniques;
3) There are probable solutions but not yet tested;
4) The occurrence of phenomena requires scientific investigation to arrive at precise
5) Serious need of the people.

X. Characteristics of a Research Problem

1) Specific
2) Measurable
3) Achievable
4) Realistic
5) Time-bound

The Research Problem should be "SMART." They should be: Specific: clear about
what, where, when, and how the situation will be changed; Measurable: able to quantify
the targets and benefits; Achievable: able to attain the objectives (knowing the
resources and capacities at the disposal of the community); Realistic: able to obtain the
level of change reflected in the objective; and Time bound: stating the time period in
which they will each be accomplished.

XI. Sources of Research Problem

1. Specialization of the researcher
2. Current and past researches
3. Recommendations from theses, dissertations, and research journals
4. Original and creative ideas of the researcher based on the problems met in the
locality and country.

XII. Criteria of a Good Research Problem

1. Interesting
2. Innovative
3. Cost-effective
4. Relevant to the needs and problems of the people
5. Relevant to government’s thrusts
6. Measurable and time-bound


XIII. Hypothesis
 Defines as wise guess that is formulated and temporarily adopted to explain the
observed facts covered by the study.
 A hypothesis guides the researcher that it describes the procedure to follow in
conducting the study.

Types of Hypothesis
a. Null Hypothesis (Ho)
is denial of an existence of a trait, characteristic, quality, value, correlation,
difference of the result.
Always treated in negative form.
b. Alternative Hypothesis (H1)
is an affirmative of the existence of phenomena.


XIV. Theoretical Framework

o shapes the justification of the research to provide legal basis for defining
o It is required to identify the key concepts that are used in the study/ formulate
existing theories which link the study.
o Uses abstract concepts, facts, laws, variables and their relations to explain.
o The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a
research study. The theoretical framework introduces and describes the theory
which explains why the research problem under study exists.
o A theoretical framework consists of concepts, together with their definitions, and
existing theory/theories that are used for your particular study.


XV. Conceptual Framework

o presents specific and well-defined concepts which are called constructs.
o A conceptual framework is a representation of the relationship you expect to see
between your variables, or the characteristics or properties that you want to
o It can be written or visual and are generally developed based on a literature
review of existing studies about your topic

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