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Meghna PVC Ltd.

When PTW is Required/ KLb cviwgU Uz IqvK© Gi cÖ‡qvRb

1. Specialized work permits are initiated (e.g., Hot Work, Confined
Space, Isolation of Hazardous Energy, Excavation, Work at Height
above 1.8 m, work on/near live electrical equipment or conductor etc.)
(we‡kl †Kvb Kv‡Ri Rb¨ cviwgU †hgb, nU IqvK©, KbdvBÛ †¯úm, ‡Kvb
wec`RbK GbvwR© AvvB‡mv‡jkb, Lbb KvR, 1.8 wgUv‡ii Dc‡i †Kvb
KvR, Ges we`y¨ZvwqZ hš¿cvwZ ev KÛvKU‡ii KvQvKvwQ †Kvb KvR Kiv
2. Work or maintenance is performed in a process area that involves
breaking into a line, equipment or vessel that contains actual or
potential hazards.(cÖ‡mm Gwiqv‡Z ‡Kvb †gBb‡U‡bÝ KvR Kivi mgq hw`
wec`RbK c`v_© A_ev Ab¨‡Kvb wec` m¤^wjZ †Kvb cvBcjvBb,
BKzc‡g›U ev †f‡m‡j‡K Db¥y³ Kiv nq|)
3. If the Area Owner determines permit is required (hw` Gwiqvi `vwqZ¡cÖvß
e¨vw³ ‡Kvb Kv‡R cviwgU Gi cÖ‡qvRb g‡b K‡i|
4. The work (including maintenance) has significant potential for injury,
incident or environmental release or risk that has been identified by
incident history. (†gBb‡U‡bÝ mn †h‡Kvb Kv‡R hw` gvivZ¡Kfv‡e AvNvZ
cÖvß nIqv, `~NU© bv NUvi m¤¢ebv ev ÿwZKviK e¯‘ cwi‡e‡k Qwo‡q covi
m¤¢ebv _v‡K A_ev c~‡e© GB ai‡bi `~N©Ubv NUvi †iKW© _v‡K|)
5. The work affects the availability of emergency shutdown or safety
systems , fire and gas detection systems or equipment control systems
(‡Kvb KvR hw` Riæwi kvUWvDb ev wbivcËv e¨e¯’v, AwMœ I M¨vm mbv³KiY
e¨e¯’v ev BKyc‡g›U wbqš¿b ‡K cÖfvweZ K‡i|
6. Non-routine crane lifts (iæwUb e¨ZxZ †µb Øviv ev Ab¨vb¨ †gKvwbK¨vj
7. Operations involve heavy machinery, e.g., mechanical excavators,
cranes, trucks, etc. which could pass over, or come into contact with,
live hydrocarbon systems or overhead power lines (‡hme KvR ¸‡jv‡Z
fvix hš¿cvwZ †hgb, Lbb hš¿, †µb, UªvK BZ¨vw` mivmwi RwoZ _v‡K Ges
Meghna PVC Ltd.
hv nvB‡WªvKve©b m¤^wjZ cvBcjvBb A_ev ‰e`y¨wZK Zvi‡K ¯úk© Ki‡Z
8. Pressure testing of plant or equipment (cø¨v›U A_ev BKzc‡g›U Gi †cÖmvi
†U÷ Kivi mgq|
9. Systems or equipment commissioning or decommissioning (wm‡÷g ev
BKzc‡g›U Kwgkwbs ev wWKwgkb Gi mgq|
10.Erection or dismantling of scaffolding (‡¯‹‡dvwìs ˆZwi, cwieZ©b ev
†f‡½ †djvi mgq|
11.Work with sharp metal and glasses (aviv‡jv avZe e¯‘ Ges Møvm wb‡q
KvR Kivi mgq|
12.Establishment construction/ demolition/ modification work (¯’vcbv
evbv‡bv, aŸsm ev ms‡kvab Kv‡Ri Rb¨|
13.Work with hazardous chemical/ substances (wec`RbK ivmvqwbK
†KwgK¨vj/e¯‘ wb‡q KvR Kivi mgq|
14.Any work involving the use of ionizing sources and/or radiography.
(Av‡qvbvBwRs Dr‡mi mv‡_ RwoZ Ges †iwWIMÖvdx m¤ú©wKZ †h‡Kvb KvR|
15.Any non-routine job which is not covered under SOP, or If SOP of any
work suggests to conduct that work under PTW (‡h‡Kvb bb-iywUb KvR
hvi Rb¨ GmIwc (SOP) bvB A_ev hw` †Kvb Kv‡Ri GmIwc‡Z (SOP)
†mB KvRwU cviwgU Gi Aax‡b cwiPvjbv Kivi civgk© †`q|

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