KS The - Constructigores - Updated - 5.4.22

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The Constructigores

Background 2
The Constructigores 3
The Hephaestus 8
Special Constructigore Chapters 9
Constructigore Functions 12
Extra Functions 15
Strategy Guide 16
Pointbuy Receipts 18

Functions and Lore: Noah Eadie and Tyson Thatcher

Illustration and Formatting: Noah Eadie

Testing, Assistance, Additional Input, and Special Thanks: The5thBreaker, prettyFist, Sgt Shivers, Fort of Hard Knox, Sebastian Pixy, and
Bimmy (Members of the Blue Vertigo community)

Kill Sector created by Noah Eadie and Tyson Thatcher

Want in on the fun? Join our official Discord! https://discord.gg/XzubarW


The Constructigores
Background equivalent value of new functions and weaknesses. You may also
substitute functions out to fit your concept - pointbuy receipts are
The Constructigores will build on sites too hectic and too listed later in the document for this purpose.
dangerous for anyone else. Hundreds of colony worlds owe the
construction of their homes and facilities to the backbreaking If you’re the only Constructigore in the party, your Constructigore
efforts of these Herculean workers. They’re doubly unrivalled in Name Tag will be useless - ditto for the Constructigore Tag
building sturdy gladiatorial colosseums, and repairing them Scanner if you’re specifically playing the hazardmaster. In those
mid-gauntlet should the need arise. They’re also known for their cases, remove the Constructigore Name Tag function (and the
immaculate fighting spirit and ability to juggle between fighting scanner if playing a hazardmaster), and instead take any 1-point
and building - indeed, the tale of the Jagged Jackhammers erecting function (4 points worth of functions instead with the
a skyscraper on Abaddon Prime in under a week, while also hazardmaster, as the tag is 1 point, and the scanner 3).
fending off a dozen archfiends and elder dragons, is but one of
countless ballads sung of their heroics across the cosmos. They’re Though not required, the Constructigores are built to work well
able to do what they do due to specialized training, high-tech tools together as a team - one of each type is a decent party composition.
and cybernetics, a deep trust of their fellow workers, and a keen
sense of brotherhood. In regards to Constructigore characters, you do not need to stick to
the species, gender, et cetera of the Constructigore represented in
Constructigore union chapters are prevalent throughout the the art. For example, you need not play/run all your Climatorians
cosmos, but especially on or near worlds still developing their to be big buff dragon ladies. The art merely represents an example
physical infrastructure. Anyone can join their ranks, regardless of Constructigore - what’s important is the equipment and skills that
species, creed, gender, or background - and despite their equipment they use, not necessarily their physique or other biological traits.
being generally designed with humanoids in mind, they’re capable Similarly, the demeanors implied in the writeups for each type are
of adapting them into any body plan. It’s a good, honest life, with merely tendencies or inclinations among that trade, and are in no
plenty of opportunities to meet new people and seek adventure - way prescriptive.
not to mention a fantastic benefits package. Most chapters are only
loosely organized - seeing all workers as equal to one-another -
though larger chapters may sometimes develop a hierarchy for the Constructigore Gauntlets
sake of easier management. Recommended for four or more players, each one playing a
Constructigore, with at least one Constructigore of each type
Besides the usual skills required for construction, Constructigores present. In essence, you’re tasked with constructing or repairing a
must also be keen fighters, capable of simultaneously working and building or other installation in a hostile environment. You’re
surviving in the deadliest of sites. Before becoming full-fledged given a rough blueprint or general mission brief, and dropped off at
on-site members of the Constructigore Union, trainees are required the work site.
to partake in a deadly gladiatorial event or similarly hazardous
excursion. It’s a tall order - but the world needs building, and the The gauntlet should be a mix of combat waves and tricky logistical
best of the best can settle for no lesser than the bravest and the puzzles - some of which might present themselves at the same
boldest of recruits! (Those that prefer a safer job can sign up as an time. You might be tasked with fortifying the defenses of a colony
accountant or project manager - but alas, those jobs get filled up settling in a dinosaur-ridden wasteland - every time you make
fast - on-site is where all the vacancies are!) some progress, more dinosaurs show up and try to break in. Maybe
a gladiatorial arena needs major repairs, but these repairs can only
Constructigore Characters be done while gauntlets are being run in it, so you have to deal
with gladiators constantly undoing your progress, or even
This document includes the rules for the four most common types mistaking you for enemies. Perhaps you’re asked to completely
of Constructigore - Brickmasons, Demolishers, Climatorians, and demolish a warehouse, which is filled with radioactive
Hazardmasters, as well as the iconic Hephaestus heavy-duty mega-vermin, then build a new one while the survivors regroup
cement mixer. All of the Constructigores use a mix of and call upon their hive queen!
already-established and brand-new functions, the latter of which
can be rather complex, so it’s highly recommended to read each Guiding Questions for the Gauntlet Master
entry thoroughly in preparation for the gauntlet. ● What needs to be constructed or repaired?
● Why is it so dangerous as to require Constructigores? Is
Each of the Constructigores is a ten-point character. If you wish to there a powerful group that doesn’t want it being built?
play as one in a ten-point gauntlet, simply use the PC vital listing Is it something to do with the worksite itself?
and use the character as listed. The Hephaestus, on the other hand,
● What will necessitate fighting and building at the same
is mighty expensive at 30 points - it’s generally reserved for larger
time, or at least in rapid alternation?
missions, or as a boss enemy if populated with a squad of
● Do you want to give the party a Hephaestus? (If so,
Constructigores. If you wish to customize your Constructigore -
make the gauntlet significantly more challenging, as
either to align with a Special Chapter or otherwise - you can do so
that’s three new party members worth of points)
through a combination of taking zero-point functions and taking an

unaffected. Multiple slayings does not result in multiple charges of

Brick Summoner.

Brick Summoner: As a standard action, a brickmason may charge

this function, or sustain a pre-existing charge. They can only hold
one charge at a time, and will lose it if not sustained for a full
round. As a standard action, a brickmason may expend the charge
to produce a structure of up to 24 squares of brick and mortar, each
square having 150 HP. When summoned, walls must form one
connected shape. At least four squares of material must touch solid
ground when summoned. Squares can be stacked on top of
one-another for multi-story structures. Walls cannot be summoned
on an occupied square unless the occupant consents.

Architect: When producing walls, brickmasons can create any

shape or recess within the structure - doorways, windows,
staircases, ramps, et cetera. They work with a minimum resolution
of three inches - they cannot make structures or recesses smaller
than three inches in each direction. Brickmasons cannot produce
anything with moving parts or separate forms with this - they can’t
produce doorhinges, all furniture must be attached to the walls, et

Brick Breath: A brickmason may choose to expend their charge

from Brick Summoner to instead regurgitate a massive pile of
bricks upon their enemy:
12 square cone / 0 / very strong bludgeoning / requires Brick
Summoner charge
The area that they attacked becomes covered in bricks, which are
treated as hindering terrain, which deals very weak piercing
damage to anyone that falls prone upon it.

Brickmasons Construction Worker: The worker has +25 on knowledge checks

concerning construction. Four times per gauntlet, they can spend a
These guys are responsible for all bricklaying and masonry duties,
swift action to produce a handheld piece of construction equipment
and are thus trained in the arcane arts of brick summoning. Though
on their person (power drill, bubble level, wrench, et cetera). These
not every building needs bricks, most do, and so the brickmasons
are civilian-grade tools, and thus aren't built for combat - no matter
are ubiquitous members of almost every Constructigore union
what piece of equipment is chosen, the damage it deals cannot
chapter. There’s a certain enigmatic mystique attached to the
exceed miniscule.
brickmason’s identity. Make no mistake, when it comes quitting
time, they’re just as eager to down a pint and have a good ol’ time
Constructigore Work Tag: A special nametag magically imbued
as anyone else - but non-brickmasons always get a sense that
with the worker’s essence. Can be used in conjunction with a
there’s a certain distance brickmasons must keep, an ominous
Constructigore Tag Scanner to bring the worker back to life -
secret always on their lips. In reality, there’s just something about
though doing so destroys the tag, meaning it is effectively one-time
the esoteric reputation of brick magic that attracts the kind of
eccentric folk that keep to themselves and let their actions speak
for them.

NPC: 130 HP / 35 EVA / 6 SPD / 2 HND

PC: 210 HP / 50 EVA / 6 SPD / 2 HND

Spirit Trowel: Can magically change one of their hands into a

magical masonry trowel - or change it back to normal - as a swift
action. Only one hand can be a Spirit Trowel at a time. The trowel
can be used for the following attack:
Melee / 0 / average slashing / replaces a hand while summoned
If a creature with a soul is slain by the Spirit Trowel,
the spiritual energy released upon death fuels the brickmason’s
powers; their Brick Summoner function (to follow) becomes
immediately charged as a result, and does not need a standard
action to be sustained each round. The soul of the slain is

3 square radius / 0 / obliterative piercing / 2 hands / dynamite

destroyed upon use

Demolition Expert: Deals double damage to targets with 10 or

less evasion. This includes but is not limited to stationary objects,
terrain, structures, et cetera.

Cleave: If your melee attack kills its target, you can hit another
target within reach of that attack with the same attack and damage
rolls. If that target also is killed, repeat the process. (This includes
stationary objects, terrain, structures, et cetera.)

Metallic Hands: Ignore any damage or effect that would occur as

a result of a demolisher touching another character or object with
their hands (things like spiky body, poisonous to the touch, lava
skin, static field, et cetera).

Good Eyes: +30 to perception checks to spot hidden objects or


Construction Worker: The worker has +25 on knowledge checks

concerning construction. Four times per gauntlet, they can spend a
swift action to produce a handheld piece of construction equipment
on their person (power drill, bubble level, wrench, et cetera). These
are civilian-grade tools, and thus aren't built for combat - no matter
what piece of equipment is chosen, the damage it deals cannot
exceed miniscule.

Constructigore Work Tag: A special nametag magically imbued

Demolishers with the worker’s essence. Can be used in conjunction with a
Sometimes, before you can build something up, you have to tear Constructigore Tag Scanner to bring the worker back to life -
something else down. That’s where the Demolishers come in, with though doing so destroys the tag, meaning it is effectively one-time
their keen eye for structural weaknesses and their prowess with the use.
sledgehammer. They have a reputation among outsiders for being
impulsive, cantankerous, and even a bit sinister - perhaps owed to
their destructive nature. However, they’re actually just as careful
and easy-going as other Constructigores, though they like to play
things up a bit for a good laugh and the sake of the aesthetic.

NPC: 130 HP / 35 EVA / 6 SPD / 2 HND

PC: 210 HP / 50 EVA / 6 SPD / 2 HND

Melee / 0 / lethal bludgeoning / 2 hands
Once swung, it’s a move action to ready for another swing -
alternatively, the demolisher can simply drop it as a free action.

Rust Beam:
48 squares / 0 / obliterative / 1 per gauntlet
Only works on metallic creatures or structures. If the target is
organic but wearing metal armor, the damage hits their armor.

Dynamite and Plunger: A thick bundle of dynamite, connected

by a 24-square-long electric cable to a portable blasting machine
(the little box with a plunger from cartoons). The bundle can be
placed or thrown as a standard action (requiring a to-hit roll for the
latter), and the plunger pushed as a standard action. If the cable is
severed (treat each square of cable as having 25 HP), pushing the
plunger has no effect. However, if the cable is intact, the dynamite
explodes, dealing the following attack:

High: In a 12 square cone, suppress cold weather as described above, and

also deal 15 fire damage to any organic entity that ends their turn within the
cone. Ice is melted, and/or water evaporated, at GM discretion.
Max: As High, but in a 24 square cone, and dealing 30 damage instead.
Low: In a 6 square cone, suppress any weather or other environmental
effects tied to extreme heat (such as the affliction modifier inferred by a heat
wave). Everything within this cone also takes 50 less fire damage.
High: In a 12 square cone, suppress hot weather as described above, and also
deal 15 cold damage to any organic entity that ends their turn within the
cone. Water is frozen, and/or steam condensated, at GM discretion.
Max: As High, but in a 24 square cone, and dealing 30 damage instead.

Though the damage is listed as being limited to biological entities, at GM

discretion, the damage may also apply to entities primarily made of water, or
magical entities described to be animated by sheer heat or sheer cold.

CLOUD Frame: Climatorians wear special body frames which let them
operate two CLOUD units on their body, one on each shoulder. Mounting or
dismounting a CLOUD takes a swift action - if it’s also being placed down
or picked up, mounting/dismounting can instead be part of the move action
used to do so. A climatorian’s speed is reduced by 2 squares for each
CLOUD unit they wear, and if they’re only wearing one, the imbalance
makes them take -10 to evasion and -50 on coordination checks (might be
best to just carry it with their hands). If they fall prone while wearing
CLOUD units, getting back up is a DC 45 athletics check if wearing one,
DC 90 if wearing two. Treat each mounted CLOUD’s heading as being the
same as the climatorian’s - if no other function affects it, a climatorian’s
heading points in the direction they last moved in, though they can turn in
place as a swift action to change their heading as needed.

CLOUD Overclock: As a standard action, the climatorian can push one of

Climatorians their CLOUD units to its absolute limit, breaking some of its components
but dealing a deadly blow in the process. Doing so requires a CLOUD
Masters of climate control. Climatorians are singular in their control of remote and a free hand. As an attack, select a CLOUD unit and one of the
temperature, both in construction and on the battlefield, through their modes it's capable of entering. It'll perform the following attack in the
mastery of the CLimate Ordinance Universal Device (CLOUD). Depending direction it's currently facing, with the damage type dependent on which
on if you’re friend or foe, they can be the agents of comfort… or the mode was chosen:
harbingers of pain. Climatorians tend to be very clever and conflict-oriented, 6 square cone / +10 / average + 30 (type dependent on mode) / permanently
solving problems with novel applications of their highly specialized disables mode
equipment. They love to talk shop, and take a special thrill in displaying Heat deals fire, AC deals cold. Once the attack is performed, the CLOUD
their expertise. unit is rendered incapable of entering that mode for the rest of the gauntlet,
as the relevant components were broken. If the CLOUD unit was in the
NPC: 130 HP / 35 EVA* / 6 SPD* / 2 HND chosen mode when the attack was performed, it turns off.
PC: 210 HP / 50 EVA* / 6 SPD* / 2 HND
*may be reduced by wearing CLOUD units (see CLOUD Frame) Construction Worker: The worker has +25 on knowledge checks
concerning construction. Four times per gauntlet, they can spend a swift
CLOUD Gauntlet: A wrist-mounted remote that allows the climatorian to action to produce a handheld piece of construction equipment on their
interface with CLOUD units. It can also be used to launch supercharged person (power drill, bubble level, wrench, et cetera). These are
blasts of heat or cold: civilian-grade tools, and thus aren't built for combat - no matter what piece
12 squares / 0 / average (fire or cold, decide upon firing) / 1 hand / 10 shots of equipment is chosen, the damage it deals cannot exceed miniscule.

CLOUD Units: Each climatorian is armed with two CLOUD units - cubical Constructigore Work Tag: A special nametag magically imbued with the
electronic devices with a vent on one side. Each CLOUD can be carried with worker’s essence. Can be used in conjunction with a Constructigore Tag
two hands, and placed down or picked up with two hands and a move action. Scanner to bring the worker back to life - though doing so destroys the tag,
When placing a CLOUD, denote which direction it’s facing - its cone effects meaning it is effectively one-time use.
emanate in the direction it points. Rotating a CLOUD unit takes two hands
and a move action and must be done manually. CLOUDs have 100 HP and 0 Temp-Sensitive: Due to their expertise with their equipment, the climatorian
evasion, and are considered medium-sized. is so extremely accustomed to moderate temperatures and well-maintained
Each CLOUD has a mode and a power setting. Changing a climates that extreme heat and cold are a disproportionate shock to their
CLOUD’s mode and/or power takes a swift action and one hand via a system. Whenever they're dealt fire or cold damage, increase it by 25.
CLOUD Gauntlet. There are two modes: Heat and AC, and four power
settings: Off, Low, High, Max. What a CLOUD does depends on its mode
and power. The effects are constant so long as the CLOUD remains in the
listed settings:
Off: No effect, regardless of mode.
Low: In a 6 square cone, suppress any weather or other environmental
effects tied to extreme cold (such as the snow accumulation of a blizzard).
Everything within this cone also takes 50 less cold damage.

within 3 squares of a hazardmaster, and the hazardmaster can sense

it or is involved, then astral crit fails are also protected against.
Safety gear that is being idly carried, but not yet worn, is not
destroyed but offers no protection.
Once a set of safety gear is destroyed, it can be replaced
by the hazardmaster if they have any remaining. Even if only one
piece of gear would make sense to be destroyed, the rest of the
safety gear was still involved, meaning it’s likely it was damaged
somehow, and thus must be replaced.

Magic Caution Tape: 48 squares worth of memetically-enchanted

caution tape, which has an exaggerated effect compared to the
mundane version. This tape is placed on the edges between
squares, and must be installed as one would expect, by wrapping
around or tying onto various objects. Being nailed into a surface
via the Nailgun is sufficient.
Whenever someone would pass through properly
installed magic caution tape (including via teleportation), they take
an affliction 100 to be too anxious to cross it in that moment (“I
know it seems silly, but should I really be going here?”). If it
succeeds, they also must avoid crossing any magic caution tape for
the remainder of their turn, and cannot attempt to destroy the tape
during that time; if they were teleporting, they may choose a new
destination. If it fails, they can cross as normal and are immune for
the rest of the turn, though they’ll still have the potential to be
affected on future turns (“Am I really sure I should be doing
this?”). This is a mental effect, and so does not affect the mindless
or purely mechanical. Magic caution tape can be doubled or tripled
Hazardmasters over by using the appropriate amount of additional tape - each
Experts in safety, hazardmasters make sure their coworkers don’t additional layering increases the affliction by 10, and stacks a
get in unnecessary trouble. If the unthinkable happens, they can maximum of 5 times.
use their scanners to bring their fellow workers back from death. Treat each square of magic caution tape as having 5 HP
Being equal parts safety inspector, foreman, and field medic, per layer, being immune to bludgeoning damage but taking double
they’re practically required for any Constructigore operation of any from slashing.
scale. Though they’re sometimes a bit of a buzzkill, their typically Characters wearing safety gear from “Safety First!” or
chipper and wholesome demeanor comes from a genuine love for similar functions are exempt from the effects of Magic Caution
their fellow worker, and their concern is often very well-placed. Tape.
More often than not, their even-keel attitude is the glue that keeps
the team together in dire straits. Constructigore Tag Scanner: A high-tech device that scans the
essence stored within a Constructigore’s nametag and brings them
NPC: 130 HP / 35 EVA / 6 SPD / 2 HND back to life. Wielding it takes one hand. The scanner has sixteen
PC: 210 HP / 50 EVA / 6 SPD / 2 HND charges, which are used for purposes of resurrection.
Each tag is tied to its owner at the beginning of the
Nailgun: 12 squares / +5 / weak piercing / 1 hand / 1 mag of 20 gauntlet. If it’s on the owner’s person at the moment of death (no
nails later), then it absorbs the owner’s soul, and can be used with the
scanner. If the nametag fails to absorb its owner’s soul, then it is
Safety First!: Each hazardmaster has eight sets of safety gear useless. A Constructigore Work Tag can only absorb the soul of its
(each consisting of high-vis vest, gloves, safety goggles, hardhat, et owner, not anyone else whatsoever.
cetera), which they can give to anyone they wish, including As a standard action, a hazardmaster can use a free
themself. Donning a set of safety equipment takes a full-round hand to feed a soul-laden tag into their scanner - destroying the tag
action. A given character can only wear one set of safety gear at a in the process - then resurrect the owner. When they do, the
time, and each set is single-use for one character no matter how hazardmaster must choose how many charges to use up, which
much or how little of that set someone wears (ie you cannot split a determines how much HP the subject comes back with:
set for multiple people). If a character cannot wear the default
safety gear due to anatomical reasons (for example, having 2 Charges: 1 HP
tentacles instead of hands), the hazardmaster can provide an 4 Charges: 10% of max HP
accommodating set. 8 Charges: 25% of max HP
Whenever a crit fail occurs, anyone involved who is 16 Charges: 50% of max HP
wearing safety gear has all of it destroyed instead of taking any ill
effects - except an astral crit fail, which will just destroy the gear The owner’s soul returns to them, and the body is brought back to
and have ill effects as normal. Exception: If the incident occurs life wherever it lies.

*Note: If an NPC Constructigore was killed during a non-vital swift action to produce a handheld piece of construction equipment
fight, such as an incidental scrap against some gladiators during a on their person (power drill, bubble level, wrench, et cetera). These
gauntlet, they will not resume fighting once resurrected (and thus are civilian-grade tools, and thus aren't built for combat - no matter
deprived of their nametag) unless again provoked. what piece of equipment is chosen, the damage it deals cannot
exceed miniscule.
Foreman’s Megaphone: Comes with three charges per gauntlet.
Using any of the below requires one hand to wield the megaphone, Constructigore Work Tag: A special nametag magically imbued
and consumes a standard action and one of the three charges. with the worker’s essence. Can be used in conjunction with a
"Use Your Head!": Choose one willing target within perception. Constructigore Tag Scanner to bring the worker back to life -
On the next roll they would perform, they forego rolling, and though doing so destroys the tag, meaning it is effectively one-time
instead treat it as if the die rolled a 35 and apply any relevant use.
modifiers to the roll (for example, if they have +25 to the roll being
made, they forego rolling and have 35+25=60 as their roll result). Clipboard: A clipboard with a pen and paper pad. Nothing
This is a mental effect - does not work on the mindless or special, nothing fancy - just useful.
"Watch Out!": Choose one willing target within perception. Until Compulsive Form-Filling: Hazardmasters are thorough to a fault
the beginning of the hazardmaster’s next turn, the chosen target has when it comes to their bureaucratic responsibilities. When combat
+20 to evasion. This is a mental effect - does not work on the begins, they must fill out a Hazardous Encounter Assessment form,
mindless or mechanical. which briefly describes the time and nature of the ensuing combat.
Incoherent Hollering: 3 square cone / +15 / strong bludgeoning / 1 This form cannot simply be filled ahead of time, nor after the fact,
hand / uses up a megaphone charge even if it would be in their best interest to do so - it has been
drilled into the hazardmaster’s head that they must write these
Medic: As a full-round action, the hazardmaster can medically details down the moment they become relevant, for the sake of
heal an adjacent ally or object. They have a total of 200 HP they accuracy.
can heal in a gauntlet - each time they heal someone, they choose Mechanically, the form consists of five fields. Until
how much they want to heal their patient, and subtract the amount they have completed all five fields, they must spend an action on
healed from this pool. They have +25 on knowledge and each of their turns filling it out: spending a move action completes
perception checks concerning medicine, injuries, diseases, and one field, a standard action completes two fields, and a full-round
other medical knowledge - all of which might be useful to identify action completes four fields. Filling out the paperwork requires
and treat especially well-hidden or obscure maladies. Specific two hands - until the form is complete, they cannot use their hands
conditions and injuries can be fixed in a full-round action if the for anything else (don’t even think about stabbing someone with
hazardmaster spends HP from their pool to fix them. When they the company pen!). They can spend multiple actions on the same
spend HP to fix a condition or injury, the patient also heals the HP turn to complete more and more of their form. The hazardmaster
amount spent. The exact HP pool cost is at GM discretion - as a can still fight and perform actions before completing the form - but
few examples, a broken limb takes 25, a mutilated limb takes 50, they have to do it alongside spending actions to fill the form out
and a missing limb takes 75. each turn, and as noted above, cannot use their hands for anything
else during the process.
Construction Worker: The worker has +25 on knowledge checks
concerning construction. Four times per gauntlet, they can spend a

Hephaestus Pattern Heavy Mixer an equal amount of wet cement golems within the mixing drum. Each golem must expend
9 squares worth of cement to take shape; if there is an insufficient amount, the arcane
Though the Constructigores employ many construction vehicles, the Hephaestus is sigil is wasted. Wet cement golems aren’t useful fighters as much as they are helpful
perhaps one of their most iconic. Capable of transporting an entire platoon of extra hands.
warrior-workers, this heavy cement mixer can pave an entire block within minutes,
offering essential cover to its passengers all the while. Not only that, but its enchanted
Wet Cement Golem
mixing drum can animate portions of its payload, briefly providing the team with helping
hands. Many a foe has been squashed beneath the wheels of a Hephaestus, its sheer
crushing power comparable to a meteor. 40 HP / 20 EVA / 6 SPD / 2 HND

1600 HP / -20 evasion / 10 squares speed / 20 squares straight line / 32 seats / 5 squares
Manual Construction Plasticity: Wet cement golems can shift their hands to take
wide, 5 squares tall, 9 squares long / running over -20 / obliterative+++ (6d100 min
on the forms and functions of any basic handheld construction implements (power
300) bludgeoning / total cover
drill, wrench, spade, saw, et cetera) or revert back into a normal hand as a swift
action. The implements can act as if motorized, but cannot have display or sensory
Cement Mixer: The Hephaestus’ driver can use a move action to activate or deactivate
functions (ie no stud finders or bubble levels), and behave as if made out of steel as
the mixing drum and discharge chute (the tube where the cement comes out). When
appropriate for their function. If used as a weapon, they have -20 to hit, and cannot
activated, the Hephaestus leaves a 5-square-wide trail of cement behind itself. It’s capable
exceed weak damage under any circumstances.
of leaving up to 300 squares worth of cement in this fashion. If it moves over an area that
already has wet cement on it, the cement is effectively wasted. An electronic readout
Wet Cement Body: Ignore any terrain effects of wet cement, including those of
informs the driver of exactly how many squares worth of cement remains in the drum.
being inside the mixing drum. +25 on grapple checks. Immune to cold, piercing,
slashing, bludgeoning, and/or poison damage; immune to biological effects. They
Wet cement is treated as hindering terrain. Over the course of an inter-wave rest, the
take double damage from fire, as it causes them to harden. A wet cement golem that
cement dries, and covers up any terrain effects of the squares they occupy, including but
takes any fire damage loses their immunities to piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning,
not limited to hindering/doubly hindering terrain, slippery terrain, hazardous terrain, et
and instead takes double damage from these sources, as they’re now brittle. A slain
cetera. If a given square is subjected to at least 30 fire damage all at once, it hardens
wet cement golem turns into a 3x3 square of wet cement, unless slain by fire, in
instantly. Of course, anything that spends too long in the cement during the drying
which case they’re preserved as a statue.
process ends up getting stuck in it, and must be removed with an athletics check, the DC
and action usage of which is at GM discretion based off how much is submerged.
Poor Fighters: -20 to hit on all attacks, and their attacks cannot exceed dealing weak
damage (fixed-damage attacks such as magic missile are capped at 10 damage). This
The mixing drum takes up a 5-by-5-by-5-square cube at the back of the mixer, and is a
is already factored into Manual Construction Plasticity.
rather dangerous place to be. As the drum is constantly spinning, whenever someone
moves a square while within the drum, they must make a DC 50 coordination check or
Fleeting Existence: Die at the end of the wave they were summoned, as they revert
immediately stop moving and fall prone (roll once per square of movement within the
into wet cement.
drum). If the drum has 50 or more squares of cement left in it, anyone that finds themself
prone in the drum begins drowning in the wet cement (not a pleasant fate).
Soulless: Unaffected by emotional effects, but cannot be resurrected once slain.

Wet Cement Golem Sigils: The Hephaestus is equipped with ten arcane sigils. As a
standard action, the driver can expend any amount of these sigils to construct and animate

Special Constructigore Chapters

Most Constructigore union chapters are generic - their workers
wear standard work clothes, and no particular uniform is enforced.
Rarely do their numbers exceed a hundred strong. However, some
chapters acquire special skills and equipment, build a reputation
around filling a certain niche, and gain influence in the
construction-combat industry. At this point, they may decide to
brand themselves - complete with catchy name, special chapter
colors, and specific symbology - in a bid to attract recruits and

The Constructigores depicted in this document so far are generic

and unbranded, and are perfectly usable in a gauntlet as-is.
However, as a gauntlet master, you may decide to use any of the
example chapters listed below (or even make your own!) for
construction jobs in an appropriate setting.

Listed with each chapter is their reputation, estimated current staff,

colors, icons, and any functions that must be added or changed to
accurately represent a Constructigore of that chapter.
The largest, best-organized, and most well-recognized
chapter, known for taking on ambitious large-scale contracts. The
Unless otherwise noted, all functions listed in alterations can be
Worker-Marines are an army unto themselves, having fought
found in the core rulebook. Functions listed to apply to All
decades-long wars while deep in the throes of planetary-scale
Constructigores do not apply to the Hephaestus, nor the wet
infrastructure projects, succeeding effortlessly on both fronts.
cement golem.
Though known equally for being honorable warriors
and by-the-book builders, the organization takes on many of the
Players building their own Constructigore player characters may
trappings of a military body - regal decorum, multi-level
also decide to play as Special Chapter Constructigores. This is
hierarchies, gallows humor, soldier mentality, and so on. They also
totally feasible, as the only mechanical differences are what
have a reputation for bad attitudes towards clients - always some
functions to add or substitute. However, in most cases, their
combination of cold, curmudgeonly, and condescending. Even
pointbuy value will be changed as a result of these adjustments, in
their demolishers are overly hostile, frequently taking their joking
which case they’d need to be modified further to be appropriate for
threats of cruelty so far as to blur the line between irony and
a 10-point gauntlet. For example, a Worker-Marine Brickmason is
earnestness. They’re only able to get away with this harassment
13 points, so you’d need to take 3 points of weaknesses or nix 3
because they’re the one chapter that can take on projects at the
points worth of functions to play as one in a 10-point gauntlet.
scale that they do. A common saying among Worker-Marines: “If
you want the job done right, hire the Worker-Marines; if you want
Each chapter has the post-adjustment values of each unit included
it done with a smile, hire the frickin’ circus.”
at the end of their listings. These can be useful for players applying
Worker-Marines see construction and warfare as one
the aforementioned modifications, but are especially handy for
and the same - causing some to lean more into the latter than the
GM’s in their gauging of how many units to use at a time. For
former without realizing. Tales abound of officer-foremen taking
example, the 20-point Blood Augers’ version of a Hazardmaster,
their jobs too seriously, turning routine contracts into protracted
the Lawyer-Hazardmaster, is twice as powerful as a standard-issue
military conflicts against whatever foes they can find. However,
Hazardmaster, and thus should be used more sparingly.
they’re the most generally competent chapter for handling
situations that legitimately warrant a militant response, and can put
We strongly recommend that, prior to running a gauntlet with a
the most boots on the ground and the most shovels to soil.
special Constructigore union chapter, gauntlet masters make sheets
Staff: Approximately forty thousand
for each unit type with the adjustments applied. We do not
Colors: Blue with gold edging
recommend only referencing them mid-gauntlet and applying the
Icon: Eagle wielding a power drill in one hand and a laser pistol in
adjustments ad-hoc.
the other
The following is not an exhaustive list of special Constructigore
● All Worker-Marines take Laser Pistol and Good Armor
union chapters - these are merely a small selection, and you’re
● Demolishers take Chainsaw instead of Sledgehammer
encouraged to invent your own if you wish. It’s as simple as
● Hazardmasters take Commander and Rapier and are
coming up with a niche or gimmick, applying new functions (or
referred to as Officer-Foremen
modifying the current ones) to aid them in accomplishing their
● Hephaestus takes two Manned Turret (Covered) Heavy
specific goals, coming up with a backstory and/or reputation, and
Plasma Blasters and is called “Ares”
giving them a cool logo, catchy name, and color scheme. The exact
Post-Alteration Pointbuy Values
order in which you do those is up to you.
Brickmason: 13 points

Demolisher: 14 points ● Demolishers take Everbleed Auger instead of

Climatorian: 13 points Sledgehammer
Officer-Foreman: 16 points ● Climatorians take Blood Storm, Inside Weather, and
Ares Pattern Heavy Mixer: 36 points Magic Darkness
● Hazardmasters take Pact Quill, Devil’s Contract (both
found in the document Monster 31), Intelligent, and
Daywalker and are called “lawyer-hazardmasters”
● Hephaestus takes Vehicle Integrated Weapon (Front)
Mega Auger and is called “Vampire Mole”
Post-Alteration Pointbuy Values
Brickmason: 15 points
Demolisher: 15 points
Climatorian: 17 points
Lawyer-Hazardmaster: 20 points
Vampire Mole Pattern Heavy Mixer: 32 points

Blood Augers
Once, the Iron Augers were known only for their honest
and straightforward mining installations - nothing more, nothing
less. That all changed after undertaking a long stint on Cain’s
World - a derelict asteroid mostly populated by vampires. There,
they were tasked with building an underground city for the great
Baron Garnetthius, his underlings, and all their thralls. Though
they initially resisted, a few workers - charmed by the Baron - were
ultimately seduced by the promise of life everlasting, and were
turned by him. From there, the condition spread among the ranks,
until there were more vampiric Iron Augers than not. At this point,
they kicked out the non-bloodsuckers, elected Garnetthius as their Jagged Jackhammers
chapter president, and rebranded to Blood Augers. If the Worker-Marines are the most noble
Since their rebranding, vampirism has become a Constructigores, the Jagged Jackhammers are the most charismatic.
requirement for joining their chapter - though they offer being Those worlds that have been graced by their work hold them in
turned as part of the initiation package. Blood-sucking lifeforms of higher regard than the Worker-Marines, for they’re far more
various species from across the cosmos have found a family in the cheerful and well-mannered. They’re also more likeable - the vigor
Blood Augers, a safe space where they can become their best self with which they fight is matched only with the vigor with which
and fully explore their vampiric tendencies without fear of they party after-hours. Their fighting is no more or less valorous
judgement. than that of other chapters - however, they somehow manage to be
Blood Augers are most comfortable building remembered especially fondly by those that witness their heroics.
underground labs for mad scientists, volcanic lairs for nefarious They’re also very compassionate, even for
supervillains, and other subterranean operations for folk of poor Constructigores - though nothing stops ex-convicts from joining
reputation. They ask no questions about the moral implications of most chapters, the Jagged Jackhammers take special care to let
their work, and their crack team of lawyer-hazardmasters can draft them know they’re welcome among their ranks. This reputation
the perfect contracts to absolve them of any direct legal may or may not be colored by their involvement in a non-zero
repercussions of working for distasteful clientele. amount of high-profile prisonbreaks…
Staff: 3,600 Jagged Jackhammers view their construction work as a
Colors: Red and black with garnets as embellishment new lease on life - an opportunity to improve upon and build
Icon: Downward-facing auger with blood dripping from the tip oneself up while helping out others. Many current and
Alterations: ex-Jackhammers see their tenure with the chapter as the turning
● All Blood Augers take Vampire point in their life, the moment that let them establish a personal
● All Blood Augers except Demolishers take Everbleed foundation for themselves while establishing physical foundations
Battle Shovel on-site. For this, their fraternal spirit is thorough and deep-running.

Jackhammers work on themselves on all fronts - threatening to stitch bickering people together until they learn to
emotional, spiritual, social - and perhaps most noticeably, physical. get along, and so on. Recently, rumors have begun spreading about
Almost all Jagged Jackhammers are bodybuilders to some degree, an unlisted base where Grafters kidnap their clients to perform vile
and they love to flaunt their muscles for swooning mega-fans. surgical experiments and source special organs for their craft - but
Other Special Chapters may release an occasional pinup poster as a that’s all just superstition… right?
marketing stunt, but the JJ’s are the singular in their fifty-year-long Staff: 1,600
unbroken tradition of beefcake calendars - which, by some Colors: Magenta, red, cream, and neon green
estimates, are responsible for up to a third of their annual income. Icon: Cartoon flatworm giving a thumbs-up with a gloved hand
Staff: 10,200 Alterations:
Colors: Orange and gray ● All Gurgling Grafters
Icon: Broken jackhammer with laughing skull ○ Take Hermetically Sealed Biohazard Suit,
Alterations: Glow-in-the-Dark (shines through the suits), and Medic
● All Jagged Jackhammers take Charismatic and ○ Take Surgeon, which is like Construction Worker but it
Athletically Trained lets them produce surgery tools instead and its
● Brickmasons take Stealthy knowledge bonus is for surgery (they still also have
● Demolishers take Jackhammer instead of Construction Worker on top of this)
Sledgehammer ○ The tools acquired from Construction Worker and
● Hazardmasters take Pep Talk Surgeon are organic in nature - bones replace steel,
Post-Alteration Pointbuy Values flesh replaces rubber, blood replaces wiring, muscles
Brickmason: 14 points replace motors, et cetera
Demolisher: 14 points ● Brickmasons
Climatorian: 13 points ○ Spirit Trowel is renamed to Spirit Scalpel
Hazardmaster: 16 points ○ Replace Brick Summoner with Charging Organic Wall,
Hephaestus Pattern Heavy Mixer: 30 points call it “Goiter Summoner”, all mentions of Brick
Summoner refer instead to Goiter Summoner
○ Brick Breath uses the charge from Goiter Summoner
instead, deals acid damage instead (both in the initial
attack and when someone falls prone on it), and is
called “Projectile Intestines”
○ Referred to as “Fleshmasons”
● Demolishers
○ Replace Sledgehammer with Poisonous Mole Claws
○ Dynamite and Plunger deals poison damage instead
● Apply the following changes to the Heater mode of the
Climatorians’ CLOUD units
○ Reduce acid damage instead of cold
○ Deal poison damage instead of fire
○ Renamed to “pH Spore mode”
● Hazardmasters take two additional counts of Medic (for a
total of three)
● Hephaestus
○ Takes Organic Vehicle, Sentient Vehicle, Damage
Immunity (Acid), and Deep-Water Amphibious Vehicle
○ Instead of cement, it produces bioslime - pinkish slime
that slowly hardens into a tough, bark-like consistency
■ Affected by biological effects
Gurgling Grafters ■ Because it’s biological, it’s less likely to be
Almost as soon as it was founded, the chapter that rejected by the host site (imagine if YOUR belly
quickly became the Gurgling Grafters had found their niche was getting filled with cement!)
building housing settlements in the guts of gargantuan lifeforms. ■ In all other ways mechanically identical to cement
Their region of space - the Goliath Sector - was loaded with ○ Wet cement golems are instead “bioslime golems” -
planetoid-sized creatures, which proved in their own way to be safe remove the fire vulnerability and hardening effect, but
and sustainable homes for communities looking to live on the they lose their immunity to poison damage and
fringes of greater society. Instead of bricks, the Gurgling Grafters biological effects
work with flesh, sprouting luxurious goiter-tenements from the ○ Vehicle is now called “Behemoth”
innards of their worksites. Post-Alteration Pointbuy Values
The Gurgling Grafters take a special delight in their Fleshmason: 14 points
work, and are known for their trademark manic-morbid sense of Demolisher: 17 points
humor - doorknobs made of hands you must shake to open, jokes Climatorian: 14 points
about accidentally grafting the new guy between the walls of a Hazardmaster: 16 points
house, melding intestines into a wall in the shape of a smiley face, Behemoth Pattern Heavy Mixer: 33 points

Constructigore Functions /////Climatorian/////

These are all-new functions introduced within the confines of this 2 pt ///CLOUD Unit
document. They are categorized according to which Constructigore A cubical electronic device with a vent on one side. A
type they originated from, sorted in the order they appear on that CLOUD can be carried with two hands, and placed down or picked
Constructigore’s sheet. You need not play a Constructigore to take up with two hands and a move action. When placing a CLOUD,
these functions. denote which direction it’s facing - its cone effects emanate in the
direction it points. Rotating a CLOUD unit takes two hands and a
/////All Constructigores///// move action and must be done manually. CLOUDs have 100 HP
and 0 evasion, and are considered medium-sized.
1 pt ///Soul Crystal Each CLOUD has a mode and a power level. Changing
A special device magically imbued with your essence. Can be used a CLOUD’s mode and/or power takes a swift action and one hand
in conjunction with a Crystal Resurrection Device to bring you via a CLOUD Remote (a separate function, to follow). A CLOUD
back to life - though doing so destroys the crystal, meaning it is Remote is required to operate a CLOUD Unit - without one, your
effectively one-time use. Read Crystal Resurrection Device for CLOUDs are useless (though the first remote is free if you take a
further details. CLOUD unit). There are two modes: Heat and AC, and four power
*Note: The Constructigore Work Tag is a rename of this function - levels: Off, Low, High, and Max. What a CLOUD does depends on
that is to say, Soul Crystal is the generic version of Constructigore its mode and power. The effects are constant so long as the
Work Tag. CLOUD remains in a given setting:

/////Brickmason///// //////CLOUD Settings//////

Off: No effect, regardless of mode.
X pt ///Slay-Charging (Modifier) //////Heat//////
Apply to any weapon or attack, and select a use-per-wave power to Low: In a 6 square cone, suppress any weather or other
which you’ve applied the Charging modifier. The cost of this environmental effects tied to extreme cold (such as the snow
modifier is the base cost of the power selected, before any other accumulation of a blizzard). Everything within this cone also takes
modifiers are applied to that power. Whenever you kill something 50 less cold damage.
with a soul with this weapon, the selected power immediately High: In a 12 square cone, suppress cold weather as described
charges. The soul is unaffected. above, and also deal 15 fire damage to any organic entity that ends
their turn within the cone. Ice is melted, and/or water evaporated,
1 pt ///Wall Breath at GM discretion.
Apply to any wall function. You may choose to expend one use per Max: As High, but in a 24 square cone, and dealing 30 damage
wave of that function to perform the following attack instead: instead.
12 square cone / 0 / very strong bludgeoning / requires //////AC//////
use-per-wave of wall function Low: In a 6 square cone, suppress any weather or other
The area that you attacked becomes covered in chunks of wall, environmental effects tied to extreme heat (such as the affliction
which are treated as hindering terrain, which deals very weak modifier inferred by a heat wave). Everything within this cone also
piercing damage to anyone that falls prone upon it. takes 50 less fire damage.
Note: The damage types listed here imply a hard material like High: In a 12 square cone, suppress hot weather as described
brick or stone; when taking this function, it’s recommended to above, and also deal 15 cold damage to any organic entity that ends
change the damage types to suit the material of the wall. their turn within the cone. Water is frozen, and/or steam
condensated, at GM discretion.
/////Demolisher///// Max: As High, but in a 24 square cone, and dealing 30 damage
1 pt ///Dynamite and Plunger
A thick bundle of dynamite, connected by a 24-square-long electric Though the damage is listed as being limited to
cable to a portable blasting machine (the little box with a plunger biological entities, at GM discretion, the damage may also apply to
from cartoons). The bundle can be placed or thrown as a standard entities primarily made of water, or magical entities described to be
action (requiring a to-hit roll for the latter), and the plunger pushed animated by sheer heat or sheer cold.
as a standard action with two hands. If the cable is severed (treat
each square of cable as having 25 HP), pushing the plunger has no 0-1 pt ///CLOUD Remote
effect. However, if the cable is intact, the dynamite explodes, A wrist-mounted computer that allows you to interface with a
dealing the following attack: CLOUD Unit. The first CLOUD Remote is free if you already
3 square radius / 0 / obliterative piercing / dynamite destroyed have a CLOUD Unit - each additional Remote (or Remotes taken
upon use by those that don’t have a Unit of their own) costs 1 point.

1 pt ///Demolition Expert 2-3 pt///CLOUD Gauntlet

Deal double damage to targets with 10 or less evasion. This Works as a CLOUD Remote, but can also perform an
includes but is not limited to stationary objects, terrain, structures, attack:
et cetera. 12 squares / 0 / average (fire or cold, decide upon
firing) / 1 hand / 10 shots

CLOUD Gauntlets count as Remotes for the sake of against. Safety gear that is being idly carried, but not yet worn, is
calculating cost, but cost an additional 2 points. not destroyed but offers no protection.
Once a set of safety gear is destroyed, it can be replaced
1 pt ///CLOUD Frame if any remain. Even if only one piece of gear would make sense to
A special body frame which lets you operate two be destroyed, the rest of the safety gear was still involved, meaning
CLOUD units on your body, one on each shoulder. Mounting or it’s likely it was damaged somehow, and thus must be replaced.
dismounting a CLOUD takes a swift action - if it’s also being
placed down or picked up, mounting/dismounting can instead be 1 pt ///Magical Hazard Tape
part of the move action used to do so. Your speed is reduced by 2 48 squares worth of memetically-enchanted caution
squares for each CLOUD unit you wear, and if you’re only tape, which has an exaggerated effect compared to the mundane
wearing one, the imbalance makes you take -10 to evasion and -50 version. This tape is placed on the edges between squares, and
on coordination checks (might be best to just carry it with your must be installed as one would expect, by wrapping around or
hands). If you fall prone while wearing CLOUD units, getting back tying onto various objects.
up is a DC 45 athletics check if wearing one, DC 90 if wearing Whenever someone would pass through properly
two. Treat each mounted CLOUD’s heading as being the same as installed magic caution tape (including via teleportation), they take
yours - if no other function affects it, your heading points in the an affliction 100 to be too anxious to cross it in that moment (“I
direction you last moved in, though you can turn in place as a swift know it seems silly, but should I really be going here?”). If it
action to change your heading as needed. succeeds, they also must avoid crossing any magic caution tape for
the remainder of their turn, and cannot attempt to destroy the tape
1 pt ///CLOUD Overclock during that time; if they were teleporting, they may choose a new
As a standard action, you can push a CLOUD unit to its destination. If it fails, they can cross as normal and are immune for
absolute limit, breaking some of its components but dealing a the rest of the turn, though they’ll still have the potential to be
deadly blow in the process. Doing so requires a CLOUD remote affected on future turns (“Am I really sure I should be doing
and a free hand. As an attack, select a CLOUD unit and one of the this?”). This is a mental effect, and so does not affect the mindless
modes it's capable of entering. It'll perform the following attack in or purely mechanical.
the direction it's currently facing, with the damage type dependent Magic caution tape can be doubled or tripled over by
on which mode was chosen: using the appropriate amount of additional tape - each additional
6 square cone / +10 / average + 30 (type dependent on mode) / layering increases the affliction by 10, and stacks a maximum of 5
permanently disables mode times.
Heat deals fire, AC deals cold. Once the attack is Treat each square of magic caution tape as having 5 HP
performed, the CLOUD unit is rendered incapable of entering that per layer, being immune to bludgeoning damage but taking double
mode for the rest of the gauntlet, as the relevant components were from slashing.
broken. If the CLOUD unit was in the chosen mode when the Characters wearing safety gear from “Safety First!” or
attack was performed, it turns off. similar functions are exempt from the effects of Magic Caution
1 pt ::: Temp-Sensitive
You’re so extremely accustomed to moderate temperatures and 3 pt ///Crystal Resurrection Device
well-maintained climates that extreme heat and cold are a A high-tech device that scans the essence stored within
disproportionate shock to your system. Whenever you're dealt fire a Soul Crystal and brings them back to life. Wielding it takes one
or cold damage, increase it by 25. You can only take this weakness hand. The device has sixteen charges, which are used for purposes
once. of resurrection.
Each crystal is tied to its owner at the beginning of the
/////Hazardmaster///// gauntlet. If it’s on the owner’s person at the moment of death (no
later), then it absorbs the owner’s soul, and can be used with the
2 pt ///Safety First! device. If the crystal fails to absorb its owner’s soul, then it is
You have eight sets of safety gear (each consisting of useless. A Soul Crystal can only absorb the soul of its owner, not
high-vis vest, gloves, safety goggles, hardhat, et cetera), which you anyone else whatsoever.
can give to anyone you wish, including yourself. Donning a set of As a standard action, you can use a free hand to feed a
safety equipment takes a full-round action. A given character can soul-laden crystal into your device - destroying the crystal in the
only wear one set of safety gear at a time, and each set is single-use process - then resurrect the owner. When you do, you must choose
for one character no matter how much or how little of the set how many charges to use up, which determines how much HP the
someone wears (ie you cannot split a set for multiple people). If a subject comes back with:
character cannot wear the default safety gear due to anatomical 2 Charges: 1 HP
reasons (for example, having tentacles instead of hands), the 4 Charges: 10% of max HP
hazardmaster can provide an accommodating set. 8 Charges: 25% of max HP
Whenever a crit fail occurs, anyone involved who is 16 Charges: 50% of max HP
wearing safety gear has all of it destroyed instead of taking any ill The owner’s soul returns to them, and the body is
effects - except an astral crit fail, which will just destroy the gear brought back to life wherever it lies.
and have ill effects as normal. Exception: If the incident occurs You cannot take extra ammo for this, nor can more be
within 3 squares of you (the character with this function), and you purchased nor converted - you must take a whole other Crystal
can sense it or are involved, then astral crit fails are also protected Resurrection Device for more charges. *Note: The Constructigore

Tag Scanner is a rename of this function - that is to say, Crystal Wet cement is treated as hindering terrain. Over the
Resurrection Device is the generic version of Constructigore Tag course of an inter-wave rest, the cement dries, and covers up any
Scanner. terrain effects of the squares they occupy, including but not limited
to hindering/doubly hindering terrain, slippery terrain, hazardous
1 pt ///Foreman’s Megaphone terrain, et cetera. If a given square is subjected to at least 30 fire
Comes with three charges per gauntlet. Using any of the below damage all at once, it hardens instantly. Of course, anything that
requires one hand to wield the megaphone, and consumes a spends too long in the cement during the drying process ends up
standard action and one of the three charges. getting stuck in it, and must be removed with an athletics check,
"Use Your Head!": Choose one willing target within perception. the DC and action usage of which is at GM discretion based off
On the next roll they would perform, they forego rolling, and how much is submerged.
instead treat it as if the die rolled a 35 and apply any relevant The mixing drum takes up a 5-by-5-by-5-square cube at
modifiers to the roll (for example, if they have +25 to the roll being the back of the mixer, and is a rather dangerous place to be. As the
made, they forego rolling and have 35+25=60 as their roll result). drum is constantly spinning, whenever someone moves a square
This is a mental effect - does not work on the mindless or while within the drum, they must make a DC 50 coordination
mechanical. check or immediately stop moving and fall prone (roll once per
"Watch Out!": Choose one willing target within perception. Until square of movement within the drum). If the drum has 50 or more
the beginning of the hazardmaster’s next turn, the chosen target has squares of cement left in it, anyone that finds themself prone in the
+20 to evasion. This is a mental effect - does not work on the drum begins drowning in the wet cement (not a pleasant fate).
mindless or mechanical.
Incoherent Hollering: 3 square cone / +15 / strong bludgeoning / 1 1 pt ///Extra Cement
hand / uses up a megaphone charge Apply to a Heavy Mixer. It can produce an extra 100 squares of
2 pt ::: Compulsive Form-Filling
You’re not only a gladiator, but also a bureaucrat of 1 pt ///Wet Cement Golem Sigil
some sort, and are a stickler for setting things straight. When Apply to a Heavy Mixer. It’s equipped with one arcane
combat begins, you must fill out a Hazardous Encounter sigil. As a standard action, the driver can expend any amount of
Assessment form, which briefly describes the time and nature of sigils (up to however many their Heavy Mixer is equipped with) to
the ensuing combat. This form cannot simply be filled ahead of construct and animate an equal amount of wet cement golems
time, nor after the fact, even if it would be in your best interest to within the mixing drum. Each golem must expend 9 squares worth
do so - it has been drilled into your head that you must write these of cement to take shape; if there is an insufficient amount, the
details down the moment they become relevant, for the sake of arcane sigil is wasted. Wet cement golems aren’t useful fighters as
accuracy. much as they are helpful extra hands.
Mechanically, the form consists of five fields. Until you
have completed all five fields, you must spend an action on each of
Wet Cement Golem
their turns filling it out: spending a move action completes one
field, a standard action completes two fields, and a full-round 40 HP / 20 EVA / 6 SPD / 2 HND
action completes four fields. Filling out the paperwork requires
two hands - until the form is complete, you cannot use their hands Manual Construction Plasticity: Wet cement golems can shift their
for anything else (don’t even think about stabbing someone with hands to take on the forms and functions of any basic handheld
the company pen!). You can spend multiple actions on the same construction implements (power drill, wrench, spade, saw, et cetera) or
turn to complete more and more of their form. You can still fight revert back into a normal hand as a swift action. The implements can act
and perform actions before completing the form - but must do it as if motorized, but cannot have display or sensory functions (ie no stud
finders or bubble levels), and behave as if made out of steel as
alongside spending actions to fill the form out each turn, and as
appropriate for their function. If used as a weapon, they have -20 to hit,
noted above, cannot use your hands for anything else during the
and cannot exceed weak damage under any circumstances.
Wet Cement Body: Ignore any terrain effects of wet cement, including
those of being inside the mixing drum. +25 on grapple checks. Immune
to cold, piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, and/or poison damage; immune
to biological effects. They take double damage from fire, as it causes
18 pt ///Heavy Mixer them to harden. A wet cement golem that takes any fire damage loses
1600 HP / -20 evasion / 10 squares speed / 20 squares straight line their immunities to piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning, and instead
/ 32 seats / 5 squares wide, 5 squares tall, 9 squares long / running takes double damage from these sources, as they’re now brittle. A slain
over -20 / obliterative+++ (6d100 min 300) bludgeoning / total wet cement golem turns into a 3x3 square of wet cement, unless slain by
cover fire, in which case they’re preserved as a statue.
The driver can use a move action to activate or Poor Fighters: -20 to hit on all attacks, and their attacks cannot exceed
deactivate the mixing drum and discharge chute (the tube where dealing weak damage (fixed-damage attacks such as magic missile are
the cement comes out). When activated, the heavy mixer leaves a capped at 10 damage). This is already factored into Manual Construction
5-square-wide trail of cement behind itself. It’s capable of leaving Plasticity.
up to 100 squares worth of cement in this fashion. If it moves over Fleeting Existence: Die at the end of the wave they were summoned, as
an area that already has wet cement on it, the cement is effectively they revert into wet cement.
wasted. An electronic readout informs the driver of exactly how
Soulless: Immune to emotional effects, can’t be resurrected once slain.
many squares worth of cement remains in the drum.

Extra Functions /////Hazardmaster/////

These functions are not required to build the Constructigores as 1 pt ///Crystal Resurrection Device Mastery
described above, but can be used to customize them further or flesh In a pinch, a Crystal Resurrection Device in your hands
out a construction-themed gauntlet or character. As before, you (not included with this function) can also be used to attack or heal
need not be a Constructigore to take advantage of these functions, from a short distance. Before firing, decide how many charges to
though they are organized by which Constructigore type would expend, and whether you intend to damage or heal your target.
most likely/most thematically use them. 6 squares / 0 / 20 beam or healing per charge used / 1 hand /
requires charges to fire (Read Crystal Resurrection Device)
/////Brickmason///// Charges are expended even if the attack/heal misses. If
healing a willing target, treat their evasion as if it’s no more than
1 pt ///Mason Soul 10.
Whenever you or an adjacent ally summons a wall, you Each additional purchase of this function beyond the
may add your power to the effort, strengthening the wall. Doing so first increases the beam/healing per charge by 5. Similarly, any
takes a move action, and if it’s an ally you’re helping, you must use effect that increases or decreases damage ranks changes the
a free hand to touch your ally. Fortifying causes you to take 25 beam/healing per charge by 5 per rank.
damage as you exert some of your life force into the wall. When
fortified, each square of the wall is summoned with an additional 1 pt ///Code Compliance Scanner
25 HP. The same wall can be fortified by multiple characters with Ocular implant with a complete database of building
this function simultaneously, though each character can only fortify codes from across the universe, with precision measurement
a given wall once (ie they can’t spend 50 HP to fortify the same capabilities to boot. You can perfectly measure distance, angle,
wall twice). Walls can only be fortified when summoned, not after weight, and/or temperature just by looking at the subject. In
the fact. addition, as a swift action, you can pull up the comprehensive
safety code for any society, species, body plan, or other grouping,
1 pt ///Stone’s Throw and compare your surroundings against that database to see if there
As a swift action, you can rip a chunk of material from are any relevant environmental hazards; the database is
any wall of a matching type to a wall function you have on your comprehensive and factors in everything you can currently
sheet (for example, if you have Wall of Brick and Organic Wall, perceive. This second ability is primarily used to ensure a thorough
you can rip pieces from brick walls and organic walls). Doing so construction job, but if used cleverly, it can easily illustrate ways to
causes that square of wall to take 25 damage. An intact piece of use your surroundings against your enemy (“My implant says
wall can be used as a weapon with the following properties: Zortlings have a burning point of only 300 degrees Fahrenheit, and
Melee or 6 square range / 0 / average bludgeoning / 1 hand / 50% that Terran fireplace over there would be unfit for a Zortling
chance to shatter into useless chunks after each use household as it’s currently burning at 700 degrees...”)


1 pt ///CLOUD Economy Unit

As a CLOUD Unit, but it only comes with one mode, selected
when you take this function. The mode can be AC, Heat, Vent
(described in CLOUD Vent Mode) or any other CLOUD mode
described in a function that’s valued at 1 point. Counts as a
CLOUD Unit for all functions that refer to them (CLOUD
Gauntlets etc).

1 pt ///CLOUD Vent Mode

Apply to a CLOUD Unit. In addition to Heat and AC modes, it has
a third mode, called Vent:

Low: In a 6 square cone, instantly push away any vapor, smoke, or
other gaseous substance (such as a poison blast’s cloud, or any
characters that have Mist Body or similar) until it exits the cone.
High: In a 12 square cone, blow away vapors as described above.
In addition, anything that finds themself within a square within the
cone - including by this effect - must immediately make a DC 30
athletics check or be pushed away until it exits the cone.
Max: As High, but in a 24 square cone, and DC 60 instead.

If Vent mode is selected for CLOUD Overclock, the attack deals

slashing damage, due to lacerating winds.

Strategy Guide During Combat

● During combat, you’re best off picking off weak foes,
The Constructigores are dynamic characters with plenty or finishing off larger ones, to quickly recharge your
of strategic options, both in and out of combat. Though this is by brick-based abilities with Spirit Trowel.
no means exhaustive, and there’s plenty of room for innovation, ● Depending on the situation, a brick wall may be more
the following are tips and tricks to help give direction to those helpful than Brick Breath. You essentially have a
seeking it. turbo-boosted Cask of Amontillado situation at your
Playing as Constructigores
All Constructigores Demolisher
● Be creative with your Construction Worker equipment Outside of Combat
pulls. Outside of combat, clever use can help resolve ● You’re uniquely suited to destroy the environment with
hazardous situations, provide that extra material for a ease. Sledgehammer, Cleave, and Demolition Expert
trap, or elevate a construction project to something add up to let you quickly clear walls and other
true-to-life. During combat, there are all sorts of obstacles.
highly-specialized tools that can be used for quick ● Someone dropped an important piece of equipment into
traversal, binding your foes, and so on. Do some a pit of acid? Your Metallic Hands means you’re the
research by going to a hardware store, whether in best one to reach in there and retrieve it.
person or online, to get some cool ideas. During Combat
● Remember: Always keep your tag on your person! It’s ● You are effectively the tank buster of the group. Track
important that it stays on your body at the moment of down the biggest, least-evasive enemies, and wallop
death - otherwise you can’t be resurrected. them with your hammer. Remember - at minimum, your
● Depending on your intent and GM discretion, your hammer does 200 damage to enemies with 10 or less
knowledge bonus to construction can come in handy for evasion.
crafting defensive structures and even some traps. ● Your Cleave also lets you clear clusters of smaller
● Having Tough means you can take a bit more damage enemies - though those types are likely to have more
than the average gladiator - not enough to be indirect ways of defending themselves, which
nigh-invincible, but enough to warrant a little extra something as simple and blunt as a sledgehammer
risk-taking now and again. might not be good for.
● Generally speaking, the Constructigores lean more into ● Your Rust Beam is your only option for on-the-fly
melee combat than ranged. Thus, a common strategy - ranged combat - and it only works once, and for a
all things equal - is to build a defensive stronghold, use limited set of targets. Thus, be sure to only engage foes
a combination of brick walls, hazard tape, and max you know you can take on face-to-face. Exploding or
CLOUDs to funnel your foes where you want them, radioactive foes might be best left to your buddies.
send your Demolisher to assassinate their tankiest unit,
and double down with Brick Breath, CLOUD Gauntlet, Climatorian
Nailgun, and Spirit Trowel when they get close. Outside of Combat
However, keep in mind that no plan survives the enemy. ● If you can manage to find water, the sky’s the limit!
Pour some down a slope, then blast it with some high
Brickmason AC, to turn it into a deadly ice slide.
Outside of Combat ● Just like almost everything else in Kill Sector, the
● Outside of combat, your role is to construct intricate damage reductions from your CLOUD Units stack. If
structures to give your party the upper hand. Some you know you’re going to fight some ice guys next
examples: Narrow choke points, confounding wave, point both your CLOUDS, set to low Heat, into a
labyrinths, defensive bunkers, sniper towers - the only concentrated area to make a safe space against them.
limit is your imagination! Everyone standing in it takes 100 less cold damage -
● Because it effectively takes two turns - and thus twelve enough to render most attacks below lethal damage
in-game seconds - to charge and perform a brick wall effectively useless!
summon, your capabilities are virtually endless during ● Stuck in a desert? Take off one of your CLOUDS, set it
inter-wave rests. to low AC, hold it in your hands pointed towards
● Don’t forget that your Architect function lets you craft yourself, and make sure your allies stay close behind
detailed shapes, like windows and slopes. You can you. It’s awkward, but it works!
genuinely get a lot of use out of researching real-life ● Not in a fight right now? Turn off those max level
architecture, especially that for defensive structures like CLOUDS so your buddies have space to move around!
castles and fortresses. During Combat
● Use Brick Breath ahead of time to further enhance ● You are an absolute master at establishing areas of
choke points, by making them harder (and more denial. A 24-square cone will cover a lot more space
dangerous) to traverse. Just make sure your buddies than you might think! The point of the CLOUD Units
don’t need to cross them! isn’t to deal damage, so much as it is to deter movement
into your zones of influence. 30 damage per turn (or 60
if you have both on max and overlapping) is rarely

make-or-break damage, but it’s still enough for enemies times the HP of a normal gladiator, offers total cover to
to warrant avoiding. everyone inside of it, and deals a minimum of 300
● Most enemies will be smart enough not to wander into damage when you run someone over with it. This is
your death-zones - that is, unless you wait to set it to especially important, since if the GM granted you
max until they’re in too deep to run away… access to one of these, you can bet they’re gonna ramp
● Be careful where you point those things! Make sure to up the difficulty to match.
communicate with your buddies where you plan to ● Set up booby traps in the cockpit if you fear getting
point a high or max CLOUD. hijacked.
● CLOUD Overclock is best saved for the boss wave, or
if you’re in a sticky situation and are likely to die (or Running For Constructigores
lose that CLOUD Unit) otherwise. In most other
situations, the Cloud Gauntlet is sufficient. All things equal, running a gauntlet is all about finding that sweet
spot of challenge, where neither the players nor the enemies are
● Remember - lizards hate the cold! Blast reptilian
especially overpowered. The following tips should give you ideas
enemies with AC whenever you get the chance.
for how to make a gauntlet more interesting for a party of
Outside of Combat
All-Constructigore Party
● You’re the de-facto manager of the team, making sure
● Consider running a twelve or thirteen point
no-one gets hurt doing something stupid.
Constructigore gauntlet. This is just the right amount to
● Make sure to give everybody their safety gear before
let players customize the base Constructigores.
they start going out onto the build site. Stick as close by
● Want to set up a gauntlet where they play as a special
as possible just in case they really screw up and need
chapter of their own choosing? Give each player their
that astral crit fail protection!
pick of a base Constructigore, two or three points to
● If you have the time to bring someone back during an
customize them, and two or three points which must be
inter-wave rest, try to conserve Scanner charges and
the same functions across all party members. The
mix in some Medic healing.
former gives each type an identity, and the latter gives
● Don’t forget that with Medic you can patch up wounds
the chapter an overall sense of unity.
and injuries - consider saving 75 HP of healing for an
● Give the party a variety of workable natural materials to
emergency prosthetic in case someone loses a limb.
construct from - they can turn things as mundane as
● Where the Brickmason’s walls are great for setting up
water or rocks into fantastic crafts of technical
intricate obstacles and structures, your hazard tape is
perfect for making selective barriers only you and your
team can pass through.
To Challenge the Brickmason
● Though it would be tempting to cover every possible
● Ghosts and other incorporeal enemies can slip right
entry point with tape, it may pay to intentionally leave a
through the Brickmason’s structures!
small choke point open for the enemies - a path of least
● Similarly, artillery-type enemies with big area attacks
resistance that you know they’ll go for!
and Demolition Expert can soften the defenses to let a
● Remember that the tape only protects from crossing -
wave of infantry troops have their run of the wreckage.
foes can shoot right over it if they want to!
● Did they forget to add a ceiling to their structures?
During Combat
Mortars, Remote-Controlled Satellites,
● The Nailgun is just accurate enough to warrant the
Carpet-Bombing flying enemies - all amazing options
occasional called shot.
for complicating matters.
● If you managed to build a sturdy defensive stronghold,
● X-Ray Vision and Quantum ranged weapons are an
and you don’t expect enemies to breach it in the first
especially potent combination against brick walls.
turn, you might be best off filing most of your
paperwork in the first player turn with a full-round
To Challenge the Demolisher
● Demolishers have very few answers to flying enemies
● Don’t let your buddies out of your sight - especially if
and ranged enemies.
they plan to do something crazy with a ton of athletics
● Want to throw them for a loop? Give your tanky enemy
or coordination checks.
Diehard, so they’re still standing after the Demolisher
● “Use Your Head!” is perfect for when you absolutely
busts through their giant health bar!
want to make sure someone hits their target - since it
● Explosive enemies and enemies with damaging auras
auto-rolls a 35, which matches the default enemy
are a nightmare for Demolishers.
evasion. If you expect they have more than that, though,
● Running a tank immune to bludgeoning stops the
then hold off on it.
Demolisher dead in their tracks.
● If you’re about to die, it might be worth throwing your
scanner in the general direction of a buddy, just so you
To Challenge the Climatorian
have a chance of getting rezzed yourself.
● Throw in some enemies that are immune to cold, and
others that are immune to fire, to complicate the
You Got a Hephaestus?
Climatorian’s positioning solutions. Just make sure to
● Don’t be afraid to use it in combat! This thing has ten

also throw in enemies vulnerable to one or the other, to Point-Buy Receipts

strike a fair balance.
Listed here are the complete point-buy receipts of each Constructigore and
● Similarly, enemies that deal fire and/or cold can be
the Hephaestus, in case you wish to modify them. Functions listed in italics
interesting puzzles for Climatorians, since they have the can be found in the core rulebook - otherwise they are introduced and
tools to mitigate this damage (to which they’re described in this book.
vulnerable), though at the cost of their offensive output.
● Machines and other non-biological entities are flatly
0 Crab Claw
immune to the CLOUD’s damage output, except in a >>>0 Alternate Damage Type (Slashing)
few edge cases. >>>1 Weapon/Arm Mode
● Regenerating enemies, and enemies with damage >>>1 Slay-Charging (Wall of Brick)
reduction, can end up mitigating most of the >>>Renamed to “Spirit Trowel”
Climatorian’s CLOUD damage. 1 Wall of Brick
>>>x3 Charging
● Perhaps the most interesting challenge for a Climatorian
>>>Renamed to "Brick Summoner"
PC is a smarter and/or better-equipped Climatorian.
1 Architect
Constructigores gone rogue! 1 Brick Breath
1 Occupational Gear (Construction Worker)
To Challenge the Hazardmaster >>> Renamed to "Construction Worker"
● Remember - the hazard tape’s affliction only procs 1 Soul Crystal
when someone attempts to cross it. Someone can just as >>> Renamed to "Constructigore Work Tag"
1 Tough
easily cut down the tape before deciding to cross - this
eats up a standard action to perform a relevant attack, Demolisher
but opens up a whole new vantage point for the 1 Sledgehammer
enemies. 1 Rust Beam
1 Dynamite and Plunger
● The tape is a mental effect - robots completely ignore it.
1 Demolition Expert
● Run the nametags as being basically indestructible -
1 Cleave
though, someone dying in a pool of lava is sure to make 1 Calloused Hands
for a tricky retrieval… >>>Renamed to "Metallic Hands"
1 Big Eyes/Extra Eyes
You Gave Them a Hephaestus? >>>Renamed to “Good Eyes”
● Don’t be afraid to run double the amount of enemies 1 Occupational Gear (Construction Worker)
>>> Renamed to "Construction Worker"
you usually would. The Hephaestus is worth three
1 Soul Crystal
player characters’ worth of points, so a tremendous
>>> Renamed to "Constructigore Work Tag"
increase in challenge should balance it out. 1 Tough
● Teleporting enemies are perfect for hijacking the
Hephaestus - an especially nasty surprise if for some
4 CLOUD Unit x2
reason they left it unmanned!
2 CLOUD Gauntlet
● Make sure at least half of your enemies have some sort 1 CLOUD Frame
of answer against the absurd runover damage output the 1 CLOUD Overclock
Hephaestus can dish out. This can be things like 1 Occupational Gear (Construction Worker)
bludgeoning immunity, defensive teleporting, being >>> Renamed to "Construction Worker"
able to fly, spreading out so far as to not all be run over 1 Soul Crystal
>>> Renamed to "Constructigore Work Tag"
at once, being able to burrow underground, and so on.
1 Tough
Of course, at least some of the enemies should be
-1 Temp-Sensitive
susceptible to it, so that they can get some utility out of
it. Hazardmaster
1 Nailgun
● The perfect counter to tons and tons of HP? An infinity
2 Safety First!
damage weapon. 1 Magic Caution Tape
3 Crystal Resurrection Device
>>> Renamed to "Constructigore Tag Scanner"
1 Foreman’s Megaphone
1 Medic
1 Occupational Gear (Construction Worker)
>>> Renamed to "Construction Worker"
1 Soul Crystal
>>> Renamed to "Constructigore Work Tag"
1 Tough
0 Mundane Item (Clipboard)
-2 Compulsive Form-Filling

18 Heavy Mixer
2 Extra Cement x2
10 Wet Cement Golem Sigil x10

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