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2012 American Control Conference

Fairmont Queen Elizabeth, Montréal, Canada

June 27-June 29, 2012

Airborne Wind Energy: an overview

L. Fagiano and M. Milanese

Abstract— In the last decade, several research groups and technologies, with an average yearly growth of almost 30%
companies around the world have been developing a new class of the installed capacity in the last few years [3] and a global
of wind generators, aimed at harnessing the energy of winds investment for new installations of more than $45 billion in
blowing at high elevation above the ground. This kind of tech-
nology is usually referred to as Airborne Wind Energy (AWE) 2008, corresponding to more than 50% of the 2008 global
or High-Altitude Wind Energy. All of the proposed solutions investment in renewables [1]. Wind is expected to provide
exploit the high-speed flight of tethered wings, or aircrafts, and a key contribution to reach the ambitious objectives that
their operation heavily relies on automatic control. This paper most major countries have adopted, like EU 20/20/20 [4],
provides a tutorial on the fundamental concepts of AWE and that aims at supplying 20% of the total European primary
on the different technologies that are being investigated, with
particular emphasis on control-related aspects, highlighting the energy consumption with renewable energies by the year
accomplished results and the issues that still need to be solved. 2020, or California’s 33% renewables by 2020. As a matter
of fact, recent studies based on experimental data showed
that wind power alone would be sufcient to supply the
I. I NTRODUCTION whole TPED, by exploiting only 20% of the world land
Nowadays, the actual and projected global energy sit- sites that are protable for the actual wind technology, based
uations represent one of the most serious problems on a on wind turbines [5]. Yet, the current wind technology has
global scale. Fossil sources supply at present about 80% limitations in terms of energy production costs, which are
of the total primary energy demand (TPED) [1],[2], but still higher w.r.t. fossil sources, and in terms of required land
they are produced by a restricted number of countries. At occupation. These issues are still preventing wind from being
the same time, non-OECD (Organization for the Economic a competitive alternative to fossil sources, without the use of
Co-operation and Development) countries like China and political incentives like feed-in tariffs and green certicates,
India are quickly increasing their demand and production of and the share of global electricity generated from wind power
primary energy, so that, in a “standard” scenario, the TPED is actually only about 1% worldwide and about 2% in OECD
is projected to increase by 50% in the next 20 years. In the countries.
face of such uneven distribution of energy sources, on the one Together with programs that are aimed to spread the use
hand, and of such a huge projected increase of global energy of the actual renewables and to improve their competi-
demand in the next years, on the other hand, governments tiveness against fossil fuels, many countries are investing
in both OECD and non-OECD countries have adopted plans resources in the research and development of radically new
and regulations that aim to reach “energy security” (i.e. the concepts of renewable energies. Examples of such efforts
reliable availability of energy sources at low cost), to improve are the US Dept. of Energy’s ARPA-E agency [6], or the
the sustainability of energy sources, and to limit emissions EU Future Emerging Technologies for Energy program [7].
of greenhouse gases. The main directions followed to reach These new concepts are meant to be “high-risk/high-impact”
these goals are basically two: to increase the efciency in technologies and to represent, upon successful development,
energy use, and to shift the mix of energy sources towards a breakthrough in how renewable energies are exploited,
higher shares of renewables, like hydropower, solar, and wind by providing sustainable, clean energy at low price and in
energy. Among all renewable sources, hydro is the most large quantities. Among the different concepts that are being
convenient one and it actually accounts for 2% of TPED and investigated, the idea of harnessing wind energy at high
about 16% of the global electricity production [1]. However, altitude over the ground (up to about 1000-1500 meters)
hydropower has little potentials to grow further, as most sites has received an ever-increasing attention in the last decade.
are already being exploited. On the contrary, wind power is Wind speed generally increases with the elevation above the
actually among the world’s fastest growing renewable energy ground: at the height of 500-1000 meters, the mean wind
power density is about 4 times the one at 50-150 meters, and
L. Fagiano is with Dip. di Automatica e Informatica, Politecnico di
Torino, Italy, and with the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University at 10,000 meters it is 40 times higher, [8]. This fact suggests
of California at Santa Barbara, USA. E-mail:, that a breakthrough in wind energy generation can be realized by capturing wind power at altitudes over the ground, that
M. Milanese is with Kitenergy S.r.l., Torino, Italy. E-mail: can not be reached by wind turbines. Several technologies,
This research has received funding from the European Union Seventh aimed at converting high-altitude wind into electricity, are
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n. PIOF- actually being investigated by companies, research centers
GA-2009-252284 - Marie Curie project ICIEMSET - Innovative Control,
Identication and Estimation Methodologies for Sustainable Energy Tech- and universities worldwide, and the community of people
nologies. working in this eld has coined the term airborne wind

978-1-4577-1096-4/12/$26.00 ©2012 AACC 3132

energy (AWE) as a common umbrella for these concepts. (a)
The recent activity of the AWE community culminated with
a series of international conferences in the years 2007-
2011, and with the foundation of the Airborne Wind Energy
Consortium [9]. It is not surprising that most, if not all, fun-
damental ideas that are now being developed in the context
of AWE were already present in patents and publications
in the ’70s (see e.g. [10], [11], [12]), when the world was
facing an energy crisis. Then, these ideas remained somehow
silent, until more recent years, when several research groups
and companies started to carry out theoretical, numerical and
experimental analyses (see e.g. [13], [14], [15], [16], [17],
[18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25]), also thanks
to advances in diverse elds like materials, aerodynamics,
sensors, computation and control.
In this tutorial paper, we present the basic concepts of
AWE and of the main related technologies that are being
developed, and we give an overview of the results that have (b)
been accomplished through the above-mentioned research
and development efforts, with a focus on a particular class
of AWE generators, namely with exible wings and ground-
level generators, and emphasis on optimization and control
aspects. Finally, we delineate what challenges are still to be
faced, in order to fully demonstrate the viability of airborne
wind energy.
A. Lift type, wing structure and generator position
Most AWE technologies aim to extract energy from wind
blowing in the boundary layer, typically up to a maximum
elevation of about 1000-1500 meters above the ground. In
order to reach these heights, the use of a rigid structure, Fig. 1. (a) Sketch of a AWE system with onboard generators. (b) Sketch
like the tower in a wind turbine, is not technically and of a AWE system with ground-level generators.
economically viable. Rather, AWE concepts employ different
possible kinds of ying structures, linked to the ground by
one or more lines. The structure is either equipped with by using wind turbines, and it is transferred to the ground via
wings, like a glider [19], [23], or it is actually a wing, an electric cable. Clearly, the wings in OBGs are rigid, since
in the case of power kites like those used for surng or they have to sustain the rotors and the connected electric
sailing [15], [18], [20], [25]. By continuously ying along generators, and the ying structure is quite similar to a glider
controlled paths, the wings produce the aerodynamic lift or small airplane (see e.g. [23]). By moving fast in crosswind
force that sustains the structure and the tether. The concepts direction (see Section II-C for more details), the onboard
based on aerodynamic lift are the most common and the most turbines operate with high effective wind speed, thus their
promising, thus only these technologies will be considered size can be much smaller than that of conventional ground-
here, and they will be referred to as AWE technologies. Other based wind turbines. The line that links the aircraft to the
existing approaches include rotorcraft-type lift [24], [26], like ground has the double function of supporting the traction
that realized by helicopters or autogyros, and aerostatic lift forces generated during the ight, and of transmitting the
[22], like the one realized by lighter-than-air aircrafts. produced electricity to the ground, where it is stored and
AWE technologies can be further classied on the basis then fed into the grid. In OBGs, the line length is always kept
of the type of the employed wing or aircraft, which can constant, and the aircraft is controlled to y along circular
be rigid, like a glider, or exible, in the case of power paths.
kites, and of the generator’s position. The latter aspect is In GLGs (see Fig. 1(b)), the ying structure is much lighter
important in that it inuences not only the design of the than OBGs, since the electric generators are kept on the
whole system, but also its operating cycle, i.e. how wind ground, and it can be either rigid [19] or exible [15],
energy is converted into electricity. Two different solutions [20], [18], [27]. Solutions with one [19], [18], two [15],
are currently being developed: onboard generators (OBGs) [28], [20] or three [27] lines exist. These lines are not
and ground-level generators (GLGs). In OBGs (see Fig. required to also transfer electricity, in contrast to OBGs.
1(a)), electricity is generated onboard of the ying structure, On the ground, the lines are wound around one or more

winches, linked to electric generators. The system composed
by the electric generators and the winches is denoted as
ground station (GS) (see Fig. 2, where a picture of the
prototype realized at Politecnico di Torino is shown). Energy
is obtained by continuously performing a two-phase cycle

Fig. 3. Sketch of the operating cycle of a AWE system with ground-level

generators: traction (solid) and passive (dashed) phases.

the ground station, while reeling in the line.

The low lift maneuver has the advantage of occupying
less aerial space than the low power maneuver, however it
requires additional actuators on the wing. For the whole cycle

Fig. 2. Ground station of a small-scale GLG prototype operating near

Torino, Italy.

(depicted in Fig. 3): in the traction phase, the lines are

unrolled under high traction forces, maximizing the power
generated by the electric generators that are driven by the
rotation of the winches. The wing is controlled to follow
gure-eight paths during the traction phase. Figure-eights
patterns are slightly less efcient than loops (see [29]), but
they prevent line twisting. When a desired maximum line
length is reached, the passive phase begins, and the electric
generators act as motors, spending a minimum amount of
the previously generated energy, to recover the wing and to
drive it in a position which is suitable to start another traction
Fig. 4. Passive phase in AWE ground-level generators: “low power” (gray)
phase. The passive phase can be carried out in two different and “low lift” (black) maneuvers.
ways (see [28], [30] for details):
a) “low power maneuver”: the wing is driven to the to be generative, the total amount of energy produced in the
borders of the “power zone” (see Fig. 4), where traction phase has to be greater than the energy spent in the
the effective wind speed (and, consequently, the passive one. Therefore, the control system employed in the
aerodynamic lift force) drops to low values thus traction phase must maximize the produced energy, while in
allowing to recover the lines with low energy the passive phase the objective is to minimize the consumed
expense; energy while reeling in the lines (see e.g. [28] for details).
b) “low lift maneuver”: by using additional actuators Table I resumes the features, in terms of generator position,
onboard of the wing, the angle of attack is modied type of wing and number of lines, of some AWE concepts
in order to make the wing lose its aerodynamic lift currently under development. Other types of AWE systems
and to allow a fast winding back of the lines with have been also proposed and investigated, like the so-called
low energy losses. Alternatively, if a rigid wing is carousel conguration (see [14], [30]), that exploit the mo-
used, the aircraft is controlled so to dive towards tion of the ground station to generate energy. These concepts

are omitted in this tutorial, since they appear to be less generated power increases with the square of aerodynamic
promising for full scale development and industrialization efciency [12], [30], wings with high aspect ratios (i.e.
[30]. high wingspan) should be employed. The maneuverability
of the wing, in terms of minimal turning radius RF during
the ight, also depends on its wingspan, according to the
approximate relationship:
Reference Gen. pos. Wing n. of lines
T.U. Delft [17],[18] GLG Flexible 1 RF ≃ 2.5 ws . (1)
di Torino [13],[15] GLG Flexible 2 Since the optimal ight trajectory is a loop or a gure-
K.U. Leuven [16] GLG Rigid 1 eight in the air (see Section II-C), its wingspan should be
Ampyx Power [19] GLG Rigid 1
Joby Energy [21] OBG Rigid 1
contained in order to obtain trajectories that are as strict as
Kitenergy [20] GLG Flexible 2 possible, thus allowing to make more wings operate close
Makani Power [23] OBG Rigid 1 one to the other in a relatively small area. Thus, efciency
Skysails power [25] GLG Flexible 1 and maneuverability lead to opposite requirements on the
Windlift [27] OBG Flexible 3
wing geometry. As regards resistance and lightness, such
characteristics depend mainly on the employed material and
B. Wings, lines, sensors and actuators partly on the wing design. Either air-inated structures [15],
[18], [20], [28], [27] or foils [25] have been employed so far
The wings and the lines are key components in any in AWE technologies with exible wings, while carbon-ber
AWE generator, as well as onboard sensors, providing the has been used for rigid wings, with either onboard [23] or
measurements for feedback control, and actuators, either ground-level [19] generators.
onboard or on the ground. We describe here the main features The lines. The wing lift force exerts a high traction on the
of these parts. lines. Thus, the latter have to be strong enough to support
The wing. High efciency, maneuverability, resistance to high loads. At the same time, the lines have to be light
strain and lightness are the main characteristics that a wing and their diameter should be kept as small as possible, to
should have to be employed for AWE generation. Aero- limit their weight and aerodynamic drag. In order to extract
dynamic efciency is dened as the ratio between the lift energy from wind ows between 200-1000 m of elevation,
and drag coefcients of the wing, denoted as CL and CD 500-1500-m-long lines are needed. The prototype built at
respectively. Such coefcients are functions of the angle of Politecnico di Torino [15] is equipped with two 1000-m lines,
attack α, i.e. the angle between the wing’s longitudinal axis and has already operated at the target height of 800 m above
and the effective wind speed vector (see Fig. 5). Assuming an the ground. The most common material employed for the
lines is a composite nylon or polyethylene ber, which is
Flight direction
lighter than water and has a traction resistance 8-10 times
longitudinal axis higher than that of steel lines of the same weight. An example
of the guaranteed minimal breaking load of a line, as a
α function of its diameter, is reported in Fig. 7. Since this
Effective wind speed
direction 200

Fig. 5. Wing during ight and angle of attack α.

Minimum breaking load (t)

innite wingspan, functions CL (α) and CD (α) depends on
the wing prole only. If a nite wingspan is considered, the
effect of turbulence at the lateral edges of the wing reduces 100
its aerodynamic efciency. Such efciency loss is higher with
a lower aspect ratio, i.e. the ratio between the wing wingspan
ws and its chord c (Fig. 6). Since at rst approximation the 50

c 0 10 20 30 40 50
Cable diameter (mm)

Fig. 7. Minimum breaking load of a line as a function of its diameter.

material is subject to creep (i.e. it slowly elongates under
loads below the yield strength), quite high safety factors have
Fig. 6. wing top view: wingspan ws and chord c. to be considered in the dimensioning of the lines.

The sensors. The ight of the wing is tracked by using an GLG solutions [15], [20], [27], the presence of two or even
onboard inertial measurement unit (IMU), which typically three lines allow the use of ground actuators only, able to pull
include a GPS, three accelerometers, three gyroscopes, and the lines differentially in order to modify the wing direction
a magnetometer. The collected measurements are employed and angle of attack. Both solutions have advantages and
to estimate the aircraft’s position, speed and attitude. These drawbacks, since the use of a single line and a hung control
data are sent to the ground station via a radio channel, and/or unit allows a simpler design of the ground station and a
they are used by a control system placed onboard. Additional more immediate control action, while the use of two or more
sensors on the ground are used to measure the load on the lines and ground-level actuators yields a better aerodynamic
line, ground wind speed and direction, line length and speed. efciency, lower aircraft weight and higher safety in case of
It has to be noted that, to the best of our knowledge, all of line failure.
the control algorithms developed so far assume that at least a
“nominal” (i.e. without turbulence) wind speed and direction C. Crosswind kite power
at the altitude where the aircraft is ying is measured. This The AWE technologies described so far feature a quite
can be done either with wind prolers, based on light (lidars) wide range of technical solutions, yet they all share the
or sound waves (sodars), or by using aerostatic balloons, same approach to how the aircraft has to move in the air
providing the measure of wind speed and direction at some while energy is produced, i.e. with a prevalent crosswind
given elevation values, and then applying some interpolation component. The rst paper that analyzed, from a theoretical
technique to estimate the wind speed at the desired elevation. point of view, the viability of producing energy with an
The actuators. The different types of AWE generator de- aircraft or kite, ying in crosswind conditions, dates back
scribed in Section II-A obviously have different kind of to 1980, and it is entitled “crosswind kite power” [12]. This
actuators and corresponding control inputs. In AWE systems concept may not be intuitive especially for GLGs, since at
with onboard generators, actuators include moving surfaces rst one may think that the same amount of power can
on the rigid wing (aileron, elevator, and a rudder), and the be obtained by simply letting the wing oat in downwind
onboard turbines, which can be used also as propellers (see direction, and exploiting the generated drag force. This “drag
[23]). All these systems are used together to control the mode” is somehow used by some oating concepts for
ight of the aircraft, stabilizing the desired circular paths airborne wind energy generation [22]. We show here, through
and performing the take-off and landing maneuvers in an a simple example, that crosswind motion provides, given the
hoovering mode. GLGs with rigid wings enjoy a similar con- same characteristics of the wing and the same wind speed, a
trol authority, since aps and other onboard moving surfaces potential power that is about 50 times greater than “drag”
can be employed; moreover, all GLGs have, as additional motion. Therefore, crosswind motion is indeed crucial in
actuators, the ground winches and generators/motors, which AWE, hence the need to follow circular or gure-eight paths
are used to control the line speed and length during the that are roughly perpendicular to the wind stream.
operating cycle and to carry out take-off and landing. Finally, We consider a at wing, with planform area A, moving in
GLGs with exible wings, or kites, may have onboard and/or a 2-dimensional steady wind ow of given wind speed W 0
ground actuators. Onboard actuators are used in single-line (Fig. 9(a)). In particular, we decompose the speed of the
technologies [17], [18], [25] and they are packed in a control
unit hung below the exible wing. (see Fig. 8) The actuators (a) (b) (c)
u u
Kite We
W0 v
W0 - v FW
Control unit
Fig. 9. Simple scheme of an airfoil. (a) Downwind and crosswind speed
components, v and  u, respectively; (b) angle of attack α and effective wind
 e ; (c) lift and drag forces, F
speed vector, W L and F D , and total downwind
W .
force F

wing in a component parallel to the incoming wind, v , and

GS in a crosswind component, u, and we assume that vector u
is parallel to the longitudinal body axis of the wing. In a
Fig. 8. Sketch of a AWE system with ground-level generators, a single 2-dimensional cartesian coordinate system, whose axes are
line and hung control unit.
parallel to v and u, respectively, the wind speed relative to
the wing (effective wind speed) is given by (Fig. 9(b)):
in the hung control unit are able to modify the length of the
 0 − v
( )
kite steering lines and of the power line, thus inuencing the  W
We = . (2)
wing direction and its angle of attack, respectively. In other −u
In these particular settings, the angle of attack α is measured hence, using (4),
between the crosswind speed component u and the effective
 e . We assume that a usable amount P of power cos (α) |FL | CL (α)
wind speed, W = = = E(α). (9)
can be generated by exploiting the motion of the wing in the sin (α) |FD | CD (α)
same direction as the wind: In (9), E(α) is the aerodynamic efciency of the airfoil. By
P = |FW | |v |, (3) considering the curves CL (α), CD (α) of a specic airfoil
(see e.g. the report [31]), the value of α that satises (9) can
where FW is the component, along the direction of v , of the be computed numerically. Assuming that such a value of α
total force acting on the wing. We consider for simplicity has been derived, we denote the corresponding values of lift
only the aerodynamic lift and drag forces, indicated by FL coefcient and aerodynamic with CL and E (by dropping
and FD , respectively, whose magnitudes are computed as: the dependence on α), respectively. By using these values
2 2
1 and by considering that cos (α) + sin (α) = 1, we have:
|FL | = ρCL (α)A|W e |2 √
2 (4) 1
1 sin (α) =
|FD | = ρCD (α)A|W  e |2 . 1 + E2
2 √
In (4), ρ is the air density, and CL (α), CD (α) are the lift cos (α) = ,
1 + E2
and drag coefcients of the wing, which mainly depend
on the airfoil design and geometry. The lift force FL is moreover (see Fig. 9(b)),
perpendicular to the effective wind speed vector W  e , while cos (α) 
|u| = (|W0 | − |v |) = E(|W  0 | − |v |)
the drag force is parallel to it. Thus, the magnitude of the sin (α)
total force acting along the direction of v can be computed |W  0 | − |v |)2 = (1 + E 2 )(|W
 e |2 = |u|2 + (|W  0 | − |v |)2 .
as (see Fig. 9(c)):
Therefore, (5) can be re-written as:
|FW | = |FL | cos (α) + |FD | sin (α). (5) (
sin (α)
 
|FW,crsw | = |FL | cos (α) + =
Consider now the value of P obtained with two different E
( ) 32 (10)
types of motion of the wing. In the rst type, named “drag 1  0 − v |)2 E 2 1 + 1
mode”, the speed component u = 0, i.e. the wing movement = ρCL A(|W ,
2 E2
is parallel to the incoming wind. In this case, from (2) we
and the generated power, for a given downwind speed |v |,
 0 − v can be computed as:
( )
 W
|We | = ,
0 1
( )3
1 2 
Pcrsw = ρACL E 2 1 + 2 (|W0 − v |)2 |v |. (11)
α = 90◦ , CL (α) ≃ 0, CD (α) ≃ 2 (see e.g. [31]), and the 2 E
force FW in (3) amounts to: By maximizing (11) with respect to v , the optimal speed v =
1 0
|FW,drag | = ρCD (α)A|W e |2 = 1 ρ2A(|W
 0 − v |)2 , (6)
is obtained again, and the consequent optimal power:
2 2 3
hence the generated power is: 1
( )3
1 2 4  3
Pcrsw = ρACL E 1 + 2

| W0 | . (12)
 0 − v |)2 |v |.
Pdrag = ρA(|W (7) 2 E 27

The only free variable in (10) is the downwind speed compo- By computing the ratio between Pcrsw∗
(12) and Pdrag

(8), the
nent v . A simple search for the maximum of Pdrag (v ), |v | ∈ following equation is nally obtained:
 )3
 0 |], yields the optimal speed v = W0 and the conse-
[0, |W Pcrsw

1 2 1 2
3 = C L E 1 + . (13)
quent optimal power: Pdrag
∗ 2 E2
4  3 Equation (13) gives the ratio between the maximal power

Pdrag = ρA |W0 | . (8) generated in crosswind mode, and the maximal power
The well-known cubic relationship between generated power achieved in drag mode, given the same wing area and
and wind speed is evident in (10). wind speed. By considering the reasonable values CL =
Let us now consider the second type of motion, i.e. with a 1.05, E = 8, which are achievable by exible wings,
prevalent crosswind component u. In this case, for a high- it can be noted that the power obtained by operating in
efciency airfoil prole, the angle of attack α is quite low, as crosswind mode is about 35 times higher than that produced
depicted in Fig. 9(b). In order to consider a steady motion, in drag mode. Rigid or semi-rigid wings can easily reach
we require that the components of the lift and drag forces in an efciency of 10, leading to a ratio of 50 between the
crosswind direction are balanced: two power generation modes. More in general, the power
generated in crosswind mode grows with the square of the
|FL | sin (α) = |FD | cos (α), aerodynamic efciency. However, this phenomenon is limited

by the higher strains that the structure and the lines have to power if the wind speed increases with the elevation with
support, due to the increased lift forces, with consequent respect to the ground, depending on the rate of such increase.
increases of the weight of the aircraft and of the weight and As an example, Fig. 10(c) shows the dependence of the net
drag of the lines. The dependence of the generated power power on the line length, for the winter and summer months
on the efciency and other design parameters, by taking into at De Bilt site, in the Netherlands, whose wind characteristics
account the presence of the lines and the increase of wind are good for wind energy production. It can be observed
speed with the elevation over the ground, has been analyzed that in both cases there is an optimal value (corresponding
via theoretical equations as well as numerical simulations to about 1200 m and 1300 m for winter and summer wind,
[15], [30]. We briey recall the related results in the next respectively), when the positive effect of higher wind speed
Section. values, obtained with longer lines, is counter-balanced by the
negative effect of higher line weight and drag force. Beyond
this point, an increase of line length leads to lower generated
power. Finally, the dependance of the generated power on
A. System optimization wind speed is shown in Figure 10(d). It can be noted that,
The design and operation of the AWE generators described as expected, a cubic relationship exists between these two
so far involve the choice of several parameters, like the wing variables. All these results, except for Fig. 10(a), are related
shape and size, the lines’ length and diameter, the operational to an AWE generator with a large, 500-m2 -area wing, whose
altitude, etc.. A series of studies has been conducted in the power curve (i.e. the dependence of the generated power on
last years, regarding the optimization of one or more of these wind speed) is comparable to that of a 2-MW wind turbine.
aspects. Several works in the literature are concerned with the These results are useful to optimize the design and operation
analysis and design of optimized exible or semi-rigid wings parameters of the generator, and they are related to GLGs.
for GLGs [32], [18], [33], also using innovative materials The details on the underlying equations can be found in [30],
and structures [34]. Another aspect that has been investigated [28], where a numerical optimization procedure exploiting
is the maximal power achievable by a AWE generator, for the simplied equations has been also used. To the best of
given wind speed and wing characteristics. This topic has our knowledge, there are no similar studies for the case of
been studied either by using a simplied dynamical model of OBGs: this extension could be carried out, provided that a
the system in order to derive, numerically, optimal operating reasonable approximation is considered for the relationship
trajectories [29], [16], [17], [35], or by considering simplied between the power generated by the onboard turbines and
equations, following the same approach used in [12] and the consequent induced drag.
adding more elements, like the variation of wind speed with
the elevation from the ground and the lines’ drag [36], [15], B. Control of AWE generators
[30]. The computation of optimal ying paths has the advan- Automatic control is a key aspect of any AWE generator.
tage of providing both an estimate of the generated power, These systems are supposed to be able to produce energy for
and an operating trajectory that can be used for feedback a large volume of hours yearly (see the aspects related to the
control (see Section III-B), while simplied power equations Capacity Factor (CF) of AWE generators in Section IV-C),
have the advantage of being easy to use and to explicitly give adapting to the wind conditions and rejecting unpredictable
the dependance of important quantities, like power and line disturbances like wind turbulence and wind gusts. The dy-
forces, on the design parameters. Simplied power equations namics of tethered wings are nonlinear and typically unstable
have been used to optimize the operation of AWE generators in open-loop, especially with relatively high aerodynamic
in [30], [28], to analyze the optimal design of AWE farms efciency, thus the controller has to stabilize the system and,
[15] and to estimate the forces involved in offshore AWE at the same time, maximize the generated power, while keep-
generators [37]. It is worth recalling here the main results ing a high safety level, by maintaining a minimal distance
obtained by using such simplied equations, in terms of from the ground. In concepts with more than one line, the
dependence of the optimal generated power on the wing control system must also avoid line wrapping. Even though
area, aerodynamic efciency, line length and wind speed, experimental tests, carried out with small-scale prototypes
for the case of a xed ground unit. Extensions to the case (see e.g. [39], [40]), have shown that the control capabilities
of moving GU have been done to analyze other generator’s are not reduced when the lines are wrapped, the associated
congurations, like the carousel [30], and the application friction may cause excessive wear.
of AWE to naval transportation [38]. The generated power As far as GLGs are concerned, there are several studies
as a function of the wing area is showed in Fig. 10(a): a in the literature, concerned with the design of a control
linear dependence can be observed, as expected from the algorithm able to satisfy the above-mentioned requirements.
aerodynamic laws. Fig. 10(b) shows the generated power as a Almost all such algorithms are model-based, i.e. they rely on
function of the wing aerodynamic efciency, by considering the knowledge of a model of the wing dynamics, and they
a line diameter dimensioned to resist to the traction forces. exploit the measurements described in Section II-B: wing
The curve is approximately quadratic for a quite large range position, speed and orientation, a nominal wind speed at
of low and medium efciency values of interest. The line the wing’s altitude, and the forces acting on the lines. The
length (Fig. 10(c)) can positively inuence the generated control inputs include the difference of length of the steering

(a) (b)
3000 10000

Generated power (kW)

Generated power (kW)


500 2000

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Kite area (m ) Kite aerodynamic efficiency

(c) (d)
x 10
5000 4

4500 3.5

Generated Power (kW)

Generated power (kW)

2000 0.5
1500 0
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 0 5 10 15 20 25
Cable length (m) Wind speed (m/s)

Fig. 10. Generated power as a function of (a) kite area, (b) aerodynamic efciency, (c) line length for winter (solid) and summer (dashed) periods at The
Bilt, in the Netherlands, and (d) wind speed. Solid line: simplied equations. Circles: numerical simulation results.

lines and, when available, the angle of attack via a third [41], [45] and have the advantage of being single-input,
control line. The proposed approaches include Nonlinear single-output. Non model-based approaches have been also
Model Predictive Control (NMPC) [13], [16], [14], adaptive recently proposed, based on the concept of direct-inverse
control [41], evolutionary robotics techniques [42]. Indeed, control [46], in which the control law is identied directly
a pre-requisite to the use of these model based approaches from a set of data, collected by using a preliminary con-
is the availability of a sufciently accurate - but simple - troller (or human operator). The presence of input and state
dynamical model of the wing, which is still an open issue. constraints and nonlinear dynamics make NMPC (see e.g.
The point-mass model originally introduced in [43], and then [47], [48]) an attractive approach to tackle the AWE control
employed in [16], [14], [28] with continuous renements, is problem. In NMPC, the control input at each sampling time
quite reasonable as far as the wing is ying fast in crosswind is computed by solving a nite horizon optimal control
conditions, so that there is limited slip; however, when the problem (FHOCP), where the measured system state is used
wing is at the borders of the power zone (see Fig. 4) and/or as initial condition and a sequence of future control input is
the effective wind speed is low, slip dynamics may become optimized, according to a suitably chosen cost function. The
predominant and the model fails to capture them, due to its corresponding predicted behavior of the system is computed
simplied structure. Nevertheless, this model proved to be by using the available nonlinear model. Then, the rst control
consistent with experimental data, at least for what concerns move of the computed optimal sequence, corresponding to
line forces, wing speed and generated energy [15], [44]. The the current sampling interval, is applied to the system, and
model is omitted here for the sake of brevity; the interested the procedure is repeated according to a receding horizon
reader is referred to [15], [28] and the references therein for strategy. NMPC has been used with two different philoso-
details. Another employed type control-oriented models is phies in the existing studies on AWE control, i.e. either
based on “turning angle” concepts, see e.g. [41], [45]. Such with a tracking [16] or with an economic (see e.g. [28])
models proved to be quite accurate in crosswind conditions formulation. In tracking NMPC, an optimal ying path is pre-

computed off-line, maximizing the generated energy among on a specic site, the CF can be evaluated by knowing the
all periodic trajectories, and the cost function of the FHOCP generator power curve and the probability density distribu-
is chosen in order to track such an optimal trajectory. Even if tion function of wind speed. In Figure 11 the power curve of
the optimal ying orbit is computed by taking into account
the system’s operational constraints, the latter must still be
included in the tracking problem, in order to cope with 2000
the presence of uncertainty and disturbances. In economic
NMPC, no pre-computed orbit is used, but the FHOCP is

Output power (kW)

designed so to directly maximize the predicted generated
energy, subject to the operational constraints. In principle,
the system’s trajectories resulting from an economic NMPC 1000
approach might yield better performance with respect to a
tracking NMPC approach, since they are not constrained
to be periodic, however with economic NMPC there is 500
generally no a-priori guarantee of even nominal stability. As
a matter of fact, both approaches proved to be effective with
the above-mentioned simplied model. The use of economic 0 5 10 15 20 25
Wind speed (m/s)
NMPC also poses interesting theoretical questions, regarding
the (sub)optimality of the obtained solutions. These questions
Fig. 11. Power curves of a typical wind tower (dashed) and of an AWE
have been answered, for this specic application and the con- generator, both with the same rated power of 2 MW.
sidered point-mass model, in [30], where it has been shown
that the performance of the economic NMPC approach are a commercial 2-MW wind turbine [49] is reported, together
very close to the optimal performance computed with the with the estimated power curve of an AWE generator of the
simplied power equations mentioned in Section III-A (see same rated power (achievable with A = 500 m2 and E = 8,
also Fig. 10, where the results of numerical simulations see [15]). Table II shows the corresponding CFs, estimated
with an economic NMPC scheme are compared with the at some sites around the world. The probability density
results obtained with the simplied equations). Finally, an distribution function of wind speed at 50-150 meters above
interesting study on the computation of open-loop stable the grounds (reached by 2-MW wind turbines) and at 200-
paths appeared in [35]. These paths are suboptimal from the 800 m above the ground (reachable by AWE generators) has
point of view of generated power, but have the advantage been evaluated from the measurements of sounding stations,
of being stable, with a certain degree of robustness, with no available from the NOAA/ESRL Radiosonde Database, [50].
feedback control. Interesting economical considerations can be drawn from the
While the literature concerned with control design for GLGs results of Table II. Note that the present wind technology
is relatively rich, there are no similar studies for OBGs, is economically convenient for sites with CF greater than
even though automatic control algorithms for this class of 0.3, according to the level of the incentives for green energy
AWE generators are known to be working for small-scale generation. In such good sites, AWE technology achieves
prototypes, see [23]. Thanks to the use of rigid wings with CF values about two times greater than the present wind
moving control surfaces and to the possibility to convert the technology, thus more than doubling the economic return
onboard turbines to propellers, the control problem for OBGs even assuming the same cost/MW. Indeed, for the structural
appears to be simpler than GLGs. Control-oriented models reasons previously discussed, it is expected that the cost/MW
for OBGs are also easier to derive, since a lot of knowledge of rated power of a AWE generator may be lower than that
from ight mechanics and rigid wing aerodynamics can be of a wind tower. In addition, bad sites for the present wind
exploited. Automatic take-off and transitions between the technology can be still economically convenient with AWE
taking-off phase and the power-generation phase have been technology: this is made extremely evident from the data of
also tested [23]. Linate (Italy), where a negligible CF value could be obtained
IV. E CONOMICAL ANALYSIS AND OFFSHORE with a wind tower, while an AWE generator could give a CF
APPLICATION OF AWE similar to that of a wind tower in the good site of De Bilt,
in the Netherlands.
A. Capacity factor
AWE generators can operate at high altitudes above the B. AWE farms
ground, where stronger and more constant winds can be Another interesting aspect of AWE technology is related to
found practically everywhere. This basically translates in the territory occupation of wind farms. Indeed, in the present
much higher amounts of yearly generated energy, with re- wind farms, in order to limit the aerodynamic interferences
spect to conventional wind turbines. In fact, due to wind between wind towers of a given blade diameter D, a distance
intermittency, the average power produced by a wind gener- of 7D in the prevalent wind direction and of 4D in the
ator over the year is only a fraction, indicated as Capacity orthogonal one are typically used. This rule, considering
Factor (CF), of the rated power. For a given wind generator wind turbines with 2-MW rated power and 90-m blade

JANUARY 1 ST , 1996 TO D ECEMBER 31 ST , 2006.

Average wind speed Estimated CF

Site 50–150 m 200–800 m Wind tower AWE - GLG
Buenos Aires (Argentina) 5.7 m/s 9.1 m/s 0.18 0.63
Melbourne (Australia) 5.2 m/s 8.7 m/s 0.15 0.56
Porto Alegre (Brazil) 4.9 m/s 7.5 m/s 0.13 0.52
Nenjiang (China) 2.7 m/s 5.2 m/s 0.04 0.30
Taipei (China–Taiwan) 1.5 m/s 5.6 m/s 0.02 0.32
St. Cristobal (Ecuador) 6.0 m/s 6.5 m/s 0.15 0.44
Nice (France) 4.5 m/s 5.8 m/s 0.09 0.33
Calcutta (India) 2.8 m/s 5.6 m/s 0.02 0.31
Brindisi (Italy) 7.2 m/s 8.5 m/s 0.31 0.60
Linate (Italy) 0.7 m/s 5.9 m/s 0.006 0.33
Bandar Abbas (Iran) 1.5 m/s 5.6 m/s 0.02 0.32
Misawa (Japan) 4.4 m/s 7.8 m/s 0.11 0.50
Casablanca (Morocco) 2.4 m/s 7.0 m/s 0.03 0.45
De Bilt (The Netherlands) 8.0 m/s 10.7 m/s 0.36 0.71
Bodø (Norway) 6.9 m/s 8.7 m/s 0.28 0.56
Leba (Poland) 8.1 m/s 10.1 m/s 0.38 0.71
St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) 4.1 m/s 8.5 m/s 0.1 0.59
Port Elizabeth (South Africa) 7.5 m/s 8.9 m/s 0.20 0.58
Murcia (Spain) 2.6 m/s 5.9 m/s 0.03 0.35
Nottingham (United Kingdom) 1.3 m/s 5.3 m/s 0.01 0.31
Point Barrow (Alaska, U.S.) 6.6 m/s 8.8 m/s 0.25 0.59

diameter, leads to rated power density of about 9 MW/km2 produced with this technology, and to make a comparison
and average power density, in a good site like De Bilt in the with the costs of the other technologies. The production
Netherlands, of about 3.2 MW/km2 . In AWE wind farms, the costs for AWE and wind tower technologies are essentially
aerodynamic interferences between the wings pertaining to related to the amortization of the costs of the structures,
different generators can be limited, by operating at different the foundations, the electrical equipment to connect to the
ying altitudes. Then, the AWE generators in the farm can power grid, authorizations, site use, etc., while the main-
be arranged at the minimum distance required to avoid wing tenance costs are certainly marginal for both technologies,
and lines collision, see Figure 12. According to [15], by though possibly higher for AWE generators. Thus, the main
differences between the two technologies are related to their
1000 structures, foundations, and required land, whose costs are
Wind speed signicantly lower for AWE generators. In fact, especially in
800 GLGs with exible wings, the heavy tower and the rotor of a
wind turbine are replaced by light, composite ber lines and
600 aircrafts. Moreover, given the same rated power, the costs
Z (m)

of the foundations of a AWE generator will be signicantly

400 lower, thanks to the lower involved strains. A conservative
Unit estimate can be obtained, by assuming that the cost of a AWE
Wing flying zone
generator with 2-MW rated power is not greater than that
of an actual wind tower of the same rated power. Estimates
obtained on this basis are reported in Table III and compared
0 500
X (m)
1000 1500 with the projected cost in 2030 (levelized in 2003 U.S.
dollars per MWh) of energy from coal, gas, nuclear, wind and
solar sources, taken from [51] where, for each technology,
Fig. 12. Scheme of four subsequent AWE generators in a wind farm, and
of the related ying zones. the projections have been computed using data related to
power plants installed in more than 10 different countries.
optimizing these operating conditions, wind farms composed
by 2-MW AWE generators may have a rated power density D. Offshore AWE plants
of about 32 MW/km2 , and an average power density, in a Offshore wind plants have the potential to become major
site like De Bilt, of about 23 MW/km2 . contributors to the supply of electric energy, for many
reasons: the wind blows faster and more uniformly on
C. Energy cost estimates the sea than on land; excellent wind sites exist within
At the present state of AWE technology, it is only possible reasonable distances from major urban centers, reducing
to have preliminary estimates of the costs of the electricity the concern about long distance inland power transmission;

Power system.
In the last ve years, signicant developments in AWE
Source Minimal Maximal Average technologies have been achieved. Theoretical and numerical
estimated estimated estimated
($/MWh) ($/MWh) ($/MWh)
studies concerned with many important aspects, particularly
Coal 25 50 34 aerodynamics and control, have been carried out, moreover
Gas 37 60 47 small-scale prototypes have been increasingly realized and
Nuclear 21 31 29 tested in several projects carried out by small companies, uni-
Wind 35 95 57
Solar 180 500 325 versities and research centers. The state-of-the-art of AWE,
AWE - GLG 10 48 20 resulting from these recent activities, has been summarized
in this paper. Together with such a steady and quite fast
technical progress, there has been also a growing interest
from investors and public bodies worldwide. The ongoing
nally environmental concerns about visual and acoustic development activities are increasingly proving the viability
impact are lower than for inland wind. However, the energy of the concept, yet several technical issues remain and
production costs of present offshore wind plants are 2-3 need to be addressed, in order to denitely show that this
times higher with respect to inland plants. This is due to the technology can be scaled up to an industrial size (i.e. with
fact that the economics of offshore turbines depend more on single AWE generators of about 2-MW rated power), meet
infrastructure costs (foundations, operation & maintenance, the requirements of a commercial wind power generator, and
decommissioning, etc.) than on turbine costs. Indeed, in the provide the expected performance in terms of quantity and
present offshore plants, which operate in shallow waters (5- cost of the generated energy. Aspects like grid connection,
30 m of depth), the cost of turbines impacts only for 1/3 line wear, and maintenance have not been addressed so far,
of total costs, in contrast with the 2/3 of inland plants. especially for large scale generators, in which the expected
As a matter of fact, in order to take full advantage of the forces on the lines are of the order of many tons. Automatic
offshore potentials, it is necessary to shift the technology control systems have been tested for a limited amount of
towards support structures able to work on deeper waters time, still not sufcient to demonstrate a satisfactorily high
(>50-100 m), like oating platforms. However, the relevance level of reliability. Particularly for GLGs, there is a lack
of infrastructure costs for towers in deep waters will be of modeling studies and model validation with experimental
even higher than in shallow waters. AWE technology may data. The operation and control of AWE farms will pose
represent a solution for deep offshore wind plants. In fact, additional technical problems, related to the coordination
in offshore turbines the most critical load to be accounted of the different generators. On the other hand, AWE tech-
for, in the design of the foundation used in shallow waters, nologies are just at the dawn of their development, and
is the sway force exerted by the wind generator. In [37] there is a signicant uncovered potential for the use of
it has been evaluated that the maximal sway force exerted innovative solutions in multiple elds like materials, power
on the foundation by an AWE generator is lower than the electronics and aerodynamics, to tackle the above-mentioned
one exerted by a turbine with the same rated power. Taking problems. Ad-hoc designed wings and lines might be used
into account the fact that, with respect to a wind turbine, an to improve the system performance, reduce the required
AWE generator has a CF more than double, and about half maintenance and augment the control capabilities. Energy
the cost per MW of rated power, it follows that the AWE storage systems like super capacitors or ywheels could be
technology may reduce by a factor of 5-6 the costs of the coupled with AWE generators to cope with the issue of grid
present offshore energy in shallow waters. This difference connection. Advanced unmanned aerial vehicle technologies,
will be even greater in the case of oating platforms in deep sensors, and tracking systems could be applied to enhance the
waters. In this case, wind turbines have to be designed to automatic control of AWE generators and reach the required
face the dynamic loads induced not only by the wind and the reliability. All these aspects represent important challenges,
blade rotation, but also by the waves. More rigid towers are but also a wealth of opportunities for future, multidisciplinary
required, with the rst natural frequency higher than 0.4 Hz research and development activities.
(corresponding to the wave spectrum in open sea), in contrast
with the 0.25 Hz of inland wind towers. This requirement R EFERENCES
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