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Multicultural Marketing Multicultural Marketing is the promotion of a brands product or service to one or more targeted multicultural group(s), or to an ethnically

diverse consumer base. The growth among major multicultural categories is four times that of non-multicultural groups, illustrating the growing diversity in America. Key multicultural marketing groups include African Americans, Latinos and Asian Americans. The most recent US Census survey conducted in 2000 - illustrated race in the US as follows: White - 75.1%, Black or African American - 12.3%, American Indian and Alaska Native - 0.9%, Asian - 3.6%, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander - 0.01%, Some Other Race - 5.5%; Two or More Races: 2.4%. Total US Latino population is 12.5%. cultural marketing Definition A specific type of marketing that is geared towards promoting a message to a certain group of potential purchasers from a particular culture or demographic. Ethnic marketingDefinition A particular type of marketing that caters to those in a specific nationality or ethnic group. Oftentimes these ads are produced in that particular group's native language and with other features that are specific to the targeted group. Monoculture1. The cultivation of a single crop on a farm or in a region or country. 2. A single, homogeneous culture without diversity or dissension. Advantages: It makes farming much more efficient, keeping down costs. Machines and procedures can be used totally systematically on a large scale. Disadvantages. It totally removes all of the diversity of the natural land and thereby eliminates the habitat of almost all of the other plants and animals that lived there before the monoculture. MulticultureMulticulturalism is the appreciation, acceptance or promotion of multiple cultures, applied to the demographic make-up of a specific place, usually at the organizational level, e.g. schools, businesses, neighborhoods, cities or nations. In a political context the term is used for a range of meanings, ranging from the advocacy of equal respect to the various cultures in a society, to a policy of promoting the maintenance of cultural diversity, to policies in which people of various ethnic and religious groups are addressed by the authorities as defined by the group they belong to. [1][2] A common aspect of many such policies is that they avoid presenting any specific ethnic, religious, or cultural community values as central.

Multiculturalism is often contrasted with the concepts assimilationism and social integration and has been described as a "salad bowl" or "cultural mosaic" rather than a "melting pot."[3] In contemporary society, different understandings of multiculturalism have resulted in two different and seemingly inconsistent strategies: * The first focuses on interaction and communication between different cultures. Interactions of cultures provide opportunities for the cultural differences to communicate and interact to create multiculturalism. * The second centers on diversity and cultural uniqueness. Cultural isolation can protect the uniqueness of the local culture of a nation or area and also contribute to global cultural diversity. The concept of Cultural exception proposed by France in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) negotiations in 1993 was an example of a measure aimed at protecting local cultures. Advantages and Disadvantages of Multicultural envtAdvantages and Disadvantages of Multicultural:- Depending on the setting, multicultural diversity can be of great benefit, but in some situations, it can also lead to tensions. In any given environment, there may be unique advantages and disadvantages of multicultural interaction. One way to figure out whether a situation is advantageous or disadvantageous is to make a list of pros versus cons. The expression "two heads are better than one" has a deeper meaning than the literal. The more perspectives coming together to achieve an objective, the better and more well-rounded the outcome. This is true of work environments, education settings, social situations, entertainment, sports, and so forth. A few conceivable disadvantages of multicultural situations might be racial tensions or other strained relations-but such things generally are the result of ignorance, bias, and "other-ism" from one or more parties, rather from than the actual mixing of cultures. Some may argue against globalism and multicultural diversity because they think it results in blending and thus the loss of distinct cultures. However, an easy argument against that is that it is up to people within a particular culture to maintain traditions as they see fit. Multiculturalism is a complex subject to be approached carefully. For more information,

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