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Drscuane r

Clll : U85110HR1994PLC033860 SuuruRnY ALCHEMIST ',1) r '.

]lGE :55 y,r 6 lt!/ 2l D SEX : IEMALE
IP No :22ii2344 Date cf Admi-ssion :28lQ3/?-A22
Admitting Consultant :Dr.Datvir Chauhan Date of Discharge :15/04/2A22
(Jo j nt R.eplacement )

Osteoarlhritis Bilateral knee
Chief Comrrlaint (Realqn/s for Admission):
Pain in bilateral knee
Difficult;,in rvalking
Brief Historv of Present Illness:
Patient is knorvn case of Ilypertension, prescnted io iire hospital with above rnentioned
complaints and norv admitted for further nlanagenlent.
i en ifica n t C li n i ca I Fin
_S {li Egs{at A d m is s i o n) :
L'0r1 s c i o,.i s : 0rientu-r1
BP: l-i0 90nrm oiHg
Puise: 96intin
RR: iSlmin
Temperature: 98.2"F
CVS: S:Sz nonnal
Respiratory.: IllL clear
Per Abdomen: Solt
CoBrse durins Hosilital Stay:
Pa-tient admitted rvith above-mentioned aomplaints and all relevant labs were done. patient
underr'vent sursery on 2910312?. Post operatively patierit was managed r.vith IV antibiotics (inj
Cetil, Inj Amika). analgesic. PPis. IV fluicis and otirer supportive measures. Procedure and
subsequent hospital stay \,vas uneventful. Norv patient is being discharged u,ith the following
medication ancl advice.
Bilateral total knee replacement on29l03l22 by Dr. Dalvir chauhan
Rarl iolosical investieations
2D ECHO pn2Al03/72:.
LVEF 60%. No RWMA, normal LV systolic fuu,-:iion. l-V riiastolic dysfunction,
PatieJrt Cor-r4ition and Yitals- at Discharse(Sta!)tg);
BP: l30l70mm of Hg
Pulse: T0irnin ?O/min
Temperature: 98"f
Active Toe movement
Quadriceps exercise
Knee banding exercises

Regd. Off Sector 21, Panchkula - 134112 (Hry.) Tel' 0172-4500A00, e-mail
Ankle mobilization
Walking with walker
T)ischarse Nledications:
ilb 500. mg f..y,1-99jaily '\ --':l
Tab Levoflox 500 mgi-Irgg iSLtY Ll
r"..Tal,' Ultracet semi twice &dy il - '
Cap Altrad:iy olqe i3!Y cj
Cap Gabaneuron NT-100 mgg!3!g!tt cI
u Tab Nerf LC ltub gr99 i3l!Y 6,
Tab Ecosprin 75 mg L tab 4 =!g!t
T:rb Amlong 5 mg once daily if BPJ 50/90
Syp Duphafac ZO mf at night if re{ffi-6'g:ltuliplpn
piease take all medicationrlill your follow up visit, unless mentioned otherwise.
When to obtain urgent care :
@er, wound soakage, and any fresh complaint
How to obtain urgent care:
9780887055 for ambulance'
Follow Advice:

lo g o n to .rit"i 1X ;,iJ q&;.111 11liil,).tfi ilid"u-trul

or Call On 017 2-45000C0,98E8 67 4018.
For Home Blood sample collection call9780887025.
For Lab Reports call at 0172-7122721.
Please bring ali your previous records.
Other ctions:
Diet :Normal diet
Physiotherapy : Ycs
Physical Activity : Restricted

Dr. Dalvir Chauhan (Joint Replacement),

M.S, - OrthoPedics
97 8O7 O36L9 / 987 2e2O7 L7
EY \{r
(Consultant) RMO/Sr Resident
(Signature & No)

I have understood the discharge medications and general instructions which i:;rve been , t/i i ,
explained to me by in my own language. l[ 6*
Signature of person Receiving Summary: ov
Itelation to patient
Contact No. :


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