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Centre of curvature (C) is the centre of hollow sphere of which the mirror is a part. (Front of the

Pole (P) Cente of surface of concave mirror

Radius of curvature (R) is the radius of the sphere

Principal Axis The straight line passing through the centre of curvature and the pole

Aperture(M) The portion of the mirror where the reflection of light takes place

Focus (F) Beam of light parallel to the principal axis is incident on the concave mirror after reflection,
the rays meet at a point on the principal axis. It is exactly in the centre of P and C
Focal length (f) is the distance between the pole and the focus

F= R



Centre of curvature (C) is the centre of hollow sphere of which the mirror is a part. (Behind the

Pole (P) Cente of surface of convex mirror

Radius of curvature (R) is the radius of the sphere

Principal Axis The straight line passing through the centre of curvature and the pole

Aperture(M) The portion of the mirror where the reflection of light takes place

Focus (F) Beam of light parallel to the principal axis is incident on the convex mirror after reflection,
the rays appear to diverge from a point on the principal axis. It has a virtual focus since it lies behind
the mirror. It is exactly in the centre of P and C

Focal length (f) is the distance between the pole and the focus

F= R


 Which of the following mirrors shows lateral inversion? – Plane mirror
 When a light ray is reflected repeatedly by a set of parallel plane mirrors, the intensity of the
light ray decreases after some reflections. This is because of - Absorption of some amount of
light by mirrors
 Rainbow is produced when sunlight falls on drops of rain. Which of the following physical
phenomena is/are responsible for this? - Dispersion and total internal reflection
 An object is placed at the centre of curvature C of a concave mirror, the image will be formed
at – centre of curvature
 When the object is moved slightly closer to a converging lens, the image may - Increase in
size and move farther away from the lens.
 A point object is placed in front of a plane mirror. If the object and the mirror start moving
away from each other with speed v along a straight line, then speed of the image with
respect to mirror is - 2v
 A bus driver is reversing his bus at a speed8 m s−1. The rear view mirror of a bus is a plane
mirror. The driver sees in his rear view mirror the image of a car parked behind his bus. The
speed at which the image of the car appears to approach the driver will be 16 m/s
 It is possible to photograph a virtual image - True
 A mirage is observed when - Density of air increases with increase of height
 In a dark night, you have only one light source in your room. But you have two mirrors, one is
concave and another is convex. Which mirror will you use to make the room lighted? - Either
concave or convex depends on the position of source.
 Yeast reproduces by budding - true
 Spirogyra reproduces by fragmentation - true
 Budding is a asexual method of reproduction - true
 Fragmentation is a asexual method of reproduction - true
 Asexual
a) Spore formation
b) Fragmentation
c) Budding
 Which one of the following plants disperses its seeds by explosive mechanism? - Castor
 The process of seeping of water into the ground is called: - Infiltration
 Rayon is known as synthetic fiber. The raw materials for making of rayon is obtained from
which one of the following sources? - Wood Pulp
 When a body moves around a fixed axis, the body is in - Rotatory motion
 Angora wool is obtained from angora: - goat
 Oxide of which one of the following non-metals is dissolved in water for preparing an acid? –
Nitrogen, Carbon, Sulphur
 Exhaled air contains ______of carbon dioxide. - 4.4%
 A rare and expensive fibre called cashmere is obtained from: - goat

 Transportation of water from one tracheid to another takes place through their tapering
ends?. Read the above statement and select by which one of the following options, 'tapering
ends' given in the statement should be replaced? - Pits present on the cell
 The cells of the lymph node, which eats germs, fragment of dead cell etc. and helps in
protecting the body from diseases is shown in the figure given below. What is the name of
the cell? - Lymphocyte
 There are two curvatures found in a convex lens. Which one of the following causes the zero
optical power of the lens - Equal distance between the focal point and center of the
 Which one of the following cell organelle contains DNA? - Mitochondria
 Touching of live wire with the neutral wire - short circuit
 Touching of live wire with the earth wire - shock
 Touching of neutral wire with the earth wire - trip
 Drawing extremely large amount of current from the single house hold circuit - overloading
 An element X reacts with oxygen to form Y which turns red litmus to blue, then: - X is a metal
and Y is basic oxide
 soap solution - basic
 Which one of the followings is a mineral acids? – HCl, HNO3, H2SO4
 Sodium bicarbonate is also called baking soda. - true
 NaHCO3 is also called baking soda. - true
 Which one of the following substance is formed when vinegar and baking soda are mixed
together? - Sodium acetate, Carbon dioxide, Water
 When condensation takes place high above ground, ______ is formed. - Cloud
 Cyclone has high speed wind swirling around a high pressure centre. - false
 Fast moving air creates a region of: - Low pressure
 The pollen tube enters the ovule through a small opening called: - Micropyle
 When the object is at the centre of curvature, the image formed by a concave mirror is: -
Real, Inverted, Same size as the object
 Aqua regia consists of 3 parts of hydrochloric acid and 1 part of nitric acid. - true
 Aqua regia is used to dissolve noble metals such as gold and platinum. – true
 Which one of the following properties is not correct about the image that is formed, when
an object is placed beyond the centre of curvature of a concave mirror? - The image is real,
inverted, larger than the object, formed in front of the mirror.
 Live wire – brown
 Neutral wire – blue
 Earth – yellow+green / green
 The layer of vegetation in a forest which is just below the understory is called: - Shrub layer
 If A is more reactive than B, which one of the following is true? - A will replace B from a salt
of B
 The layer of vegetation in the forest which is just below the shrub layer is called: - herb layer
 Air pressure on the Mount Everest with respect to sea level is: - lesser
 Lead is a poor conductor of heat - true
 The average breathing rate in an adult human being at rest is: - 15 - 18 times per minute
 Virtual image formed by a lens is always of same size as the object - false
 Which one of the following is correct about nylon fibres? - Nylon fibres are very strong,
Nylon is wrinkle resistant - Nylon does not absorb water
 The natural silk which is obtained from the cocoons is made of protein.(fibron)
 Concave mirror forms real and inverted image when object is at infinity
 highest layer of vegetation in a forest - canopy
 A, B, C and D are four metal wires of same length and same thickness. Which metal wire has
the highest electrical resistance? - wire D made of tungsten
 It removes large rubbish objects like rags, sticks, plastic bags etc. from the sewage - vertical
 It removes grit and sand from the sewage - grit chamber
 It removes all the organic matter from the sewage - secondary treatment
 typhoon - japan,philippines
 hurricane - america
 Animal fibres are made up of: - protein
 How many chambers are there in stomach of a ruminant? - 4
 Lohi Nali Marwari and Patanwadi are breeds of: - sheep
 Percolation rate of water is highest in: - Sandy soil
 The process of obtaining salt by the evaporation of sea water is known as: - crystallization
 cockroach breathes through - spiracles (The tiny holes through which breathing takes place
in an insect)
 resistance - ohm
 croton - variegated leaf
 Which one of the following plants has bisexual flowers? - Rose, Mustard, Petunia
 Current drawn from an electricity source depends on which one of the following factors? -
Volt-ampere rating of the connected load.
 Lateral inversion - all mirrors
 The underground layer of soil and permeable rocks in which water collects under the ground
is called - Aquifer
 Real image can be larger, shorter and equal to the object. Hence, all real image are not larger
than the object. - true
 basic salt - Na2CO3
 Tropical rainforests are found in .......Ghats ......... in India. - Western and Assam
 In waste water treatment plant useful products obtained are: - Biogas, Sludge
 Strong base - Potassium
 Strong acid - Nitric acid
 Weak base hydroxide - Calcium
 Weak acid hydroxide - Formic acid
 Location
a) Anaerobic - cytoplasm
b) Aerobic - cytoplasm and mitochondria
 Fill in the blanks with correct combination of words. WhenL−−−−and M−−−−−are mixed
together, a chemical reaction takes place which causes formation of three new substances;
N−−−−, O−−−− and P−−−−. - L - Baking soda, M - Vinegar, N - Sodium acetate, O - Carbon
dioxide, P - water
 Tropical rainforest is found in: - Brazil, India, Indonesia
 Which of the following elements is not present in proteins? - Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen,
 If length of a pendulum increases, its time period: - increases
 Which one of the following plants can be grown by the cutting methods of vegetative
propagation? - Rose plant, Sugarcane plant, Bougainvillea
 Roots of plants also need air for respiration to take place - true
 In which of the following cases salt will be formed - When sodium hydroxide reacts with
hydrochloric acid
 potassium permanganate - KMnO4
 borax - Na2B4O7
 Nitric acid - HNO3
 Hydra uses its tentacles to catch food. - true
 Mosquito sucks up the blood of animals with its proboscis. – true
 The lion-tailed macaque is not a good climber and spends most of its time on land - false
 The lion-tailed macaque has very poor eyesight. - false
 The lion-tailed macaque mainly feeds on fish. - false
 The lion-tailed macaque is found in the rainforest of Western Ghats in India. – true
 hermaphrodite – bisexual flower
 i. Red-eyed frog is found in tropical rainforest. - true
 ii. Red-eyed frog is nocturnal. - true
 iii. Red-eyed frog spends most of its day time in water. - false
 iv. Red-eyed frog has developed sticky pads on its feet. - true
 v. Red-eyed frog has very poor eye sight and it cannot see beyond one metre. - false
Ans 5

ans 3

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