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Lesson Exemplar in Reading Grade 4 (Frustration Level)


Session Title: We Do Things Together Story: “Anton’s Spider Lesson”

Session Objectives: 1. Demonstrates understanding of English words used to communicate inter
and Intrapersonal experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions and feelings
2. Independently takes turn in sharing inter and intra personal experiences,
ideas, thoughts, actions and feelings using appropriate words.
3. Talk about oneself and one’s family EN1OL-IIa-e-1.3
Encourage pupils' enthusiasm for reading. Pre -reading activities
Improve the learner's past comprehension  The teacher will present a
of reading short stories with illustrations. picture. Let the pupils study
In the first portion of the lesson, children the pictures. Put a star («)on
will practice listening and focusing, two the picture
abilities that are critical for memory and which shows correct order.
brain development, as well as how to  Main Character Guessing
7:30-7:50 communicate verbally using graphics. Game.
20 minutes
Boost pupils' varied reading skills. The During Reading activities
essential point that the author wishes to get  Read the story“Anton’s Spider
across in the story is made easier for the lesson.”
7:50-9:20 reader to understand by outlining the Anton’s Spider Lesson
90 minutes essential components of the narrative. It By: Leah N. Bautista
allows the pupils to demonstrates
understanding of English words used to Anton loves to play with spiders. He
communicate inter and Intrapersonal wants to catch one to play with his
experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions and sister. Ericka.
feelings. One Saturday morning, while Ericka
was playing in the garden, she saw a
spider spinning its web. She stayed
there until the spider finished its web.
Ericka was so amazed when she saw
how the spider laid its eggs in the
spider egg sac.
Suddenly, Anton tried to catch the
spider, Ericka stopped hm.
“Do you know, Kuya , that spiders
spend a long time spinning their web?
The mother spider made it for her
eggs and for her food,” Ericka said
“They are like our parents. They make
our home,” Ericka added.
Anton learned a lesson from
 Let the children answer the
comprehension question.
1. Who are the characters in
the story
2. Where did the story
3. What important
things/events happened in the
 Read the story again and look
for the characters, events and
the place where it happened
 Use graphic organizer (Wh-
Memory Card), for the story
“Anton’s Spider Lesson”
9:20-9:35 HEALTH BREAK
15 minutes
By asking follow-up questions regarding Post-reading activities
9:35-10:05 the stories they have read, you give the  Make a thank you card for
3O minutes students a chance to think critically, gain a Lola Mary. Use the story for
deeper knowledge, and encourage the the letter.
creative application of recently taught “Happy birthday, Mike !
phrases or text language. It allows learners greeted Lola Mary. “Don’t go
independently takes turn in sharing inter out on the road yet.
and intra personal experiences, ideas, You can practice riding on
thoughts, actions and feelings using your bike at the backyard,”
appropriate words. And have learners said Lola. ”Oh, what a
opportunities to talk about oneself and wonderful bike. This is the best
one’s family through the activities given. gift I’ve ever received.
Thanks a lot Lola”.
 The story has characters, event
and the place where the story
happened. Knowing these will
help you understand what you
 Identify the characters, place
and event. Use a graphic
 Tell who the characters are,
place and the events.
1. The buses, jeepneys and the
cars stopped . Jose and Marie
looked at the traffic lights.
The policeman signaled the
people crossing the street. Jose
and Marie crossed
the street.

Prepared by:
Teacher III Teacher I

Teacher III

Happy birthday, Mike ! greeted

Lola Mary. “Don’t go out on
the road yet.
You can practice riding on
your bike at the backyard,”
said Lola. ”Oh, what a
wonderful bike. This is the
best gift I’ve ever received.
Thanks a lot Lola”
The buses, jeepneys
and the cars stopped .
Jose and Marie looked
at the traffic lights.
The policeman signaled
the people crossing the
street. Jose and Marie
the street.
Anton’s Spider Lesson
By: Leah N. Bautista

Anton loves to play with spiders. He wants to catch one to play with his
sister. Ericka.
One Saturday morning, while Ericka was playing in the garden, she saw
a spider spinning its web. She stayed there until the spider finished its
web. Ericka was so amazed when she saw how the spider laid its eggs in
the spider egg sac.
Suddenly, Anton tried to catch the spider, Ericka stopped him.
“Do you know, Kuya, that spiders spend a long time spinning their
web? The mother spider made it for her eggs and for her food,” Ericka
said seriously.
“They are like our parents. They make our home,” Ericka added.
Anton learned a lesson from spiders.

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