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Publishers, Printers & Booksellers

Class: Prep Subject: Math

Daily Lesson Plan
Topic(s): “Same & Different” Colours & Objects
Period (s) / Time: 1 / 40 min Term: 1st
Week: 1 Day: 1
Students’ Learning Objectives:
By the end of the session, the students will be able to:
 recognize the different objects and things colours.
 identify the things or objects from their colours.
 Sort out the different things or objects from their colours.
 identify Same and Different objects from their surroundings.
 differentiate between Same and Different objects.
 sort different objects as Same and Different.
Equipment & Material Required:
Textbook, Objects of Different colours of things, different in Sizes, Flashcards of fruits, vegetables and Same
and Different Objects, Picture Cards of different objects, Blank Pages, Whiteboard, Board Marker, Duster.
Value Developed:
Love Care Happiness Friendship Responsibility

Skills Developed:
Writing Reading Speaking Exploration Observational

Vocabulary: Red, yellow, green, orange, blue, car, cap, shape, fish, fruits, vegetables, pencils, fish, football,
bag, basket, dog

Suggested Teaching Methodologies:

Lecture Direct Method Demonstration
Pre-Reading Activities: 5
After warm greetings: Minutes
 To brainstorm the students, take a different colour and same and a different object in the
classroom. Ask some questions about it.
 What is it?
 Have you ever seen this colour before?
 Have you ever seen same object together before?
 What is the colour of the different object?
Development 30
Model Reading & Methodology: Minutes
 Tell the students that we are going to start learning about colour of different objects and
comparison (Same & Different) objects.
 Explain them about the colours of rainbow and its colour pattern.
 Firstly, raise your hands if anyone of you knows about any colour name thing.
 Encourage the students to participate this activity and tell the name of any colour its

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Class: Prep Subject: Math

relative thing.
 After that tell them we saw different colourfull things around us. Like red colour car,
orange colour juice, yellow colour lemon, green colour tree, blue colour cap, purple
colour eggplant, violet colour cake, etc. in our surrounding.
 Place all the items of the different colour on the table and show them one by one to the
children and also tell them about its name and colour.
 Secondly, raise your hands if anyone of you knows any same and different object.”
 Raise your hands if anyone of you knows any same and different shapes, and fruits.”
 Practice this with students and encourage their participation.
 Draw or paste three picture cards of different objects (varying in different) on the white
 Ask the students to identify the same object. Write same object name under it.
 Tell the students that the other object is “Different” in shape as compare to the previous
object and label that object as “Different”.
 Now, remove the same object and label of Different object. Paste or draw any object
which is Different as compare to the object which you labeled as “Different” previously.
 Again, ask the students to identify the same object between these two objects.
 The object which you label as Different become same as compare to the other object and
other object is Different.
 Repeat the process with different objects so students can grasp the comparative concept.
 After doing much practice, have students gather in a circle and have basket full of
different objects having different shapes.
 Start by comparing any two objects of different shapes. One object in right hand and other
in left hand to identify the Shape difference. Ask the students to identify which one is
same and which one is different.
 Encourage students to take the objects in their hands one by one to feel the difference in
 Explain the concept of different shapes with everyday examples.
 Ask them different questions for brainstorming, e.g. “What colours are shown in this
picture?”, “What kind of gestures are shown in this picture?”, “What did they get from the
picture?” (imagination).
 Appreciate the students’ participation and encourage their answers.
 Ask the students to look at the “page no. 2, 3” on the textbook, and colour the last items
in each row the same colour and circle the things that are same in a row.
 Instruct the children to look carefully at the pages of ‘3, 4’ on the textbook. Then mark
your finger on ‘Same and Different’ object. And then solve the activity on the page “4”
Assessment: 5
To assess the students, ask them some questions, i.e.: Minutes
 What is the colour of car on the page “2” on the textbook?
 What is the colour of circle shape on the page “3” on the textbook?

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Class: Prep Subject: Math

Ask the students to look carefully at the Comparison (things that used together) objects given on
the textbook, pg. no 5, 6.
 Identify the images and solve the activity given on pg. no. 5, 6 of the textbook.
Evaluation of Learning:
Evaluation of Teaching:

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Publishers, Printers & Booksellers

Class: Prep Subject: Math

Daily Lesson Plan
Topic(s): Sorting
Period (s) / Time: 1 / 40 min Term: 1st
Week: 1 Day: 2
Students’ Learning Objectives:
By the end of the session, the students will be able to:
 Sort out the different objects and things.
 identify the things or objects from their shapes.
 sort different things or objects from their place and colours.
Equipment & Material Required:
Audio Visual Aids, Textbook, Objects of Different Sizes of things, Flashcards of bags, eraser, pencils,
sharpener etc, Loose Sheets, Cutting of Chart Paper in Different Sizes, Whiteboard, Board Marker, Duster.
Value Developed:
Love Care Happiness Friendship Responsibility

Skills Developed:
Writing Reading Speaking Exploration Observational

Vocabulary: bag, pencil, teddy bear, pant, vast, chair, box, car, pink, cap, etc.
Suggested Teaching Methodologies:
Lecture Direct Method Demonstration
Pre-Reading Activities: 5 Minutes
After warm greetings:
 To brainstorm the students, take a different colour object in the classroom. Ask some
questions about it.
 What is it?
 Have you ever seen this color before?
 What is the name of the colour?
Development 30 Minutes
Model Reading & Methodology:
 Tell the students that we are going to start learning about sorting things or objects
according to their colour, size and shapes.
 Raise your hands if anyone of you knows about any sorting and similarity.
 Opening to lesson: Firstly, here is the scene of a room, notice the different things are
laying around on the flour. First you ask question about room arrangement of different
thing like cupboard thing, toys, furniture, etc.
 Ask the student’s name the things which we keep in the cupboard, and hang on the wall.
 Encourage the students to participate this activity and tell the name of room things or
objects. After that tell them we keep clothes, in the cupboard, toys in the basket, picture
hanging on the wall and chair in front on the table.

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Class: Prep Subject: Math

 Place all the items flashcard of the room objects on the table and show them one by one
to the children and also tell them about its name and its use.
 Tell the school room object name and showing the pictures given on page 7, of the
 Ask them different questions for brainstorming, e.g. “What colours are shown in this
picture?”, “What kind of gestures are shown in this picture?”, “What did they get from
the picture?” (imagination).
 Appreciate the students’ participation and encourage their answers.
 After that separate the student into two or three groups and place different colour and
kinds of objects in the basket and ask each group to select only one colour object and
keep it aside.
 Place different types of colour and their different objects flashcards on the table and ask
student one by one to separate the same colour and its objects.
 Ask the students to look at the “page no. 7” on the textbook, and sort out the same
where each object belongs to activity.
 Instruct the children to look carefully at the pages of “7” on the textbook.
Assessment: 5 Minutes
To assess the students, ask them some questions, i.e.:
 Name any two object which you keep in your school bag?
 What is your favourite toy name?
Ask the students to look carefully at the sorting colour and objects given on the textbook, page.
no 8.
 Identify and sort the images into two sets according to same image given on page. no. 8
of the textbook.
Evaluation of Learning:
Evaluation of Teaching:

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Class: Prep Subject: Math

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Class: Prep Subject: Math

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Class: Prep Subject: Math

Daily Lesson Plan
Topic(s): Spatial Relationship “Position” Inside & Outside, Right & Left
Period (s) / Time: 1 / 40 min Term: 1st
Week: 1 Day: 3
Students’ Learning Objectives:
By the end of the session, the students will be able to:
 Identify the basic concept of “position”.
 differentiate between Inside-Outside & left-right objects.
 identify different position of different shapes and objects from their surroundings.
 sort different position.
Equipment & Material Required:
Audio Visual Aids Textbook, Different position in different objects and shapes , Flashcards of different
position, Picture Cards, Blank Pages, Whiteboard, Board Marker, Duster.
Value Developed:
Love Care Happiness Friendship Responsibility

Skills Developed:
Writing Reading Speaking Exploration Observational

Vocabulary: inside, outside, left, right.

Suggested Teaching Methodologies:
Lecture Direct Method Demonstration Time

Pre-Reading Activities: 5 Minutes

After warm greetings:
 To brainstorm the students, take a few objects in the box and put them on the table in the
classroom. Ask some questions about it.
 What is it?
 Can you tell the object position name which is in the box?
 Can you tell the object position name which is outside the box?
Development 30 Minutes
Model Reading & Methodology:
 Tell the students that we are going to start learning about position (Inside-Outside & left-
 Raise your hands if anyone of you knows any position name.
 Practice this with students and encourage their participation.
Opening to lesson:
 Take a box on the class room table and some object place in it and some is beside the
box. Ask student what is the position of the object which is in the box and outside the
 Tell them the object is inside the box or jar the position is inside. On the other hand, the

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Class: Prep Subject: Math

object is not inside the box or jar the position is outside.
 Ask the student any one is know the name of directions. After that tell them there are two
basic directions left and right.
 Ask the student show your hands in front of table. One hand which is right hand is
represent the right direction and the other hand which is left hand is also represent the
left direction.
 Show them other pictures of different position and ask the student to guess the name of
the position.
 Tell them that everything around us are arrange in different position of shapes and
 Ask them different questions for brainstorming, e.g. “What things are shown in this
picture?”, “What kind of gestures are shown in this picture?”, “What did they get from
the picture?” (imagination).
 Appreciate the students’ participation and encourage their answers.
 After that separate the student into two or three groups and place different things and
kinds of objects inside-Outside and Right-left and ask each group to Recognize the the
correct position.
 Ask the students to look at the “page no. 9, 10” on the textbook, and sort out the
Position where each object place it to activity.
 Have students identify objects in the classroom that are make position.
Assessment: 5 Minutes
To assess the students, ask them some questions, i.e.:
 What is the name of the concept you have read just now?
 Name any two positions?
Ask the students to look carefully at the Spatial Relationships Inside-Outside, Right and Left
given on the textbook, pg. no 9-10.
 Identify the images and circle the correct pictures which represent the position and circle
and draw on the correct position activities given on pg. no. 9-10 of the textbook.
Evaluation of Learning:

Evaluation of Teaching:

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Class: Prep Subject: Math

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Class: Prep Subject: Math

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Publishers, Printers & Booksellers

Class: Prep Subject: Math

Daily Lesson Plan
Topic(s): Spatial Relationship “Position” Top, Middle, Bottom, Before & After
Period (s) / Time: 1 / 40 min Term: 1st
Week: 1 Day: 4
Students’ Learning Objectives:
By the end of the session, the students will be able to:
 Identify the basic concept of “position”.
 differentiate between Top, Middle, Bottom, Before & After objects.
 identify different position of different shapes and objects from their surroundings.
 sort different position.
Equipment & Material Required:
Audio Visual Aids Textbook, Different position in different objects and shapes, Flashcards of different
position, Picture Cards, Blank Pages, Whiteboard, Board Marker, Duster.
Value Developed:
Love Care Happiness Friendship Responsibility

Skills Developed:
Writing Reading Speaking Exploration Observational

Vocabulary: Top, Middle, Bottom, Before & After

Suggested Teaching Methodologies:
Lecture Direct Method Demonstration Time

Pre-Reading Activities: 5 Minutes

After warm greetings:
 To brainstorm the students, take a few objects on the table, middle and under the table in
the classroom. Ask some questions about it.
 What is it?
 Can you tell the object position name which is on top of the table?
 Can you tell the object position name which is bottom of the table?
Development 30 Minutes
Model Reading & Methodology:
 Tell the students that we are going to start learning about position (Top, Middle, Bottom,
Before & After).
 Raise your hands if anyone of you knows any position name.
 Practice this with students and encourage their participation.
Opening to lesson:
 Take a box in the class room and place it on the table. Some objects are place in on the
box, and some in on the table and some in under the table. For Example, Pencil, Eraser is
on the top of the box, Ball and toy car in on the table, and balloon and bat is under the
table. Ask student what is the position of the object which is on the top of the box, on the

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Class: Prep Subject: Math

table and under the table.
 Tell them the objects that “Pencil and Eraser” are top of the box, and the objects that
“ball and toy car” are middle of the box and the objects that “balloon and bat” are bottom
of the box.
 Ask the student any one is know the name of position before and after.
 Place some objects on the table back and forth. For Example, first place pencil, second
ball, and third toy car on the table.
 Ask student what is the name of the object which is before and after the ball on the table.
 Tell them that everything around us are arrange in different position of shapes and
 Ask them different questions for brainstorming, e.g. “What things are shown in this
picture?”, “What kind of gestures are shown in this picture?”, “What did they get from
the picture?” (imagination).
 Appreciate the students’ participation and encourage their answers.
 After that separate the student into two or three groups and place different things and
kinds of objects Top, Middle, Bottom, Before & After and ask each group to Recognize
the correct position.
 Ask the students to look at the “page no. 11, 12” on the textbook, and sort out the
Position where each object place it to activity.
 Have students identify objects in the classroom that are make position.
Assessment: 5 Minutes
To assess the students, ask them some questions, i.e.:
 What is the name of the concept you have read just now?
 Name any two positions?
Ask the students to look carefully at the Spatial Relationships Top, Middle, Bottom, Before &
After given on the textbook, pg. no 11-12.
 Identify the images and colour the correct pictures which represent the position and tick
and cross the correct position activities given on pg. no. 11-12 of the textbook.
Evaluation of Learning:

Evaluation of Teaching:

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Class: Prep Subject: Math

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Publishers, Printers & Booksellers

Class: Prep Subject: Math

Daily Lesson Plan
Topic(s): Spatial Relationship “Position” Above and Below
Period (s) / Time: 1 / 40 min Term: 1st
Week: 1 Day: 5
Students’ Learning Objectives:
By the end of the session, the students will be able to:
 Identify the basic concept of “position”.
 differentiate between above and below objects.
 identify different position of different shapes and objects from their surroundings.
 sort different position.
Equipment & Material Required:
Audio Visual Aids Textbook, Different position in different objects and shapes, Flashcards of different
position, Picture Cards, Blank Pages, Whiteboard, Board Marker, Duster.
Value Developed:
Love Care Happiness Friendship Responsibility

Skills Developed:
Writing Reading Speaking Exploration Observational

Vocabulary: Above and Below

Suggested Teaching Methodologies:
Lecture Direct Method Demonstration Time

Pre-Reading Activities: 5 Minutes

After warm greetings:
 To brainstorm the students, take a few flash cards in the class room, and paste it on the
white board. Ask some questions about it.
 What is it?
 Can you tell the object position name which is on above?
 Can you tell the object position name which is below?
Development 30 Minutes
Model Reading & Methodology:
 Tell the students that we are going to start learning about position (Above and Below).
 Raise your hands if anyone of you knows any position name.
 Practice this with students and encourage their participation.
Opening to lesson:
 Take some flash cards like aeroplane, bird, tree, boy, rabbit, etc. in the classroom.
 Paste aeroplane on the top of the whiteboard and then paste boy picture, on the other
hand paste bird and tree picture and then rabbit picture on the board.
 Ask student what is the position of the object which is above and below.
 Tell them the objects that “aeroplane and bird” are above, and the objects that “boy and

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Class: Prep Subject: Math

rabbit” are below the objects.
 Tell them that everything around us are arrange in different position of shapes and
 Ask them different questions for brainstorming, e.g. “What things are shown in this
picture?”, “What kind of gestures are shown in this picture?”, “What did they get from
the picture?” (imagination).
 Appreciate the students’ participation and encourage their answers.
 After that separate the student into two or three groups and place different things and
kinds of objects above and below. Ask each group to Recognize the correct position.
 Ask the students to look at the “page no. 13” on the textbook, and sort out the Position
where each object place it to activity.
 Have students identify objects in the classroom that are make position.
Assessment: 5 Minutes
To assess the students, ask them some questions, i.e.:
 What is the name of the concept you have read just now?
 Name any two positions?
Ask the students to look carefully at the Spatial Relationships Above and Below given on the
textbook, pg. no 13.
 Identify the images and circle the above position picture and cross the below position
picture activities given on pg. no. 13 of the textbook.
Evaluation of Learning:

Evaluation of Teaching:

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Class: Prep Subject: Math

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