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Dear Fellow Classmates Warm Greetings to you All!

I hope this message finds you well,

I am one of the students of Project Leadership and Management in Year II semester II, section 1.

I have had some concerns on the course breakdown of our program particularly on the time our
Research methods course has scheduled, year 2 summer. As you all know, summer schedule is
crush program of 2 months, of which one or two weeks are final examination period. Therefore,
literally, class sessions of summer schedule is about 6 weeks long, VERY VERY SHORT!!!!.

I have been sharing this concern since the beginning of last semester to students of my section
and to some of our instructors in an informal way. Every one including instructors agrees that
Research Methods course should not be given in a very short summer schedule. As we all know,
every graduate program student aspires to acquire advanced Research method skills, as research
skill is the core competency of a graduate study; and this requires adequate time of teaching
and learning.

To your information, I had a chance to attend a meeting arranged by our College Dean and his
colleague, Dean of Distance Education and Continuing programs, to Weekend and Evening
student representatives of all batches and all program in the college at the middle of this
semester. Among others, the course breakdown of our program, particularly Research Methods
in year 2 Summer and Project Monitoring and Quality Control in year 3 summer( after we
completed Thesis work) were pinpointed as a gap which require rearrangement. To your
surprise, the Dean reflected that we would have to take Research methos course during year 1
semester 1 so that we can effectively handle Article review assignments and he openly make a
remark that it is the case in other departments including leadership; he asked how it happened
in the case of our program? Unfortunately, no one was there to justify how our program’s course
breakdown is different in offering period of Research Methos course from other program in the
same college.

Honestly speaking, I was expecting some sort of rearrangement in our course breakdown, at least
in shifting the Research Methods course form summer program before our registration of year 2
semester 2. And yet, to the best of my knowledge, no change has made so far. At least we could
have to register it in this semester. Therefore, I am planning to write a formal letter on the issue
by proposing the course the breakdown presented below if majority of our batch do agree on the

I do understand that some students do not like to take three courses in a semester due to their
workload and other personal issues. My proposal of rearranging the course breakdown has taken
the concern of those student into account.

Dear class representative of Section 2 and 3, I brotherly request you to share this information to
your respective classmates, collect any different (better) views and share me back as soon as
possible. I would like present the issue with formal written request to all concerned bodies of the
University; at least to secure the rearrangement for the coming semesters. We all know that we
can’t reverse what has gone wrong so far except taking it as a lesson for better future. I sense that
partly it is our weakness; had it been the case that we had presented the issue formally, in written,
to all concerned bodies earlier, the gap could have been resolved.

A. Existing Course Breakdown

Course Course Title Credit Year semester Remark

Code hour
LEST511 Fundamentals of 3 1 1 ✓
PLMT512 Project Management 3 1 1 ✓
PLMT511 Strategic Project 3 1 2 ✓
FEST514 Political Thoughts For 3 1 2 ✓

LEST524 Leadership Ethics and 3 1 summer Taken in year 1 Sem. 2 and
Governance there was no course
offering during year 1
summer as per the
direction from MoE.
PLMT522 Project Finance: Theory 3 2 1 ✓
and Practice
PLMT521 Project risk and Decision 3 2 1 ✓
PLMT523 Project Human resource 3 2 2 Registered
management and
PLMT524 Project Procurement 3 2 2 Registred
PLMT525 Project Management 2 2 summer
methods and project
Management ….
PLMT526 Research Methods in 3 2 summer Difficult to learn it in depth
project Leadership and during summer shot
Management schedule
PLMT6012 Seminar: Topical issues 2 3 1
in Project Leadership
and Management
PLMT6013 Master’s Thesis 6 3 2
PLMT6011 Project Monitoring and 2 3 summer better to take it before
Quality Control Thesis work
Total Credit Hour 42

B. Proposed rearrangements in the above Course Break down

Course Course Title Credit Year semester Remark

Code hour
LEST511 Fundamentals of 3 1 1 ✓
PLMT512 Project Management 3 1 1 ✓
PLMT511 Strategic Project 3 1 2 ✓
FEST514 Political Thoughts For 3 1 2 ✓
LEST524 Leadership Ethics and 3 1 summer Taken in year 1 Sem. 2 and
Governance there was no course
offering during year 1
summer as per the
direction from MoE.
PLMT522 Project Finance: Theory 3 2 1 ✓
and Practice
PLMT521 Project risk and Decision 3 2 1 ✓
PLMT523 Project Human resource 3 2 2 Registered
management and
PLMT524 Project Procurement 3 2 2 Registered
PLMT525 Project Management 2 2 summer
methods and project
Management ….

PLMT6011 Project Monitoring and 2 2 summer Shifted from year 3
Quality Control summer to year 2 summer
PLMT6012 Seminar: Topical issues 2 3 1
in Project Leadership
and Management
PLMT526 Research Methods in 3 3 1 Shifted from year 2
project Leadership and summer to year 3 sem. 1
PLMT6013 Master’s Thesis 6 3 2
Total Credit Hour 42

With kind Regards,

Melaku Dagnew
Tel. 0911668638
Email: melaku.dagnew
PLM, Weekend, Section 1.


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