E-Mail Wrting Techniques

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Importance of E-Mail in Merchandising:

Common mistakes that a merchandiser does during sending e-mail

1. Wrong subject line: Many of the merchandiser doesn’t think to change the subject line when writing
an e-mail. Sometimes one subject line contains several discussions in the mail body that makes
confusion in the mind of recipient.
2. Long sentences: Another wrong thing is to put long sentences to represent a serious issue thinking
that recipient is well known in the language. Actually short sentence & simple word is more effective
for easy understanding.
3. Missing proper attachment: Improper document in the attachment may not be suitable to get
response in favour. A picture can be equivalent of hundreds of boring words.
4. Selection of wrong words: Due to wrong selection of words merchandiser fails to manage customer
over a serious issue. ‘We can’t do it’ seems rude & ‘We are not able to do it’ is softer but refusal.
5. Massive anger expression: When merchandiser gets angry some time express it through message in a
rude manner & later feels sorry.
6. Missing proper references: Reference means – giving date, correct quantity or correct calculation.
7. Assume all the recipients know about the subject: Every one of the recipient may not be sound
technically or does not know history, so a bit explanation in the message helps everyone to
understand what is happening.
8. Fail to focus on key information: An email can contain different information but all of it may not be
important in same level for the recipient. So if merchandiser fails to focus the most important &
urgent issues in the mail then the recipient may not be aware enough.

Effective e-mail writing for a merchandiser:

1. Warm greeting: ‘Hi’ is simple curtsy & asking ‘How are you’ is more warming for the recipient.
2. Short paragraphs: This will help the reader to be interested to keep reading an e-mail. Because most
of the time people keep long e-mail to read it later & some time miss it.
3. Need to read message twice before clicking send: This is especially important for emails in which it
can be misinterpreted by the recipient or where a certain action is required. One final reading can
help the message to avoid duel meaning.
4. Mastering subject line: In business communication most of the time reader keeps focus on subject
line & then read it in detail if thinks important. Example for bad Subject line: ‘Final inspection report
of order no 130059’. This subject line definitely missing one important message & that is ‘The result’
Fail or Pass. So if merchandiser put the result along with order number then the recipient doesn’t
miss this e-mail.
5. Prompt response: If someone wants to appear professional and courteous then should have to be
available for online correspondents. Even if reply is, “Sorry, I’m too busy to help you now,” at least
the correspondent won’t be waiting in vain for reply.
6. E-mail with possible solution: Some time merchandiser send e-mail for any solution from buyer &
keep waiting. This may kill valuable lead time for the product because buyer may need to review over
the problem then to give advice. But if merchandiser can propose possible solution one or two then it
will be easy for buyer to take decision.
7. Readable e-mail with simple word can be more effective: Simple word & simple sentence is much
effective to make message readable for those who are not native speaker for the language.
8. Avoiding vague message: The word “This”- if merchandiser writes “This needs to be done by 5:00.”
Then message could be vague to reader. So need to specify what he is writing about.
9. Direct & indirect expression: Indirect expression always suitable in business writing. Example

Direct – There will be a delay

Indirect – I’m afraid there may be a slight delay.

10. Formal & informal message: In business writing formal message is mostly used in natural tone. If the
e-mail is going to a new customer or to senior colleague, bad grammar and over friendly tone
probably not be acceptable. Example of formal writing- Informal – Sorry, I can’t make it.
Formal – I am afraid I will not be able to attend
11. Showing Respect and Restraint: Words should be respectful that makes reader cool to read.

Not cool: Please tell us what we can do.

Cool message: Please advise how we can proceed for next step.

12. ‘We’ view point: Preposition ‘I’ is less effective than ‘We’, so business e-mail looks good using we
view point.
13. Good signature: Signature with details of company information – address, cell number, and web
address will help recipient if require.

In conclusion- Miscommunication can easily occur when people have different expectations about the e-mails
that they send and receive. So careful e-mail writing is most important for a merchandiser.

Email Etiquette
Email does not represent rather presents yourself and your company manifestly creating the impression and
instantaneous image. Email, almost the only powerful communication medium in the garment industry which
have been tuned the business mobility melodramatically, and driving the total business system vibrantly.

The core objective is to shape up an effective business communication in garment industry, especially engrossed
for the front line staff merchandisers who are predominantly the responsible for executional tasks of
development and garment shipment. In garment industry, merchandisers should change their thought from
today that the purpose of email communication is profusely service oriented; service to buyer, service to
supplier, and service to line senior/the company.

The features can be decorated and explained by following 5D, pertinent for all email users.

Figure 1: 5D features

Further to discuss more detail, the main streams of this article are:

• Email Portrait
• Email Flow- Chart
• Merchandising Activities
• Email Courtesy

Email Portrait:

Email portrait is comprised with four important features strongly relevant to merchandisers’ activities.

a. Email Subject
• Subject must be articulated by mentioning the particular style reference or Order reference for every
merchandising communication. Without mentioning style/order reference, it creates trouble for email
receiver to identify the case.
• Sending two emails simultaneously, it should add a denotation like ‘revised, ‘correction’ at the same
• Receiving emails with imperfect subject from others, if necessary, it should be modified to more
relevant information in next reply.

b. CC/ BCC loop

• It should focus the most appropriate persons in CC/BCC loop, if necessary; it should be escalated with
Line seniors before sending any email.
• Very basic matter is not mix up by keeping buyer and suppliers in same communication.

c. Addressing & signature

Addressing should be with cordiality, we can follow existing office culture as differs in buying house and factory
office, however, email without any kind of addressing is always noticed as arrogance. To remove existing
ambiguity about ‘Dear/Mr.’, the ancient courtesy should be known to all, for an example name ‘Kamrul Hasan’,
you should use either ‘Dear Kamrul’, or ‘Mr. Hasan’.

Very important is to mention your name, designation, address, phone contact, and your company name at the
bottom signature. Otherwise, receiver likelihood to reply you in erroneous customs or time consuming due to
disinclinations, even sometimes, disaster cannot be avoided due to misunderstanding which could be solved
easily through a short telephone conversation. Off course, receiver will be frustrated not to get your phone
contact at the bottom of your email signature.

d. Email body

Proper language with correct spelling and using easy words, standard decoration avoiding colorful background
and fancy symbols, and valid data presentation are the basic requirements of effective communication, which
can dissolve merchandising issues quickly. There is no other alternative option, merchandisers must follow ‘to
the point’ writing method to get quick feedback from receivers, and try to control total number of
communication for an specific issue.

Email flow-chart for Merchandisers:

Figure 2: Email flow chart for Merchandisers.

Although factory merchandisers are always in rush to visit buying office and material suppliers’ mill, they should
try to maintain standard policy ‘reply within 24 hours’, at least inform the sender that you are working on that
issue and will reply him/her within the specific date.

Email reading is the first bridge to overcome the barriers, the issue would be solved in next email if you perceive
well exactly what the sender means; otherwise it leads to too many communications towards to an intricate
case. Read the email many times if necessary, further anymore ambiguity, another explanatory message can be
sent what you have understood exactly. The other honest option is to discuss over phone to perceive clear
concept further to reply.

Flow-chart shows the significant fragment ‘record keeping for quick feedback.’ Email archive for future record
& reference is the most imperative task for merchandisers. It is an art how precisely you can keep your records,
which will inaugurate you as a smart merchandiser or make you defaulter in every moment to the higher
management due to customer dissatisfaction. Other significant purpose of email archive is to provide quick
information for future reply as data supporter.

He/she is the proficient and most demanding merchandiser to the higher management and to the customers,
who can give quick feedback with required information within the shortest time for solution. That is only
possible by self-organized email archive system which makes you different from other merchandisers. In critical
situations where the higher management involves, they never allow any single moment delay providing
necessary data and information from merchandisers. Such kind of information delay resulting to decision delay
and devastation for the company in terms of money and business reputation.

Merchandising Activities:

It is extensively observed that some merchandisers are always stressful, cannot finish daily tasks on time, and
seems huge workload due to entangling almost every order. But other merchandisers, same time, are plying role
smoothly with same workload. Is it the question of personal competency only? Yes, but personal investigation
found that it is not about any extra ordinary qualification rather matter of personal technique; merchandisers
who spend much more time in writing enormous long and descriptive emails, sink always into deep hindrance
with frustration in daily life.

Another personal investigation has been found that merchandisers spend around 70% time in daily work only
for email writing purpose. Smart merchandisers emphasize on short but contented emails with short
sentences, they usually gain sufficient time to focus on other important activities and become visualized to
the higher management. Some special guidelines are given below to improve personal techniques.

• Write short but contented message with short sentences only, avoid passive voice in sentence
• Do not write only about the problem, you also should declare all possible solutions in your hand. It will
save time, reduce the size of communication, and abate your stress.
• Typing a new email every day, a short-cut fixed format can be used for common purpose like sample
dispatch letter, approval follow-up, material booking etc.
• To make communication effective and to avoid back & forth communication, you should rather give all
information at the first time, definitely will reduce the number of emails.
• Any confusion in approval comment, you can make it clear by your smart reply mentioning what you
have perceived, and fulfill what is incomplete in sender’s email.
• Although sending any long full report through attachment file, you also should mention the
summery/key points at the email body.
• In price negotiation and others, it is very important to maintain unique communication chain. If you
receive multiple emails for same issue, you must compile and edit yourself, and maintain only one email
• Make separate folders or sub-folders buyer wise, supplier wise, and intra-department wise
communication. If necessary, communication needs to be archived case wise as well.

Merchandisers should think a while before sending an email, instant check-list like escalate with line senior, data
validity, and the draft revision can save from any unknown cataclysm or tragedy.

Intention of email reply must be positive and towards the solution, not to make the issue more complex.
Sometimes, merchandisers follow wrong way with the negative instructions of company higher management,
which might have negative impact on their personal image & career as well. Merchandisers should be vigilant
for it.

Email Courtesy:

• At least email receipt acknowledgement is the first courtesy applicable for everyone.
• No emotion and no antagonism as everything is going to be recorded. What you feel right today, might
be distressing and discomforting for you in next other day, better to avoid any kind of grumpiness and
• Personal discussion and proper investigation is exceedingly required before criticizing someone in
• If the receiver of your email does not perceive the content, you should not disparage rather think how
to improve your email in more easy and convenient way.

If you respect somebody today, you must be respected tomorrow naturally. Lastly, your email reflects your
insights more scrupulously, the more you contemplate to improve it the more you will achieve inevitably.

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