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San Beda University

1. Church as  The Church is a loving  It provides a “zone of  A weak basis in Scripture

Institution mother who guides its stability.” and the early Church.
(1974) members to eternal life,  It reinforces a strong sense  A reduction of the laity’s
and the members are of identity for Roman roles to passive ones,
visible, obedient, and mist Catholics. resulting in a weakened
participate in the  It is strongly reinforced in apostolate.
sacraments. Church documents.  A resistance to fruitful
 The Church makes a theology.
missionary effort to bring  A reductionistic legalism.
others into the salvation of  A lack of the
the Church. understanding of salvation
 Institutional element is beyond the Church.
treated as the main result  The model is out of sync
in deformation of the true with contemporary
nature of the Church. negative views of closed
2. Church as  The model contains  The paradigms of the Body  The Body of Christ seems
Mystical several images (e.g., Body of Christ and People of to some to be limited to the
Communion of Christ, Church, people God are more democratic visible body (earthly
(1974) of God) and concerns that hierarchical, church). Some also use it
communion of the emphasized the to focus on a body united
members with one another relationship of all believers with its head and to
and with God in Christ. to the Holy Spirit, focus on overemphasize the role of
the direct service of one the magisterium.
member to another, and  Both images tend to exalt
subordinate the good of the Church beyond its due,
one member to the good of limiting it to the official
the whole. Catholic Church
3. Church as  The model that harmonizes  The model brings forward
Sacrament the human (institutional) the best of the two
(1974) and the divine aspects of preceding models (i.e.,
the Church. Church as Institution,
 The Church has a visible Church as Mystical
and invisible aspect. Communion).
 The Church signifies what  It illuminates the grace
it contains and contains beyond the boundaries of
what it signifies. the institution, including
calling forward our loyalty
to the Church while
making room for honest
4. Church as  The Word is primary and  This model has a good  The model is not enough
Herald sacrament is secondary – biblical foundation in the to speak the word of God,
(1974) the emphasis is on the prophets of the Old as the word has been made
Church as gathered and Testament, in Paul, and flesh.
formed by the Word of throughout Scripture.  It may focus too
God.  It helps us to develop a exclusively “on witness to
rich theology of the Word. the neglect of action” and
 It provides a clear mission might include a rejection
and identity to the Church of the Church as a guide to
as is conducive to interpreting and applying
conveying the sovereignty the Word.
of God that leads to our
obedience, humility, and
desire to reform.
5. Church as  The Church should be in  The model strives to give  The model does not have a
Servant dialogue with the world the Church a new vitality strong, direct biblical
(1974) and serve it by fostering and keep it relevant so that foundation.
the communion of all. it can meet the needs of the
 The Church’s mission is time.
not to convert people but,
rather, to help everyone
while offering guidance
and prophetic criticism.
6. Church as  It is a variant of the  The model motivates the  This model makes  The presence of Jesus was
Community communion model, which members of the Church to demands on a Christian. universalized and
of Disciples eliminates the potential imitate Jesus in their discipleship became
(1986/1987) weaknesses of the ecclesial personal lives. It also accessible to all believers.
communion existing only makes them feel at home
for the sake of mutual in a Church that must
gratification. always find its way in a
 The model underscores the rapidly changing and fluid
relationship of the Church situation, a Pilgrim Church
to Christ and illuminates still distance from its goal.
the institutional and
sacramental aspects of the
Church and grounds the
foundation of
evangelization and service
that are central to the
heralds and servants
 Canaris, M.M. (2021). The Survival of Dulles: Reflection on a Second Century of Influence. 1 st ed. Curran Center for American Catholic Studies
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