Lab 2

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Department of Electrical Engineering

Faculty Member:____________________ Dated: ________________

Semester:_________________________ Section: ________________

EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis

Lab2: Sinusoidal Response Analysis and Simulation


Name Reg. No Viva /Quiz / Analysis Modern Ethics and Safety Individual and
Lab of data in Tool Usage Team Work
Performance Lab 5 marks
Report 5 marks 5 marks
5 marks
5 marks

EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 1

Lab2: Sinusoidal Response Analysis and Simulation

This Lab deals with the study of sinusoidal response of LR and RC circuits using Pspice.
Hardware implementations of these circuits are also required.


Instruments :
Digital Oscilloscope
Digital Function generator
Circuit Board Set Up
Resistor, Capacitor and Inductor
PSpice Software

PART-I Analysis of RL circuit to Sinusoidal Response

PSpice Schematics:
The first part of the lab is focussed towards calculating the time response of the volatge
and current through an LR circuit which is stimulated by an Sinusoidal forcing function.An
LR circuit that can be used to study the current and voltage is shown in figure-


Figure 1

EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 2

LR Circuit Review:
The students are advised to review the theoretical derivation for voltage vL. . Following
points are given to review the circuit theory of LR networks.
 The inductor voltage leads the source voltage
 Inductance causes a phase shift between voltage and current that depends on
the relative values of the resistance and the inductive reactance
 The phase angle is the phase difference between the total current and the
source voltage
 Impedance magnitude: Z = √ R2+ X2
 Phase angle: θ = tan-1(XL/R)

Figure 2

Theoretical Work:
The students should also derive the expression for iL and include it in the lab report which
they would submit. Use the derived formulas and values of component values given the
circuit of figure-1 and write down the time domain functions representing vL and iL.

 VL(t)=____________________________________________
 IL (t) = _____________________________________________

 Phase angle of VL is _________________ and Vm is _______________________

 Phase angle of IL is _________________ and Im is ________________________

EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 3

PSpice Simulations:
First of all create a folder named as given in the format given below; subsequently
start PSpice program and initiate a new project in this folder:
 EE112_Lab2_BEE2< section>_Group <>

Set up the circuit shown in figure-1 in PSpice, using the Simulate profile setting shown
in figure-2. Subsequently, run the simulation and save the complete simulation profile
and relevant files in a folder created earlier, your teacher will ask you to show the
simulation. In addition save the graph plotted by Spice and from the curves measure
the following:
 Phase angle of vL is _________________ msecs
 Value of Vm is _______________________ volts
 Phase angle of iL is _________________ msecs
 Value of Im is ________________________ m

Figure 3

EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 4

PART-II Analysis of RC circuit to Sinusoidal Response

The next step for this lab is to select suitable components and analyze an RC circuit similar
to the one shown in figure-1, However first of all the students will derive the expression
for voltage and current for this circuit and then repeat above steps to calculate the phase
of Vc and Ic.

LC Circuit Review:
 The capacitor voltage lags the source voltage
 Capacitance causes a phase shift between voltage and current that depends on the
relative values of the resistance and the capacitive reactance
 Phase angle: θ = tan-1(XC/R)

Figure 4

Values for RC Circuit: R =33 ohms, C = 5µF, freq = 2KHz,

Vamp =4 V(p-p)

EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 5

Theoretical Work:
The students should also derive the expression for ic and include it in the lab report which
they would submit. Use the derived formulas and values of component values given the
circuit of figure-1 and write down the time domain functions representing vcand ic

 Vc(t)=____________________________________________
 Ic(t) = _____________________________________________

 Phase angle of vc is _________________ and Vm is _______________________

 Phase angle of ic is _________________ and Im is ________________________

PSpice Simulations:

Set up the circuit in PSpice, using the Simulate profile. Subsequently, run the
simulation and save the complete simulation profile and relevant files in a folder
created earlier, your teacher will ask you to show the simulation. In addition save the
graph plotted by Spice and from the curves measure the following:
 Phase angle of vc is _________________ msecs
 Value of Vm is _______________________ volts
 Phase angle of ic is _________________ msecs
 Value of Im is ________________________ m

NOTE: Both RC and RL circuits must be simulated in PSpice and implemented in hardware.

EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 6

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