27 Nakshatras

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A Case Study of proposed work submitted to

Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology and Research,
Badnera- Amravati
(An Autonomous Institute)

Name: Arpit .S. Thakare
Roll No.: I4
Section: I

Under the supervision of

Prof. Murtuza S. Ali
Assistant Professor
Department of First Year Engineering
Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology and Research, Badnera- Amravati (An Autonomous Institute)
Semester - I
(Academic Year 2023-24)


This is to certify that the case study

Is successfully completed
Student of First Year Engineering, Section - I in the subject
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)
During academic year 2023-24
Under the guidance

Prof. Murtuza S. Ali

Assistant Professor
Department of First Year Engineering
Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology and Research, Badnera- Amravati
(An Autonomous Institute)

(Academic Year 2023-24)



The 27 Nakshatras, also known as lunar mansions, are a fundamental concept in Vedic astrology. They are
the 27 divisions of the ecliptic, each spanning approximately 13 degrees and 20 minutes. Nakshatras are not
constellations, although they are associated with specific stars and constellations. Each Nakshatra has its
own unique characteristics, deities, and rulership, influencing various aspects of life, including personality,
relationships, career, and life path
The Ancient Sages divided the zodiac (apart from twelve signs) into 27 Nakshatras or constellations of
13.20 degrees each. A Nakshatra is also called as lunar mansion or constellation. Its reference is found in
the ancient Vedic scriptures. As per the Hindu mythology, all the twenty-seven Nakshatras are the
daughters of king Daksha and Moon is married to all of them and the Moon spends approximately one day
each in one constellation and thus lunar month is of approximately of 27 days equal to the numbers of
Nakshatras. Nakshatras are classified as per several attributes like its owner, deity, sex, caste, species
etc.The Nakshatra, in which one's Moon is placed at the time of birth, is called Janma Nakshatra or the birth
star. These Nakshatras are further subdivided into four quarters known as Pada, each spanning 3.20
degrees, known as Nava’s. The placement of planets in these padas or subdivisions is studied for finer
predictions. Each zodiac sign covers nine Padas in total. Thus, we can see that Nakshatras are used for
various purposes and one of its major uses is to determine starting point of a Dasha or planetary period or
cycles that divide the time in major periods and sub periods and to choosing a muhurta or auspicious time
for any important activity.

As per with their qualities, the 27 constellations are divided into following categories and are favorable
muhurta for
1. Sthira or Fixed,
2. Chara or Movable,
3. Ugra or Fierce
4. Kshipra or Swift,
5. Mridu or Tender,
6. Takisha or sharp,
7. Misra or Mixed
8. The Sthira or Fixed nakshatras are Rohini, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Aashaadha, and Uttara Bhadrapada.

These constellations are favorable for any work of fixed, stability and long-term purpose like planting trees,
purchasing property, laying the foundations for buildings, construction of home, factory etc. This will be
more auspicious if these nakshatras happen to fallen Sunday.
The Chara or Movable nakshatras are Punarvasu, Swati, Shravana, Dhanishtha, and Shatabhisha. These
constellations are favorable for buying automobiles, vehicles, gardening, going on journey and travel. This
will be more auspicious if these nakshatras happen to fall on Monday.
The Ugra or Fierce nakshatras are Bharani, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Purva Aashaadha, and Purva
Bhadrapada. These constellations are favorable for destructive deeds such as demolishing any structure,
setting fires, making imprisonment and works that require force, weapons and confronting enemies. This
will be more auspicious.

The Kshipra or Swift nakshatras are Ashwini, Pushya and Hasta. These constellations are favorable for trade
and commercial transactions, admission in school or college, using medicine, taking or giving loans, journey
and travel. This will be more auspicious if these nakshatras happen to fall on Thursday.
The Mridu or Tender nakshatras are Mrigashira, Chitra, Anuradha, and Revati. These constellations are
favorable for making new friends and enjoyment of pleasures, romance, dance, drama, fashionable clothes,
writing of poetry. This will be more auspicious if these nakshatras happen to fall on Friday.
The Tikshna or Sharp nakshatras are Ardra, Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, and Mula. These constellations are favorable
for filing for a divorce, black magic, casting spells, exorcism, punishment, hypnotism, evoking of spirits,
goblins, demons etc. This will be more auspicious if these nakshatras happen to fall on Saturday.

The Misra or mixed nakshatras are Krittika and Vishakha. These constellations are favorable for activities like
worshiping, fire ceremonies, purchasing furniture and electronics. This will be more auspicious if these
nakshatras happen to fall on Wednesday.

The 27 Nakshatras
1. Ashwini Nakshatra
Location0.00 Aries to 13.20 Aries
2. Bharani Nakshatra
Location 13.20 Aries to 26.40 Aries
3. Krittika Nakshatra
Location26.40 Aries to 10.00 Taurus
4. Rohini Nakshatra
Location10.00 Taurus to 23.2 Taurus
5. Mrigashira Nakshatra
Location23.20 Taurus to 6.40 Gemini
6. Ardra Nakshatra
Location6.40 Gemini to 20.00 Gemini
7. Punarvasu Nakshatra
Location20.00 Gemini to 3.20 Cancer
8. Pushya Nakshatra
Location3.20 Cancer to 16.40 Cancer
9. Ashlesha Nakshatra
Location16.40 Cancer to 30.00 Cancer
10. Magha Nakshatra
Location0.00 Leo to 13.20 Leo
11. Purva Phalguni Nakshatra
Location13.20 Leo to 26.40 Leo
12. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
6Location26.40 Leo to 10.00 Virgo
13. Hasta Nakshatra

Location10.00 Virgo to 23.20 Virgo
14. Chitra Nakshatra
Location23.20 Virgo to 6.40 Libra
15. Swati Nakshatra
Location6.40 Libra to 20.00 Libra

 Importance of Nakshatra in astrology:
Nakshatras play a significant role in Vedic astrology and are used in various ways, including:

* Natal chart analysis: The position of the Moon at birth, known as the Janma Nakshatra, provides insights
into an individual's personality, strengths, weaknesses, and life path.
* Timing of events: Nakshatras are used to choose auspicious dates for important events like weddings,
business ventures, or travel.
* Compatibility analysis: Nakshatras can be used to assess compatibility between individuals for marriage,
partnerships, or business relationships.
* Spiritual development: Understanding the Nakshatras can help us connect with their associated deities
and receive their blessings for personal growth and spiritual advancement.

Advantages of Studying Nakshatras:

Understanding the 27 Nakshatras offers numerous advantages:

* Self-awareness: Gaining a deeper understanding of your Janma Nakshatra can provide valuable insights
into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and potential in life.
* Improved decision-making: By understanding the energies of different Nakshatras, you can make more
informed decisions about various aspects of your life.
* Enhanced relationships: Nakshatra knowledge can help you understand your partner, family members,
and colleagues better, leading to more fulfilling relationships.
* Spiritual connection: Understanding the Nakshatras can deepen your connection with the universe and
its divine forces.

In Vedic astrology, analysis of Nakshatra is very important. It is generally responsible to figure out how an
individual thinks, understands, or perceives life. Moreover, with the help of these Nakshatras, you can also
figure out the Dasha period in your horoscope. Other than these, Nakshatra is important in a number of
ways. Let us see that:
For astrological predictions and accurate analysis, astrologers take the help of the Nakshatra readings. It is
because Nakshatras involve the use of zodiac signs and possess a ruling deity. Plus, it also helps to
understand a number of traits and characteristics of an individual.
These stars in astrology have their own power and energy. Seeking the blessing of the nine lords in
astrology, they have their own importance in astrological analysis. Along with this, Nakshatras also
illustrates the abodes in which the results of our Karmas are stored and transferred.
Nakshatras also play a vital role in understanding an individual's traits and helping to determine the
essential points of his ambitions and energy. During Kund matching, astrologers consider the Nakshatras as
an extremely significant thing. It helps them understand the compatibility that the couple shall have in
marriage. Also, it helps them know how prosperous the life of the couple would be in the future.

In all, Nakshatras have immense importance in Vedic astrology. It helps people understand the traits and
personality of the person and calculate the major phase (Dasha) they shall have, clearing some main points
in the birth chart.

The 27 Nakshatras offer a rich and complex system of knowledge that can be used to gain insights into
various aspects of life. By understanding these lunar mansions, we can unlock our potential, make informed
choices, and deepen our connection with the universe
As per Vedic astrology, Nakshatra is the term people use for the lunar mansion. It is so because the planet
Moon places itself in a Nakshatra for about one day. Therefore, each lunar mansion is about
13°20’ in length. Moreover, they are further divided into four quarters called Pada. Each pada is about
3°20’ long.
It is believed, according to Vedic astrology, that lunar constellations or Nakshatras form an association with
the natal symbols of the Moon. Because of that, the Moon takes 28 days to move in each zodiac sign and
stays there for 2.3 days. Also, Moon is known as the ruler of the Nakshatras. Therefore, it looks after the
planetary positions, being responsible for predicting the life of each individual in a variable manner.
In astrology, these Nakshatras play a significant role. The ancient texts say that Nakshatra is taken from the
word Naksha, meaning map, and Tara is a star. And the full meaning of the word Nakshatra tends to be the
map of stars. History also reveals that the earliest introduction of Nakshatras is in the Rig Veda. However,
you shall find the entire list of the 27 constellations in the Yajurveda and
the Atharva Veda.

Case Study:

To illustrate the application of Nakshatras, let's consider the example of a person born under the Ashwini
Nakshatra. Ashwini is the first Nakshatra, ruled by the planet Ketu and associated with the deity Ashwini
Kumaras, the twin gods of medicine and healing. People born under Ashwini tend to be energetic,
enthusiastic, and skilled communicators. They are often drawn to careers in medicine, healthcare, or
communication fields.

Further Studies:

This report provides a basic introduction to the 27 Nakshatras. To delve deeper into this
fascinating subject, you may explore the following resources:

* Vedic astrology books and websites

* Consultations with experienced Vedic astrologers
* Research on specific Nakshatras and deities
* Online courses and workshops

Remember, the study of Nakshatras is an ongoing journey. By dedicating yourself to learning

and exploring, you can unlock the secrets of these celestial divisions and benefit from their
wisdom in your life.


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