Finding Success While Working Remotely 1588094565

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Last Friday, I was given the unique opportunity to speak in front of our entire staff here at Signature

Consultants (over Zoom don’t worry). About my recent success working fully remotely and past
accomplishments I have had since starting at Signature. I have only been at Signature for just over 10
months and as someone who still considers themselves new this was a huge honor for me. I loved
having the ability to speak to individuals that had been with the company since day 1 and some that
their day 1 was just a few short months ago. About what’s working for me and could work for others
during these uncertain and stress filled times. The main factors I worked to convey were…

• Having a plan/Creating goals – Wake up every day knowing what you want to accomplish. Know
what works best for you, when working from home.
• Executing on that plan – hold yourself accountable for the goals you set. Tell others your goals
and have them hold you accountable as well. If you don’t accomplish something that day add it
to the list for the next day and act on it.
• Controlling what you can control – Understand that some things are out of our control and no
matter how hard or badly you want something to change you don’t always have the ability to
make it do so.
• Lastly, taking breaks - As simple as this may seem, if forgotten it can create a lack of productivity
and increase overall stress and anxiety. Take a walk, go outside, and enjoy the nice weather.
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health during this time.

Now these are not the golden rules or the perfect path to success. Each individual is driven by their own
motivating factors and what pushes them to be successful every day. This is just a snippet about how I
find success while working fully remotely.

As our CEO Jay Cohen told us in our first all company meeting “We are in a time where you will be doing
twice the amount of work for half of the success, but through it all you will come out stronger and be
unstoppable in your journey to success. Lean on the shoulders of others, ask for help, understand that
we are all battling through this together.”

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