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Textbook: The Learning Journey of the Elementary Pupils

A Research Paper Presented

to the Senior High School Department of

Calabanga National Science High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Practical Research 1 in the

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

De Los Santos, Ella A.

Dela Cruz, Delou Isabel E.

Pangindian, Em Alice P.

Villanueva, Jennifer M.

11 – STEM A

May 2023
Chapter I


This study contains the background of the study, statement of the problem, scope and

delimitation, significance of the study and definition of terms.

Background of the Study

In these times, textbooks play an important role in student’s journey, especially for those

who don’t have access to social media. Textbooks are an essential tool for the educational

system. According to Singh (2023), books are considered the best friends of students in real

sense, and it is said that they are also the best companions of students. Having a friendship

with books makes you a good person. If there’s no one want to help you, books will become

your companion in life (Singh, 2023). Reading books can also improve our memory, reduce

stress, and increase mental power as well as knowledge (Globale, 2021). They play a

significant role in a student’s life.

This study is concerned with studying phenomenological research that has not received

sufficient notice in our locality. This is conducted to better understand and contribute to

developing knowledge in the field of study in the world on how textbooks help elementary school

pupils’ learning journeys.

Textbooks contain different representation that contribute students learning process.

Unfortunately, some people argue that they are a waste of money and are not important in the

learning process. This may be in part due to the dawning of a digital age where some may

regard textbooks as obsolete. It is accessing more information digitally but remembering less.
Singh (2023) stated that many students forget what they have learn yesterday, but reading

books can help improve their memory. The structure of a textbook is a physical manifestation of

the education system and structure of knowledge itself; it has start, an end and is arranged by

key themes (Rowson, 2023). Textbooks can be tedious and difficult, but they contain many

features designed to help you learn, as cited in The Learning Center: University of North

Carolina at Chapel Hill (2023). They have quite a number uses and benefits for both teachers

and students (Omololu, 2021). Students will get more knowledge, improve memory, and build

more vocabulary (Singh, 2023).

The researcher has noticed that many studies have investigated the importance of

textbooks, effectivity of textbooks, effects of textbooks on teachers and students. However,

although textbooks are commonly used in schools, there has been relatively little research on

their role in education. Much of the existing research focuses on how well particular textbooks

cover specific curriculum content, rather than on how textbooks effectively promote learning.

This is an urgent need to pursue this research because of the reliance of pupils on

gadgets and reasons that’s why they lack access on textbooks for learning, and in order to

better understanding how pupils learn from textbooks and how to improve the effectiveness of

textbook-based learning. Through a phenomenological study, this study aims to bring

understanding of the importance of textbooks on the learning journey of the pupils.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the importance of the textbooks in learning journey or

experiences of the grade 6 pupils in Ratay Elementary School. The result of the study will serve

as a basis of effective learning with textbooks.

1. What is the importance of textbooks in learning?

2. How will the pupil’s benefits from using textbooks provided by the school?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using textbooks in learning?

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will determine the significant contribution of the textbooks on the

learning journey of the grade 6 pupils.

Students. This study will help the students to know the significance of using textbooks

to quickly find what they are looking without the exposure to any kinds of gadgets. This also will

help them to gain better perspective of what they are studying just by reading the textbooks


Teachers. This study will be helpful to the teachers for them to know the reason on how

textbooks will be very beneficial to students since it contains very detailed and straightforward

lesson. It will benefit them as they don’t have to spend a lot of time on doing the visual aids

containing the lessons that will be discussed.

Parents. The parents will be able to develop a better understanding of their child’s

educational needs. Also, the parents who are aware of the benefits of textbooks can provide

support and encouragement to help their child achieve the right proper knowledge.

School Administrator. The findings of the study will help them to supplement textbook

with lots of outside readings. It is also help them to discover what students know about a topic

prior to teaching.

Future Researcher. This research will be useful reference to the future researcher who

are going to conduct research related to this study. It is also help them to know the strengths

and weaknesses of the pupils on using the textbook.

Scope and Delimitation

This qualitative study aims to determine the importance of textbooks on the learning

journey of the pupils. According to Singh (2023), it enriches the experience of students sharpen

their intellect. This research will consider the grade 6 pupils of Ratay Elementary School during

the school year of 2022-2023. As a phenomenological study, it will capture the lived experiences

of pupils who depend in textbooks on learning and pupils who don’t have gadgets.

In this qualitative research, the researcher is the main instrument serve as a tool in

gathering data (Bahrami,, 2016). Another tool is the interview. The interview is the

researcher based-made on the objectives of the study. It is composed of six (6) questions. The

interview questions formulated to gather information about the participants experiences in their

learning journey with textbooks and its importance. In gathering data, individualized discussion

is employed. Interviews are recorded and transcribed. In analyzing the data, purposive sampling

is applied. It is explained as a group of non-probability sampling techniques in which units are

selected because they have characteristics that you need in your sample (Nikolopoulou, 2022).

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification, the important terms used in this study have been

defined. The following terms are:

Books. A set of printed sheets of paper that are held together inside a cover. Also, a long-written


Education. The action or process of teaching someone especially in a school, college or

Experience. The process of doing and seeing things and having things happen to you.

Importance. The state or fact of being of great significance or value.

Journey. It is an act of travelling or lived experiences.

Knowledge. Information, understanding, or skill that you get from experience or education.

Learning. It’s the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values,

attitudes, and preferences.

Pupils. a student in school or in a primary school.

Students. A person who studies something.

Teachers. A person that teaches something. It's job to teach students about certain subjects.

Textbooks. Is a book containing a comprehensive compilation of content in a branch of study

with the intentions of explaining it. Textbooks produced to meet the needs of educators.
Chapter II


This chapter will present the relevant related literatures and studies, theoretical

framework and conceptual framework that will help to determine the importance of textbooks,

advantages and disadvantages of using textbooks, and the role of textbooks in the learning


Related Literatures and Studies

Textbooks are in-depth educational materials that are beneficial to students’ learning.

According to Rasmed (2021), in a branch of study, it is a book containing a comprehensive list

of content and sources with explanation. It is a compilation of written works, facts or proof and

ideas that will really help the students to used. Also, a collection of chapters, questions and

answers, and activities that built the knowledge of the students’ learning standards. Contains

information on various areas that the students need formal education. When they are using

textbooks that are supplemented by subcategories of situations, they learn the most precise

lessons. Here, you may get a variety of information regarding a range of topics that will be more

useful to pupils.

Stara, (2017), textbooks play the main role in everyday education as they are used

every second or third lesson on average. They have always benefited the reader especially the

students. For students, it is worth saying that “A room without books is like a body without soul”

by Cicero. Books have a sentimental value and show different intellectual development for each

student and person (Leal, n.d.). A good book is like a good friend, the more you read it, the

more interesting it will be (Globale, 2021). Books that are rich in information can change the way
what we think, behave, feel, and connect with others, such a transformation is beyond the

physical and can changer one’s temperament and spirit (Leal, n.d.).

According to Globale (2021), in modern times, books are the only medium through

which we can know about history. This tells us what all happened in the past. Books like “A Brief

History of Time” by Stephens Hawking and “The Six Extinction” by Elizabeth Kolbert, are some

of the major books that tell us about the natural history of pastimes. Books are considered as a

store of information using which we can gain information by reading at any time. Reading is

something that will always increase knowledge. As said by Dr. Kalam, “Learning gives creativity,

and creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge, knowledge makes you great”.

Every book you read adds more to you and gives you a priceless experience. It is also playing a

pivotal role in language classrooms in all types of educational institutions like public schools,

colleges, and language schools all over the world.

TeacherVision Staff (2022) stated that when you visit classrooms, you probably notice

that most, if not all, of those classrooms use a standard textbook series. Textbooks are a staple

in formal education. From elementary education all the way to graduate school, students rely on

textbooks to help them study and learn about different subjects. But textbooks are not only

helpful for the students but also helpful for teachers and new teachers with their teaching

course. Omololu (2021) stated that for both teachers and students, textbooks having benefits

and uses. Textbooks saving time and energy when searching for information since it is a source

of material. It is a reliable point of reference. Readily available source of information that

students follow the lessons easier and understand them better.

In 2018, Whitehouse cited some advantages and of using textbooks for both students

and teachers. The primary advantage of using textbooks is that they are written and designed

by experts in the topic discussed (Whitehouse, 2018). Teachers and students are using valuable
information. The writers of the textbooks keep up to date with research support in particular

subjects. If it wasn’t supported by the experts, they could miss other important information.

The second advantage is that textbooks can be suitable for the students even they are

not designed for the specific group (Judol, 2021). It is not easy to find a suitable textbook for the

specific group. Whereas, if that kind of book is found by the teacher, then, all the things in the

teaching and learning process needed will be covered. The teaching and learning process

materials needed are provided by the textbooks. That will be easily adapted and reusable by the

teacher (Judol, 2021).

The third advantage is that a textbook series provides you with a balanced,

chronological presentation of information. According to Whitehouse (2018), the information for

each chapter or lesson is also usually presented in a straightforward, chronological way, and

most textbooks will come with supplementary teacher material that spells out the teaching

procedures that should be used for each lesson. The fourth advantage stated by TeacherVision

Staff (2022), that textbooks are helpful for beginning teachers. For young teachers the materials

and structure of lessons are often very detailed so that teachers don’t have to spend a lot of

time thinking of novel lesson ideas for the students.

The fifth advantage allowed the students and the teachers to look at the previous lesson

they have learned or the next lesson they are going to learn (Judol, 2021). Sometimes, pupils

want to review their previous lesson or discussion to check that they won’t forget the lesson that

they learned. Also, they usually review for the upcoming test. Moreover, the textbook was used

to look at the next lesson for the next meeting or discussion. Textbooks become the help for the

students and to teachers to design the lesson plan and enable a hassle-free teaching and

learning experience.
Meanwhile, despite the advantages of the textbooks. There are some articles that point

out the disadvantages of textbooks. According to TeacherVision Staff (2022), the textbook is old

and outdated. The information shared is not currently relevant. Another one, the reading level of

the textbook is too difficult. Students cannot read and it is hard to understand the concepts. In

2022, Noman stated that textbooks have the disadvantage of being boring for both pupils and

teachers. In some time, the teacher simply reads the textbooks, and the pupils simply take note

that some kids and pupils may not be listening and paying attention to the class.

Judol (2021) cited some disadvantages of the textbooks from Tsiplakides. These are:

a) Textbooks are not flexible and generally simply mirror the pedagogic,

psychological, and linguistic preferences and biases of their authors.

b) Textbooks contains social and cultural biases, such as gender biases, sexism,

and stereotyping.

c) There are often too contrived and artificial in their presentation of the target

language. For example, many scripted language models and dialogues are

unnatural and inappropriate for communicative or cooperative languages


d) Textbooks may prevent teachers’ creativity if teachers are obliged to follow the

coursebooks sequence to the latter.

e) The teachers may find themselves mediators; they only carry out teaching

practices imposed on them.

According to Stara, (2017) Student life period is a tough time during everybody

lives. (The Role of Textbooks in Education, n.d.), teachers must guide the students towards

specified learning goals are met. In this way, textbooks assist both teachers and students. They

are extremely important in the process of teaching-learning. Providing a basic framework

(Whitehouse, 2018) within which of the classroom activity takes place and providing the pupils a
best learning opportunity. The structure of textbook is a physical manifestation of the education

system and the structure of knowledge itself, it has a start, an end and is arranged by key

themes (Tim, n.d.).

Textbooks have some limitations (Judol, 2021), even they are good as they appear in

surface. They have some weaknesses. Students only see one perspective on a concept. They

might be the shared information is not relevant or current for students. Also, students cannot

read or understand the important information because of the reading level of textbook is difficult

(TeacherVision Staff, 2022). Being uninterested to the textbooks because of the boring segment

is the start of not paying attention to it (Noman, 2022). Whitehouse (2018) cited that even

having a disadvantages and weaknesses, textbooks give the students as a set of contexts for

understanding the relationships between knowledge and values. Books are indeed one of the

most achieving richness spirits because they contain some of the most articulate expositions of

all that is within the human capacity to know (Leal, n.d.). Whether we study or teach anyone,

knowledge goes on increasing with time (Globale, 2021). As Globale (2021) cite that some of us

tend to underestimate the power of books. Books can open a whole new world, which is

immersive and teaches you valuable lesson.

Theoretical Framework

This study is supported by the Cognitive Theory of Learning from Text Applied Rewriting

Text to Improved Learning (Kintsch and Van Dijik, 1978; Miller and Kintsch, 1980; Van Dijik and

Kintsch, 1983) and Generative Theory of Textbook Design. One way to frame the process by

which people learn and think is through a cognitive framework that considers both internal and

external factors. According to Young (1984) where he stated, “We began by analyzing the text

with Kintsch’s computer program to detect the locations where coherence relationships broke
down”. Where the purpose of Kintsch’s theory is for the learners to build a mental representation

of the information. Generative learning process that individuals engage in active integration of

new ideas with their pre-existing cognitive structures or schema. Wittrock (1990) believes that

the main advocate of generative learning, learners construct the meaning by actively building

relationships between stimuli and their stored information such as knowledge and their


The generative theory of textbook design, stating that the extent to which a reader uses

his or her cognitive processes in learning meaningfully is influenced by the features of text

design. In this theory, the process of learning is deemed a constructive act, where each piece of

knowledge is used to build cognitive connections. Mayer, (1995) with the help of a model

proposed that students can build verbal and visual connections of a concept if their text and

image representations are simultaneously captured by memory, which has a greater probability

when that placement of illustrations on a page is proximate with relevant text, or when students

are skilled enough to visualize the images of the text they read. Studies have shown that

students who use textbooks designed according to the generative theory of textbook design

learn more than those who use traditional textbooks.

Conceptual Framework


a) Importance of
textbooks in
learning journey of
pupils. Learning journey of
b) Benefits of using pupils using textbooks.
textbooks to the
pupils provided by
c) The advantages and
disadvantages of
textbooks in pupils
This conceptual framework that was used in the study is the Input-Process-Output

Model. It includes all the information required in the process. For input, it consists of the

respondent’s profile. For process, it includes questionnaires for the analysis of data by

conducting an interview. Lastly, for the output, the researcher conceptualized the learning

experience of pupils using textbooks.

Chapter III


This chapter contains the method and procedures that were used in this study. This

includes the research design, data gathering procedure, and the respondents of the study.

Research Design

In this study, the researcher used qualitative research method. Qualitative research

involves asking participants about their experiences of things that happen in their lives. It

enables researchers to obtain insights into what it feels like to be another person and to

understand the world as other experiences it (Austin & Sutton, 2014).

The qualitative research uses phenomenological research design. Phenomenological

study helps us to understand the meaning of people's lived experience (Qualitative Research

Methods, 2023). This study will capture and determine what grade 6 pupils at Ratay Elementary

School experienced and focuses, on using textbooks without gadgets.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher conducts the research in Ratay Elementary School through interview

method. The questionnaire is composed of questions that the researchers formed from related

research and studies. The researcher made sure that the set of questions are enough to provide

sufficient data needed in the study. Through this data gathering method the researcher can get

more accurate answer since clarifications can be made if the respondents do not understand
the question. Also, interview method was more convenient and accessible for the researchers to

reach the respondents. Researchers will ask the following questions: (1) What is textbook to you

as a grade 6 pupil? (2) How important textbooks to you? (3) In what ways textbooks help you in

your learning journey? (4) What makes you think that textbooks are interesting? (5) What are

the benefits that you received from using textbooks? (6) If you could change one thing in the

textbook, what would it be? Interviews are recorded and transcribed. Each pupils interviewed

individualized, asking questions about their learning journey with textbooks. The result of the

study would hopefully be the basis of effective learning with textbooks.

Respondents of the Study

This study used a non-probability sampling wherein the respondents are chosen based

on their grade level, location, and school. Under the non-probability sampling, the researcher

conducted a purposive sampling to determine the key informants. A non-probability sampling is

based on researchers’ choice, population that accessible and available (Methodology, 2016).

The setting of this research is at the Ratay Elementary School. This study included ten (10)

respondents who were grade 6 pupils.


Austin, Z., & Sutton, J. (2014). Qualitative Research: Getting Started. The Canadian Journal of

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Whitehouse, J. (2018). The Advantages of Textbooks. Leaf Group. https://classroom.

Judol. (2021). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Textbooks. http://www.Aminlimpo


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Duquesne University.

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