9 класс 4 четверть

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LESSON 79 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Travel and tourism

Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Travel: Does travel broaden the mind?

Learning objectives - respond with growing flexibility at both sentence and
discourse level to unexpected comments on a range of general and
curricular topics; - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a range of
familiar general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to
use some target language correctly in response to speaking and writing
task prompts and in exchanges
Most learners will be able to
use a range of target language correctly in response to speaking and
writing task prompts and in exchanges
Some learners will be able to
use a range of target language correctly in response to a wider range of
speaking and writing task prompts and in exchanges

Criteria Ss can present an advert about using animals in tourism in Kazakhstan

Previous lesson Unit revision

Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know P 87 ex1
what to anticipate from the lesson.

What’s in this module?

 Read the title of the module” Travel and tourism ”
 Ask Ss to suggest what they think it means
 Go through the topic list and stimulate a discussion to
prompt Ss’ interest in the module.

Find the page numbers for

 Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words
 Ss find the page numbers for the items listed.
 Ask questions to check Ss’ understanding.
Middle To introduce the topic P87ex 2
30 min  Brainstorm with the class for as many means of
transport as they can think of
 Write them on the board
 Ask Ss to copy them down into their notebooks
 Elicit which are various Ss’ favourite ones and why
Travel words
Students look at the words and put them into right categories
(accommodation, sights, travel accessories).

Describing a trip
Students study the words and add any other adjectives for
description of a trip.
Then they look at the places with partners and using
hypothetical structure they describe what would it be like to
visit each of these places? They should use the new

Phrases for describing travel destination

Learners work individually and check in pairs. They go
through the answers and clarify meaning.
Thereafter they make 9 sentences using the phrases and
pictures (cities and countries from the PPT, slide 6).

To read for gist

 Ask Ss to read the advert
 Make sentences following the example
 Elicit the answers from Ss around the class
 Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments

To present vocabulary for sights and activities

 Ask Ss to look at the pictures
 Play the recording for Ss to listen and repeat chorally or
 Check their pronunciation and intonation
 Ask Ss to close their books and try to remember as
many sights and activities as possible
 Elicit the answers from Ss around the class

5 min - What are the most useful three things you have learnt
- What two things do you still want to know?
- What one question do you still have?

Home task: to write 10 sentences about “Travel and tourism”

using the new words.

Saying goodbye
LESSON 80 School: Stavropolka Secondary School
Unit 8: Travel and tourism
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Travel and transport (London)

Learning objectives -recognize the opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported

extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics; -recognize typical features at word, sentence and text level of a
wide range of spoken genres - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a range of
familiar general and curricular topics; - recognize typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
wide range of written genres; - use a range of familiar and unfamiliar paper and digital
reference resources to check meaning and extend understanding - write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a wide range of
familiar general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to
identify some specific information and key ideas in texts and use some
target language to express views and comment on some views of others
with support
Most learners will be able to
identify most specific information and key ideas in texts and use a
range of target language to express views and comment on some views
of others with support
Some learners will be able to
identify all specific information and most key ideas in texts and use a
range of target language to express views and comment on views of
others with little support

Criteria Ss can fill the table about the places of interest in Astana and their
Previous lesson Travel: Does travel broaden the mind?
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.

To introduce the topic

 Elicit what, Ss know about Astana
 Ask Ss name adjectives to characterize it
 Elicit answers from Ss around the class
30 min To listen and read for gist P 88 ex 2
 Read out the questions
 Play the recording
 Ss listen, read and find out the answer
 Refer Ss to Word List to look up the meanings of the
words in the Check these words box

Formative assessment P 88 ex 3a
a) To read for specific information
 Ask Ss to read the sentence stems 1-6
 Give Ss time to read the text again and then complete
 Check Ss’ answers around the class
P 88 ex 3b
b)To consolidate new vocabulary
 Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words in
bold in their dictionaries
 Elicit explanations from Ss around the class
P 88 ex 4a
To consolidate new vocabulary
 a)Ask Ss to read the words in the list
 Use them to complete the phrases 1-10
 Check Ss’ answers around the class

To practice new vocabulary P 88 ex 4b

 Give Ss some time to make sentences about Astana
using the completed phrases in ex.4a
 Elicit the answers from Ss around the class

To listen for specific information( gap fill) P 88 ex 5

 Ask Ss to look at the bar chart
 Play the recording
 Ss listen and fill the percentage
 Ask various Ss to present the information in the chart to
the class
To express an opinion
 Ask Ss to read the text if necessary
 Give Ss time to consider their answers
 Ask various Ss to share their opinions with the class
End Learners stand in a circle, they are given a ball to throw it to
5 min each other and share their opinions about today’s lesson.
Hometask: to learn new vocabulary
Saying goodbye
LESSON 81 School: Stavropolka Secondary School
Unit 8: Travel and tourism
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Travel and transport (London)

Learning objectives - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about an increased range of general and curricular topics; - use an increased variety of comparative degree adverb
structures with regular and irregular adverbs; use a variety of pre-
verbal, post-verbal and end-position adverbs on a range of familiar
general and curricular topics; use infinitive forms after a growing number of adjectives and
verbs; use gerund forms after a growing variety of verbs and
prepositions; use an increased variety of prepositional verbs and
phrasal verbs on a range of familiar general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to
identify some specific information and key ideas in texts and use some
target language to express views and comment on some views of others
with support
Most learners will be able to
identify most specific information and key ideas in texts and use a
range of target language to express views and comment on some views
of others with support
Some learners will be able to
identify all specific information and most key ideas in texts and use a
range of target language to express views and comment on views of
others with little support
Criteria Ss can make up 4 or more sentences with phrasal verb to take
Previous lesson Travel and transport (London)
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.

To match the picture of a sightseeing in Astana with its Cards,

name pictures
 Explain the task and ask Ss to complete it
 Check Ss’ answers around the class
Middle To revise adverbs- order of adverbs P 90ex 1
30 min Go through the theory and revise adverbs and order of adverbs
and explain when and how we use them
Explain any point Ss are unsure of
Give them time to form correct sentences with the prompts
Check Ss’ answers around the class
To practise adverbs P 90ex 2
Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss’ answers
around the class

Suggested answer key

I can speak English well.
I never bahave badly.
I usually walk slowly.
I went to school today.
I regularly ride my bike at the weekends.
It is very hot today.
I am never late for school.
I feel quite tired.

To practise adverbs P 90ex 3

 Explain the task and give Ssthem time to complete it
 Check Ss’ answers around the class
Answer key
1.Very 2.well 3.usually go 4.slightly
5.spoke angrily 6.straight 7.badly
8.happily give you

To practise adverbs P 90ex 4

Explain the task and elicit answers from Ss around the class
Answer key
tomorrow patiently here fast rather

Speaking P 90ex 5
 Play the video for Ss and then have them make notes
under the headings provided in their notebooks
 Ask various Ss around the class to present the places to
the class as if they were a travel agent

To learn phrasal verbs with take P 89ex 7

 Ask Ss to read the box and then give them time to choose
correct particles in the sentences
 Check Ss’ answers
Answer key
Up after off to
5 min Self-assessment. How well do I understand?
4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else.
3 - I understand and can do this by myself.
2 - I need more practice.
1 - I don't understand this yet.
Hometask: Ex.5p.94 (w), My trip (composition)
Saying goodbye

LESSON 82 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Travel and tourism
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Natural wonders

Learning objectives - evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others; - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about an increased range of general and curricular topics; - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a range of
familiar general and curricular topics; - use an increased variety of prepositions before nouns and
adjectives; use a growing number of dependent prepositions following
nouns, adjectives and verbs on a range of familiar general and
curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to
identify some specific information and key ideas in texts and use some
target language to express views and comment on some views of others
with support
Most learners will be able to
identify most specific information and key ideas in texts and use a
range of target language to express views and comment on some views
of others with support
Some learners will be able to
identify all specific information and most key ideas in texts and use a
range of target language to express views and comment on views of
others with little support
Criteria Ss can write their letters of request using the information in ex.7
Previous lesson Travel and transport (London)
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know P 92ex 1
what to anticipate from the lesson.

To introduce new vocabulary

Ask Ss to read the words in the list
Explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown ones
Give Ss time to look at the pictures and fill in the correct
Tell Ss they can use their dictionaries to help them
Play the recording,Ss listen and check their answers
Middle To listen and read for gist P 92ex 2
30 min Elicit Ss’ guesses in answer to the questions
Play the recording
Ss listen and read to find out
To read for specific information( multiple choice) P 92ex 3
Explain the task
Ask Ss to read the questions and the answer choices
Give Ss time to read the text and complete the task
Check Ss’ answers
Refer Ss to Word List to look up the words in the
Check these words box
Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments
P 92ex 4
To create an alternate ending to a story
Give Ss time to consider their answers
Elicit various answers from Ss around the class
P 92ex5
To form adjectives from verbs
Ask Ss to read the theory box
Give Ss time to complete the sentences with adjectives
formed from the verbs in brackets
P 92ex 6
To learn and practise prepositional phrases
Explain the task
Give Ss some time to complete it
P 92ex 7
To listen for specific information( gap fill)
Explain the task
Ask Ss to read the gapped advert
Play the recording
Ss listen and complete the gaps

Pair work P 92ex 8

To request information
Explain the task and ask Ss to read the functions box
Use this language to request information about the tour in
ex.7 in pair
Monitor the activity around the class

Give Ss time to think of their own story about seven brothers
and the lake and write it.
Ask various Ss to read their story to the class
Alternatively, assign the task as HW and have Ss read their
stories in the next lesson
End Reflection: “3-3-1”
5 min 3 sentences to reflect on the lesson
3 adjectives to describe the lesson
1 word about the lesson
Home task: P 92ex 9 To write a letter of request
Saying goodbye

LESSON 83 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Travel and tourism
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Natural wonders

Learning objectives - plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little or
no support on a range of general and curricular topics; - use a wide variety of determiners and pre-determiner
structures on a range of familiar general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to
identify some specific information and key ideas in texts and use some
target language to express views and comment on some views of others
with support
Most learners will be able to
identify most specific information and key ideas in texts and use a
range of target language to express views and comment on some views
of others with support
Some learners will be able to
identify all specific information and most key ideas in texts and use a
range of target language to express views and comment on views of
others with little support
Criteria Ss can evaluate Ss’ short messages using determiners or pre-
Previous lesson Natural wonders
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
Begining GREETINGS A poster,
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know stickers
what to anticipate from the lesson.
Add activities to Bayanaul Tour
 Elicit what Ss know about Bayanaul
 Give Ss time to write their proposals and stick on the
Middle To present /practise determiners/ pre-determiners P 91 ex 5
30 min Ask Ss to read the theory box
Explain the task
Give Ss time to complete the task and then ask Ss’ around the
class to share their sentences with the rest of the class
Answer key
Each whole every none all plenty
To present/ practise determiners/ pre-determiners
 Ask Ss to read the theory box
 Ask various Ss to tell the class how we use the P 91 ex 6
SuggestedAnswer Key
We use both, and to say we mean each one of two
We use neither/nor to say not the one or the other of two
We use either, or/either to say one or the other of two

To present/ practise determiners/ pre-determiners

 Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it P 91 ex 7
 Check Ss’ answers
Answer Key
1.The whole( of my ) family came to watch me play football.
2.Each of the passengers boarded the plain./Each passenger
boarded the plane.
3. Neither Assel nor Nurlan have got a passport.
4.Either Saule or Dina is going to help me out with my

To present/ practise determiners/ pre-determiners P 91 ex 8

 Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it
 Check Ss’ answers
Answer Key
1.whole 2.each 3.either 4.plenty 5.none
6. every 7.either 8.every 9.both 10.nor

To write short message from Astana P 91 ex 9

 Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it using
the prompts provided
 Ask various Ss around the class to read out their note to
the rest of the class

Evalute Ss’ short messages using determiners or pre-

 Explain the task
 Give Ss time to complete the task
 Check Ss’ answers around the class
End Reflection
5 min Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-
assessment using the method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson?
(Now I can, I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I
learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Hometask: W.B. p.65.
Saying goodbye

LESSON 84 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Travel and tourism
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Travel and transport

Learning objectives - deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on
a wide range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to
identify some specific information and key ideas in texts and use some
target language to express views and comment on some views of others
with support
Most learners will be able to
identify most specific information and key ideas in texts and use a
range of target language to express views and comment on some views
of others with support
Some learners will be able to
identify all specific information and most key ideas in texts and use a
range of target language to express views and comment on views of
others with little support
Criteria Ss can choose the words with the same sounds from a list of the words

Previous lesson Natural wonders

Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.

Then to create a positive learning environment the teachers

asks students to start the lesson giving each other
compliments about appearance, job performance, talent, etc.
and also practice accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to predict the
topic of the lesson.
Warm up.People like travelling. But how can they find out the
information about the places to visit? What do people usually
do? Did you travel a long way?
Middle To present a situational language P 94 ex1
30 min  Play the recording with pauses P 94ex2
 Ss listen and repeat chorally or individually
Check Ss’ pronunciation, intonation To listen and read for
specific information
 Play the recording
 Ss listen and follow the dialogue in their books to find
Answer Key
The friends are at an airport. Todd takes Rayan’s bag by
mistake. P 94ex3
 Refer Ss to Word List to look up the words in the
Check these words box

To identify synonymous phrases in a situational language

Read out the phrases P 94ex4
Give Ss time to find the alternative phrases in the dialogue
that have a similar meaning
To act out a dialogue
Play the recording again
Ss listen and then take roles and act out the dialogue in closed
Monitor the activity around the class
Ask various pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class
P 94 ex5
To pronounce images
 Model the sounds
 Play the recording againwith pauses for Ss to repeat
chorally or individually
 Check Ss’pronunciation and intonation
 Elicit more words with the same sounds
5 min Name 3 things:
-you learnt;
-that were difficult;
-that you want to know.
Hometask: Ex 6(w). p.98 St.B., W.B. p.65 (one ex.).
Saying goodbye

LESSON 85 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Travel and tourism
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Travel and transport

Learning objectives 9.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
limited range of written genres
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently
on a range of general and curricular topics
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a limited range of general topics and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
*develop speaking skills through communication about the city;
*write an email about a visit using the right grammar.
Most learners will be able to:
*select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading passage
for an oral presentation.
*apply, pronounce and spell most target vocabulary accurately in
production tasks and integrate with some success in extended writing
Some learners will be able to:
*respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
*demonstrate the ability to find correct information without any
*apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies;
*offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Criteria Ss can choose the words with the same sounds from a list of the words

Previous lesson Travel and transport

Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)

5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.

Then to create a positive learning environment the teachers

asks students to start the lesson giving each other compliments
about appearance, job performance, talent, etc. and also
practice accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to predict the
topic of the lesson.

Warm up.Free talk about your city or a town. Do you like

your city? Why? What's your favourite place in the town?
Why? The teacher asks Sts. in pairs make a list of favourite
places in the town.What are you going to show to your guests
from other cities?
Middle Main part
30 min Describe Almaty and its sights.
Describe Almaty and London. Group Work.
1) 2000 years old 1) 850
2) 9 mln. people 2) 1

Pre-reading stage.
Predicting and guessing. What is written in the email?

Predicting and guessing.

Students move their eyes over the text "My Day" quickly (1
minute). Then they close the book. After that students call out
words, phrases they remember from the text, note them.
Students work in pairs (1 minute) discuss what the text is
about or (create a text using some of the previous written
Students express their ideas (1 minute). Ex.1 -2.
While-reading stage.
Make a plan of their trip to Oxford.
Post-reading stage.
Next, students complete peer-evaluation forms. What linkers
are used in the text? Ex.1 - 3 p.99.
Look at the email and fill in a table. Ex. 4. p.99
Write in pairs the plan to show Almaty to your friend.
Use Writing Guide on p.99.
5 min Students express their attitude to the lesson and
give self-assessment using the method: “Six
thinking hats”:

Hometask: W.B. p.67

Saying goodbye

LESSON 86 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Travel and tourism
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Tourism and economics

Learning objectives - evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others; - respond with growing flexibility at both sentence and
discourse level to unexpected comments on a range of general and
curricular topics; - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a range of
familiar general and curricular topics; - plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little or
no support on a range of general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to
identify some specific information and key ideas in texts and use some
target language to express views and comment on some views of others
with support
Most learners will be able to
identify most specific information and key ideas in texts and use a
range of target language to express views and comment on some views
of others with support
Some learners will be able to
identify all specific information and most key ideas in texts and use a
range of target language to express views and comment on views of
others with little support
Criteria Ss can present the notes about a famous building in Kazakhstan

Previous lesson Travel and transport

Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.

To introduce the topic

 Elicit what, if anything, Ss know about UNESCO
 Explain the meanings of this abbrivation
Middle To understand cultural heritage and its importance, to P 95 ex1
30 min introduce the topic andlisten and read for gist
Direct Ss’ attention to the definition
Play the recording
Ss listen and follow thetext in their books to find out how the
places are UNESCO World Heritage Sites

To read for specific information (multiple matching) P 95 ex2

Ask Ss to read the sentences 1-5
Give Ss time to read the text again and mark the statements
Check Ss’ answer
Refer Ss to Word List to look up the meanings of the words in
the Check these words box
Play the video for Ss and elicit for their comments
Answer Key
1B 2M 3B 4B 5M
To compare and contrust two buildings P 95 ex3
Give Ss time to complete the task in closed pairs
Elicit comparisons from Ss around the class
Main part
T. shows the presentation or flashcardsof the first President's
Park in Almaty and Cathedral to introduce and learners write
the words on their vocabulary: Ex.1 p.100.
What can you see in this park? And match the words with the
Countryside Parks
Trees, paths, Trees, seats,
plants, paths, band
stands, flower
animals, grass
Activity 1: Read and listen to the text. Ex.2
Speak about ten reasons to visit Kazakhstan.
Each group will take 2 reasons and give the commentary.
(5 groups).

Activity 2: Work with the adverbs. Ex.4 -5.Activity

Activity 3: make a brochure to visit a hometown.

Make an advertisement of one sight in your city.
End Self-assessment.
5 min “Five”. Children draw a picture of their hand and write
the most important things about the lesson on each
finger. The thumb - something interesting, the index
finger - something difficult, the middle one - something
that was not enough, the ring finger - the mood, the little
finger - the suggestions.
Hometask: P 95 ex4 To write a text about a famous building
To present the notes about a famous building in Kazakhstan in
the class
Saying goodbye

LESSON 87 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Travel and tourism
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Tourism and economics

Learning objectives 9.R5 deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range
of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics
9.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts on
9.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of
general and curricular topics
9.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Identify the theme, new grammar material, active vocabulary and use
them as the basis for discussion.
Transfer information from the reading passage about a rule into a
graphic organizer.
Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize informationfor an oral presentation.
Some learners will be able to:
Respond to and discuss the topic using interpretive, evaluative and
creative thinking skills and right forms of the Grammar Tenses
describing pictures.
Criteria Ss can present their projects about the most famous Man-made
masterpieces around the world
Previous lesson Tourism and economics
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
Begining GREETINGS A world map,
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know stickers
what to anticipate from the lesson.
Teacher suggests singing a fun song for the start of the lesson.
(" Stevie Wonder I Just Called To Say I Love You").
Learners are informed about the lesson objectives.The teacher
asks the students to give the definitions to the words:
Volunteer/ community service/ gap year/ volunteer tourism/
short – term volunteer holidays.
Middle Main part
30 min Do you go on holidays with your family? A Table
What are advantages and disadvantages of tourism?
advantages of tourism disadvantages of tourism

Write down your ideas. Work in groups of four, please!

Have you ever thought that some people don’t like to

travel? They prefer to stay at home. They say that
traveling has many disadvantages. Pictures
You are divided into 2 teams. The first team will put on a PPT
black hat. It means that you should think of disadvantages. Maps
Ex.1 p.101. Look at the photos and speak about the people’s


Family Holidays.
Voluntourism {give associations with this word.
Is it popular nowadays? Does Kazakhstan have this
The teacher asks students to discuss and decide the most
desirable role for each member of the group: volunteer, a
parent, a critic, journalist, correspondent, and narrator.
Next, the teacher and students review the criteria for each role.
After reviewing criteria, students are informed that they will
be filling out a peer-evaluation.
Then students can have a discussion to represent all the roles.
(2 min per student).

Discussion :
Task: Lead the discussion. Prepare 5 open-ended and
thought-provoking questions about the story that your group
might want to discuss. Help others talk about the main idea,
help them share their thoughts and feelings.

1. Write 5 open-ended questions.
2. Write your responses to these questions.
3. Keep the discussion going.
1. Write more than 5 questions.
End Self-assessment.
5 min Pair share
At the end of a lesson learners share with their partner:
Three new things they have learnt:
 What they found easy
 What they found difficult
 Something they would like to learn in the future.

Home task: Volunteer holidays. (Presentation or retelling

p.101).W.B. p.68.
Saying goodbye

LESSON 88 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Travel and tourism
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Tourism in Kazakhstan: advantages and disadvantages of increasing
tourism in Kazakhstan

Learning objectives 9.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence
level on an increasing range of general topics
9.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range
of general and curricular topics
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics
9.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating
Lesson objectives Write sentences about future plans and intentions connecting them into
demonstrate respect to people’s opinions using lexical units of topic
analyse given feedback; form opinion and give constructive answers to
Criteria Ss can share the information about the Silk Road and its importance

Previous lesson Tourism and economics

Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.
Teacher informs learners that the aims of this lesson are to
revise the material that was taught in this unit and make a
project about tourism in Kazakhstan.
Middle Revision. Consolidation.
30 min Rules for Jeopardy game
There are 2 kinds of games. Teacher can feel free to choose
any or play during the whole lesson.
1. Students play jeopardy in groups.
2. They have to choose a category and a point value.
3. Teacher clicks on the chosen box for the question.
(The teacher may want to set a time limit for answering the
4. To see if a student or group is correct, click again for the
5. Click the Back to Board button on the slide to return to the
main board.
5. If the student or team is correct, they are awarded the point
value of the question
6. Continue until all questions have been answered. The team
with the most points wins.

Ex. 1 - 3 p. 102 (Revision of vocabulary).

Revision of Grammar. Future Action. Correct form of

expressing future actions.
Ex. 4 - 5 ( do ex. individually)
Do this task in a table: Ex. 4 p.90
Will + To be To be + V/Vs or es
v going to Ving


You will listen to the dialogue and choose a correct word.
Communication: Ex.6
Make a dialogue: At the travel agency.
There are some character sketches of different people. They
express their attitude about travelling. Match the sketches and
the people.
Can you imagine what life is without travelling? Is it possible?
Let’s make up cinquains about travelling. Do you remember
what is it? It is a kind of poem consisting of 5 lines (a general
word. two adjectives on the topic. three verbs. the main idea
of your “poem” (it must consist of 3-4 words) and a synonym
of the general word. Make up as many cinquains as you can.
All your cinquains will be different. Read them aloud when
you are ready.
5 min Before the leaving the class students complete the exit card.
Exit ticket
Three things you have
Two things you still want to
One question you still
have .................................................

Hometask: to finish your wtiting

Saying goodbye

LESSON 89 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Travel and tourism
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Tourism in Kazakhstan: advantages and disadvantages of increasing
tourism in Kazakhstan
SA 1
Learning objectives Understand most specific information in unsupported
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about an increased range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Identify specific information in extended talks
Use subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to express their opinion
Previous lesson Tourism in Kazakhstan: advantages and disadvantages of increasing
tourism in Kazakhstan
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.
15 min
Listening Task
Ex. 1 - 2 p. 102. Describe pictures in pairs.
You will listen to a conversation. Where are Annie and Jack?
What are they planning?Try to understand it, make a graph
organizer in any form you like: a table, cluster, diagram, etc.
and say if the sentences are true or false.
Speaking Task. Ex.4-5. Speak about the city of Bath/
Cambridge/ Oxford. What are you planning to do there?

Make a tourist leaflet for a holiday destination. Use a plan of

Ex.6. p.103.
Tourist Leaflets
In the 'Tourist Leaflet' section remember to draw a text box
first and write only within that. You will be marked for
creating text box. Within the text box write only in bullet

Visit a Historical Place : Daulatabad

Location: It is situated 13 kms.away from Aurangabad.
Distance: 413 kms away from Mumbai.
How to reach: Nearest airport and Railway Station is
Aurangabad. S. T. buses from Aurangabad.
When to Visit: Best time for visit throughout the year.
Where to stay: Private hotels, MTDC hotels, Rest
What to See. : Chandminar Tower, Maze, Heavy
Cannon, Bibi-ka Makbara.Nearby Ajanta and Ellora

15min Task 1. Listen and complete the gaps with the correct place
from the box. CD2. Tapescript 4.
1. Listening A
2. Listening B
3. Listening C
4. Listening D
5. Listening E

The speaker wants to go to _________________

The speaker wants to go to _________________
The speaker wants to go to _________________
The train is going to ______________________
The passengers want to go to _______________

Task 2. Choose ONE card and answer the questions.
You have 1 minute to prepare and 1-2 minutes to talk about it
to your partner. Your partner will assess your speaking using
the following criteria:

1. My partner answers all of the questions
2. My partner uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary
3. My partner expresses his/her opinion using an appropriate
5 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning:
What have you remembered on the lesson today?
What was new for you?
What information was interesting for you?
What is the difference of defining and non-defining relative
Hometask: revise grammar themes from the units
Saying goodbye

LESSON 90 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 8: Travel and tourism
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Unit revision

Learning objectives - respond with growing flexibility at both sentence and
discourse level to unexpected comments on a range of general and
curricular topics; - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a range of
familiar general and curricular topics; - plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little or
no support on a range of general and curricular topics; - use if only /wish [that] clauses [past reference]; use a variety
of relative clauses including prepositions from where, to whom on a
range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some speaker attitudes and opinions in listening and reading
text and use some target language to express some views in speaking
and writing with support
Most learners will be able to:
identify most speaker attitudes and opinions in listening text and use a
range of target language to express some views in speaking and writing
with support
Some learners will be able to:
identify most speaker attitudes and opinions in listening text and use a
range of target language to express a range of views in speaking and
writing with little support

Criteria Ss can finish the sentence where they will spend their most exciting
holiday in their life and why
Previous lesson Tourism in Kazakhstan: advantages and disadvantages of increasing
tourism in Kazakhstan
SA 1
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.

To determine specific features relating to stories P 97 ex 1

 Ask Ss to think of stories they have read
 Elicit answers to the questions from Ss around the class

SuggestedAnswer Key
Romance, horror, thriller, true story

Middle To listen to sounds to predict a story, to read for gist P 97 ex 2

30 min Play the recording
Ss listen and identify the sounds
Elicit a number of possible storylines from Ss around the class
Give Ss time to read the story to check if their guesses were

To read for order of events P 97 ex 3

 Read out the Study skills box and explain that this tip
will help Ss to complete the writing task successfully
 Give Ss time to read the story again
 Read the events and put them in the correct order
 Check Ss’ answers
Answer Key
1c 2 b 3 e 4 a 5 f 6 d

To identify and practise linking words P 97 ex 4

 Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it
 Elicit from Ss around the class
To practise wishes P 97 ex 5
 Explain the task and read out the examples
 Give Ss time to think of wishes people in the story
could say as in the example
 Elicit answers from Ss around the class

To write a story P 97 ex 6
 Explain the situation
 Give Ss time to write their stories using the plan and the
story in ex.2 as a model
 Remind them to include some of the linkers from ex.4
 Check Ss’ answers
 Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’
answers in the next lesson

Activity for weaker classes

Give Ss the above model taking out the topic sentence or
Ss suggest appropriate topic sentences or complete the text
with appropriate linkers
End Peer-assessment.
5 min Two stars and a wish.
You did a really good job on ...
I really like how you ...
Maybe you could ...
Hometask: revise the words from the units
Saying goodbye

LESSON 91 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: Science and Technology
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Space and the NASA website

Learning objectives 9.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence
level on an increasing range of general topics
9.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and
curricular topics
9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
cooperatively in groups
9.C3 respect differing points of view
9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some specific information from the text and use some target
vocabulary to describe social media and people’s communication
accurately in response to prompts and in production tasks.
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading passage
"My morning online" for an oral presentation.
Some learners will be able to:
Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
Make an online interview.
Previous lesson Unit revision

Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.
Then to create a positive learning environment the teachers
asks students to start the lesson giving each other compliments
about appearance, job performance, talent, etc. and also
practice accepting compliments.

Warm up.Free talk about using mass media.

By the way, do you have your mobile phones with you?
Please, show it to us. Do you often use it? How often do you
use it? When was it invented? (1983).What century is it? (The
20th century)
Look at the blackboard, there are three sentences but one of it
is not completed. Read the sentences and complete the last
On the board:
The Medieval time is famous for inquisition and conquests.
The Renaissance is famous for its so called “golden” age of
The 20th century is famous for...(developing science and
So, the theme of our lesson is Science and Technology.
Middle Main part
30 min When you hear these words, Science and Technology, what
associations you have connected to these words? What words
do occur to your mind?
One by one go to the board and write one word.
Traveling into space robots a computer
Internet Science and Technology Device inventions
stereo system discoveries.
Speak about the life
With social media Without social media
Working with the text. Lexical Work. Ex.1.p.104
What computer words are mentioned in the text? Give definitions to each
word in blue. In pairs, make a conceptual table.
Leona’s morning online My morning online

Make a conclusion about today’s modern devices.

We are living in the modern world, full of computers,
automatic devices, gadgets, cell phones and many other
different interesting and useful things that technological
progress has given us for usage.
Science has given us possibility to fly into space and step on
the moon, to start studying different parts of our galaxy and
even farther. For example, what wonderful pictures of our
galaxy and planets and stars surrounding Earth Hubble
telescope has showed to us.
Technology has made our life easier due to different
discoveries. For example, nowadays we can travel with
extremely high speed in different directions: many countries
have high-speed trains which help us to feel comfortable all
the way.
5 min At the end of the lesson, students reflect on:
- what they learned
- what remained unclear for them
- what they need to continue working on by the "Traffic
Hometask: W.B.p.70 – p.71
Saying goodbye
LESSON 92 School: Stavropolka Secondary School
Unit 9: Science and Technology
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Space and the NASA website

Learning objectives 9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
cooperatively in groups
9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
9.L2 understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics
9.L3 understand the detail of an argument in unsupported extended talk
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
limited range of unfamiliar topics
9.UE8 use a variety of future active and passive and future continuous
forms range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Identify the theme, be able to speak about the psychology of “yes” for
general meaning and specific information, give a short information
about the active and passive approach to life;
Transfer information from the reading passage into a graphic organizer.
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading passage
for an oral presentation;
Some learners will be able to:
* Respond to and discuss the reading passage"The psychology of
"Yes"using interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.
* Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Previous lesson Space and the NASA website
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.
Then to create a positive learning environment the teachers
asks students to start the lesson giving each other compliments
about appearance, job performance, talent, etc. and also
practice accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to predict the
topic of the lesson.
Warm up.Free talk about pictures with a word “yes”. How
often do you say it? Is it possible to say “yes” more often than
“no”. The teacher gives Sts. background information about
Danny Wallace.
Middle Main part
30 min The teacher asks Students to watch a video on You Tube
“How to Make People Say Yes” and speak about technique to
persuade people to say “yes”.
One St. make a conclusion about the ways of saying yes.
The teacher shows the headline of the text to students and asks
them to speak about the problem. Ex.1
Sts. read the questions to the text to prepare the answers after
WHILE - Reading exercise:Ex.2 p.106: give the right
answers. (Pair work).
How will you react if a girlfriend or a boyfriend leaves you?
In groups, speak about optimistic and pessimistic people.
The teacher monitors students' progress and offer support
where necessary.
Then students can have a discussion to represent all the roles.
(2 min per student).
Discussion Director(Interpersonal Intelligence).
Task: Lead the discussion. Prepare 3 open-ended and
thought-provoking questions about the story that your group
might want to discuss. Help others talk about the main idea,
help them share their thoughts and feelings.
1. Write 2 open-ended questions.
2. Write your responses to these questions.
3. Keep the discussion going.
Discussion Director(Interpersonal Intelligence).
Task: Lead the discussion. Prepare 2 open-ended and
thought-provoking questions about the story that your group
might want to discuss. Help others talk about the main idea,
help them share their thoughts and feelings.
1. Write 2 open-ended questions.
2. Write your responses to these questions.
3. Keep the discussion going.

End Self-assessment. How well do I understand?

5 min 4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else.
3 - I understand and can do this by myself.
2 - I need more practice.
1 - I don't understand this yet.
Hometask: W.B. p.72, Ex.6 p.106 retell
Saying goodbye

LESSON 93 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: Science and Technology
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Focus on Kazakhstan: space exploration in Kazakhstan

Learning objectives 9.L6 deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics
9.L8 recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended talk on a range
of general and curricular subjects
9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
9.L2 understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics
9.L3 understand the detail of an argument in unsupported extended talk
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
limited range of unfamiliar topics
9.UE17 use if / if only in third conditional structures
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Identify the theme, give the examples of the third conditional, use
active vocabulary speaking about the positive look at life;
Transfer information from the book about grammar into a graphic
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading passage
for an oral presentation, usethird conditional sentences clearly and in
the correct form.
Some learners will be able to:
Respond to and discuss the reading rules and texts using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
Apply third conditional sentences to express their own opinions and
answer third conditional questions about their own lives.
Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Previous lesson Space and the NASA website
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.
Then to create a positive learning environment the teachers
asks students to start the lesson giving each other compliments
about appearance, job performance, talent, etc. and also
practice accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to predict the
topic of the lesson.

Warm up.Free talk about the last topic. The teacher asks Sts.
in pairs find sentences with the third conditional.
Tell the students about why you decided to become a teacher,
and about another possibility you had at that time.
For example: ‘I decided to become an English teacher when I
was 23, because I wanted to be able to travel around the world
and work at the same time giving knowledge to students.
If I hadn’t become an English teacher, I would have visited
Middle Main part
30 min Look at the rule and do Ex. 1 - 2 p.107. While doing Ex.1. the
Sts. will pay attention to the facts from the life of Danny.
IF + PAST PERFECT (had +V3) – main clause SHOULD/
WOULD/COULD+ have +V3.

Grammar drill exercises:

Conditional sentences type 3
Panic at the bank
It was a quiet morning at the bank in Little Rissington. The
cashiers were counting money, there were two customers in
the bank and the manager was having a cup of coffee.
Suddenly a robber ran in. He was carrying a gun. One of the
customers, an old lady, screamed and tried to run out of the
bank. She slipped and fell over. The other customer tried to
pull the robber to the floor. A cashier rang the alarm bell.
The manager telephoned the police. The robber panicked and
jumped out of the window.
A policeman arrived. First he helped the old lady and then he
chased the robber. The robber escaped.
What would/wouldn’t you have done if you had been the
following people?
Rewrite the sentences using the third conditional Ex.3 p.107
(Explain the importance of putting a comma after if when it
comes before the main clause)!
If Hayley hadn’t been tired, she would have gone.
Ex.4 p.107. Complete the sentences: Pair Work.
Creative Exercises.
Optional Activity: language focus.
End Reflection: “3-3-1”
5 min 3 sentences to reflect on the lesson
3 adjectives to describe the lesson
1 word about the lesson Hometask: W.B. p.73, Ex.4 p.107
Saying goodbye

LESSON 94 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: Science and Technology
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Medicine

Learning objectives 9.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

9.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to
9.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence
level on an increasing range of general topics
9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
limited range of written genres
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on
a limited range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Identify the theme, plot, new words in the reading passage and use
them as the basis for discussion.
Listen to the passage and mark sentences concerning phobias;
Listen to the passage and fill inmissing words;
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading passage
for an oral presentation.
Provide unprepared speech to answer a variety of questions at sentence
level and in conversations with some flexibility;
Some learners will be able to:
Respond to and discuss the reading using interpretive, evaluative and
creative thinking skills and make a mini – dialogue with new words.
Previous lesson Focus on Kazakhstan: space exploration in Kazakhstan
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.
Then to create a positive learning environment the teachers
asks students to start the lesson giving each other compliments
about appearance, job performance, talent, etc. and also
practice accepting compliments.
Watching the words on the board, the learners are asked to
predict the topic of the lesson.

Warm up.Free talk about phobia.What is it? Who has got

such illness in class?
plural noun: phobias
an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
"she suffered from a phobia about birds";
fear, dread, horror, terror, dislike, hatred, loathing, distaste, r
evulsion, repulsion.
When a person has a phobia, they will often shape their lives
to avoid what they consider to be dangerous. The imagined
threat is greater than any actual threat posed by the cause of
Phobias are diagnosable mental disorders.
The person will experience intense distress when faced with
the source of their phobia. This can prevent them from
functioning normally and sometimes leads to panic attacks.
In the United States, approximately 19 million people have

Middle Main part

30 min Ex.1 - 3 p.108. Work with abbreviations to know if the
students understand parts of speech. Complete the table of
word – formation.
Listen to the radio programme about phobias and speak
about this illness. Ex.4 - 5.
What things do the speaker’s mention?
Speak about them in groups of 3.
Ex.6 -7 are connected with a test: All about me. Is there
something which terrifies you? Every student writes this task
individually on a piece of paper.
The teacher asks the students to name as many phobias as
possible especially among teenagers.
Optional Activity: Listening.
The students are given situations concerning phobias. Try to
give some advice to avoid this fear.
1. How can you cope with fear of flying?
Today, flying is both the fastest and easiest mode of transport
between countries. But many of us are terrorized by the mere
thought of boarding a plane. Why is that, and how do we deal
with this anxiety?
2. A panic attack happens because of heightened anxiety.
Anyone can have a panic attack, but it is also a hallmark
symptom of panic disorder. It can lead to a rapid heartbeat,
rapid breathing, sweating, shaking, and other symptoms.
5 min Name 3 things:
-you learnt;
-that were difficult;
-that you want to know.
Hometask: W.B. p.74(a table)
Saying goodbye

LESSON 95 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: Science and Technology
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Medicine

Learning objectives 9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
cooperatively in groups
9.L5 recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics,
including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics
9.S8 recount extended stories and events on a wide range of general
and curricular topics
9.R3 understand the detail of an argument- both explicitly stated and
implied - in extended texts on a wide range of familiar general and
curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Identify the difference between the sentences with who, where, why
and which.
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading passage
for an oral presentation;
Produce the sentences with who, where, why and which.
Some learners will be able to:
* Respond to and discuss the reading rules and texts using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills;
* Apply the sentences with who, where, why and which fluently.
Previous lesson Medicine
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.
Then to create a positive learning environment the teachers
asks students to start the lesson giving each other compliments
about appearance, job performance, talent, etc. and also
practice accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to predict the
topic of the lesson.

Warm up.
Ex.1 p.109. Recognition exercise connected with “All about

Middle Main part

30 min Relative clauses add extra information to a sentence by
defining a noun. They are usually divided into two types
– defining relative clauses and non-defining relative
Non-defining relative clauses
Look at this sentence.
My grandfather, who is 87, goes swimming every day.
‘who is 87’ is a non-defining relative clause. It adds extra
information to the sentence. If we take the clause out of the
sentence, the sentence still has the same meaning.
Look at some more examples.
My eldest son, whose work takes him all over the world, is in
Hong Kong at the moment.
The film, which stars Tom Carter, is released on Friday.
The car, which can reach speeds of over 300km/ph, costs over
B. Rule II.
Remember that defining relative clauses are used to add
important information. The sentence would have a different
meaning without the defining relative clause.
I’m going to wear the skirt that I bought in London.
The skirt, which is a lovely dark blue colour, only cost £10.
The first sentence with a defining relative clause tells
us which skirt. The second sentence, with a non-defining
relative clause, doesn’t tell us which skirt – it gives us more
information about the skirt. The context (which is missing
here) makes it clear which skirt is being talked about.
Non-defining relative clauses can use most relative pronouns
(which, whose etc,) but they CAN’T use ‘that’ and the
relative pronoun can never be omitted.
Grammar Drill Exercises:
Ex.2 p.109. Join the sentences halves with relative pronouns:
Ex.3 p.109. Make sentences using the phrases in the chat.
Students do this task in pairs.
Ex.4 – 5 p.109. What is the difference between defining and
non –defining relative clauses?
Find this difference in the sentences and explain the rule.
Extra task. Creative exercise.
Ex.6. (also five – minute test, Test bank MultiRom).
5 min Self-assessment.
“Five”. Children draw a picture of their hand and write the
most important things about the lesson on each finger. The
thumb - something interesting, the index finger - something
difficult, the middle one - something that was not enough, the
ring finger - the mood, the little finger - the suggestions
Hometask: W.B. p.77 Ex.5 -7
Saying goodbye

LESSON 96 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: Science and Technology
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Academic language: Text types (academic writing skills)

Learning objectives 9.L6 deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics
9.L8 recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended talk on a range
of general and curricular subjects
9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
9.L2 understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics
9.L3 understand the detail of an argument in unsupported extended talk
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
limited range of unfamiliar topics
9.UE17 use if / if only in third conditional structures.
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Understand a dialogue in which people sympathize with someone;
Recognize key phrases for sympathizing with someone.
Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Most learners will be able to:
Ask for and give advice to people who you sympathize with some
Some learners will be able to:
Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills;
Create and act out their own dialogues on the topic.
Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Previous lesson Medicine
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.
Then to create a positive learning environment the teachers
asks students to start the lesson giving each other compliments
about appearance, job performance, talent, etc. and also
practice accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to predict the
topic of the lesson.
Warm up.Free talk about the reaction to different news.


The teacher asks students who they talk to when they are
feeling upset or worried.
Middle Main part
30 min Ex.1 p.110. Identifying the feelings of a girl. Predicting based
on the picture.
They are chatting and Marie doesn’t feel happy.

Ex.2 p.110. Gist listening.Is Dan optimistic or pessimistic

about Marie’s situation? Pay attention to useful speech
phrases: It isn’t the end of the world. Don’t take it too
badly. It is not worth worrying about. Cheer up!
Dan is optimistic. Prove it.
Sentence completion task. Role-play.
Ex.3. Listen to the key - phrases and complete the dialogue:
What will you advise to do? How will you sympathize people?
Ex.4 p.110. Sentence completion task. Role-play.
Pronunciation practice. Speak about conditions in these
Ex.5 - 6 p.110. Do this exercise in pairs. In pairs, make new
mini- dialogues using active words combinations and key -

OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: Communication. The teacher asks

students to work individually and think of a situation which
might make them unhappy. The students move around the
class and tell each other about the situation The one student
will make a general review of some problems and their
5 min Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-
assessment using the method: “Six thinking hats”:
Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
Red: How do you feel about your work today?
White: What have you leant today?
Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson?
(Now I can, I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Hometask: St.B. Ex.6p.110(w)
Saying goodbye

LESSON 97 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: Science and Technology
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Academic language: Text types (academic writing skills)

Learning objectives 9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
9.L4 understand implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range
of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics
genres, including some which focus on unfamiliar topics
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with minimal
teacher support on a range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
* Develop speaking skills through communication about a personal
* Improve reading skills through recognising typical features at word;
* Understand the general writing structure of a model opinion essay.
Use key phrases for an opinion essay.
Most learners will be able to:
*Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
passage for an oral presentation.
*Use key phrases for writing a story with some support.
Some learners will be able to:
* Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills;
*Write an opinion essay building extensive sentences.
Previous lesson Academic language: Text types (academic writing skills)
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.
Then to create a positive learning environment the teachers
asks students to start the lesson giving each other compliments
about appearance, job performance, talent, etc. and also
practice accepting compliments.
Watching the words on the board, the learners are asked to
predict the topic of the lesson.

ROBOTICS/ Science Exam/ Fail/ feed up/ Robotics


Warm up. Free talk about the theme, the problems of a boy,
his feelings and emotions. In pairs, Sts. speak about this
headline and give their versions.
Middle Main part
30 min Sts. read the text and make a mind - map: “Personal
Experience". Ex.1 p.111.
Activity 2: Read the model text again and answer the
questions. Ex.2. p.111.
Activity 3: The Sts. Are going to work with the words and
key – phrases and in groups speak about a happy ending.
Language point: Modifying comparatives.
Order the words: Ex.3. Optional Activity: Language Focus.
Creative exercise. Activate. Write a story with a title “A
happy ending”.

To read for specific information

Ask Ss to read the sentences 1-5.
Give Ss time to read the texts again and mark the statements.
Check Ss' answers.

To consolidate and compare information in the texts

Explain the task
Give Ss time to make notes about each place under the
Use their notes to compare and contrast them following the
Give Ss time to complete the task
Ask various Ss around the class to share their answers with
the rest of the class.

Write text about a science centre/museum

Tell Ss to research online and collect information about a
science centre or museum in their country or another country.
Ask them to use the headings in Ex. A and makes notes under
Then Ss use their notes to write a short text about it.
Check Ss' answers.
5 min “Cinquain” is a five-line poem based on the content of the
material under the study.
Line 1 – One-word title.
Line 2 – Two adjectives for describing that word.
Line 3 – Three verbs.
Line 4 – Four feeling words.
Line 5 – A synonym for the title word.
Hometask: W.B. p.75, A composition” A happy ending”.
Saying goodbye

LESSON 98 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: Science and Technology
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Air and space travel
SA 2
Learning objectives Deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a range of
familiar general and curricular topics Write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on
a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics Use independently appropriate layout at text level on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Identify the meaning and details of the reading texts on familiar
topics and draw conclusion by reasoning
Develop coherent paragraphs at text level using a variety of
Use an appropriate layout in writing

Previous lesson Academic language: Text types (academic writing skills)

Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.

To introduce the topic; to listen and read for gist

Direct Ss' attention to the picture and elicit answers to the
questions in the rubric.
Play the recording.
Ss listen and follow the text in their books and find out.
Middle To read for specific information
10 min Give Ss time to read the text again and answer the
comprehension questions.
Check Ss' answers.
Refer Ss to the Word List to look up the words in the Check
these words box.
Ask various Ss around the class to present a computer's
hardware using the diagram and the information in the text.
20 min Task 1. Read the text. Identify what we should and should
not do when we search something on the Internet. Write
Do if you should and Don`t if you shouldn`t do the actions
in statements 1-6.
1. Use inverted commas in a search.
2. Use words like ‘a’ or ‘the’ in a search.
3. Check the spelling of every word.
4. Believe all the information you see on the Internet

Task 2. Paraphrase the given sentences so it has similar

meaning. Use the given beginnings of sentences.

Example, Several keywords will help to find better results.

Better results ____________________________________.

Answer, Better results can be found by using several


1. Remove unwanted results by adding a minus symbol (-).

A minus symbol (-)

2. Check your information on other websites before accepting


Task 2. Write an essay on the following topic:

Do you think modern technology has made life easier and

safer? Or do you think that modern technology has made life
more difficult and more dangerous? What are the advantages
and disadvantages of modern technologies?

Follow this structure:

Paragraph 1: What general information about technologies
can you give? State your opinion (thesis).
Paragraph 2: What are the advantages of modern
technologies? Paragraph 3: What are the disadvantages of
modern technologies?
Paragraph 4: What’s your overall opinion? Restate the thesis.

5 min Self-assessment.
“Five”. Children draw a picture of their hand and write the
most important things about the lesson on each finger. The
thumb - something interesting, the index finger - something
difficult, the middle one - something that was not
enough, the ring finger - the mood, the little finger -
the suggestions.
Hometask: to revise grammar theme
Saying goodbye

LESSON 99 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: Science and Technology
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Air and space travel

Learning objectives 9.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

9.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to
9.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence
level on an increasing range of general topics
9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
limited range of written genres
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on
a limited range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Develop speaking skills through communication about future cities;
Understand a text about future cities and improve reading skills
through recognising typical features at word;
Write some ideas about future life.
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading passage
for an oral presentation.
Some learners will be able to:
Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills;
Demonstrate the ability to find correct information without any
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies.
Previous lesson Air and space travel
SA 2
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.
Then to create a positive learning environment the teachers
asks students to start the lesson giving each other compliments
about appearance, job performance, talent, etc. and also
practice accepting compliments.
Watching the fragments from the film, the learners are asked
to predict the topic of the lesson.
Warm up.Free talk about future cities. The teacher asks Sts.
in pairs to speak about changes in new cities.Use a Venn’s
Diagram for this task:

Compare cities: in the past/ nowadays/ in the future.

Middle Main part
30 min Look at these words and give definitions and define parts
of speech.
Ex.1 – 2 p.112. What can you say about cities of future?
Listen and read the text "Cities of the future". While listening
to the text, complete it with the missing sentences.
Activity 2. Speak about the imaginary facts in the present and

Creative Exercise. Planning an expedition to a future city.

Make a picture of the place you are going to visit.
Work in groups of 3; make a design of a city in 2050.
Ex.4 – 5 p.112.
Today, cities are overshadowed by multiple threats: climate
change, overpopulation, social division, and urban warfare all
endanger our way of life in urban areas. The fundamental way
in which we make sense of these uncertain futures is through
the imagination. Architects, artists, filmmakers and fiction
writers have long been inspired to imagine cities of the future,
but their work tends to be based on scientific predictions that
separate hard evidence from flights of fancy. In a digital age
when the real and the virtual exist together, it is important to
know how the two are entangled, and how together they may
help us to think of the future.
Exploring a breathtaking range of imagined cities –
submerged, floating, flying, vertical, underground, ruined and

5 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning:
3 new words they learnt
2 activities helped the most
1 challenge (difficulty) they experienced
Hometask: St.B. p.112 Ex.5 A Kazakh Scientist (topic)
W.B. p.76
Saying goodbye
LESSON 100 School: Stavropolka Secondary School
Unit 9: Science and Technology
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Technology Case Study: Linux

Learning objectives 9.C3 respect differing points of view

9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
9.L6 deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics
9.L8 recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended talk on a range
of general and curricular subjects
9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a range
of general and curricular topics
9.S6 link comments with flexibility to what others say at sentence and
discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges
9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
wide range of written genres, including some which focus on
unfamiliar topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Identify the theme, plot, and new words in the reading passage "Out of
this world" and use them as the basis for discussion.
Transfer information from the reading passage into a graphic organizer.
Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
passage"Out of this world" for an oral presentation.
Some learners will be able to:
Respond to and discuss the reading passage"Out of this world"using
interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.
Previous lesson Air and space travel
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.
Then to create a positive learning environment the teachers
asks students to start the lesson giving each other compliments
about appearance, job performance, talent, etc. and also
practice accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to predict the
topic of the lesson.

Warm up.Free talk about space and space travel. The teacher
asks Sts. in pairs to speak about films about space and space
explorations and make a list of films.
What do you know about space?

Middle Main part

30 min Look at these words, give definitions and do matching
Ex.1 – 2 p.112. Ask the students to find out compound words.
Listen and read the text "Out of this world". While listening to
the text, complete it with the missing words.
Activity 2. Answering true/false questions.Ex.3

The students are given dates of figures. In the groups of 4,
they try to give the event of great importance. The winning
team will be rewarded.
1957, 3000, 1990s, 200000$, $35mln, Gagarin, Armstrong.

Discussion :
Task: Lead the discussion about the popularity of space
tourism. Prepare 5 open-ended and thought-provoking
questions about the story that your group might want to
discuss. Help others talk about the main idea, help them share
their thoughts and feelings.
1. Write 5 open-ended questions.
2. Write your responses to these questions.
3. Keep the discussion going.
Advantages of going Disadvantages of
into space going into space

Speak about Kazakh scientist. (Presentation of groups).

5 min Reflection: “3-3-1”
3 sentences to reflect on the lesson
3 adjectives to describe the lesson
1 word about the lesson
Hometask: W.B. p.77
Saying goodbye

LESSON 101 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: Science and Technology
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Summative control work for the 4th term

Learning objectives Understand most of the detail of an argument in unsupported

extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics Deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk
on a wide range of general and curricular topics Deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a range
of familiar general and curricular topics Recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
wide range of written genres independently appropriate layout at text level on a
growing range of general and curricular topics Spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a
wide range of familiar general and curricular topics Recount extended stories and events on a range of general
and curricular topics Use a variety of future forms, including some passives, on a
range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners should listen to the recording twice, having chance to
look through the questions before the recording starts.
Learners should be able to recognise typical features at text level.
Learners should choose one task on the topics «Travel and
Tourism» and «Science and Technology».
Learners should prepare for 1 minute and talk 2-3 minutes. Teacher
can ask supporting questions if necessary to help learners.
Previous lesson Technology Case Study: Linux
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
3 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.
35 min Task. Listen to two people talking about why they visited
or moved to a particular place. Match the sentences (1-2)
with their opinion (A – D).
There are TWO extra options.
CD3 Tapescript4
1. According to Speaker 1 the only thing he could not do was
… 2. Speaker 2 was a bit
nervous because she had to …

A. being at the wedding party.

B. move to a different city on her own.
C. seeing a kangaroo in the wild.
D. go out of the town to get inspiration.

Task. Listen to the Speaker 3. Replace the underlined

words in the sentences 1-3 with the words from the
recording. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each case. Use
the correct part of speech.
CD3 Tapescript 5
3. The professor Harold Johns was a popular person.
4. The man wanted to persuade the Professor to allow him as
his team-member.
5. The professor was surprised by his resume.
6. The man was very thankful for this chance

Task. Read the text and circle the word that can replace the
underlined word in the text without changing the meaning.
Example: (0) average greedy indicate way
1.empty give pay waste
2.current immediate present soluble
3.continue final past spread
Task. Match paragraphs A – E to the topic sentences
4. Our responsibility when choosing to use modern
5. The impact of modern technology on everyday life over the
past century.
6. The effect of modern technology on young people.

Choose ONE of the topics and write an essay.
Topic 1. Travelling has become popular in recent years. What
are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling?
Topic 2. Technologies are changing the way we live. What
are the advantages and disadvantages of advanced

Task. You are given a card with a topic and questions to
speak about for 2-3 minutes. Before you speak you have
one minute to think about what you are going to say and you
can make notes if you wish.
End Peer-assessment.
2 min Two stars and a wish.
You did a really good job on ...
I really like how you ...
Maybe you could ...
Hometask: revise the words from the units
Saying goodbye

LESSON 102 School: Stavropolka Secondary School

Unit 9: Science and Technology
Date: Teacher name: Rogova V.V.
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Unit revision

Learning objectives 9.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence
level on an increasing range of general topics
9.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and
curricular topics
9.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range
of general and curricular topics
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on
a limited range of general and curricular topics
9.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Recognize and use vocabulary about the robots;
Identify the meaning of the text about robots;
Understand the general writing structure.
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading passage
for an oral presentation;
Provide unprepared speech to answer a variety of questions at sentence
level and in conversations with some flexibility;
Create a project with minimal support.
Some learners will be able to:
Respond to and discuss the reading using interpretive, evaluative and
creative thinking skills and make a project without support.
Previous lesson Summative control work for the 4th term

Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
5 min Teacher organizes a warm-up activity for a start of the lesson.
Learners look at the names of different things which are on the
classroom walls. They choose the things they like and go to
that place. In small groups they try to give arguments and
explain why the thingthey have chosen is the best.
Learners are informed about the lesson objectives.

Warm up.Free talk about the robots.Where can you see

robots and what their functions are.The teacher asks Sts. in
pairs to make a list of books or films with robots.(we can
assume that a lot of what people know about robots comes
from films. This activity gives students a chance to talk about
films they have seen with robots in and to discuss whether
they believe any aspects of these films may one day become a
Middle Main part
30 min The teacher asks the students to listen to a short text and speak
about the robot’s activity.
A long time ago, robots belonged to science fiction. Children
loved looking at movies with robots. Today, robots are real,
and they are helping us. In the future, we will all have robots.
They will vacuum the floor, wash the dishes, and perhaps
even drive our cars. I even think one day we’ll have robot
friends. In Japan today, robot engineers are making robots to
help old people and to keep them company. It’s still early
days. I’d say we are another 20 to 30 years away from robots
being everywhere in our lives. What will happen to us when
the world is full of robots? There’ll be no jobs. McDonalds
will be full of smiling robots. Maybe one day we won’t be
able to tell robots and humans apart. Maybe they’ll take over
the world.
What do you think about robots? Would you like to have
robots as teachers? The teacher asks students to speak about I.
Asimov and his books about robots.

Isaac Asimov was an American writer and professor of

biochemistry at Boston University. He was known for his
works of science fiction and popular science. Asimov was a
prolific writer who wrote or edited more than 500 books and
an estimated 90,000 letters and postcards.

Discussion of the text” Robots”. Ex.1 p.115

In the groups of 4, the students write a short article about
robots. They also have to think about the headline of the
article. 2 students have to choose one book of I. Asimov and
write a blurb of it.
5 min Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-
assessment using the method: “Six thinking hats”:
Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
Red: How do you feel about your work today?
White: What have you leant today?
Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson?
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Saying goodbye

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