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LAST HOMECOMING was arrested and cruelly tortured. He

Day by day, since leaving October 6, 1896, suffered all pains inflicted by Spain’s
Rizal conscientiously recorded events in his diabolical torturers, but he never signed any
diary. It was known to the Spanish authorities damaging statement incriminating his
on board that Rizal was keeping track of the younger brother. Although his body was
daily events in his diary. They were curious shattered on the torture rack and his left
and suspicious on what Rizal might be writing hand crushed by the screw, his valiant Asian
on his diary. They feared that he might be spirit remained unbroken.
writing something seditious or treasonable.
On October 11 before reaching Port Said, THE TRIAL OF JOSE RIZAL
Rizal’s diary was taken away and was The preliminary investigation began on
critically scrutinized by the authorities. November 20. Rizal appeared before the
Nothing dangerous was found in its contents. Judge Advocate Colonel Francisco Olive. He
The diary was given back to him on November was subjected to a grueling five-day
2. investigation. He was informed of the charges
against him. He answered the questions asked
Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor and Sixto Lopez by the Judge Advocate but he was not
dispatched frantic telegrams to an English permitted to confront those who testified
lawyer in Singapore named Hugh Fort to against him. Two kinds of evidence were
rescue Rizal from the Spanish steamer when presented against Rizal namely, documentary
it reached Singapore by means of a writ of and testimonial. The documentary evidence
habeas corpus. When the steamer arrived in consisted of 15 exhibits as follows:
Singapore, Atty. Fort instituted proceedings 1. a letter of Antonio Luna to Mariano
at the Singapore Court for the removal of Ponce, dated Madrid, October 16,
Rizal from the steamer. The crux of Mr. Ford's 1888, showing Rizal’s connection with
legal contention was that Rizal was illegally the Filipino reform campaign in Spain;
detained on the Spanish steamer. 2. a letter of Rizal to his family, dated
Unfortunately, Chief Justice Loinel Cox Madrid, August 20, 1890, stating that
denied the writ on the ground that the the deportations are good for they will
steamer was carrying Spanish troops in the encourage the people to hate tyranny;
Philippines. Hence, it is a warship of a foreign 3. a letter from Marcelo H. del Pilar to
power, which under international law was Deodato Arellano, dated Madrid,
beyond the jurisdiction of the Singapore January 7, 1889, implicating Rizal in
authorities. Rizal was unaware of the attempt the propaganda campaign in Spain;
made by his friends to rescue him in 4. a poem entitled Kundiman, allegedly
Singapore because he was then kept behind written by Rizal in Manila on
bars in the ship. September 12, 1891. This poem is as
The steamer reached Manila on November 3 KUNDIMAN
where it was greeted with wild rejoicings by In the Orient beautiful
the Spaniards and friars because it brought Where the sun is born,
more reinforcements and military supplies. In a land of beauty
While the Spanish community was exalting Full of enchantments
with joy, Rizal was quietly transferred under But bound in chains.
heavy guard from the ship to Fort Santiago. Where the despot reigns,
The Spanish authorities fished for evidence The land dearest to me.
against Rizal. Many Filipino patriots were Ah! that is my country,
brutally tortured to implicate Rizal. Paciano She is a slave oppressed

Groaning in the tyrant’s grips; 14. transcript of a speech of Tik-Tik (Jose
Lucky shall he be Turiano Santiago) in the same
Who can give her liberty! Katipunan reunion, wherein the
5. A letter of Carlos Oliver to an katipuneros shouted: “Long live the
unidentified person, dated Barcelona, eminent Dr. Rizal! Death to the
September 18, 1891, describing Rizal oppressor nation!”
as the man to free the Philippines from 15. a poem by Laong Laan (Rizal), entitled
Spanish oppression; A Talisay, in which the author makes
6. a Masonic document, dated Manila, the Dapitan school boys sing that they
February 9, 1892, honoring Rizal for his know how to fight for their rights.
patriotic services;
7. A letter signed Dimasalang (Rizal’s The testimonial evidence consisted of the
pseudonym) to Tenluz (Juan Zulueta’s oral testimonies of Martin Constantino,
pseudonym), dated Hong Kong, May Aguado del Rosario, Jose Reyes, Moises
24, 1892, stating that he was preparing Salvador, Jose Dizon, Domingo Franco,
a safe refuge for Filipinos who may be Deodato Arellano, Ambrosia Salvador, Pedro
persecuted by the Spanish authorities; Serrano Lactaw, Dr. Pio Valenzuela, Antonio
8. a letter of Dimasalang to an Salazar, Francisco Quison, and Timoteo Paez.
unidentified committee, dated Hong
Kong, June 1, 1892, soliciting the aid On November 26, after the preliminary
of the committee in the patriotic investigation, Colonel Olive transmitted the
work; records of the case to Governor General
9. an anonymous and undated letter to Ramon Blanco, and the letter appointed
the editor of the Hong Kong Telegraph, Captain Rafael Dominguez as a special Judge
censoring the banishment of Rizal to Advocate to institute the corresponding
Dapitan; action against Rizal. Immediately, Dominguez
10. a letter of Ildefonso Laurel to Rizal, made a brief resume of the charges and
dated Manila, September 3, 1892, returned the papers to Governor General
saying that the Filipino people look up Blanco who, transmitted them to the Judge
to him as their savior; Advocate General, Don Nicolas de la Peña, for
11. a letter of Ildefonso Laurel to Rizal, an opinion. After studying the papers, Peña
dated Manila, informing an submitted the following recommendations:
unidentified correspondent of the a) the accused to be immediately brought
arrest and banishment of Doroteo to trial;
Cortez and Ambrosio Salvador; b) he should be kept in prison;
12. a letter of Marcelo H del Pilar to Don c) an order of attachment be issued
Juan A. Tenluz, dated Madrid, June 1, against his property to the amount of
1893, recommending the 1,000,000 pesos as indemnity; and
establishment of a special d) he should be defended in court by an
organization, independent of masonry, army officer, not by a civilian lawyer.
to help the cause of the Filipino
people; The only right given to Rizal by the Spanish
13. transcript of a speech of Pingkian authorities was to choose his defense
(Emilio Jacinto), in a reunion of the counsel. And even this was highly restricted,
Katipunan on July 23, 1893 in which for he had to choose only from a list
the following cry was uttered “Long submitted to him. On December 8, a list of
live the Philippines! Long live liberty! 100 of first and second lieutenants in the
Long live Dr. Rizal! Unity!”; Spanish army was presented to him. He

looked over the list and one name strucked recommended to Governor General Polavieja
his fancy. It was Don Luis Taviel de Andrade, that the manifesto be suppressed. The latter
First Lieutenant of the Artillery. The name headed the recommendation so that Rizal’s
was familiar to him that made him chose the manifesto was not issued to the people. Thus,
Lieutenant to be his defender in court. Lt. Rizal was “saved from the shame of his
Luis Taviel de Andrade proved to be the manifesto’s being misinterpreted and
brother of Lieutenant Jose Taviel de disobeyed by the Filipinos in arms.”
Andrade, his bodyguard in Calamba in 1887.
Upon being notified by the authorities that he Rizal’s saddest Christmas was on December
was chosen to defend the accused, he gladly 25, 1896. He used to spend this merry season
accepted the task for he had previously heard in the company of his beloved family or dear
from his older brother about Dr. Rizal of friends, but he found himself alone and
Calamba. depressed in a dreary prison cell.

On December 11, information of charges was The trial of Rizal was an eloquent proof of
formally read to Rizal in his prison cell with Spanish injustice and misrule. Rizal, a
his counsel present. He was accused of being civilian, was tried by a military court
“the principal organizer and the living soul of composed of alien military officers. His case
the Filipino insurrection, the founder of was prejudged; he was considered guilty
societies, periodicals and books dedicated to before the actual trial. On December 26,
fomenting and propagating ideas of Rizal attended his trial on a court-martial and
rebellion.” As the accused, Rizal raised no sat on a bench between two soldiers. His arms
objection on the jurisdiction of the court but were tied behind, elbow to elbow, like a
pleaded not guilty to the crime of rebellion. common felon. He was dressed in a black
He admitted that he wrote the constitution of woolen suit with a white vest and black tie.
the Liga Filipina which was merely a civic He was calm and dignified in appearance. The
association. He waived the right to amend or trial was opened by Judge Advocate
make further statements already made, Dominguez who explained the case against
except that he had taken no part in politics Rizal. After him, Prosecuting Attorney
since his exile to Dapitan. Dominguez Alcocer arose and delivered a long speech
forwarded the papers of the Rizal case to summarizing the charges against Rizal and
Malacañang Palace on December 13, the urged the court to give the verdict of death
same day when General Camilo G. de to the accused. The Spanish spectators
Polavieja, with the help of the powerful applauded noisily on Alcocer’s petition for
Dominican Friars, became Governor General the sentence of death.
of the Philippines, succeeding General
Blanco. The withdrawal of Blanco from the After the prosecuting attorney finished this
gubernatorial office sealed Rizal’s fate, for spirited harangue, Defense Counsel Taviel de
he was more humane in character than the Andrade took the floor and read his eloquent
ruthless Polavieja and, moreover, he firmly defense of Rizal. He ended his defense with a
believed that Rizal was not a traitor to Spain. noble, but futile, admonition to the members
of the military. When Rizal was asked
On December 15, Rizal wrote a manifesto to whether he had anything to say, he then read
his people appealing to them to stop the a supplementary to his defense which he
necessary shedding of blood and to achieve wrote in his prison cell. The military court,
their liberties by means of education and prejudiced as it was, remain indifferent to
industry. Fortunately for Rizal, Judge Rizal’s pleading. The president considered
Advocate General Nicolas de la Peña the trial over and ordered the hall cleared.

After a short deliberation, the military court writing his poem and hid it inside his alcohol
unanimously voted for the sentence of death. cooking stove which was given to him as a gift
And on the same day, the decision was by Paz Pardo de Tavera (wife of Juan Luna)
submitted to the Governor General. during his visit to Paris in 1890. At the same
time, he wrote his last letter to Professor
On December 28, Polavieja approved the Blumentritt in German. At 4:00PM, Rizal’s
decision of the court-martial and ordered mother arrived. Rizal knelt before her and
Rizal to be shot at 7:00 o'clock in the morning kissed her hands, begging her to forgive him.
of December 30 at Bagumbayan Field. Both mother and son were crying as the
guards separated them. Shortly after,
THE EXECUTION OF RIZAL Trinidad entered the cell to fetch her
Martyrs are rare stars in the vast firmament mother. As they were leaving, Rizal gave to
of humanity. Every instance of martyrdom Trinidad the alcohol cooking stove,
is distinct in magnitude and whispering to her in English: “There is
direction. Indeed, martyrs are the meteors of something inside.” Trinidad understood. She
history, they flash across the sky and light the knew English because Rizal taught her this
world; and in the process consume language.
At 3 o'clock in the morning of December 30,
Rizal’s death was an emotional event in our 1896, Rizal heard mass, confessed his sins,
history as it produced a “martyr” and and took Holy Communion. At 5:30 AM, he
resulted in some form of social change or took his last breakfast. After this, he wrote
transformation in our lives as a people. Rizal two letters, the first addressed to his family
was put to death for “subversion” by the and the second to his older brother Paciano.
dominant political forces. He presented a
sector of society which had begun to trouble To my family,
and therefore constituted a real threat to the I ask you for forgiveness for the pain I
existing social order. cause you, but someday I shall have to die
and it is better that I die now in the
After the court-martial, Rizal returned to his plentitude of my conscience.
cell in Fort Santiago to prepare his Dear parents, brother, and sisters,
rendezvous with destiny. During his last day, give thanks to God that I may preserve my
he was busy meeting visitors, including Jesuit tranquility before my death. I die resigned,
priests, Josephine Bracken and members of hoping that with my death you will be left in
his family, a Spanish newspaper peace, Ah! it is better to die than to live
correspondent, some friends, and secretly suffering. Console yourselves.
finishing his farewell poem. I enjoin you to forgive one another the
little meannesses of life and try to live
On December 29, 1896, Captain Rafael united in peace and good harmony. Treat
Dominguez, who was designated by Governor your parents as you would like to be treated
General Camilo Polavieja to take charge of all by your children later. Love them very much
arrangements for the execution of the in my memory.
condemned prisoner, read the death Bury me in the ground. Place a stone
sentence to Rizal - to be shot at the back by and a cross over it. My name, the date of my
a firing squad at 7:00 AM in Bagumbayan. An birth, and of my death. Nothing more. if
hour after the reading of the death sentence, later you wish to surround my grave with a
Rizal was moved to the prison chapel, where fence, you can do so. No anniversaries. I
he spent his last moments. He finished prefer Paang Bundok.

Have pity on poor Josephine. soldiers with bayoneted rifles moved. A few
meters behind, Rizal walked calmly, with his
Last letter to Paciano: defense counsel on one side and two Jesuit
priests on the other. More well-armed
My dear brother: soldiers marched behind him. He was dressed
It has been four years and a half that elegantly in a black suit, black derby hat,
we have not seen each other, nor have we black shoes, white shirt, and black tie. His
communicated with each other. I do not think arms were tied behind from elbow to elbow,
it is due to lack of affection on my part nor but the rope was quite loose to give his arms
on yours, but because, knowing each other so freedom of movement. To the muffled sounds
well, we do not need to talk to understand of the drums, the cavalcade somnolently
each other. marched slowly. There was a handful of
Now I am about to die, and it is to you spectators lining the street from Fort
that I dedicate my last lines, to tell you how Santiago to the Plaza del Palacio in front of
sad I am to leave you alone in life, burdened the Manila Cathedral. Everybody seemed to
with the weight of the family and our old be out at Bagumbayan, where a vast crowd
parents. gathered to see how a martyr dies. Going
I am thinking now how hard you have through the narrow Postigo gate, one of the
worked to give me a career; I believe I have gates of the city wall, the cavalcade reached
tried not to waste my time. Brother of mine: the Malecon, which was deserted. Rizal
if the fruit has been bitter, it is not my fault, looked at the sky. They reached the
but the fault of circumstances. I know that Bagumbayan Field. The spectators crowded a
you have suffered much on my account, and I huge square formed by soldiers. The
am sorry. cavalcade entered this square. Rizal walked
I assure you, brother, that I die serenely to the place, where he was told to
innocent of this crime of rebellion. If my stand. It was a grassy lawn by the shore of
former writings have contributed, I do not Manila Bay, between two lamp posts.
deny it absolutely; but then, I thought I have
expiated for the past with my deportation. Rizal, knowing that his rendezvous with
Tell our father I remember him, and destiny was imminent, bade farewell to
how! I remember my whole childhood, of his Fathers March and Vilaclara and to his gallant
affection and his love. Ask him to forgive me defender, Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade.
for the pain that I have unwillingly caused Although his arms were tied, he firmly
him. clasped their hands in parting. One of the
priests blessed him and offered him a crucifix
Josephine Bracken accompanied by Josefa to kiss. Rizal reverently bowed his head and
arrived while he was having his breakfast. kissed it. Then he requested the commander
Josephine, with tears in her eyes, bade him of the firing squad, that he should be shot
farewell. Rizal embraced her for the last facing the firing squad because such position
time, and before she left, Rizal gave her a was only taken by traitors and he was not one
last gift - a religious book, Imitation of Christ of them. His request was denied because the
by Fr. Thomas a Kempis, which he captain was given an order to shoot him in the
autographed. back. Failing to have his request granted, he
asked to be shot at the back instead of the
About 6:30 AM, a trumpet sounded at Fort head so that he may, at the end, turn his head
Santiago, a signal to begin the death march and body sidewise and fall with his face
to Bagumbayan, the designated place for the upward. The captain agreed, he also asked if
execution. The advanced guard of four he would like to kneel, but Rizal refused and

did not agree to be blindfolded. Reluctantly,
Rizal turned his back to the firing squad and
face the sea. A Spanish military physician, Dr.
Felipe Ruiz Castillo, asked his permission to
feel his pulse, which request was graciously
granted. Dr. Castillo was amazed to find it
normal, showing that Rizal was not afraid to
die. The death ruffles at the drums filled the
air. Above the drum-beats, the sharp
command “Fire” was heard, and the guns of
the firing squad barked. He shouted
“Consummatum Est” before the shot run out.
Rizal, with supreme effort, turned his bullet-
riddled body to the right, and fell on the
ground dead - with face upward facing the
morning sun. It was exactly 7:03 in the
morning when he died in the bloom of
manhood - aged 35 years, five months, and 11

Rizal’s family was not able to take hold of his

body. The military had secretly buried his
body at the Paco cemetery. Her sister Narcisa
looked for the cadaver everywhere but could
not find it. She passed by the unused Paco
cemetery and saw through the open gate
some civil guards. Finding this uncommon,
she entered the cemetery and searched the
place. She saw a grave with freshly turned
earth and knew at once it was her brother’s
body. With a little money, she asked the
gravedigger to place a plaque on it with her
brother’s initial reverse. That is R.P.J. for
Rizal Protacio Jose. After the Americans had
taken Manila, Narcisa requested the new
government to grant her permission to
exhume the body of his brother. They found
out that the body was never placed in a
coffin, nor even wrapped by anything. Rizal’s
family had possession of the body and the
remains were instituted at the base of the
Rizal monument which was erected at the
center of the Luneta.


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